The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 24

by Karen Aldous

  ‘Please let this go well,’ she whispered, feeling her chest constricting as she reached the Theodore Hotel. As the doors opened, his dark silhouette pounced.

  She jumped, whooshing her sunglasses back on her head.

  ‘Come through here.’ He ushered her out to a quiet terrace with just one large table and huge upholstered chairs, more like a plush outdoor boardroom, away from the bathers and guests. Lizzie scratched her head, suddenly aware what it was like to feel claustrophobic. She could feel his eyes pressing heavily onto her. She guessed it was a deliberate method he used to intimidate. She reached for a chair as he sucked out her energy. Take control.

  ‘At last. We can talk,’ he said, pulling out a chair and seating himself.

  Lizzie forced a smiled, thinking back to when she had last seen him. After the awkward silence she said ‘Anton, I really hope we can sort something out for Thierry today, and in an adult way. I have enough going on to stress me. As you know.’ If he had any sympathy she didn’t sense it. ‘I was thinking that we could break Thierry in to you gently…’

  ‘Well it will not take long if you agree to give me my son,’ he said with not a hint of compromise in his voice.’

  ‘You know damn well I would never give up my son. Don’t be so ridiculous,’ she gasped. Oh shit I was going to keep calm.

  ‘Don’t talk to me like I’m child.’

  ‘Then stop acting like one,’ she said. ‘Realistically, it will take time for you to get to know Thierry.’

  ‘I have rights as a father and that means I have a right to my son,’ he claimed, gripping on to the table. Lizzie thought he was going to get angry but surprisingly his voice softened. ‘I have waited many weeks. I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me. I have lost so much time to get to know him. Three years.’ He released a heavy sigh, avoiding eye contact and shaking his head. ‘I have lost respect for you. You should have let me know and be his father. I would have supported you,’ he said as his sister Collette entered. Great, Lizzie thought, two of them fighting her.

  Lizzie laid her hands out on to the table, spreading her fingers. ‘Ok, I apologise for not telling you. I had my reasons and one major one was that you were then on drugs. Drugs and children don’t mix Anton. The rest, there’s nothing I can do about now but begin sorting this out and come to a resolution. And for Thierry’s sake, you’re getting to know him would have to be gradual. As, you will him.

  Anton, as she expected, was stubborn, without any compromise. He stuck to his own views and the conversation went around in circles. He didn’t seem to get it and accused Lizzie of just wanting to keep him away and be with the Englishman. He told her he would buy a house so Thierry could live with him, get his son the best nannies to look after him, send him to the best schools. The little boy, he said, looked just like him and he needed his father not a step-father to raise him. Neither did he understand his son didn’t actually know him. He was convinced it wouldn’t take long and children don’t know the difference. She decided he was pretty pathetic, he hadn’t appeared to have grown up that much but she had to keep this civilised and sort it out, even just for her own peace of mind.

  ‘I’ve done some research,’ Lizzie said, ‘and short weekly visits are advised at first and will gradually increase as the relationship between you both develops and, once the relationship is built, you will be able to see more of each other.’

  ‘So you want it all your own way. Then I will get my lawyers to sort this out,’ he blasted, highly irritated.

  ‘Collette, do you understand?’ Lizzie pleaded, her heart pumping. ‘He must see that both he and Thierry don’t know each other yet. The courts will say the same.’

  ‘You have not told or let him see his son,’ his sister claimed. ‘You have kept them apart, on purpose. I will defend him, of course.’

  ‘But, I’m not saying he can’t see him. And he knows why I didn’t tell him.’ Lizzie was almost in tears of frustration. ‘I can’t let him just take my child away. The courts wouldn’t allow it either. Of course I understand…’ and she turned to Anton to make sure he was listening then looked back at Collette. ‘If you had a child, you would understand.’ The girl gave Lizzie a blank stare.

  ‘So you think you and the Englishman can bring up my son?’ Anton growled. ‘No, he is mine and he should live with me. How do I know you won’t live in England?’

  Instantly Lizzie reacted. ‘We live in France, I have my business here, I’ve raised him here and, be honest with yourself, you would never have been interested had I told you. We could never have been together. And for your information I’ve have hardly been near a man in over three years looking after Thierry. And,’ she took a deep breath, ‘I’m entitled to move on with my life, if I meet someone special. Look, eventually, we’ll share custody. Thierry will see us both.’

  ‘I will see my lawyers. Yes. I shall go along this afternoon.’ His voice trailed off as he leapt from his seat and headed for the door. ‘You will hear from them.’ Collette loyally skulked in his trail leaving Lizzie in mid flow with a heart almost ready to rupture she was so distraught. She scrambled up as the door slammed behind them, tensed and growling with frustration. ‘Fuck you,’ she longed to scream but mouthed as she rushed out of the door.

  Chapter 32

  Reaching the apartment, she dug in her bag for her keys. Her disappointment was palpable. Her heart felt like a chunk had been cut out. Had she been too optimistic? Perhaps she’d relied on him being a bit more mature. Now she was trapped, controlled, because all the time Anton held her to ransom with this ridiculous demand, she couldn’t breathe. How could she live with the terror that Thierry could be taken from her? There was surely no chance he could get custody? Or could he? He had the money and power to do what he wanted. That was how Anton operated. She really needed to speak to Charles. This situation was not going to go smoothly and she had to discover her best way forward.

  Lizzie suddenly felt very alone. She couldn’t burden her mother with any of this and it wasn’t fair to load any more onto Sophie either. Sophie was already running the business for her. How was she going to deal with it alone? She could ring Cal but she wasn’t sure if she should. Not only was he upset with her now, what if he did turn out to be violent and decide to deal with Anton in his own way? He shouldn’t get involved with Thierry’s custody anyway. Finally conceding she needed help, it was time to contact Charles, the expert; the lawyer.

  She strode hunched into the foyer and, instead of climbing the stairs or taking the lift, she slumped herself down on the bottom stair, sinking her head in her hands. She couldn’t muster up the energy to face anyone right now. Closing her eyes and wishing Anton would disappear off the face of the earth, she sat silently, tired and defeated. Wracking her brains for answers. How was she going to make him see reason? And then, in her mind, she pictured her mother’s face. If this was an awful predicament, then what did her mother have to go through facing uncertainty, possible death? And, she had no idea of where her illness was going to take her. This is bloody miserable and unfair she told herself, trying to fight off self-pity.

  In truth, she wanted to throw herself into Cal’s arms, wrap her and Thierry inside them and stay there in safety, away from this nightmare. That was her instinct, which surprised her. But hadn’t she done enough running? She had to face Anton head on and not let him beat her. Imagining a scene of herself behind bars and blowing smoke off the fired gun barrel – she was laughing and feeling justice was done. Her son was free.

  The sound of a closing door jolted her. What use is sitting here? She screamed to herself and jumped up. He wants you to be the victim. You, Elizabeth Lambert, have to make sure he doesn’t make you one, nor Thierry. Thierry is relying on you and only you! She climbed the stairs with gusto, passing a young man, and exchanging a greeting. She stopped again on the next flight and chanted – be strong, strong, strong. She got to the top and let herself in. She rang Charlie.

  Chapter 33

  Not t
otally unexpectedly, the following morning Lizzie received a letter from Anton’s lawyers. As soon as she saw the envelope she felt a gut-wrenching sickness in her belly. She scanned it and sent it across to Charles as he had instructed should any communication arrive.

  ‘What should I do if I need to return to England with Thierry? I’m probably going to return very soon,’ she asked when Charles rang.

  ‘Let me know, and I’ll issue him a notice of intent. There is nothing he can do. I take it your visit will only be temporary. You’re not planning to stay in England?’

  ‘Oh, no, my life is here. I just don’t have the dates of my mother’s tests yet.’

  ‘Right. I would avoid contact with him. He’s instructed a lawyer so I’ll liaise with them. He hasn’t physically attacked anyone has he?’

  ‘Not yet but he has physically tried to snatch his son.’

  ‘When?’ asked Charles.

  ‘In Bonnieux, a few weeks back but Cal,’ she flinched hearing herself say his name, ‘came to our rescue. I dread to think what would have happened, had he not arrived when he did.’

  ‘Did you report this incident to the police?

  ‘No I.., luckily…’ she stammered, trying to work out if she should be bringing Cal into all this. ‘Cal turned up and I was able to get away with Thierry. I didn’t think to call them to be honest. Like I said, he was scary though, I think I may have underestimated him but I’m not sure if he was messing about or serious.’

  ‘You should have called them. You have a right to protect your child and yourself.’ Charles said encouragingly. ‘Anyway, log everything you can past and present, conversations, anything relevant and just let me know if you have dates for your trip. I’ll get back to you if I hear from his lawyers. Send over your chronology of events as soon as you have them written.’

  ‘Thank you Charles. I really appreciate your help.’


  Cal had arrived in the hotel bar at four for his meeting as agreed, after a quick shower and change. He had been listening but not really taking in the information. Monsieur Thomas, the agent was telling him he would need to increase his price; that Monsieur Giroux had received other interest. Cal was more concerned about Lizzie, not only that she’d knocked him down with that blow that was so unexpected, but, aware of her meeting, he was extremely worried Anton would again try to intimidate Lizzie and, given the chance, would probably do things all his way.

  Cal told Monsieur Thomas to call him if Monsieur Giroux changed his mind and left. He was highly conscious that he was about to lose the best deal he was ever likely to get if he didn’t negotiate for but it was all suddenly immaterial. He decided not to stay at the hotel but to head back down the coast so he could be closer to Lizzie.

  Concealing his own torn pride, when he spoke to Lizzie on the Friday evening after her meeting with Anton, he knew she was putting on a brave face telling him she was fine. The sound of despair in her voice gave her away. Of course he knew she wasn’t. He could only imagine what she was going through and he longed to be with her.

  He’d gone straight to Charles from his meeting in Aups but Charles was still working. At a loose end, he was tempted to go to Lizzie’s apartment but it was obvious she didn’t want him around her and Thierry so he would respect that. So, feeling broken and confused, he took a drive to his mother’s at the coast and then met up at Charles’ apartment later. Charles was in jogging bottoms and an old hoodie, his ear glued to the phone. Papers and files stretched the length of the living room. A laptop just protruded from the piles of paperwork on a chrome and glass-topped table. All evidence that Charles did much of his work at home.

  Slouching back on the black leather sofa, the only visible space, Cal was with Charles when Lizzie called the following day, Cal heard Charles take the call and tell Lizzie it was wise to keep her distance from Anton and that pressed further into his wound. What did he do so wrong? He wanted to hold her and protect her, that’s all, and her son. It hurt him so much to know this spoilt fiend, Anton, was allowed so much control. He’d even completely distorted Lizzie’s thinking. Not only did she mistrust her ex, but now him. He could only honour her wishes however. He would never jeopardise her and Thierry’s safety. The least he could do, for himself, as well as Caroline was stay close while he could and be around in case.


  Meanwhile Sophie continued with the running of the salon. It was usually busy on a Saturday. Lizzie hadn’t had much of a chance to update Sophie as yet but she telephoned Caroline who confirmed she was fine. Michael was looking after her very well. He had organised the cleaner to do three mornings instead of two and he was making beautiful fresh dishes for her to eat. It was Caroline who was more concerned now about the situation with Anton and if Thierry was ok. She spoke to Thierry for a while and Lizzie and Michael agreed they would set up Skype accounts so that they could see one another. Something she had on her to do list and hadn’t done. Her mother was also very keen for Lizzie to sort Thierry’s custody out and so urged her to stay in France until the situation was finalised with Anton. She insisted Michael was capable.

  To take her mind off the Anton fiasco, if that was at all possible, Lizzie set to work with her builder and handyman, Jean-Luc, on the new salon layout. Plans that she and Sophie had worked on over email and phone for weeks were now sketched in a more readable form by Jean-Luc, who brought drawings to the apartment so that Lizzie didn’t have to leave Thierry. Lizzie had given strict instructions for Marie-Claire not to take Thierry out without her for a while so although it was rather cramped, it was the best solution for now. Until she felt she could trust Anton.

  Sophie returned a little later and they went through all the work that had to be done at the salon, Jean-Luc made some changes here and there to his drawings, so two stud walls which they’d decided to re-arrange and the electrical detail was finalised where possible.

  ‘The building work will take four to five days,’ Jean-Luc said, placing his pencil behind his ear, ‘Providing we can get all the materials.’

  ‘It’s really good of you to be able to do the work so quickly,’ Lizzie told him.

  ‘Sophie gave me some warning. She said you hoped to get the contract signed earlier this week – so I was working other jobs around this.’

  ‘Well, we really appreciate it. That gives us a couple of weeks for all the furnishing and final touches. Thank you. We can’t wait to see it completed and to get it opened by beginning of September.’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Sophie agreed.

  ‘It is exciting. You have done very well to get this site,’ Jean-Luc said with a genuine affirmation in his nod.

  ‘Well I’m lucky I have you two, otherwise God knows where I’d be.’

  ‘The poster and leaflet art work are here,’ Sophie said, reaching across the table. ‘Hope you like them? The press release is here. All they need is your approval and the date and a time - or anything else you may want to add or change.’

  ‘This is where it gets tricky. We don’t want to commit to a date just yet. Hopefully we should be able to put the date on them by next week, once we have work underway and…’ Lizzie trailed off. She couldn’t bring her worries about Anton into this. Sophie gave her a questioning glance and Lizzie discreetly winked and signalled with a pointed finger for her to wait as she picked up a set of keys behind Jean-Luc. She then held them out to him.

  ‘So Jean-Luc, here are the keys and you will want a cheque for the deposit so I will get that for you.’

  ‘It’s there under that Launch folder Lizzie. You just need to sign it.’

  ‘Oh bloody hell, you remind me of someone else Sophie, thanks. She thinks of everything,’ Lizzie told Jean-Luc as she signed the cheque and passed it to him. ‘I’ll pop along in the morning as early as I can,’ she told him, stuffing his arms with the drawings. He kissed them both goodbye and made his way out of the door. Lizzie waited until he was out of earshot and then updated Sophie on the lawyer’s letter.

‘Oh my God, Lizzie. It’s becoming very scary isn’t it?’

  ‘Far more than I ever imagined. Yes. And,’ she looked at Sophie’s disappointed face, ‘terrible timing.’

  ‘Well, if we have to wait a while, so be it.’ Sophie squeezed her friend’s shoulder in reassurance.

  ‘I’m sure it won’t affect the immediate future but I’ve got a real sense of uneasiness about Anton. I’m sure I’m becoming paranoid but it’s, well, I sense trouble. He was so adamant he should have custody, not just shared, but total.’

  ‘I’m pretty sure the court won’t decide that. And, his lawyer should tell him how it all works.’ Sophie tried to assure her.

  I just hope you’re right but I wouldn’t put it past Anton to corrupt them.’

  ‘He can’t hold that much control. No judge would want a child’s welfare jeopardised.’

  ‘He is not going to ruin our lives, I am resolute, but for now I’m keeping Thierry close.’

  ‘I should pull my finger out and find somewhere to live, pronto,’ Sophie said, pulling her hair back and tying it with a band before reaching for her laptop. ‘You and Thierry need your home back.’

  ‘Don’t be silly. We’ll manage.’ Lizzie squeezed her best buddy.

  ‘No, but realistically it may antagonise the situation, and us. I’m here to help but you need your space. I need to find my own place soon. I did start looking when I arrived but got all consumed with the salon which I’m not complaining about – FYI!’ Sophie started up her laptop.


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