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Pretty Potions and Sexy Spells, Volume 1

Page 6

by Juliet Cardin

  “It must seem strange to become so much older than you are,” Tarock said.

  “Yes, aches and pains and all,” Ruby complained, rubbing her hip. “You would think when I change back into my true form this cursed hip pain would leave.”

  “It usually does, dear heart, but it’s only natural that even your youthful form will ache a little after...” His voice trailed off while he gestured to the floor of the attic.

  Ruby smiled. “It was divine, as always. Well worth the ache in my hip.”

  “Next time we should go outside so I can take you on the grass.”

  An image flashed in Ruby’s mind of kneeling upon the lush green grass with Tarock. He would get behind her and grasp her hips firmly in his large powerful hands, then poise himself before her passage, before entering her with his fully engorged manhood. Manhood! She hadn’t thought of a man’s cock in that term since the sixteenth century. All this talk of her age made her think back more and more about how old she truly was. Being a witch, she enjoyed the gift of a slow aging process. Though not immortal, in her true form she appeared as a woman in her early thirties. In fact, her true age exceeded five hundred years.

  “As much as I’d love to, I can’t take the chance of one of my neighbors seeing us.”

  “Not that they’d recognize you, darling. But I suppose it would still be quite a shock.”

  Creating a cloaking potion to make her appear to age alongside her spouse had been easy. She developed the potion when she married Alfred, so they’d grown old together, just as he always predicted they would.

  It was true Ruby had been admired and sought after by some of the most powerful warlocks and true immortals on earth. But she preferred the company of human males. Their tenderness, passion, and zest for life made them superior to the otherworldly males, not only in bed sport, but also as companions. The immortals possessed arrogance, being lackadaisical and unconcerned with life. Where-as mortals lived each day as though it could be their last, as indeed, it might be. Most immortals Ruby encountered were bored, having seen and experienced practically everything life had to offer. After meeting Alfred, Ruby took their relationship further than she had ever dared before with a mortal. They’d married, and the fifty years they spent together were the happiest of Ruby’s long life.

  Watching the man she loved grow old and eventually die took more strength than she thought she possessed. If she’d been blessed with magical children like the other witches in her coven her loss may have been easier to bear. Over the years generations of witches and warlocks were born in her extended family while Ruby remained barren. And lonely. Until Alfred had come into her life. Dear Alfred, the man she’d loved the most by far over all of her earlier mates.

  And yet, he’d been mortal.

  After Alfred died, Ruby was forlorn. True, she had her coven, but she could not share that life with her beloved Alison and her grandchildren. She vowed to remain the aging old woman her family knew as long as possible despite it sometimes feeling like a confining existence. Then, Ruby recalled the spell to change an animal into human form.

  The transformation was different for Tarock; for once he shifted, he could alter his form at will. Not so for Ruby. She used a potion to cloak herself as an old woman and another potion to turn herself back. Sweet Tarock sometimes got so impatient for her to change he insisted he would make love to her no matter how she appeared. Ruby wouldn’t have minded but for the fact her old body couldn’t possibly keep up to Tarock. Keeping up to him in her youthful form was difficult enough.

  “Have you decided what to do about Alison?” Tarock purred.

  Ruby stroked him while she sat in a huge overstuffed chair in the attic. Tarock sat between her feet with his head resting back against her naked belly. His hair felt silky soft running through her fingers. “I think I do have an idea.”

  Tarock turned around to kneel before her. “Tell me.”

  “I’ll make myself a nurse to care for me.”

  “Make yourself one, love?” His tongue licked his lips.

  Ruby watched the anticipation cross his face. “Yes. I’ll cast a spell upon a sweet white dove and turn it into my doting nurse. That should satisfy Alison.”

  “Yes, it should. Now, sweet Ruby, let me satisfy you.”

  As Tarock’s head came down, Ruby lifted her bare hips to him wantonly. She arched her back against the chair and watched as his mouth burrowed beneath her nest of curls. His tongue flicked out, touching her softly, then he began lapping at her sensuously as though she was a treasured dish of cream to be leisurely enjoyed.

  “Damn you, Tarock,” Ruby said through gritted teeth. He took such delight in teasing her. Though she must admit she enjoyed his sexual play, and quickly became hungry for more.

  “Mmmm,” Tarock purred. The vibration of his mouth made Ruby’s hips leap up even higher off the chair. Her head thrashed back and forth as she felt one large finger slip into her silky sheath, and then she felt another.

  “More Tarock!” she begged.

  “Greedy witch.” When he lifted his head, she grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him back down on her.

  “Yes. I am a greedy witch. More, Tarock, more,” she hissed as she felt another finger slip deep inside of her. He worked his fingers, moistened with her juices, in and out while Ruby panted hard.

  “Come for me, witch,” he demanded. “Come for me now.”

  Ruby screamed out his name as waves of release washed over her. She rode out her climax as Tarock continued to splay her with his tongue and fingers. Finally, she collapsed on the chair.

  “Why didn’t you take your pleasure too?” she asked him.

  “It is my greatest pleasure just to please you, my love,” he told her.

  Ruby smiled at him as he twisted around and settled against the chair. He leaned back and rested his head against her belly again. Tomorrow would be soon enough to catch her dove and make herself a nurse. Tonight she would spend making love to Tarock.

  Chapter 3

  The magical seed Ruby spread out on the back lawn did its work. The slumbering dove rested in her hands as she made her way up to the attic.

  Tarock’s ears perked up as she passed by the chair he relaxed in. When the scent of prey passed him by, he quickly leaped up and sprang onto the ground to wrap himself around Ruby’s feet.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Ruby scolded as she scooted past the feline and shuffled upstairs. When she entered the attic, she gently laid the dove down in the circle she’d made upon the floor. Then she swung the door shut before Tarock could get inside.

  After Tarock retired late last night, Ruby stayed up to mix her potion. If everything went as planned, turning the gentle dove into her nurse would get Alison to change her mind about forcing Ruby to leave her home.

  She took but a moment to drink back a potion and turn herself into her true form before she began the spell. “Falenthia, Aeratranna, Solomotra, Fen!” Ruby chanted as she prepared to toss the potion into the circle.

  The door to the attic squeaked open and Tarock, once again in human form, stepped into the room. He came over to stand beside Ruby.

  “Don’t even think about touching that dove,” Ruby warned.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, dear heart.”

  Ruby lifted the potion. Just as she threw it into the circle, a huge black raven flew in through the open window. It must have spotted the dove from the tree outside, because it went directly for the slowly awakening creature. As the glass vile containing the potion hit the floor and shattered in the center of the circle, the raven attacked its prey.

  There was no time to react. Ruby and Tarock stood frozen to the spot and watched in horror as the scene played out before them. Slowly the smoke began to dissipate. They waited as the circle became clear. Involuntarily, Ruby took a step back as a terrible sight greeted her eyes. The raven, with the dove still clenched in its mouth, had become a man.

  Tarock hissed as the vile black creature stepped toward them. Tall
and slim, with the blackest of cloaks to cover his form, came the raven. He spat the bloodied dove from his mouth, suddenly offended by its presence.

  “What have you done?” demanded Ruby, anger beginning to replace her shock.

  The raven lifted his hands, his fingers curled up like claws, before his eyes, and stared at them. He touched his face and his hair, moving his hands over his lips and ears. He ran them down his chest and across the cloak. “I...I am man,” he gasped. “ is this possible?”

  “I will tell you how it’s possible, you treacherous beast. You killed my dove is how.” Ruby went to strike out at the raven, but Tarock stayed her hand.

  “Do not touch him. He is evil.” A dove was known for being sweet and gentle, where as a raven’s nature was quite the opposite.

  The raven curled his lips into his first smile—a gruesome sight. He lifted his bony finger and pointed it at Ruby. “You did this to me.”

  Ruby couldn’t tell if he was pleased or not. When the raven took another step closer, Tarock blocked his path. “You do not belong here,” he said to the raven.

  The raven’s eyes traveled the length of Tarock’s body. “You, too, are that which is false, I think.” He sniffed at the air distastefully. “You smell of cat, yet, you are man. What manner of magic is this?” His eyes flashed back to Ruby. “If I do not belong here, then neither does he.”

  “He is welcome here,” snapped Ruby as she stretched up to snarl at the raven behind Tarock’s hulking form.

  Tarock, still keeping a wary eye on the raven, turned slightly to look at her. “Go, my love. Let me deal with this.”

  “You dare to order your mistress from the room? You, nothing but a filthy feline.”

  “Do not talk to him like that!”

  “That is what he is. Am I not correct?” demanded the raven.

  Ruby wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her become angrier than she already was. He obviously baited her. The frightening thing was the lack of any fear the raven exhibited for either of them. He willfully attempted to incite their wrath, as though he fed off of it.

  Tarock backed up with Ruby safely behind him as the raven began to walk around the room. He inspected everything with almost childlike fascination, touching and lifting objects to his nose, acquainting himself with his human senses. As he approached the table holding Ruby’s potions and spell book, he reached out his hand.

  Ruby voiced her dismay. “Don’t,” she gasped as he lifted the potion that had changed his form from animal into man. It could also change him back again, but Ruby feared this was not his intent. Before any warning was offered, the raven smashed the vile onto the floor in front of Tarock. Instantly, he changed back into a cat. He could have transformed back into a man at will, but it took him a moment or two to do so. He didn’t have the time to react.

  The raven lunged at Tarock and grabbed him with his claw-like hands. He would have snapped his neck if Ruby hadn’t seen his intent and attacked him with her fists. Her blows bounced off the lean, hardened body of the raven-man, doing nothing more than irritate him. He swatted her away with one of his hands.

  The moment of distraction served Tarock well though, and he twisted his agile feline body and bit down hard on the raven’s finger.

  “Damn you!” the raven screamed as he flung Tarock to the floor.

  Ruby wasted no time in scooping up Tarock and fleeing from the room. Her feet pounded down the stairs and flew down the hallway, not slowing until she burst out the back door and reached the yard. She ran to the center of the lawn and turned back to look at the house. When she saw the raven did not follow her, she gently knelt down and laid Tarock on the ground.

  “My darling, are you hurt?” she asked while she ran her hands gently all over Tarock’s sleek body and felt for broken bones.

  Tarock flicked his tail and changed back into a man. He groaned a little and lay still as Ruby watched him anxiously. A moment later he sprung to his feet and held out his hand to her. Thank goodness for nine lives.

  “I think I need to go back in there and teach that loathsome fowl some manners.” Tarock spun around on his heels and began stalking back towards the house.

  “No!” Ruby ran and put herself in front of him, halting his determined gait. “Think, darling. He has the vials. He can change you back into a cat and kill you. He must somehow know it is the only way he can kill you since you are immortal as a man.”

  Tarock looked at Ruby and cringed as understanding enveloped him. “Then he too is immortal.”

  “Only when in human form.”

  Tarock raked his hands through his hair in frustration. “It’s not likely he will willingly change back. How can we stop him?”

  Ruby bit her lip while she contemplated their dilemma. “I don’t know. I can’t go to the police, or even Alison for that matter. Not like this,” she said, gesturing to her youthful body.

  “He even has your potions inside, and you cannot disguise yourself without them. What can we do?”

  Ruby turned and began to walk to the back of her large yard. Tarock followed her until she stopped at the base of a huge weeping willow tree. He lifted his gaze to follow her line of sight and saw an old tree house. Alfred had built it years ago for their two grandchildren.

  “It hasn’t been used in years, and I can just imagine the condition.”

  “Let me, all right, my love?” Tarock didn’t wait for a reply as he waved his hand before his body and changed himself back into a cat. Quickly he scurried up the trunk of the tree and climbed into the tree house. A few moments later, Tarock, the man, stuck his head out of the window and flashed a smile at Ruby. “All clear, but wait for me to climb down the steps and make sure they’re secure.”

  Ruby admired his backside while he descended the old wooden steps. When he stood before her, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary, Ruby couldn’t help but grin back at him.

  It was true that a black-hearted bird had exiled her from her own home, and forced her to stay in a rundown tree house, but at least she wasn’t alone.

  “Shall we,” Tarock asked making a grand gesture towards the tree.

  “Ladies first,” Ruby said.

  Chapter 4

  “Did you see anything?” Ruby asked as Tarock emerged up through the floor into the tree house later that afternoon.

  He transformed himself into a man. “No, I can sense him though. It’s like I know what room he’s in, but I just fail to catch a glimpse of him.”

  “He’s a crafty devil; it’s in his nature.”

  “Just as it is in my nature to be stroked and petted,” Tarock said seductively.

  Ruby noticed the intent behind his look. “You naughty kitty.”

  Tarock came forward and took Ruby into his arms. “There’s a cozy rug on the floor, a chair, and even a tiny couch. All kinds of possibilities. And there is all that green grass outside.”

  “You’ve been into the catnip again, haven’t you?” Ruby sighed as Tarock nibbled on her ear. Ruby had picked some apples off the tree in her yard, and grabbed some vegetables from her garden for them to eat, but Tarock hadn’t shown much interest in her offerings. Ruby figured he had probably taken advantage of his feline form to hunt down something more to his liking.

  “And it makes me so hot for you.”

  Ruby put her hand over the large bulge in Tarock’s tight leather pants. “Everything makes you hot, darling. Why don’t you get out of these?”

  He’d shed his cloak in the tree house the last time he changed form. If Ruby’s neighbors happened to peek over the high wooden fence around her yard, she hoped they’d think Tarock was her gardener. Although, in those leather pants, it would be quite a stretch.

  “What are you thinking about, love?” Tarock asked as he slipped out of his pants and let them drop to the floor. He wore a leopard g-string.

  “I’m thinking the next time I go out, I’ll get you some clothes. Shorts for outside, and definitely some boxers.”
/>   Bending his arms up over his head, Tarock swung his hips around in a slow rhythmic circle as though gyrating to music. “What’s wrong with these?”

  “Oh, nothing. I just can’t seem to concentrate when you prowl around in them.”

  “Well, you’ll have to put up with them because I don’t know how long we’re going to be stuck out here.” He winked at her.

  “Yes. This is quite a problem. We’ve been outside most of the day, while that feather brain lives it up in my house.”

  “The bastard,” hissed Tarock. He stopped swinging his hips around and sat down on the carpet, stretching out his long legs before him and leaning back on his hands.

  “I can only imagine the devilry he’s been up to. He’s got my potions and my spell book.”

  “You’ve got access to your special little garden though. Couldn’t you whip up something out here to cook his goose?”

  “If only I could. Unfortunately, I really need my caldron to mix a potion. The good thing is the spell book isn’t going to be very helpful to the raven if he can’t get to the garden for the ingredients.”

  “Don’t you keep a bunch of dried herbs inside?”

  “Yes, I do. But that cupboard is always locked. I tell Alison my medication is in there.”

  “Wouldn’t she be surprised to see the bat wings and toad stools you’ve got hidden away?”

  Ruby threw an old pillow at him. “Very funny.”

  Tarock laid right back on the floor and tucked the pillow behind his head. Ruby couldn’t resist the temptation and straddled his body, resting her bottom on his lower region.

  Tarock smiled and arched his hips lifting her up off the floor. “Want to go for a ride?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Then hold on tight.” He thrust his hips up and down mimicking the sway of a horse while Ruby braced her hands on his massive chest. As she felt him harden beneath her, she scooted back farther on his thighs and freed him from his leopard g-string. It only took her a moment longer to rise up and shed her pants and panties before resuming her position on top of him.


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