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Her Knights in Black Stetsons [Smalltown, USA] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Shae Shannon

  Jase stepped up and wrapped his arms around her. “Naw, you gave her just enough. I done called the sheriff and explained how she had assaulted you out of jealousy from the Trent incident earlier.” He kissed her head in a reassuring gesture. When he finally released her, he kept one arm snaked around her back in a protective, possessive claim.

  Wyatt laughed, causing the others to stare at him in confusion. “Sorry, y’all. But I have to say it. Emmie tore that chick uppp! Who knew you were a secret MMA fighter! Did you train with Diego Sanchez? Chuck Lidell? Girl, you belong in the octagon!” Lyndon landed a punch on his arm, while the others all laughed.

  Justin stepped up and handed her a shot. “Here, I thought that you probably wasted a good buzz, so might as well get it back. You are going to feel like hell tomorrow either way, so why not take advantage of it?” EmmaLee laughed and thanked him.

  Conversation began to perk back up, and all seemed to be normal except for Dixon. He hadn’t spoken besides a few measly words here or there, and remained sullen and distant. She wanted to make sure he was okay, but needed privacy to do so, and wouldn’t find it here. EmmaLee attempted to keep her heart from dropping into her stomach, but the fear of what was to come with Dixon had her guts twisted in knots.

  All of the Dennison boys were taking turns with her and Tina on the dance floor. All except Dixon. She would catch him staring intently on her all night. He didn’t break eye contact, but kept his glare straight into her eyes as if looking into the depths of her soul when she did. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the face injuries, or even the tempestuous fight, but the steel, cold, hard look and stare made her panties soak. She was always the one to break the connection and drop her eyes, and each time she envisioned him totally ruling over her body, taking her like a real man. It didn’t scare her like she knew it should, but only mustered dirtier and naughtier thoughts and fantasies to invade her senses. As the night drew to an end, the bar started winding down. Last call had been made, and the remaining few drinks had left her beyond drunk. She finally felt all of the stresses of life slip away and her mind ease into a peaceful void. The soft touches from Jase and Lyndon began to spark a new need that bloomed deep in her womb.

  Lyndon twirled her around in a stumbling two-step, holding her in a standing position. The stubborn girl had refused to go home numerous times, and insisted on partying the night away. His heart melted when she rested her head on his shoulder, snuggling tight against him. Her loving caresses on his back soon turned up a notch, and began wandering and exploring friskily. He did his best to keep her at bay, knowing that she was immensely inebriated. He had to give it to her, she was not only persistent but also not easily detoured.

  The previous dance with Jase had shown that he was receiving the same arousing torment as he was, and Jase was having the same if not more trouble making her behave. After the final few spins of the song, he led her off the dance floor and over to the table. Lyndon quietly informed the others that it was time to get the girls home safely, and left Tina under the protection of his cousins. He all but carried her to the car, fully aware of the hands that kept trying to snake down the front of his Wranglers. After a hell of a fight getting the seatbelt stretched correctly across her, he jumped beside her in the back allowing Dixon in the front passenger side and the sober Jase behind the wheel. It was a long, torturous ride home to say the least. Even with her totally out of it, she was still the sexiest little thing he had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was in tangles, and between her smeared makeup and the battle wounds from the fuckhead Trent, she was a hot mess.

  “I am having trouble keeping this little vixen from tainting my reputation back here boys. She is definitely testing my chivalry, that’s for sure. I may end up having to tie her up just to keep her from taking advantage of me.” A few snickers drifted from the front of the vehicle.

  “I am sure your innocence is at stake, bro. I never thought you would have such a time taking care of a little ol’ thing like Emmie. No wonder you ain’t kept a girlfriend for over a few months at a time.” Jase’s teasing even got a laugh out of a quiet Dixon.

  “You wouldn’t know what to do with her if you did get her tied, Lyndon.” The sudden conversation contribution shocked Lyndon, and from the facial expressions in the mirror, Jase, too.

  “Neither would you, Dixon. You may think you play a complicated game, but I have an idea that Emmie would give you a ride you couldn’t stay on,” Jase jabbed.

  EmmaLee had finally lain over in Lyndon’s lap, and her breathing had evened out. Lyndon brushed the strands of hair out of her face, and gently caressed the softness of her cheek. Her eye had swelled up more, and had begun turning a dark black. Her full little lip had a huge round lump under the bloody cut. “I think our little barroom brawler might actually have passed out, boys. Not a moment too soon, I tell ya. I have never been groped like that before, and I gotta say, as hot as it could have been, I feel kinda used.” He flashed Jase a toothy grin in the rearview mirror.

  “You? Used? Now that is a joke. Now me on the other hand, I fully understand having ladies throw themselves at me and using me for my body. It is a hard, hard job, but I am a giving type of guy. At the end of the day, I know that through my pain and discomfort I have done them a service.” Lyndon could hear the laugh under the surface of Jase’s voice that threatened to erupt. He laughed, creating a chain reaction from Jase and Dixon.

  “Now that’s a joke, Jase. They only trample you to get to me.” Dixon’s tone had lightened from the deep, gruff, big bad wolf sound he had taken on halfway through the night.

  As Jase pulled up the driveway, he killed the lights to avoid disturbing his sleeping parents. As teens, they had perfected the art of sneaking in at any hour without getting caught, and even though they were grown they still used the techniques to avoid bothering them. He parked at the back of the house by the basement entrance and the back patio, and got out with the others. Jase was the first to EmmaLee’s door, and was in the process of unlatching her belt when Dixon nudged him out of the way.

  “Here. Let me get her. You boys go on to bed.” His words were stern and commanding, leaving no room for question.

  Lyndon’s eyes drew together in thought. “Why are you taking her to bed? Jase or I can do it just fine. Plus, Jase has already seen her up close and personal, and will be the least likely to piss her off when she wakes up in her pajamas.” His reasoning didn’t seem to matter to his oldest brother.

  “I said I have her. You two go to bed.” Obviously not discussing the matter any further, Dixon reached down and scooped her up in his arms and walked her into the basement apartment without looking back.

  Jase came around and stood by Lyndon, watching him until the door shut. “So, what the hell do you think all that is about?”

  “Dunno.” Lyndon leaned up against the four-by-four.

  “You don’t think he is gonna do anything while she is drunk, do ya?” Jase’s concern twisted his face in the moonlight.

  “No. He may be a pain in the ass, and send off the big badass attitude, but he is our brother, Jase. Whatever his reasoning is, it is in the right intentions. Come on, let’s go hit the sack.” He bumped shoulders with him in a playful nudge before the two walked into the house.

  * * * *

  Dixon had been in an emotional hell all night. When Trent had attacked her, it had taken all of his willpower to not snap the little weasel's neck. His heart shattered when he saw her mangled face, and the crushed spirit that lay below the strong front that she had put up. Thankfully, his family had been out back also and prevented him prison time. He remained in an inner battle, tortured by the sight of her in his brothers’ arms. When they had branded her in front of everyone in a kiss, he almost lost it. He wanted to claim her mouth for the world to see. He was still kicking himself for allowing Trent to get close to her, much less harm her. If she would have been in his arms where she belonged, it would have never happened.

  Hitting a woman was more of a sin
than murder in his eyes. When Rachael had so rudely and inadmissibly sprawled across his lap, the thought had crossed his mind. The woman refused to take no for an answer, and despite his efforts had been unfortunately caught in the crosshairs of one hot little firecracker. His heart had expanded in his chest at her show of possession. Mixed in the slew of profanity, she had inadvertently claimed her love for him in the audience of his family and friends. It was both a relief and a curse that she hadn’t remembered any of it. His heart jolted him like a cattle prod to drop the whole brotherly fiasco and take his woman, but his head had won thus far.

  Now, folded in his arms like a delicate, tiny china doll, was the woman his soul craved. Her soft hair fell over his arm, and her head rested on his shoulder. She looked so small against his colossal frame. He bent down and feathered soft kisses on her soft and silky cheek.

  I wish I could hold her like this forever. He admired the innocence that glowed in her angelic features as she slumbered against him. A long, drawn release of air pushed from his lungs. He slowly and carefully laid her on the bed and proceeded in removing her boots and socks. With thoughtful care, he rubbed his finger between each toe to remove any sock fuzzies that might have taken up residence in the cute little creases. Next, he moved to the bathroom to fetch a warm, soapy washcloth and removed the smudges of makeup and caked blood on her wounds. A few dabs of ointment were applied to her cuts before he attached bandages over to protect and avoid infection.

  He quietly observed his handiwork, nodding in approval at the results. Now to get her changed. This is going to be interesting to say the least. With experience and perfection, he slid her jeans and top off easily and with one hand unlatched her white lace bra, slipping it over her shoulders. Fuck. She was beautiful. He fought the inner beast that fought to devour the delectable treat laid on display in front of him. Her head laid with the curtain of brown locks fanned out around her head in a picture frame to the sight of her milky, velvety skin sent an immediate volt of electricity to his cock. Small, pale pink nipples begged to be sucked, perched on two of the most perfect tits he had ever laid eyes on. His mind condemned him to hell for the visual invasion, but the pull was too strong. He carefully slid his gaze down her small, flat stomach to the cute little belly button he loved so much. It reminded him of a perfect little finger hole in a cake or pie that his youngest brother was notorious for as a baby. The old recollection drew the corners of his mouth up in a subtle smile.

  All thoughts of babies and confections vanished and were replaced with a whole new type of sweet goodness the moment his eyes caught sight of the thin, barely-there, white lace panties that didn’t quite do their job of shielding her bare sex. The moisture in his mouth had instantaneously vanished, and by the feel of his rod forcing against the zipper of his pants, a new wetness had been created. He thought his heart would literally pound a path out of his chest and bounce across the floor.

  Without realizing, Dixon’s hand was extended and reaching for the diaphanous scrap of fabric in anticipation of what waited beneath. His other arm forcibly lowered the betraying limb, and he turned to her dresser to retrieve a night shirt to defend her honor from the wild beast that fought to take control. His barbarian actions were inexcusable, but the overwhelming hunger coursed through his body in a violent attack. He grabbed the first thing his fingers touched, which was a simple purple cotton pajama top with thin little spaghetti straps lined with bows. Dixon carefully lifted her head and guided it on, reluctant to pull it down over the taunting tits that rendered him breathless. Struggling on the line of good and evil, he managed to ease the hem over her exposed body and tuck her in the covers.

  With his job done it was time to leave, except he couldn’t. Thoughts rolled through his mind in attempts to justify staying. Deep down he knew he couldn’t let her wake up and see him, because she would assume his intentions to be romantic. His intentions were more than romantic, and more than she could ever handle. There was no way he could fall prey to his needs and risk losing her, but the undying need to feel his Emmie won over. A few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?

  He stretched out beside the sleeping beauty and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her against him. His nose inhaled the sweet smell of a summer breeze that wafted from her gorgeous brown mane. She wiggled in her sleep, tucking in closer with a soft, content moan. In a soft whisper, he soothed her until her wiggles subsided, “Shhh, I got you, babe.” He brushed soft kisses along her temple, and had to withhold a groan when she responded in little, faint whimpers. “Aw, Emm. What am I gonna do about you?” Her hand came around his arm, tucking herself tighter in his hold.

  This little, fragile, gorgeous creature held so much strength and determination. She amazed him beyond belief at all of the things she was capable of. One moment life had her broken and emotionally drained, the next a power so strong nothing could stop her took hold. From getting abused by a douche bag to unleashing in a protective demolishing rage on someone who dared stand in her way, his mind remained impressed and curious as to what else lay beneath the sexy package. Not many people were hard to figure out. He had grown up with Emmie, and still she surprised him at every turn. There was nothing boring about this little hellcat, that was for certain.

  While he lay pondering all of the things that stood in the way of getting the girl of his dreams, said girl started to stir. A few loud groans escaped. Dixon jumped up and grabbed the trash can, knowing from experience what those miserable sounds meant. The second he got it propped under her chin and her hair held back with the other hand, she spewed. Heave, after gut-wrenching heave, the night’s events came back with a vengeance. On a normal occasion, he would be puking because she was, but somehow the usual sickness that strangled him was replaced by concern. After he was almost sure she was finished, he sat the trash down and grabbed a glass of water and the wet cloth he had used earlier. Dixon guided the cool liquid to her lips, finally catching a glimpse of the dark, distant brown eyes. She looked up and met his gaze, cocking him a lopsided grin before falling back onto the pillow. He cleaned her mouth, and took the smelly trash outside for the night. As he stepped back in the door, she was perched on an elbow, looking confused and dazed.

  “Emmie darlin’, lay back down.” He walked over to help her, but she caught his arm.

  “Do you gotta go to the bathroom, sweetheart?” It took a few minutes for her to respond with a simple nod. Great. She is asleep, and needs to pee. I can’t leave her to piss the bed. Ughh. Well, this should be interesting. He hauled her up into his arms and took her in the bathroom. After he sat her down, he realized her undies were still up. With a huff of defeat, he helped her half stand and undress, and got her sitting. She fell asleep three times in the process, and ended up having to drip dry. A guy could only do so much…She was soon snuggled under the covers and passed back out into oblivion. After he was absolutely positive she was okay, and planted a kiss to her cheek, he left quietly.

  * * * *

  Back inside the house, he quietly walked through to grab a glass of milk before hitting the shower. As he reached for the fridge, he caught sight of a figure out of the corner of his eye. He all but yelped as he jumped back and landed in the offensive position. When he realized it was his father, complete in silk pajamas, he busted out laughing.

  “Shit, Dad, you scared the hell out of me! Are you taking up a new profession? Your black silk pajamas make you look like a ninja, especially creeping around in the dark like that.”

  His dad laughed, pouring them both a glass of milk and digging the cookie stash out of the cupboard from behind the mixing bowls. They both pulled up one of the bar stools, and dug in.

  “How did you find Momma’s cookie stash, Pop?”

  “Son, let me tell you one of the secrets to life. Women are like fine-tuned machines. They work in cycles. Her hiding spots change, but always in a rotation.” Jeremy took a chug of milk, and followed it up with another of the gooey chocolate chip cookies.

  A slow smile crept
across Dixon’s features. “So, are you going to share the cycle with me?”

  His dad’s eyes sparkled. “Now, why would I go and do that? That would mean fewer cookies for me.” Both men chuckled. “You just need to hurry and get your own pretty little thing to bake you cookies. EmmaLee learned her cooking skills from your Momma, you know.” He kept his eyes focused on the confection, seeming overly interested in the amount of chocolate chips it contained.

  “Dad, I can’t do that and you know it. You must have been consorting with my bonehead brothers. They are going to lose her, Dad. I refuse to.” As he reached for another of the treats, Jeremy caught his hand.

  “Son, sometimes you gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to walk away, and know when they will run. She needs you to hold her.”

  Dixon snorted. “You realize you just almost quoted a country song, right? Besides, I just can’t gamble when it comes to her. The loss would be too high.”

  “Well, ol’ Kenny had it right. It’s a good piece of advice to live by, boy. The loss might be too high, but if you never lay your cards on the table, you might miss out on one hell of a fortune.” He patted him on the shoulder and stood. “I am headin’ back to bed before your momma finds me missing. Save some of those or we will be busted. Night, son. I love you.”

  “I will. Night, Dad, love you, too.” He sat long after his dad had left, rolling over the strange, yet somehow fitting advice in his head. Unable to come up with a solution, he put the cookies back and headed to the shower. If he got any sleep tonight it would be a miracle.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning, EmmaLee walked into the kitchen to find everyone crowded around the table. Jase jumped up and grabbed her a cup of coffee before she could greet everyone. “Thank you. How did you know I was in utter need of caffeine?”


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