The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 25

by Karen Aldous

  ‘Sophie, I owe you. You are not going anywhere, well not unless you make sure it’s somewhere you’re happy with.’ Lizzie stretched across her friend and pushed down the lid of the laptop. ‘There’s no point rushing and I love you being here.’

  ‘No boss. I appreciate your sentiment,’ Sophie said opening the laptop again, ‘but, I insist.’

  Lizzie laughed. ‘Partner, or more accurately, right arm, your decision! I’ll have a look at this artwork.’

  Chapter 34

  With the list of events produced by Lizzie, Charles began to compile a file against Anton. Charles reported the next step would likely be a mediator meeting at the court in the hope of accomplishing an agreeable visitation programme. Lizzie sat in Charles’ office listening to Anton’s apparent statement and listened attentively to the facts and procedures.

  ‘Judges can be bribed can’t they?’

  Charles sat motionless, calm and professional. ‘Don’t be alarmed, lawyers are paid to send letters to rattle their client’s opponents.’

  ‘I can’t imagine where he has got these ideas from,’ she said, looking down the list on the new letter, slowly rotating her head to alleviate tension.

  ‘His lawyer but probably at Anton’s insistence,’ Charles said.

  ‘Anton’s law.’

  ‘It’s common when one party is aggrieved. I’ll write confirming you are keen to find a solution with the mediator.’

  ‘Arsehole, that’s what he is.’ Lizzie stood to go. ‘Sorry to swear. Ok, I’ll wait to hear from you, otherwise I’ll leave it in your capable hands.’

  ‘Believe me, I will do all I can,’ he assured her.

  Back at her apartment Lizzie spent some time with Thierry before compiling thoughts and a list of questions for Charles, Anton and the mediator. Sophie was out, much to Lizzie’s shame, once again at the helm of the salon. Marie-Claire was busy in the kitchen. Thierry drove his little cars around his mat. A smile broke from her lips as she observed her son; he was now becoming very good at keeping himself amused with his toys, creating his own little world. What would happen if that monster got his mitts on you? She shuddered at the thought. She moved his books aside and sat near to him.

  ‘Don’t sit on books Mummy,’ he said without looking up. He loved reading, or looking at his books alone – creating his version of the story anyway!

  ‘I’ve moved them here darling,’ she said, chuckling at his growing cheekiness. She noticed he was developing in character and becoming more and more headstrong. She thought he had finished with the ‘terrible twos’, now he was developing a ‘trying three’ syndrome if ever there was one. Once he had made his mind up that he was going to do something his way, there was no persuading him otherwise. More stress to the collection, Lizzie thought pouting her mouth and turning back to her task.

  Once she had made some notes and a list, Marie-Claire took over Thierry’s care whilst Lizzie took a meander along to the new salon in Rue Antibes to see how the work was progressing and talk to Jean-Luc in case he had any issues to discuss. As she turned into Rue Antibes, the usual crowds shopped but one person in particular made her heart stop. She spotted Cal striding causally along with someone, a young woman from the quick glance she’d grabbed before turning the corner.

  ‘Lizzie,’ she heard but she continued faster, as if she hadn’t. What the fuck? He had soon moved on she told herself, holding her stomach which felt as though a giant cricket ball had been hurled at it.

  ‘Lizzie,’ he called again. His heart-wrenchingly familiar voice snatched at her but she kept on walking. Oh God, she thought. He was now going to come out with some vague excuse that this was his cousin or sister. The pair were now running behind her.

  ‘Lizzie.’ He caught up and stopped in front of her. She turned and tried to steady herself. Sure enough, he was followed by a beautiful woman of part-Asian origin dressed in what appeared very expensive though casual jeans and top. Lizzie felt a heavy jolt in her throat like she wanted to throw up. How could he after all he said? She met his eyes with an instant melting affect. How she’d missed him, yearning to throw herself into his arms.

  ‘How are things?’ he asked, knowing from Charles that she was not in any better place.

  ‘Fine thank you.’ And she brushed passed him.

  ‘Wait, wait. I…this is Annatia Wu. She is my friend Jez’s girlfriend.’

  Annatia smiled displaying perfect white teeth. ‘Hello.’

  ‘Hi.’ Lizzie gave a forced smile with no idea who Jez was.

  Cal continued. ‘I’m sure you have lots on your mind right now Lizzie but is there anything I can do?’

  ‘Yes. Please just keep away,’ she answered.

  ‘Well there’s no reason not to speak to Annatia. We’ve come looking for you. We were coming to the salon. Annatia has an interior design studio in Milan but is spending more time here at Jez’s vineyard. I thought maybe you girls could help one another. Annatia was keen to explore your beauty salon.’

  ‘You don’t look like you need one,’ Lizzie blurted almost rudely, still quite put out.

  ‘Thank you,’ Annatia replied trying to remain polite. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’

  ‘No, sorry, she is looking to build up her business in Cannes.’ Cal scratched his ear. ‘Look, she can possibly help with the shop fitting.’

  ‘It’s all in hand thank you. You have my number Cal. I’m just going to the new salon now to meet the builder. Another time perhaps? Give Annatia my mobile number, we may need it in the future.’ Lizzie found herself getting a tad irritated with Cal, which wasn’t like her but, she felt she was quite capable of finding her own friends or interior designers.’

  ‘Maybe I could help if you have builders,’ Annatia suggested. ‘Interiors are my forte and, I thought, if I can help, and this is at no cost to you, I promise, only if you’re happy, you might recommend me.’

  Lizzie hovered uncomfortably searching both Cal and Annatia. ‘Ok, well, come along with me now but Cal, I’m afraid you will have to lose yourself for a while.’

  ‘Fine. I’ll go along and see Charles,’ he said checking his watch.

  ‘I’ll call you when I’ve finished, Cal,’ Annatia suggested, sensing an awkwardness.

  Reluctantly, Lizzie took Annatia along to the salon. Sophie was already there with Jean-Luc and Lizzie introduced everybody. Both Sophie and Jean-Luc held surprise in their eyes as Lizzie told them why Annatia had come along.

  ‘That’s really weird,’ Sophie remarked with a genuine expression of enthusiasm on her face. ‘Jean-Luc and I were just saying we could do with an expert just to put us straight on how to make this corner more attractive or useable even, and you brought Annatia in.’

  ‘Well then, we have our very own angel, dropped out of the sky in Rue Antibes,’ Lizzie cut in rather sharply.

  ‘Are you ok Lizzie?’ Sophie caught the blatant sarcasm and wondered whether her friend was just overtired or overstressed.

  ‘Yes, I’m…No, Sophie. This is all becoming too much. Would you all excuse me?’ Lizzie turned and bolted for the door. Sophie looked at the other two aghast at her friend’s uncharacteristic reaction.

  ‘I’ll be back,’ she called, grabbing her bag and chasing after Lizzie. She rushed down Rue Antibes behind the familiar figure bobbing among busy shoppers. As she caught her she felt Lizzie’s weight lean into her in despair.

  ‘Come on.’ Sophie led her to one side. ‘Come in here and have a coffee.’ She took Lizzie by the hand and pulled her into the nearby bar.

  ‘I’m sorry Sophie, it’s all getting too much. Why Cal dumped that woman on me I don’t know. Oh, you know it’s not her, not that, not even the business or the new salon. I know you are taking care of everything. It’s just everything else, Mum, Anton, Cal.’ Lizzie was led easily into step with her friend steering her by the arm as she spilled out her troubles. ‘I don’t know how to deal with it. I’ve never felt so powerless, so helpless if you like, it seems so fucking unfair
. I’m sorry. I can’t…deal with…I can’t think,’ she babbled with a self-pitying cry, her head down. Sophie ushered her to sit down at the nearest table. A waitress witnessing the scene approached them as they reached the popular people-watching enclosure.

  ‘Deux café au lait, grande, sil’vous plais,’ Sophie ordered, holding her friend close. ‘

  ‘I… I’m struggling. I feel bad that I can’t be with Mum, the hassle with Anton, although Charles is now taking care of it, I feel Anton is controlling everything again and I’m not sure if I’ve done the right thing with Cal. Oh, just one big mess really!’

  ‘Sit,’ Sophie ordered.

  ‘It’s all getting on top of me.’ Lizzie sat down but her mind was far from settled. Sophie perched in close next to her. ‘All I’ve ever wanted is for Thierry to be happy.’

  ‘It is a lot to be dealing with and it’s stressful but Michael’s looking after your mum and like you say Charles has everything in hand. Don’t worry about Cal for now. Look, we’ll have our coffee, get back to salon, then go and see Charles. Or,’ Sophie paused, ‘I’ll go back to the salon. You can wait here for a while as long as you calm down.’

  ‘No, no it’s fine. We’ll go together. I need to apologise to Annatia.’

  ‘Just sit and let’s... calm down and take stock,’ Sophie said rubbing her friend’s shoulder. ‘Phew, I need to find a notebook and compile a list of all your worries so I can keep abreast of it all. There must be so many things going on in your head. No wonder you are stressed!’

  ‘I’m sorry. I’ll take some deep breaths.’ She breathed in heavily through her nose. ‘As always, you bring light into the darkness Dr Pitou!’

  ‘That’s brilliant. I have some uses. I can now add ‘Light bulb’ to my list of qualifications.’

  Lizzie gave a shaky laugh. ‘Isn’t it in there already next to ‘wall’ – you listen without talking back at me which is what I love about you.’ The large coffees arrived and they both began to stir and sip at the frothy tops. ‘Well one day I will try to put your qualities into some sort of image gallery – we’ll hang them in the salon, remind me when I’m bored,’ Lizzie mused.

  ‘You? Bored? Don’t start deluding yourself sweet,’ Sophie jeered as Lizzie began to sink back into her chair with a smile. ‘Good. Let’s sit and enjoy.’ Sophie checked her phone while Lizzie couldn’t get the vision of Cal and the woman out of head. It had really shaken her. She realised how deeply she really felt about him and seeing him had, as usual, turned her to mush. Even so, the nagging voice inside her was making her wary. Did Cal really feel the same about her or was he filling a void created by Jack? He’d got close to Thierry really quickly and not having Jack around must have really made him feel he’d missed out on so much. Was she right to let him get so close to them both. Thierry would get hurt if Cal didn’t have true feelings for her. If the relationship between her and Cal wasn’t strong enough, Thierry would be the one who would suffer. It was evident from what Sophie had said about his violent reaction to losing Jack that he was highly affected. The more she thought about it, the more she felt her doubts were right.

  It didn’t take more than ten minutes to drink up their coffees but at least Lizzie was calmer so Sophie paid their bill and they returned to the Rue Antibes salon. Jean-Luc was standing over the bench watching in awe as Annatia sketched over the drawings. Lizzie and Sophie gathered behind them and were soon equally entranced as they glanced over to discover that the drawings had completely come to life. The etchings on the paper had become three dimensional and, seeing their enthusiasm, Annatia explained the detail in the changes and how the space could be worked more effectively with, she assured them, a stylish finish. She then gave them suggestions for materials which could work better. ‘You may be able to get the materials changed with your supplier if you have ordered them, but the tiles I suggest will look classier I promise and be less expensive.’

  ‘Wow,’ Lizzie and she and Sophie looked at one another approvingly. ‘That is amazing. Thank you.’ Lizzie enthused, absolutely delighted. ‘And, I also owe you an apology for running out like that.’

  ‘No, don’t apologise,’ Annatia said in a more confident tone than earlier. Twisting her hair and licking her lips, she said, ‘Cal explained to me that you have lots to worry about at the moment. Your mother, I’m sorry to hear she isn’t well. I don’t think Cal is necessarily a natural at introductions.’

  ‘Oh but I must have appeared so rude,’ Lizzie replied holding both cheeks in horror of her behaviour.

  Annatia smiled, encouragingly gracious about it all. ‘I’m really glad he introduced us – I love what you’re creating here and am so pleased to give some input.’ Annatia slicked back her smooth dark hair. ‘I would like to build my business here in Cannes too. It is such a natural choice for me, so if I can have some input here, if you don’t mind, when the work is complete, I would like some images for my website and portfolio.’ Annatia pulled out a second sheet from under the first and continued to make more sketches of the first floor.

  ‘Well, it appears to be a great idea so far. Sophie?’

  ‘You don’t need to ask me. Go ahead,’ Sophie said.

  ‘This is now your business too, so you will have input,’ Lizzie told her in a schoolmarm tone. Then she turned to her builder who was now staring blankly at the dynamics of the group of women before him. ‘Are you ok with these?’ she asked him. Can you work with the tiles Annatia suggests?’

  ‘Will we go much over budget?’ he said.

  ‘Well, I will check later but, it seems we’ll save on budget.’

  ‘They will be less expensive than what you have listed,’ Annatia confirmed, pointing to the print out, ‘much more stylish and put up with a lot more wear than what you had originally and I’m sure you should save at least twenty per cent.’

  ‘Well, a no brainer then. I have to say, I have been on a roller coaster today.’ Lizzie gave a big sigh ‘There are ups as well as downs – I was beginning to wonder if I wasn’t just sliding one way down the longest cliff on earth. Thanks Annatia. I can’t wait to see it all come together.’

  Annatia completed the first floor etchings, again in three dimensions and relayed her ideas which the rest of them found fascinating. It was almost two hours that had gone by. Annatia’s telephone rang. ‘Hi Cal, yes. I am still here. It has gone very well. It is very exciting. I will see you soon,’ she told him then sliding her phone into her jeans pocket looked up. ‘Cal is going to walk along with Charles. Jez is now with them. He says they’re all hungry.’

  ‘Well why don’t you guys go for a drink and a bite to eat. I need to get back,’ Lizzie said.

  ‘Yes. I need to get home too,’ Jean-Luc said, rolling up his new set of drawings. ‘I shall be here at eight in the morning. Bon soir ladies.’

  ‘Why don’t you come and have a quick bite to eat Lizzie. It will do you good,’ Sophie insisted.

  ‘I want to get back to Thierry.’ Lizzie got her keys out to lock up the shop and as she did so her phone rang. It was Marie-Claire. ‘Hi, are…?’ she said then her eyes sprang out from their sockets and her jaw dropped in horror. ‘I’m on my way – I’ll call the police.’ She threw the salon keys down and ran for her life, phone to her ear. Sophie picked them up and checked doors and lights before she addressed Annatia as she locked the salon main door.

  ‘Sounds like trouble. Will you be ok here?’ she said, leaving Annatia outside the door. ‘The boys won’t be long. I’m going after Lizzie.’

  ‘Fine, yes go.’ Annatia waved her off feeling helpless.

  Chapter 35

  ‘Let him go!’ Lizzie screamed as Anton gripped Thierry under his arm. He hovered as stunned as she was frozen at the bottom of the stairs. As Lizzie stepped forward a burly man, dressed in black, stamped a huge boot in her path and reached for her arm. ‘Don’t touch me,’ she thundered, almost losing her balance and slamming back into the door. ‘Anton please, you must let him down. You have no idea how it will
…aargh,’ the man in black tugged at her small frame and threw himself on to her, and as he bounced off, God knows where her strength came from but as she screamed ‘get off you…’ she heaved a kick with all her might right into his crotch so hard he squealed away doubled up in agony. Lizzie fell backwards with the force, almost on the floor, but managed to quickly correct her balance. She glanced eagerly back at Thierry, his eyes wide with fright pleading for her, so scared, his little arms reaching for her, his little legs wildly kicking the air, missing his captor. Lizzie sprinted towards them.

  Sweat oozed from Anton’s face as he held his victim to his chest. Thierry was squeezed around the waist with one hand and Anton held up his palm with the other.

  ‘Get back,’ he said. ‘You’ll get hurt.’ The man in black was making for her again and Lizzie just managed to dodge him, and before she could reach Thierry, Marie-Claire hurtled down the staircase behind Anton. Lizzie gawped as Marie-Claire lunged at him from behind, both arms thrusting, and ‘CRASH!’, thick green shards of glass scattered around the side of his head. Without hesitation Lizzie caught Thierry as Anton stumbled, then collapsed to the floor. Lizzie felt like she was in a scene from an American gangster film. Marie-Claire ran to Lizzie and Thierry and grabbed the boy again as Lizzie instinctively kicked out again at the man in black with every ounce of strength she could muster. Before he could regain his balance, she spun round and dashed like hell for the door. ‘Quick,’ she said, almost on top of Marie-Claire and Thierry. As Lizzie grabbed the door the three of them were flung back with brutish force as two uniformed police surged in and immediately seized the man in black. Again Lizzie pulled the door back and they shot outside, stopped to Lizzie’s relief, by more police. Police with guns ready. Gasping for breath, Lizzie pointed to the stairs, and Anton’s body.

  ‘Grab them. They’re trying to take my child,’ she screamed. ‘Hold on to him,’ she ordered, this time directing her finger to the man in black, and then dared to peek at Anton as the police checked for signs of movement.


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