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Hold Me Tight

Page 1

by Faith Sullivan




  Copyright © 2014 Faith Sullivan

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States of America.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Books by Faith Sullivan:

  Take Me Now (Take Me Now #1)

  Meant for Me (Take Me Now #2)

  Hold Me Tight (Take Me Now #3)

  Heartbeat (Heartbeat #1)

  Come What May (Heartbeat #2)

  I Am Yours (Heartbeat #3)


  Cover image

  © ollyy /

  Edited by Mickey Reed

  To Nora and her son, Drexel.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Message from the Author

  Previews of Heartbeat and Unexpected by Faith Sullivan

  Chapter One


  “Where is she, Lauren?”

  The icy wind stings my eyes. I duck my head, pressing my phone to my ear, straining to hear what I already know in my gut.

  Lauren has Ivy.

  I never should have left her sitting out here alone. I thought we’d talk things out later. I never meant to make her feel like her only option was to run away from me.

  “Hello to you too, Eric,” Lauren greets me in that sickeningly sweet way of hers. “There’s no reason to be so gruff. Ivy’s exactly where she needs to be for the time being.”

  Great, she already has some maniacal plot in motion. And now she’s just calling to gloat.

  My fingers feel frozen as I fumble with the door handle of my truck. I hurriedly get inside and slam the door. I have to play this smart. Get Lauren to leave me some breadcrumbs so I can pick up a trail. Ivy’s life may depend on it.

  “Are you still at the office?” I ask, going on the offensive.

  “Why? Are you planning on coming over? Because I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Lauren warns.

  Her immediate rejection of my offer throws me off balance. “Funny, I thought that’s what you’d want,” I reply haughtily to hide my anxiety. “Isn’t this all about getting my undivided attention?”

  “Maybe in the past…but not now. Especially after you ran me off your property the last time I saw you. Eric, you’re too volatile. You need to pull yourself together before I’ll even consider meeting with you one on one,” she informs me, keeping her tone low and seductive despite her hostile intent. “I don’t particularly like being chased by a madman.”

  I force myself to concentrate on the snowflakes swirling against the windshield, anything to keep me from snapping at her and blowing my one chance at finding out where she’s hiding Ivy. The situation couldn’t be more precarious. I have to be careful in how I handle it.

  I decide to go for broke, taking a more direct approach. “Well then, if it’s not me you’re after, why don’t we cut to the chase? Tell me where she is, Lauren.”

  “She’s being very well cared for. That’s all you need to know.” Lauren laughs, enjoying my discomfort. “Ivy’s in very good hands.”

  “Lauren, you better—”

  She doesn’t listen to a word I say as she continues to talk over me. “Big, strong, masculine hands…”

  “That’s it.” I turn the key in the ignition. “I’ll be at your office in five minutes and you’re gonna tell me—”

  “I don’t have to tell you anything,” she states, seemingly eager to defy me. “You’re not the one calling the shots anymore, Eric. What I say goes. And I’m telling you to back off or you’ll never see Ivy again.”

  “Don’t do this, Lauren. I know Ivy’s in the area. She’d never miss one of her doctor’s appointments. It’s only a matter of time until I find out where she is. You might as well tell me now, and maybe I’ll go easy on you. I might even convince Ivy to finish the screenplay.” I know I’m caving way too soon, but this isn’t about me. It’s about Ivy. It’s about our baby. It’s about my ability to protect them. At this point, I’ll do anything to get Ivy back, even if I have to lie to Lauren in order to do it.

  “Ivy already agreed to finish the screenplay, Eric. Why would I need you to convince her of anything?” Lauren snorts, not making the slightest effort to mask her contempt.

  “What are you getting at?” I struggle to keep my voice steady, not knowing where she’s going with this.

  “Eric, Ivy called me. She set this all up. It sure wasn’t my idea.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out what Lauren’s telling me.

  “I didn’t kidnap her or force her to meet my demands against her will. She offered herself up readily, determined to save her unborn child from the likes of you. How could I say no to that?”

  I can feel Lauren’s red-lacquered nails digging into my chest, tearing it open as she feasts on my heart.

  “Lauren, I swear to God—”

  “Now, Eric. Relax. No one wants to see you lose it again. Just accept things for what they are. Ivy left you. She’s not coming back.”

  She’s so smug. She thinks she’s won, but I’m not letting Ivy go. Not without a fight. If she’s really done with me, she’s going to have to tell me to my face. There’s no way I’m buying that it’s over between us just because Lauren says so.

  “I will never give up on Ivy,” I whisper ardently.

  “Well then, don’t expect to see her anytime soon because she wants nothing more to do with you. Making her choose between you and the baby—that was cruel, Eric. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for the poor girl,” Lauren taunts, clicking her tongue in disapproval.

  “Lauren, you have no right to interfere in what doesn’t concern you.” I grip the phone so hard I feel the back of the case start to crack.

  “I’m not just going to stand by and do nothing when a woman’s life is in danger. Eric, all of the stress you’re causing her—it’s just not good for the baby,” Lauren admonishes, her voice needling me like nothing else can.

  “I’m the one who put her life in danger? Are you serious? Because of the shit you pulled, she nearly miscarried twice! This isn’t a game, Lauren! Tell me where she is! Now!” She’s done everything she can to provoke me. I can’t hold back anymore.

  “I’m sorry, but I can�
�t do that. I gave Ivy my word,” Lauren sighs like I’ve somehow disappointed her. “I’m not holding her under lock and key, Eric. If she wants to reach out to you, she will. Until then, consider what you had as being over. She’s moving on without you. She apparently wants this baby, even if you don’t.”

  “I never said I didn’t want the baby,” I reply angrily.

  “But you want Ivy more, right?” Lauren asks, no doubt shaking her head as she fingers her stupid pearls. “Eric, how much is it going to take for you to learn your lesson already? Two dead girlfriends buried in the ground?”

  I let out a strangled cry, pinching the space between my eyes. What right has she to hold me accountable for all this?

  “Do you see what I mean, Eric? I can’t turn Ivy over to someone as unstable as you. It wouldn’t be right. I’d be putting her at risk.” Lauren carries on, pretending to be unaware of the pain she’s causing. “Ivy needs someone who will take good care of her, and I found the perfect man for the job—someone who will rub her back when her muscles are sore, someone who will place his hands on her stomach to feel the baby kick, someone who will tuck her in at night and hold her until morning. Basically, someone who will appreciate her the way you don’t have the balls to.”

  “Lauren, you’re going to pay for this,” I seethe, envisioning another man doing those things to Ivy—things that I should be doing.

  Lauren starts to giggle. “So, Eric, how does it feel to be replaced by someone else? Not too good, huh?”

  She hangs up on me before I have a chance to respond. I hurl the phone away from me, my head buzzing with thoughts I don’t want to think about—thoughts of Ivy in the arms of someone else.

  Chapter Two


  I have no idea where I am.

  The wind whistles against the eaves as I sit motionless on top of the feather bed. It’s getting light out. I can see the hands on the grandfather clock. It probably wasn’t the smartest move to bolt from Tim’s presence after he made his identity known. But making amends doesn’t seem to be his strong suit. I’ve been hiding out undisturbed in this upstairs bedroom since last night. He’s keeping his distance, probably regretting his hasty decision to have me move in. Looks like we’re not going to play house after all.

  What was I thinking? Tim is the enemy—the man who slept with Cassidy. And I’d do good to remember that. But after seeing him in person, I can understand why Cassidy faltered. He’s seriously hot. Even so, I’ll never forgive her for cheating on Eric. That’s something I would never do—no matter how mad I am at him right now. Eric loves with his whole heart, and for Cassidy to betray him like that? I don’t get it.

  Lately, I’ve been feeling a sort of kinship with Cassidy, the girl it seems I’ll always be compared to. She fought and died for her unborn child, and now I’m continuing that fight, waging war with my own traitorous body. She sacrificed her life for the sake of her baby, and I’m prepared to do the same. That’s why I have to stay away from Eric. I need to put some distance between us. I can’t look at the fear in his eyes and know I’m the one who put it there.

  That’s the only reason I called Lauren. She’s the one person Eric knows I would never turn to for help. He’ll never be able to track me to this farmhouse, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. And that’s my one saving grace, because if he ever does find out where I am, it’ll break him. Lauren planned her revenge perfectly.

  There’s a gentle tapping at the door, and I jump, my nerves stretched razor thin. Throwing back the bedding, I wince as my skin comes in contact with the chilly morning air. The bed is high off the ground, so my swollen feet dangle above the hardwood floor. My back is killing me. My muscles are tight. I must’ve slept all night curled in a ball, never stretching out, never fully relaxing. When I pulled the covers over my head, I wasn’t thinking straight. My mind shut itself down, defaulting to survival mode. I blanked out until I went numb.

  I crouch against the mahogany door, listening. Tim seemed friendly enough when he rolled out the welcome mat. It wasn’t hard to fall for his charm. All I wanted to do was wrap his hospitality around me like a warm, fuzzy blanket, especially after my encounter with Ryan. But all bets were off once he said who he was. It was all simply a ploy to get me to trust him, even if I can’t stop craving that mug of hot cocoa I spied next to the fireplace. I could really use something to warm me up.

  It’s cold up here, considering I closed the bedroom door, barricading myself inside. Tim didn’t come after me. He left me alone. It’s not like I’m a flight risk. He knows I don’t have anywhere else to go. But now he’s waiting on the other side of the door. The floorboards creak as he shuffles around, unsure of what to do. I want to hate him for bragging about what he did—mocking me over how he was going to be the star of Lauren’s screenplay, taunting me about his relationship with Cassidy. But until then, he didn’t seem that aggressive. He even offered me his arm while I took off my soggy boots.

  “Ivy, are you all right in there?”

  His voice resonates against the wood, rich and deep. I feel it in my bones. It’s a voice that turns women into a pile of mush. But I hesitate. Lauren sent me here. I can’t take anything at face value. I have to remain vigilant.

  “I’m fine, Tim.”

  My mouth is dry. I could use a drink of water, and hunger is gnawing at me. I haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday. I brush my hair away from my forehead. I can’t think about what Eric hid in the bottom of that McDonald’s bag. It’ll only make me start crying again.

  “Someone from the Gazette dropped off a care package for you. Some maternity clothes, toiletries, even a laptop. I can leave it right outside your door, if you want, but—”


  “You must be starving, so I got up early and made you something. Eating for two, you have to keep up your strength.”

  “And what would you know about that?”

  “Well, the girls I coach tend to get pretty ravenous after swim practice. I can only imagine what being pregnant is like.”

  “Funny, I didn’t know you were such an expert on women.”

  “I’m around them all the time…or I used to be. I can’t help it if I picked up a few pointers along the way.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “Women will do anything for chocolate.”

  I groan audibly.

  “You all go crazy over shoes.”

  I don’t say anything as I flash back to the day I tried on every pair of clogs in Riverside Gardens. I feel my heart constrict as the clock chimes eight times. Eric must be worried sick by now. I should text him. At least let him know that I’m okay.

  “You also do hairbrained things like listen to the Prices.”


  Okay, that got my attention. I throw open the door to find Tim leaning casually against the doorframe, a plate of cookies wedged against his hip.

  “I thought you said you fixed me something to eat.”

  “I did. Don’t pregnant women crave sweets at every hour of the day?”

  “You know way too much about pregnant women.”

  “Well, I was around one for a while.”

  My stomach drops, and I take a step back.

  He notices my reaction, his eyes never leaving mine. “It’s a long story, Ivy. One I’d rather not get into right now.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” I cross my arms in front of my chest, staring him down.

  “Listen, we’ve got all the time in the world to hash things out, considering we’re going to be living together for the next couple of months. You had a hard day yesterday. So at least let me feed you before you start arguing with me.” He gives me a tentative smile.

  “Fine. Have it your way. I am your prisoner after all.”

  I retreat, fumbling with the key in the antique hurricane lamp until it casts a warm glow throughout the room. It’s a raw and cloudy November morning, and as much as I’m loath to admit, it does feel nice and cozy in Tim’s house, e
specially now that the heat is coming in from down below. I try not to picture myself typing away while sitting at the rolltop desk near the window. But if I’m going to be stuck here, I might as well make the most of it.

  “My home is not a prison, Ivy.” Tim holds out the plate, sitting on the bed next to me.

  I can’t resist, taking one of the giant, dark chocolate cookies. I hold back a sigh. It’s still warm.

  He chuckles as I immediately start to devour it. “See? Chocolate works every time.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” I retort between mouthfuls.

  “But you don’t despise me as much as you did now that you know what a good baker I am,” he teases, his dimples on full display.

  “You really enjoy showing off, don’t you?” I lick my fingers and reach for another one.

  “It’s the competitor in me. I don’t mean anything by it.” He shrugs, lifting the plate off his lap so I can grab cookie number two. As he leans into me, I try not to pay attention to the fact that his leg is touching mine.

  “Well, why does a jock like you know how to bake?”

  “Necessity, mainly. There are a lot of birthdays throughout the school year. I got sick of forking over twenty bucks for a cake every time a girl on the team turned a year older.”

  “But how do you sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to a cookie?”

  “Are you kidding? My birthday cookies are legendary. Stick a candle in the middle and you’re all set.” He snatches one for himself, shoving nearly the whole thing in his mouth.

  “Only a guy would think of something like that.”

  It takes him a minute to chew and swallow. “Yeah, but they’re way better than some random sheet cake, aren’t they?” He gently pokes me in the ribs. I roll my eyes as I grab my third. “See? I knew you’d like them.”

  “But cookies aside, I’m dying to know how a nice guy like you got mixed up with Lauren.”

  His smile vanishes as he tries to collect himself, brushing away some imaginary crumbs. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about that just yet.”

  “That’s funny. I thought we weren’t going to talk about Cassidy. You didn’t say anything about Lauren.”


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