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The Titan Series: Military Romance Boxed Set

Page 74

by Cristin Harber

  Oh, the games I could play. “I don’t like to lose.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Just ’cause you’re dream-come-true material, sexiest thing I’ve ever touched, tasted, I won’t let you win.”

  Her fingers followed the back of his jeans to the front button, and bursts of sensations torpedoed across his skin. She rose on tiptoes and let her bottom lip drag across the base of his neck. “You promise?”

  “Don’t you want to know the game, Baby Cakes?”

  Sugar pushed her hips forward, pressing against his swollen cock. All the blood in his body had gone there, throbbing and craving Sugar. He did his best not to drop his pants and yank that teasing towel.

  It would be so easy to burrow deep inside her, to fuck until relief poured free. He needed it. They needed it, and the fire in her eyes said nothing about getting her warmed up. With every pouty sigh, every groan and moan, lick and kiss, she told him to get a move on.

  “Long as those strong hands are playing with me, I don’t care what our game is.” She molded her soft torso against his. “Challenge me.”

  His mouth watered at how wet she had to be under that towel, and the irregular beat of his heart failed to normalize, knowing that soon enough, silken strokes of her tight pussy would coax him into oblivion. It’d been too long since he’d felt her come on his shaft and since he’d heard sweet cries fall from her tongue.

  He tried for a deep breath, but she stole a kiss that sucked the air out of his soul. He was a goner. But she wanted a game, and a fun one percolated in the back of his mind—a challenge that would make her body and mind go into overdrive. It would make her vision blur with lust and maybe even prove that he respected her as much as he craved her. The perfect game for a firearm fanatic like Sugar.

  On a deep exhale, he stepped back and smiled as she gawked at the canyon of space between them. “Go get dressed.”

  Reaching to him, she splayed her fingers across his stomach in a mixture of pushing him away and pulling him close. “Excuse me?”

  “You wanted a game.”

  “I wanted sex, maybe with a little slap and tickle. Wasn’t that clear?”

  “Crystal. Move your sweet ass, Sugar.”

  Shocked, she stood there with her jaw gaping. It slapped shut, and her pink lips curled into a smirk. “No.”

  “I don’t hear no very often.” Stepping back into her space, he pressed his T-shirt to her towel until they couldn’t back up any farther. The gentle thud of her shoulders flattening against the wall made her smile less of a snipe and more of a “Thank you, let’s get back to the sex.” He ducked his hand under the towel to caress her perfect behind. “Do you ever do what you’re told?”

  She shook her head.

  Such a naughty girl. So much fun.

  He parted the towel and slid his other hand down her warm stomach, letting his fingers graze the mound between her legs. “You wet for me, baby?”

  “That’ll all change if you make me find clothes.”

  The hell it would. Not once you know the terms of the game. He stroked her folds, and her sweet nectar coated his touch. She was turned on, and she would stay that way. Guaranteed. If only she would get dressed so he could strip her down. One last time, he smoothed his fingers over her sweetness, closing his eyes to savor her heat.

  “Hell, Jared. You can’t do that.”

  Teasing her was so much fun. Too much. Almost. He gave her just one more stroke before he sent her packing. “I do whatever I want.”

  “Me, too, buddy.” She tried to jut her chin in a show of classic Sugar defiance.

  But defiance wasn’t in the cards. He would take care of that little stunt. When he brushed his thumb over her clit, she melted and burrowed against his chest, flexing her hips to grind for more contact.

  “More of that,” she whispered.

  It was a seesaw of reaction. He teased. She cursed. She rocked in time, and he encouraged with more pressure. The insistent will of his fingers nudged her legs open. Sugar nodded and moaned her acceptance, and with a biting kiss, he speared into her wicked tightness. “There’s always consequences, Baby Cakes.”

  “I run my mouth, you get me off.” Her rapid breaths stuttered when he worked his fingers, curving fingertips along her canal. “I’m good with that.”

  When the blue of her eyes wasn’t lost behind scrunched lids, they were filled with an intensity that stopped his heart, then reminded him that he had a challenge to dole out. He abandoned his sexual onslaught, dragging his hands over the towel, which felt like sandpaper compared to her smoothness.

  Jared scooped her into his arms. Her barely covered backside tormented his forearm, making his hair prickle to attention, but he tamped the sensation down and moved down the hall. Her feet fluttered as she kicked, making the towel ride up under her ass. The woman was near wanton as her hands fisted into his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” Exasperation colored her sultry voice.

  Her clean scent of bodywash and shampoo swirled with her arousal. It proved more enticing than he knew possible. “What I promised.”

  Sugar bucked, begging for more. The tucked-in binding of her towel loosened with the increasing pitch of her fit, until it fell undone, pinned between her backside and his forearm. Whether it had been her plan or not, she was gloriously naked, flush, and taunting him to pleasure her.

  “Forget it. I can’t wait.”

  “Sugar,” he growled in warning.

  She arched in his arms, swollen breasts pressing high and long slender neck dropping back. Creamy skin covered flawlessly toned muscles. She froze as his gaze raked over her, lips to tits to hips, then back again.

  He shook his head, accepting his new reality. The beauty in his arms was the only one he ever again wanted to possess. “Right here, right now isn’t part of the game.”

  “Don’t care.”

  His mouth found her puckered nipple, and he sucked the tip hard, razzing his teeth over it until she began to murmur nonsense. Strawberry-colored lips whispered his name again, then begged. Her need drove him to the edge of control, playing with his mind and screwing with his plans, and he loved every second.

  At the base of the stairs, he put her down. Such a pretty picture, she was all his. No other man would see this again. He ran his hands from her bare shoulders to the swell of her hips, caressing the full mounds of her chest along the way.

  Standing like a sensual statue, she was damn persuasive about changing his plans. Jared clucked. “You think you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want.”

  “Yes.” Her eyes danced, and she owned the moment, standing on a stair, acting like it was a pedestal, and putting herself on display for his hunger. “That’s me. You like it.”

  I love it. But that didn’t matter, not once he had his mind set on a plan. “I told you to go get dressed.” He spun her around to face the staircase and draped his eyes down the sleek contours of her back to the soft curves of her rear. “Go.”

  He stood close enough to feel the energy pouring off her. His fingers itched to palm her butt and squeeze. Bet her hair would feel good wrapped around my fist. Without warning, it slapped his chin when she snapped her head and glared over her shoulder. A sharp dare flashed in her eyes. “Finish the job you started, Jared.”

  “One last warning, Sugar baby.” He positioned against her, using the added height of the stair to his advantage. Her ass fit against his erection and felt like heaven.

  “You shouldn’t send a woman away who’s screaming to have sex with you.”

  “Then you should’ve trusted me.” Unable to control the urge any longer, he took a step to the side and let his palm smack her ass. It wasn’t a warm-up slap. Not hard. Just enough to cause her to pay attention. Just enough to satisfy his impulse, but in that regard, he’d failed. Huge failure. He wanted more.

  “Fuck, yes,” she whispered, surprised. She obviously hadn’t expected it. The rigidity in her suddenly stiff muscles and the reflex of her l
uscious booty told him that and so much more. Sweet Sugar sucked in a greedy breath and arched her back, priming her ass for another swat.

  He would have smiled if he hadn’t been too busy trying not to salivate. His palm remained on her cheek, and the warmth of the spank heated his skin. He spread his fingers, circling and soothing the spot. “We’ve got a game I want to play. Get some clothes on.”



  There it was again. The same breathy moan. The same arched back. Her head rolled to the side. And again, he smoothed his rough hand over her delicate skin. With his other hand, Jared undid the button on his jeans. “You’re ruining my plans.”

  “But now we’re getting what we both want.”

  Nope. Not what he wanted. Well, he did want this…


  Her head lolled from side to side. Her shoulder blades poked up and down like she was a prize fighter readying for more. “Again, baby. Please.”

  Smack. His zipper came down along with his pants and boxers, and his cock was hard and hot in his hand. “You want it rough?”

  She looked over her naked shoulder again and nodded. Her wild hair curled along her neck, down her back. Blue eyes sparkled bright, highlighting the pink flush across her porcelain skin. “From you I do.”

  His gaze fell to the red marks he’d left on the flawless curves of her backside. Perfect body. Perfect woman. He dropped down to kiss the irritated skin, then cupped her bottom softly, massaging her cheeks after he’d kissed each angry blotch.

  Sugar whispered, and his hands found her hips. His teeth grazed over her skin, and he bit down until she groaned, harder until she asked for more.

  “Like that?” Still stroking himself, he kissed where he’d bitten. Teased with his tongue. Scraped with his teeth. Her skin prickled up her back.

  “Get me off, Jared. I need you, too.” She dropped to the stairs on her knees and perched on her elbows. Her head rocked on a step as she dug her fingers into the carpet. “Please.”

  Smack. “You’ll get off when I say.”

  “Goddamn, do that again.”

  So he did. And again. And a third time. His fingers drifted between her legs, and she wept for him. He’d never felt her so wet. One hand was entrenched in her sweet fire. The other wrapped his shaft, holding back his impending orgasm.


  Without additional prelude, he positioned his cock against her hottest spot and drove one thrust deep. Sweet mercy. His eyes closed, and Sugar called his name, loud and guttural. Her muscles swallowed him, squeezing and sending shockwaves of skin-on-skin shivers down his shaft. They ricocheted into every part of his body. He’d never felt such a sensation before, and it couldn’t have been better with any other woman.

  “Perfect,” she breathed while the same word danced in his mind. What was better than perfect? This.

  His cock took over while his mind went on sabbatical. In, out. Thrusting and driving. Working for every delicious cry. Owning every buck she gave back. He planted one hand on her hip and let the other slide into her hair. Its silk cut through the rough callouses on his hands, and she turned her head to watch him.

  “Sexiest man. Ever. And all mine.” She bit her lip, and velvet muscles went ripcord tight, holding him, releasing, and building again. Her eyes slammed shut, and her canal spasmed around his cock, clenching free a release that shook her whole body in his hold.

  All mine. His balls tightened. His body readied to explode as she vibrated and pulsed, riding out her climax. Use me, baby. I’m all yours.

  And did she use him. He loved it. Loved her. Needed this. Her twisting body came so hard that it hurt before the cataclysmic euphoria hit. That was what he wanted for her. That was what she deserved—better than her best ever.

  “Good girl, baby.”

  His molars ached, and sweat covered the nape of his neck. No more holding back. He couldn’t take another second without satisfaction. Jared pulled out, stroking the last seconds until he came on her back, spurting onto her immaculate skin. Fuckin’ perfect.

  Sugar went limp against the uneven surface of his stairs. He liked her sated and relaxed. Breathing like she’d run a marathon on his dick, she pressed her forehead to the carpet until she languidly repositioned to stare at the wall. A satisfied smile hung across her lips, and then her eyes drifted shut, like she wasn’t sprawled, fucked within an inch of not breathing, on his stairs.

  The hallway hummed around them. He pulled up his pants and grabbed the abandoned towel from the floor. Slow and methodically, he wiped off her back, then lay on the stairs next to her, reveling in their afterglow.

  His forehead touched hers, and her eyes fluttered opened. So damn blue. Deep like the ocean. Like she could see into his soul, they sparkled, vivid and mesmerizing. He could stare all day.

  “That was amazing.” Her murmur was breathy. Dreamy. “You’re amazing. More than that.”

  Right back at you. Maybe the time had come for their little talk. She curled into his arm, and together, they stared at the ceiling.

  “You cold?” He rubbed her naked skin and tucked her under his arm.

  “Kinda.” She jumped up without warning. “But really, I’m rejuvenated. If I get dressed, do we still have a game to play?”

  He had to laugh. Naked Sugar. Bouncing up and down for more. She was always a surprise. She pulled at his arms, ready for more rough and rowdy. He stood, wrapping his arms tightly around her. This is love, or at least the best damn part of it. He would never find a better woman out there, and their little talk could wait if she was raring for round two already.

  “Course we do.”

  She squealed, already running up the stairs. He thought he saw a fist pump before she rounded the corner toward his bedroom. His heart swelled, and his dick jumped. That woman rocked his world.


  Sugar’s dirty clothes lay at her feet. She poked them with her bare toe, lamenting her lack of fashion options. Re-wearing without running them through the wash wasn’t going to happen, and after a few nights at Buck Baer’s basement bungalow, she never wanted to see that outfit again.

  In one swift pinch-and-toss, she dumped them in the bathroom trashcan and walked into the bedroom. Her boots had been discarded in the corner, but if they were just playing a game, she didn’t need to pull those babies back on.

  Having failed with her search-and-seize mission for a robe, she opted for a fresh towel. She eyed his chest of drawers while Thelma watched from her perch in the middle of his bed. The dog looked uncomfortable as Sugar approached the dresser. She didn’t growl, but she gave Sugar a look that said, “Back the hell off. This isn’t your place.”

  “Come on, Thelma. Thought we were friends.”

  Thelma groaned and buried her wrinkled face under huge paws, as if she couldn’t watch the trouble Sugar was about to stumble into. Was there some kind of rule about rifling through a man’s clothes? Probably, but she wasn’t much for protocol.

  “I’m grabbing some of your clothes,” she called out the door.

  No response.

  So… she was going to rummage through his drawers. Not a big deal, despite the strong opinion of her four-legged companion. The worst she would find was a stash of porn. Big deal. Running across a weapon or two was far more likely. As long as the damned bureau wasn’t booby-trapped, she would be okay.

  Her brows pulled down, and she tapped her index finger against her chin. Would Jared set up his personal space to detonate? A smile pulled at her lips. Hell yeah, he totally would. But he also would have given her a little notice if the room had a trip wire or two.

  She looked at Thelma. “If this thing is going to blow, a heads-up would be nice.”

  One paw allowed an eye to peek at her. No more growls or groans, though.

  “Last chance, girl. If I go, you go.”

  Thelma snorted, and Sugar was one hundred percent positive that the dog had laughed at her.

  Fine. No trip wire
. But just to be safe, she grabbed an envelope off the top of the dresser and slid it carefully along the crack between the drawers. Nothing caught. No explosions or ticking time bombs activated. She inspected the back panel and didn’t see anything that would make the room go kaboom.

  “Safe,” she breathed out. Thelma snorted again and it made Sugar laugh. The whole last five minutes was a laugh. She’d taken the exploding dresser concern too seriously and that was ridiculous… Right? Her fingertips tingled with excitement. A wave of adrenaline pulsed through her veins as she opened the top drawer to find… socks and underwear.

  She shook the craziness out of her mind. Paranoia much? What was wrong with her?

  Not a thing was wrong, at least in the safe confines of Jared’s mega-home. Outside his brick-and-mortar safety net, where Buck Baer had a hit team canvassing neighborhoods, that was another, very bad, story.

  But here, when they were about to play some kind of game, she could relax, at least as much as possible with excitement pounding through her body. That wasn’t just the thought of trip-wired drawers. That was knowing J-dawg was downstairs, plotting her next orgasms.

  She opened a second drawer and found undershirts, then another drawer to find sweatpants. Sweats and a T-shirt would have to do. She could wash her bra and thong later. She doubted she would need layers of clothes for whatever game he had up his sleeve.

  Sugar petted Thelma’s head after she pulled on her makeshift outfit, rolling the waist and knotting the shirt at its hem so she didn’t drown in cotton, and went to find Jared.

  Like the king of his castle, he sat at his kitchen table and looked up, his eyes slowly drifting from her bare feet to her chest. The look smoldered, and her nipples let him know, tightening to the point of being painful. “That’s what you’re wearing?”

  Heat crawled up her neck and into her cheeks, and arousal continued its rapid descent from her banging heart straight down between her legs. A sensual soreness reminded her that he’d just taken her on the stairs, but her body was crying out for more.

  He looked starved for her. His eyes narrowed and jaw flexed. Waves of sex appeal stole her breath, so much that she could hardly think. She couldn’t swallow away the need to pounce and crawl all over his hard body, then lick his neck, his chest, his… everything. He could make her hot and bothered in record time, at mach speed, but he didn’t need to know that. She slapped her hands on her hips and emphasized her chest and the curves of her body—everything she knew he liked. His black eyes flared. God, he’s too much fun. “You don’t like, baby?”


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