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Her Knights in Black Stetsons [Smalltown, USA] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Shae Shannon

  “Well, I think they still feel like they should only see her as a little sister, and not as what she is…a beautiful, amazing woman. She hasn’t dated since all of that went down with that crazy Trent. I thought for sure that they would realize then and make sure she didn’t end up with anyone else, but their dang stubbornness won out. I want her here with us, so I can make sure she is okay, and maybe be a big enough temptation that they will finally get their heads outta their butts and do what they should have a long time ago.” She held herself rigid, filling with determination.

  “I like how you think, sweetheart. That’s why I love you. Your big ol’ heart, and your need to meddle for the greater good.” He flinched, waiting for the inevitable slap that was sure to come. He gave her his best toothy, goofy grin, sending a string of giggles to burst out of the petite woman.

  “Get to work, old man. Come on, help me carry food to the barn to stock saddlebags. I don’t want y’all out there hungry or thirsty.” She hooked her arm in his, and led him down the hall to the enormous kitchen.

  * * * *

  Jase had gotten his dad’s message, and after finally getting EmmaLee’s piece of shit truck towed to the work barn, he hurried to the house. After seeing how bad a shape the beater was in his temper flared. He wouldn’t want himself or one of his brothers to drive this death trap around, much less Emmie. What the hell was she thinking? She knew good dang well that all she had to do was come get one of the farm trucks. She would be lucky if he didn’t bend her over his knee and whip her ass.

  Lyndon had called him earlier from her house and told him how bad off she really was. There was no wood stocked up for the wood stove, no hot water, no cook stove, half the damn house was dark and the cabinets and fridge were bare. What on earth had made her think she couldn’t come to the dang ranch where she belonged? Hell, it was as much hers as his and the boys. There was no way she was going back to that dump, ever. It was time he put his dang foot down and made her let them take care of her, whether she liked it or not. Half her clothes were hung in the house on hangers to dry. Lyndon had even said that laundry soap was sitting on the side of the tub where she had been washing everything by hand.

  The more he thought about the whole mess, the hotter he got. By the time he reached the front door, he was fuming. He all but sprinted down the hall for a quick bathroom break before he needed to grab a few things and hustle to the barn. Without thinking anything of it, he barreled through the bathroom door, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by a topless, gorgeous, mouthwatering…“Emmie!”

  “Jase! Don’t you know how to knock?” EmmaLee squealed and twirled to turn her back to him.

  He stood transfixed, frozen in utter shock. “Emmie, uh, sorry, I uh, I didn’t know you were here. Why are you nekked?”

  She flung the flannel shirt on as fast as her fingers would button it up. “I am not naked, I was just changing shirts and throwing a pair of jeans on to go help with the cows. I wasn’t expecting anyone but Lilly and Jeremy to be here, and both knew where I am.” Her voice softened, showing the deep insecurities rear their evil head. “I should have locked the door. Sorry, Jase.” She turned around with her eyes plastered to the floor and fiddled with her boots.

  “Well are you gonna hug my neck or just stand there actin’ like I ain’t never seen you nekked before?”

  EmmaLee lifted her eyes to meet Jase’s in surprise. If she didn’t know better, she would almost bet money that she could see an unfamiliar heat in his baby blue pools. She became temporarily mesmerized at the sight that stood before her. Jase was twenty-five, and the baby of the boys. His short brown hair spiked up in a messy bedhead look. His sculpted features were softened by the most adorable dimples she had ever seen. He was six feet, four inches, two hundred fifty pounds of walking orgasm. A white T-shirt clung to his torso, making her wish on everything that a torrential downpour would come through and soak said shirt. His jeans hugged large, muscular thighs, and she itched to spin him around for a glance at the rear view.

  A low, gravelly voice snapped her out of the ogling haze she had dropped into. “Don’t look at me like that, Emmie. It might give me the wrong idea.” A tremor of electricity ran up the length of her spine at the underlying invitation. His eyes were narrowed into an intense stare that penetrated into the depths of her soul. “Come here, Emm.” The commanding tone both shook her and heated her core.

  Her head went a million miles a minute, knowing good dang and well that there was no way in hell he was actually coming on to her. After all of these years, she still hung on to her preteen fantasy of waking up someday to the three coming and sweeping her off of her feet and confessing their undying love to her. She knew it would never happen, and in reality it would be weird if all three did, but in her dreams it was wonderful. Self-doubt and insecurities flooded out the happy thoughts, and brought her slamming back into the reality that no one like him could be interested in a girl like her. She instantly broke eye contact and went back to staring at the floor. She began blinking rapidly to avoid the tears that threatened to fall. “I uh, I guess that you are the unlucky one that got stuck towing my truck back, given the grease on your shirt. I am sorry you had to, Jase.” She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

  Jase recognized the moment she popped into her insecure mode. “EmmaLee Brooke. I said come here now.” His tone left no hint of teasing or room for argument. Her head snapped up. Her eyes were wide in surprise and what appeared to be a tinge of fear, and her plump, juicy lips hung open. He could faintly see her bottom lip trembling faintly. She hesitantly walked over and softly hugged him in a one-arm, open embrace. Let’s see if this will drop her reservations a little. He moved his hand up her free arm and positioned it around his neck with the other. He let his hands slowly flow down her sides before wrapping her tight and pulling her against his body.

  A soft gasp whispered from her. Aah. That’s more like it. Jase trailed one paw down the small of her back in a light caress, stopping on the top where back merged into luscious, perfect ass. Without skipping a beat, he pressed into her, showing his raging hard-on by making contact with the joint between her legs and belly. Her breathing hitched, morphing into shallow pants. Oh yeah, fuck yeah. She is perfect. Now, let’s erase a few layers of that self-doubt.

  He pulled away just enough to look her in the eyes. She looked like a goddess. Her face was flushed to a pretty pink. The deep brown pools staring back at him gushed with arousal. In a tormenting snail’s pace, he lowered his mouth to hers, stopping with only a hair’s space from her lips, and whispered, “You are so fuckin’ hot, darlin’. I have fought off my attraction for years. I am sorry for what I am about to do.”

  Jase pushed the gap and brought his lips down on hers. He lightly brushed soft pecks on her lips, treating her like a skittish colt. Startled, she tried to pull away. His arms tightened around her body and drew her sex against his, making a deep moan to escape her. He took advantage of her parted mouth and traced the rim of the entrance with the tip of his tongue before carefully easing it into the forbidden cavern. She instantaneously responded, moving to meet his tongue in exploration. It was Jase who released a deep, hungry groan this time as his desire grew even higher. She swallowed the sounds and deepened the kiss into a burning need. He tangled one hand in her hair, taking control of her mouth, and delivered a sample of what had begun to combust inside of him. The other hand roamed under her shirt along her back before dipping into the waist of her jeans. He palmed her luscious ass, squeezing and caressing it into his throbbing dick. He broke their connection and trailed his mouth down her neck, biting and sucking enough to make her squirm. She had melted into a puddle of need in his arms. Footsteps in the hall caught his attention, and it took every ounce of willpower he had to release her and step toward the door. She stood, with the most beautiful glow, lost in a drunken state of yearning and eroticism. Her eyes widened as the abrupt halt drifted into her awareness, but before she could react, Lyndon busted into the bathroom. />
  “There you are, Emmie. What the hell is going on?” His deep voice rang with intensity and anger.

  * * * *

  EmmaLee’s face glowed red as embarrassment sunk in. She had no idea how he knew what had happened, but this was a catastrophe of astronomic proportions in the making. “I…I don’t know what you mean.” Her eyes darted around the room, examining the marble whirlpool tub and the enormous walk-in shower that had recently replaced the old claw-foot tub that she had grown up using on visits. From the raised-bowl-type sinks to the marble countertops, she kept her eyes roaming in a field trip to avoid the situation the best she could. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Somehow, she felt the crimson coloring deepening from the sudden burn in her skin while she tried to avoid the explosion that was soon to hit. Oh my God! How could I have let that happen? I just ruined the only family I have!

  Her heart pounded in her chest so hard she was certain he could hear its thuds as it attempted to break out of her chest and pour out every detail of what had just taken place. Tears threatened in the back of her eyes, and she pushed them away in a feeble attempt to grasp the thin strands of hope that held her standing. Her throat constricted, making swallowing impossible. Her eyes darted to Jase, who only stood propped against the door looking as if he didn’t have a worry in the world. Pain struck like a sword gashing through her, stabbing over and over again. He doesn’t even care enough to come to my rescue, after he started the whole kiss! I knew I wasn’t attractive to him. It meant nothing to him. No. How could I let myself fall that easily? Why did he fucking kiss me then? Oh Lord, please just let me die now. Right here, on the bathroom floor, kill me dead. Her inner dialogue was interrupted by a very impatient looking Lyndon. She jumped into the best defensive posture she could muster. Maybe Lillian will still give me a ride home after she finds out. I can just go home and never come back again. “Emm. I asked you a question.” Lyndon’s voice had taken on a gruff, commanding grumble.

  “Sorry, what was that?” Her voice faltered and shook, but to her surprise she was able to get her voice to work.

  “I said, what the hell do you think you are doing?” He lowered his eyelids into a feral stare, sending waves of anger out around the room. Her body began to tremble. It took every last drop of self-preservation she had to remain standing and not fall in a heap of defeat to the ground in sobs.

  “I…I…don’t know w–wha–what you’re talking about.” Her voice was almost a whisper as she began folding into herself in attempts of escape. Her arms wrapped around her midsection, shielding in defense. The tears that threatened had begun to pool in her eyes, causing her vision to blur. She tried not to blink because that was a sure surrender that they would once again stream down her cheeks today. What the heck. Today is hell. I am in a nightmare, and am going to wake up in my bed. This has to be just a bad dream. Please let this be a bad dream, damn it! Her eyes won the battle and slammed shut.

  “Damn it, EmmaLee, we are family. How the fuck could you let this go on?” He had closed the gap between them in two giant steps to stand in front of her. She heard Jase move closer also, hopefully to stop his brother if he turned physical. Just take what you deserve. You did this. You fucked up. Jase, please don’t get involved more, I don’t want to cause any more problems or get in between you and your brothers! I have done enough damage already. Her mind whirled round and round, causing her to become overwhelmed and dizzy. His hands came down on her shoulders, wrapping around her arms. She flinched and prepared for the inevitable. Oh God this is going to hurt! Her eyelids clamped shut, squeezing out more unshed tears that had gathered.

  “EmmaLee Brooke Anderson! Look at me!” She couldn’t. It was best to just stay in the confinements of her body to rough out the storm. “We are family! If I ever see you going without again, I will spank your ass! Do you hear me? I went to your house, missy, and let me tell you something. I freaked the fuck out. You have always been welcome here. You are family to us, damn it, do you understand?”

  Her tightly clamped eyes popped open to see the concern shooting from his honey eyes. She released the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding in a loud puff. Every muscle in her rigid body went lax in relief. He doesn’t know. He didn’t see me and Jase. Thank you, God. I can never make Jase feel he needs to do something like that to comfort me again. It was a mistake, and it can’t ever happen if I want to keep this amazing, loving family. Whew.

  She stared with her mouth hanging open, at the powerful, dominating presence he carried. At the age of twenty-six, he was the middle of the Dennison boys. He towered her at six feet, five inches tall and stacked muscle on top of muscle weighing around 265 pounds. Hard, repetitive manual farm labor had crafted him into a Greek god. His hair was short with soft waves, which only brought more notice to the huge, honey eyes that were lined with the longest lashes she had ever seen. What she wouldn’t give to have lashes like that. His features were chiseled, like a perfect statue. Unlike the other two, well-defined cheekbones and full lips made him ruggedly handsome and a walking sex object.

  Her eyes slowly trailed over him, soaking in every detail to categorize for later. Blame the emotions, cold shower, or shitty day, but she was realizing for the first time of her life how perfect each of the brothers were, and how they made her body heat and tingle. These three had ruined her on finding anyone that could remotely compare. Knowing that there was no way in hell she had a chance with any of them, she was surely destined to be alone. Even if by some grace of a miracle she could marry one, there would be no way she could choose or be satisfied with just one of them. They all held equal parts of her heart. There was also no way in any universe that she could be with all three, so learning to accept her bleak and dark fate was all she needed to be focusing on, not every curve of male perfection that consumed her fantasies.

  “Do. You. Understand. Me. Emm.” His concern seeped into every one of her pores and abruptly snapped her from the ridiculous delusions that haunted her soul.

  After a long pause, she answered a simple, tiny, “Yes.” His arms wrapped around her and slammed her onto the hard mass of muscle in his chest. He squeezed her tight in the biggest bear hug she had ever had. Her arms loosely wrapped around his abdomen to return the embrace, for fear she wouldn’t be able to control her hands from moving along to search out and trace every etched muscle that showed through his shirt. He finally let her go, but not out of his hold.

  “Your stuff is all on its way. I got Justin and Wyatt haulin’ it over. Ma had the basement turned into an apartment, so that’s where you are going. She wouldn’t let any of us boys use it, said it was for her girl when she finally moved home.” Lyndon’s whole persona had changed in the blink of an eye.

  “Y’all have done enough, I am not going to move in and mooch off of everyone. If I can just get the hot water heater fixed and a few lightbulbs I will be fine.” EmmaLee’s convincing didn’t work, however.

  He tightened his arm around her into another hug, folding her against him. “It ain’t mooching if you are invited. Plus, you have no say-so about it. It is not up for negotiations. Now, let’s go get some cow jay jay juice on us, Dad is waiting.” Her body instantly responded, relaxing more and getting warm. She knew that after the almost heart failure she had just experienced, there was no way in hell she should be enjoying his closeness. Her damn body began down the same track it was on before he had interrupted. Stop, you damn traitor! Wrong brother! Don’t go getting all whorish. This has to stop. All three brothers are off limits! Fuck, they are practically your damn kin! So, just stop your fuzzies and wuzzies and quit getting me all hot and bothered, ’cuz it ain’t happening! During her little conversation with her body, she could have sworn that his crotch was growing hard against her belly.

  With a simple peck on the forehead, he walked out with the corners of his mouth tipped up in the smallest of smiles.

  Jase speedily shut and locked the bathroom door, and crooked his finger at her, motioning for her to come to him
. She hesitated, letting the demons swarm her mind like a locust plague. “Come here.” His tone left no room for arguments. She slowly stepped over to him, as if calculating each step she took. When she finally stood within reach, she stopped.

  “We need to get going. Your dad is waiting.” Her voice came out monotone, lifeless and without any emotion. He slowly shook his head “no,” with a small, mischievous grin as his eyes narrowed and zoned in on her like a lion would to its prey. She stood, paralyzed. Her mind screamed at her to get out and avoid any other inappropriate situations that would cause devastation in the future. Her body put up a hell of a fight, knowing what it wanted and determined to stay and see what would happen. Before she had a chance to make a choice, he made it for her. In one fluid motion, he picked her up, and nudged her legs to wrap around his waist. In a few long strides with his long legs, he had her sitting on the bathroom counter, still wrapped around him and eye level.

  “You panicked, huh? You thought it was because of me kissing you. That’s why you almost fainted. What was going through your head, Emm?” Immense concern wearied the lines of his features.

  “Nothing. I…nothing. We need to go, Jase.”

  “Yes, we do, and we are going to have a long conversation soon. Don’t think this is over, missy, got it?” All she managed was a small, curt nod before his lips crushed against hers. This time, there was no prodding or prancing around what his intentions were. He laid it all out for her, loud and clear, in the hottest, sexiest, panty-wetting kiss she had ever had in her life. Her body hummed with excitement, responding with a feral hunger of its own. Finally, after she had melted into a puddle and was about to run down the sink, he pulled back. With a simple kiss to each eyelid and one on her nose, he lifted her off of the marble countertop to stand on the floor. “Come on, Emmie. We will finish this as soon as we get back.”


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