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Lynna's Beau (Tropical Paradise Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Kitty Margo

  Suzanne had groaned with pain when he laughingly reminding her of what a superb failure her ploy to see him dead had been. Going so far as to thank her for so graciously telling him how to find his wife. Reminding her of how unbelievably stupid she had been to fall for Sean Devereux’s lies. He had turned all the way around in the saddle and laughed uproariously when he asked if she truly believed that Sean, or any man for that matter, would choose her over a stunning beauty like Lynna? And on and on and on nonstop until he had dumped her on the ground in front of the jail.

  After a few hushed words to the jailer, Joshua had leapt on his horse and took off like the wind. To his whore no doubt! But he would never find her. Suzanne had made sure of that. Oh, but he would pay. They would all pay. Each and every single one of them. Starting with that little bitch Clara. If she had not been nosing around where she had no business being, and found Joshua, he would be long dead. Her plan had been foolproof, so perfect, before Clara had stepped in to ruin it. Oh, yes, she would pay. Dearly.

  The burly guard didn’t seem to care who her father was, nor that she was lying in a foul bunk suffering the degradation of smelling an overflowing slop jar. But she vowed that he would. Before this day was over.

  Tugging on the bodice of her gown until one puckered nipple popped out, she raised her arms over her head and pretended to sleep in what she considered her most seductive pose. Now, she need only wait patiently for the guard to bring her supper tray.

  Chapter 29

  Lynna’s gown for the Hammond’s Masquerade Ball was an exquisite work of art. Even her Aunt Judith could not have improved upon the design for the frothy confection. She was wearing the costume of a fairy princess with yards and yards of pale green gauzy material, with dozens of appliquéd ferns and flower blossoms flowed from the tight fitting waist. The top of the gown was snug and caused her breasts to nearly overflow the tiny seed pearls and embroidered daisies embellishing the bodice. Her hair was swept off her neck, dressed with real leafs and daisies, and a simply darling little mask covered her eyes.

  None in the room could rival her beauty. The females on the island who had glimpsed Lynna as she traveled about with Sean discovering the island’s many wonders no longer even tried.

  Lynna was positive there wasn’t a man in the room who hadn’t spun her around the dance floor at least once, but their names and faces were a blur. Discreetly removing a lace handkerchief from her bodice, she swiped at a thin sheen of perspiration on her décolletage with one hand and fanned herself vigorously with another. She needed a cold refreshment in the worst possible way.

  After thanking her current dance partner, a man in the buckskin costume of an Indian, she intended to make her way to the refreshment table as soon as the band finished the set. The Indian deftly twirled her into another dance all the while glancing over her shoulder at a black and white attired Domino leaning casually against the wall. Before she could protest, her partner changed course and danced her directly into the arms of the Domino, a taller man with only his eyes visible.

  She was again waltzing around the room with an unknown partner, thanks to his full mask. If only she could have something cold to quench her dry throat. She was about to inform the stranger as much when he suddenly drew her closer than etiquette would allow, but she was entirely too exhausted to pull away. Gathering her strength to admonish the overly bold man, she had opened her mouth to speak when something about the twinkle in his sea green eyes gave her pause.

  Those eyes. She had only met one other man with eyes the color of the sea, and when he winked behind the mask her heart skipped a full beat.

  Lynna stopped dancing, looked away to clear her spinning head, then remained perfectly still to draw a deep, calming breath. Why, someone must have handed her a stronger libation than lemonade by mistake earlier, for the grinning eyes shining from behind the mask almost looked like… but, no… it couldn’t be. It was impossible!

  The smothering panic in Joshua slowly eased as he held his wife close to his heart. She was safe. Surprisingly, she didn’t look any the worse for wear. In fact, she seemed to be thriving on the island. Thank God she didn’t appear to have suffered abuse at Sean’s hands. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered. “Do not make a sound, my love. It could cost us our lives.”

  “Sweet Holy Mother Mary of God!” Lynna’s strangled gasp echoed around the room, causing several people to glance her way.

  “Please forgive me, Madame,” Joshua said loud enough for the others to hear. “Did I trod on your foot? I beg you to forgive my clumsiness.” Then he squeezed her hand and spun her around as he whispered, “Lynna, my sweet, you must stop drawing attention to us if you wish to see me walk out of this room in one piece.”

  Lynna drew another breath, hoping to calm her racing heart and bringing a hand to her lips, did as she was asked. Joshua was alive! Dear God, he was alive! Forgetting his urgent warning, she made a move to throw her arms around his neck and squeal his name, but he quickly grabbed both her hands and held them at her sides. “Not now, darling. There will be plenty of time for us to get reacquainted later. For now, I must leave before the masks are removed.” He peered around the room trying to ascertain if anyone appeared overly suspicious of his wife’s enthusiastic display. Sean was peering at them intently.

  “It had been my intention to waltz you onto the verandah and steal you away into the night, but Sean is watching your every move. I must go now before I am discovered, but I will be waiting for you outside the house tonight. Come to me after the others are asleep.” The urge to draw her against his body and carry her out of the room was great, but he refused to take the risk of Lynna being injured in a fight. And he had no doubt that Sean would fight for her.

  Joshua’s passionate eyes gave added meaning to his words. “Come as quickly as you can, my love.” He bent down and whispered, “And you seemed to be having entirely too much fun dancing with other men.” Then he was gone.

  Once again, Lynna turned toward the refreshment table on legs that had suddenly gone numb. She had to be dreaming. Joshua was alive!

  Sean held out a cold glass of lemonade and she gulped it greedily, all the while wishing for something stronger to settle her nerves. “Who was that last man you danced with? I have placed everyone save him.”

  Lynna was watching the door where Joshua had exited and didn’t hear him. Sean snapped his fingers in front of her face to gain her attention. “Lynna, who was that masked man?”

  “I didn’t catch his name,” she lied.

  “I thought maybe that was what he whispered in your ear after he apparently trampled all over you feet. They must be sore after such abuse.” Sean forced a laugh, his eyes searching the crowd for the stranger.

  “To be honest, the music was so loud and I was so eager for this,” she tipped her glass for another long drink, “I don’t really recall what he said. Every man I have danced with tonight has whispered something in my ear, in fact. But I am beyond tired, Sean. Will we be leaving soon?”

  “The masks will come off at midnight and everyone’s true identity will be revealed.” Sean glanced around the room. Something about the man’s interaction with Lynna had given him pause. “Then we can leave, my love. Trust me when I say not a man here is more eager to return home tonight than I am.” His hands clasped around her tiny waist possessively. “I long to hear my name fall from your luscious lips as I pleasure you over and over until we must sleep from sheer exhaustion.”

  Nodding her head, she had no idea what he had said that she was agreeing too. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Joshua. Clapping her hands giddily, she allowed her excitement to show on her face causing her eyes to sparkle. Joshua has come to take her home! “This has been the best night of my life, Sean.”

  “The excitement has only begun, my darling.” As he whispered the words Sean watched the sparkle in her eyes immediately dim. He didn’t let it bother him overmuch. He watched the clock, willing time to fly. Nothing could dampen his spirits toni

  Joshua and Rob stood beneath the low hanging branches of an oleander tree and watched Sean Devereux, Lynna, and an elderly woman alight from the carriage well after midnight. It was a scene that appeared much too cozy for Joshua’s liking. Sean’s hands lingered too long, and seemed entirely too familiar on Lynna’s tiny waist as he lifted her to the ground. Then he helped the elderly lady down and the trio laughed gaily as they made their way up the verandah steps.

  “Would either of you care for a late night toddy,” the elderly lady asked.

  As Sean pulled Lynna close it was all Joshua could do to remain hidden in the trees and not physically remove Sean’s hands from her person.

  Rob grabbed his arm and held him back, silencing him with a finger to his lips. “Naw, jus’ stay back out de way. We aint’ gwine ris’ Buttercup gittin’ hurt in no fight.”

  Hearing Sean’s voice, they both turned toward the house. “No, Grandmama, not tonight. Lynna and I are eager to put this day to rest.” He smiled down at Lynna. “Aren’t we, darling.”

  “Darling?” Joshua seethed. “Why in the hell is he calling her darling!”

  Rob refused to allow his true feelings to show, but if the truth be known he was as unsettled by the scene on the verandah as Joshua. Something wasn’t right here.

  Joshua was left completely stupefied by Lynna’s giggling response of, “We certainly are.”

  It almost sounded as if they were lovers, eager to slip away from the woman and spend some time alone. Whatever Lynna’s position here, it appeared to be anything but captive. Joshua needed to get to the bottom of this charade. Soon. Sliding down against the trunk of the tree he prepared to wait as Lynna’s tinkling laughter drifted through the open windows.

  Rob stood with his huge hands clasped behind his back, nervously pacing back and forth. He didn’t like the way this was turning out. Not one bit.

  Then shortly the downstairs lights were extinguished. Joshua noticed a candle moving through an upstairs window as he settled back and lit a cheroot. “It shouldn’t be long now.”

  Over an hour later, Lynna finally emerged from a side door carrying a valise and hurrying across the lawn to fall into her husband’s welcoming embrace. “Joshua, darling, I cannot believe you are alive! So many nights I imagined looking out my window to find you standing in this very spot. And now, here you are. A dream come true.” After all this time, he was alive. Truly alive. Not just in her dreams. She stood completely still, almost afraid to move, afraid the vision would disintegrate and she would be alone again. His hazel eyes sparkled and his white teeth shone in the dark night.

  “Lynna, my darling, you have no idea the hell I have been going through believing you to be in the hands of some madman.” He held her close vowing to never let her go. “My God, I was afraid I would never see you again.” His lips placed feathery kisses on her eyes, her hairline, and her rosy cheeks until he finally reached her moist, parted lips. He slanted his head over her mouth not wanting to miss a single sensation. “I love you, Lynna. So much so, I feared I would go insane without you.”

  Lynna moaned deep in her throat as his tongue found hers and she felt the familiar tightening in the pit of her stomach. “They told me you were dead.”

  Joshua pulled away and stood her at arms length. “But I survived. We both did. So there is a happily ever after to our story.”

  Smothering him with kisses, Lynna whispered his name over and over, running her hands along his face, his neck, and curling them into his silky hair to assure herself that it really was her Joshua. “Joshua, you must tell me everything! What happened? Where did you go? Why didn’t you contact me? Have you met Beau?”

  “Yes, my love, I have met my son. Rest assured that he is safe and well. I will be happy to answer all your questions later, once I have you safely on my ship and out of harms way.” His heart swelled at the love he saw reflecting in the azure depths of her sparkling eyes. “But, I thought you would never come. I was on the verge of coming in after you. What took you so long?” Joshua held her face as his lips slowly lowered to hers. She melted against him feeling the kiss rush like a lightening bolt to the tip of her toes.

  “I had a few loose end to tie up before I could leave.” She broke the kiss and glanced back toward the house with an unreadable emotion glowing in her eyes. “I had to grab some clothes. But now I’m ready to spend the remainder of my life with you and Beau, my darling.”

  Rob stepped out from behind a tree as his face split into a huge grin. “I thought I’s gwine have to come in an’ gitchu, Buttercup.”

  “Rob!” she shrieked, launching herself into his massive arms as tears of joy spilled from her eyes. “How? When? Never mind, I am so happy to see you. I’ve been so worried about you. Oh, Rob, I have missed you so much.” Releasing him, she turned to embrace her husband, vowing to never let him out of her sight again. “Words cannot express how happy I am to see both of you.”

  Joshua made to pull away from her with the heat of revenge blazing in his eyes. “Wait here with Rob, Lynna. I have a few loose ends to tie up as well.”

  “No!” she cried out and quickly clapped her hand over her mouth lest they be discovered. “There will be no bloodshed. Sean’s grandmother is in the house and I love her dearly.” She ran in front of Joshua, forcing him to turn, and he saw in her the confidence that one gained after walking through hell, and surviving it. “You might not wish to hear this, Joshua, but Sean saved my life. I would be dead if not for him.”

  “You’re right, my love.” A vein throbbed in Joshua’s temple as his jaw flexed and he raked unsteady fingers through his hair. The tension was palpable. “I do not wish to hear this now.”

  “Regardless, it is the truth. Let’s just leave the island now, Joshua, I beg of you. Let us put this entire nightmare behind us and return to the ones we love back home.

  Joshua glanced at Rob, who kept glancing warily over his shoulder, and nodded his head in agreement. With one last longing glance toward the house Joshua made his decision to return to Trinidad at a later date and settle the score with Sean Devereux, after Lynna had been safely settled back at Sea Grove with their son. “As you wish, my sweet. For now, let us return to my ship. You have suffered enough trials and tribulations for any two lifetimes.” Joshua buried his face in the curve of her shoulder, then pulled her against his solid chest, able to breathe easily again for the first time since that long ago morning when he had last held her.

  As palm fronds clicked overhead and leaves rustled around them in the warm tropical breeze, he took a moment to inhale deeply of her lilac scent, a smell that had been denied him far too long. He yearned for so much more. Judging from the determined look on Rob’s stoic face, Joshua’s desires would have to be shelved for the time being.

  Rob was towering over them with his arms crossed firmly across his chest and Joshua knew exactly what he was thinking. Now was neither the time nor place for a reunion. “We needs to git Buttercup to de ship were she be safe. I know dat pi’ate got mens watchin’ dis place.”

  Scooping his wife into his arms, Joshua whispered against Lynna’s hair, “Come, my love, the Windjammer awaits.”

  Keep reading for a sample of book three in the Tropical Paradise Series

  Lynna’s Promise

  Chapter One


  April 1855

  A flood of vivid memories and conflicting emotions overwhelmed Lynna as she stepped inside Joshua’s cabin on the Windjammer. It looked exactly as it had when her father had first escorted her onboard, so many years ago. The bed, the windows, the desk and a table for two. She recalled sitting on this bed, imagining the old and dowdy sea captain she had assumed would be at the helm.

  She could not have been more wrong.

  Her hand lovingly caressed the finely carved cherry wood bedpost, unleashing a wealth of passionate memories that caused her body to tingle. Tracing her fingers along the edge of the table, she was reminded of the night she had partaken of too mu
ch port and gotten more than a little tipsy. Releasing a sigh, she meandered around the room, touching a compass, a sextant, and a logbook. It seemed like only yesterday she had boarded this ship for the first time, leaving her father and her homeland behind.

  She thought back to how thrilled she had been to be experiencing her first sea voyage, having no idea of the horrors that awaited her in the new land. An abusive uncle, Suzanne (a nightmare unto herself), pirates, shipwreck, voodoo, sickness so severe she had prayed for death to release her from the agony and, far worse than all the others, being forced to abandon her precious son.

  How naïve she had been upon leaving France. Barely eighteen, she had fallen into the arms of the dashing sea captain and never once looked back. Her heart and soul had belonged to Joshua Jordan since that night, but there had been so many obstacles standing in the way of their love.

  Sitting down in the window seat, she recalled the many hours she had miserably gazed out this very window, fearing she would be shunned and turned away when she arrived in Charleston carrying the Captain’s illegitimate child. Thankfully those visions had not come to pass.

  Gazing out the window she strained to see the gently rolling swells of the Caribbean in the darkness. She could hear the sails being raised and snapping as they filled with wind, timbers creaking as the mighty ship was set in motion. Joshua would be at the helm steering the Windjammer out to sea and far away from Trinidad.

  She had mixed feelings about leaving the lush island paradise she had grown to think of as home. Why? Why did the thought that she might never return to the island cause a sharp ache in her breast? She would dearly miss Lisbeth, of course. And Sean? What of Sean?

  “I believe we’s gwine make it outta heah ‘live.” Rob startled her as he leaned against the doorjamb, grinning. He was carrying a tray and a delicious aroma filled the air as he strolled across the room to place it on the table. “Ain’t no pi’ates aftah us dat I kin see.”


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