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Clan of Redemption

Page 7

by Rushell Ann

  Chapter 6


  I opened my eyes but couldn’t focus on anything. I smelled a musty odor and a I could tell a light was on.

  “Just take it easy, you passed out on us and have been sleeping for awhile. How are you feeling?” Sully asked me.

  “I feel like someone hit me in the head, what happened. I remember the accident and then starting to drive again, but that’s all I remember,” I said as I rubbed my eyes to try and get my focus again.

  “Don’t sit up, you might have a concussion from the accident. That car hit you. I think it just took a minute for it to sink in.”

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “We are in Long Beach, we arrived a few hours ago, we picked the closest motel we could find. And by the way, carrying you is no easy chore,” Blake said as he sat on the bed next to me.

  “You carried me in, are you crazy, you could have hurt yourself,” I said.

  “Oh please, you only way, what… a buck 30. That’s nothing,” Blake said as he brushed the hair out of my face.


  “That dog is very protective of you, he watched every move I made with you and didn’t leave your side,” Blake said.

  I reached out with my right hand and felt his soft fur. I started to feel warm again all over.

  Jayden, don’t pull on your energy so much, only use it when your need to. Let your body wake up on its own.

  “It just feels so good,” I said.

  “Wow I didn’t know you felt that way about him” Sully said.

  “What…no I was talking to someone else,” I said.

  “Who were you talking to?” Blake asked.

  “I must still be a little sleepy,” I said trying to wipe the sleep from my brain.

  “I went and got you water, do you need anything else?” Sully asked me as she hands me the bottle of water. Not going to let me refuse, I took the bottle and started to sip it.

  “No thanks, I’ll be ok I am still really tired,” I said.

  “So I see two beds, are we all sleeping in one room?” I asked.

  “I got two rooms, I thought you girls would like some time alone,” Blake said as he stood up.

  “Thanks Blake I really appreciate it, did you two unload the car?” I asked.

  “Yep, all done chicken little, you just rest up so you’re fresh for tomorrows adventure,” Sully said as she sat down on the other bed.

  “Ok, well ladies if there’s anything else you need, my room is right next door,” Blake said as he left our room.

  “Jayden, are you really ok, it was like you were talking to someone else?” Sully asked me as she popped up on the bed almost to see how bouncy it was.

  “I’m ok, I just feel really weak, he told me that might happen but I didn’t believe him. I guess I haven’t wanted to believe in anything that has been happening, but I think it’s time I start to listen to him,” I said as I rubbed the bottle of water on my forehead.

  “Now I know you hit your head hard, who are you talking about?” Sully asked me.

  “I told you, the dog!” I exclaimed.

  “Is this what you were trying to tell me at the restaurant?” Sully asked.

  “Yes, the dog talks to me, he told me that it would drain me to use my “new abilities” as he calls them,” I said as I sat the edge of the bed so I could face her.

  “Abilities, ok now were talking the twilight zone, maybe we need to call Stan Lee,” Sully said while laughing.

  “I’m being very serious Sully, that car hit Saska and I, and there is no damage to my car, how do you explain that?” I asked.

  “Well old cars are a lot tougher than newer ones and I think that car did hit you, hello,” Sully said.

  Jayden, if she doesn’t believe you, quit trying to make her, she’ll figure it out in her own time. You need your sleep, tomorrow is an unknown day and you need to be prepared.

  “Prepared for what?” I asked him.

  “What, who are you talking to, oh wait….I forgot your talking to the dog,” Sully said as she sat back on the bed and put her feet up, grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

  I don’t know, but I do know that I can feel bad things are coming, just get some sleep and tell Sully that she shouldn’t snoop through Blake’s things.

  “Sully I need to get some sleep, oh yeah, Saska says it’s not polite to snoop through Blake’s things,” I said as I went to my bad and grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to sleep in.

  “I….well he was taking care of you and he tried to be bossy and tell me to get the bags so I thought I would just check out his stuff, make sure he’s not hiding anything,” Sully said as she folded her arms like a little girl.

  “Right, I thought you’re the one that told me to trust him,” I asked as I changed my clothes and got into bed.

  “Well I was just curious, hey wait a minute, how did you know that I went through his stuff?” Sully asked me as she sat forward so she could see my face.

  “Why don’t you ask Saska….I’m tired now, goodnight Sully,” I said as I turned off the light on the end table between our beds.

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