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Our Forever Promise

Page 4

by Mary Wasowski

  “I love you too baby, so much. I also plan to revise the guest list as soon as I get into the office today. I was out of my head with the planning, and you were right. All we need is our closest family and friends around us. At the end of the day, as long as you marry me, that’s all I need, baby.”

  Walker continued, “I also have more good news for you. No need to worry about the wrath of Nana. I spoke to her this morning, and she will make anything your heart and stomach desires. She is over the moon with our news, so anything beyond that is not even on her radar. Rosalyn will still oversee the final touches, but she has assured me that your wish is her command, and she will behave herself around Lila.”

  “Oh, my sweet man! Anything else I need to know before I kiss you madly?”

  “Actually, there is one thing,” he smiled coyly.

  “Name it, baby.”

  “I believe you said you wanted a certain request fulfilled. I am a man of my word and will always grant your wishes, my love. I do believe you survived your call with Nana. So, just to make sure I am clear on this matter: I am to give you a full body massage that includes multiple orgasms? Am I correct on this?”

  “You are,” I giggled. “When do you plan on fulfilling that brief?” I nearly combusted, I was incredibly horny at this point.

  “Right now, my love.”

  He placed my hand in his, and we stepped up and onto the landing of the gazebo. Walker hit a button on a small keychain he was carrying. I watched as the walls came up, locking us in and shutting the world out. Once again we were in our private bubble. He hit another button on the remote control, and we were surrounded by sparkling white lights. Another button made the moon appear on the high arched ceiling of the rounded gazebo. It was as if we were under the Georgia night sky. It took my breath away. He got every little detail just right.

  “So, my love, ready to be taken in the moonlight?”

  I was silent and let my body answer for me. He knelt down in front of me and breathed in my arousal.

  “Hmm…you smell delicious, but how do you taste?”

  Gliding his hands up my thighs, he easily separated me from my soaked panties. Entering my swollen bud with his skillful tongue, he worked me over until I screamed his name. I held his face and drew him in, as he took me deeper and deeper. I nearly collapsed with my orgasm. He gently placed me down onto the blanket I hardly noticed was there. Crashing his lips onto mine, I tasted my slick wetness on his tongue. He was sucking on mine, as he commanded me to open my eyes.

  “Please, baby, look at me, as I take you and make you forever mine.”

  This wasn’t a hard taking. I went willingly over and over again. Walker was ever so gentle with me as his body covered mine. We entwined our hands together as he slowly and tenderly made love to me. We matched each other’s moves and then came together in total bliss. Our rhythm was perfect. We were two perfectly matched pieces of a puzzle.

  “Thank you for my surprise. And thank you for my orgasms, my body thoroughly enjoyed them,” I said, out of breath.

  “You are welcome my love, but I’m just a man who loves his woman with all that he has. No request is out of my reach to fulfill. You’d do well to remember that. How do you feel? How’s our little one today?”

  “She must be content with the sound of her daddy’s voice. I haven’t been sick since yesterday morning.”

  “I can’t wait to see her on screen. The picture doesn’t even come close,” he said.

  “I’m so sorry I found out on my own. You should have been with me to share our good news, but it was something that I needed to do alone.”

  “No need to explain baby. You and our daughter are healthy, and that’s all I care about. From this moment on, I will be at every appointment, I promise you.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  “I hate to leave you baby, but I do need to get to the office and plan on speaking with Jackson today. I can’t believe they have been away for nearly two months now. I miss that boy more than I can say.”

  “I miss Riley too, but she really needed this time with Jackson. She’s still not speaking with Samuel, and as much as I have encouraged her to move on from her anger, she’s not ready to do so.”

  “I know and understand that all too well. I am the last person that needs to lecture someone on anger. Have you spoken to Samuel?”

  I OBSERVED REESE very carefully after I mentioned her ex’s name. She dropped her head down in silence, igniting the insecurities I possess.

  “Reese, what are you not telling me?”

  “It’s nothing, Walker. I didn’t want to mention anything to you, especially after the last run in we had with him. Samuel is still grieving over the loss of our marriage, and he is trying to work through his feelings.”

  Why is she defending him? I hated where my mind was going right now, but I had to know. “I can’t believe you still feel sorry for him. He called you the vilest words. He’s lucky I didn’t deliver a bigger beating to him. Reese, yesterday you asked me to share my feelings with you, and to not shut you out. In order for that to work, you have to give me the same respect. How can you still come to the defense of this man? I don’t understand it.”

  “Walker, I really don’t care to get into this right now. We had a beautiful morning. Please let’s not spoil it.”

  “I have to get to the office anyway, but this conversation is not over.”

  “I didn’t think it was.”

  HIS GRIP TIGHTENED around my upper arm as he led me away from the garden and back into the house. Walker was trying to contain his anxiety over my past with Samuel, but I knew he was struggling with his feelings. He only had a short amount of time with Elizabeth, where I had nearly eighteen years with my husband. My past was more in depth, and he wanted to know all about my time with Samuel, but what was the point? How many times can you agree to keep the past where it belongs when it is constantly being brought up and dragged into the present?

  When he finally broke his silence, Walker took me in his arms and held my face in his hands. I leaned in to his palm, igniting the flames that were already burning between us. His deftly fingers were wrapped up in my long mane of hair. He pulled me closer. I couldn’t get any closer if I tried.

  “I love you, Reese. You. Are. Mine. And…I. Am. Yours. Always and forever, my love: my forever promise to you.”

  He left for the office, but not without leaving me with a bruising kiss. One that was hard and rough, before finishing up gently.

  “I’ll miss you today, baby,” I said to him.

  “I’ll call you later.” He replied.

  Holding on to the counter for support, I needed to catch my breath. Oh, my mercurial man, master of the universe, master of my heart.

  Still trying to catch my breath after Walker left, I was too oblivious to notice my best friend standing in the doorway.

  “Now that was a hot kiss! Damn, Peaches, what has gotten your hot man into such a frenzy?”

  “Freddy!” I shrieked with excitement as my best friend scooped me up for a big hug. “What are you doing here? I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.”

  “Now, Peaches, how could I stay away when my beautiful girl needs me? Okay, your man called me and asked me to come sooner, but I already had planned on it anyway. So it’s already dinnertime in Milan. Show me to your wine selection. Pour me a glass, and let’s talk Walker!”

  “Freddy, you’ve been living in New York, so according to the clock, it’s still morning in New York. How about a mimosa?”

  “Oh you know me so well, but I want Cristal, 2002 to be exact. Don’t hold out on me, Peaches. I know your man stocks his wine vault with only the best selections of wine and champagne.”

  “What is it with you today? Are you high? Or just happy to see me?”

  “Peaches, Peaches, Peaches… Of course I’m happy to see you, my sweet girl, but yes I am high. I am completely, madly, and deeply addicted to my hot Italian man that I left unconscious in our bed just a
n hour ago. So yes, my sweet girl, I am high. My drug of choice: Fabrizio. Now bring on the mimosas, lady, and let’s talk about our men. I bet my guy tops yours?”

  “Oh my goodness! What a dirty mouth on you? You are still my no filter, dirty mouth BFF.”

  “You love me, Peaches, and my dirty mouth!”

  “Yes I do, and I wouldn’t change you for all the gold in the world.”

  After Freddy made a large pitcher of mimosas with Walker’s best Cristal, we made ourselves comfortable in the living room. Priscilla had served us some snacks that Freddy devoured in minutes.

  I loved having him here with me in our home. This house was huge. Walker had redecorated the entire estate before I moved in. Although he had made changes over the years since Elizabeth died, he didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable in a home that was originally meant for Elizabeth and him to share. Walker raised his son in this home, and when he suggested that he could build a new home for us, I just cried my eyes out. Of course the sight of me breaking down on his suggestion concerned him, but he let me have my moment.

  I explained to Walker that this home also belonged to Jackson, and I wouldn’t feel right just dismissing it as if it the last eighteen years didn’t happen. I do feel at home here. It’s a beautiful home filled with happy memories. Walker had already made it so unbelievably special for me. Our wedding would be here and shared with our family and friends. Our baby would be born here, and I could already hear her laughter resonating through the house, as her daddy played hide and seek with her. Yes, this was a beautiful house...our home.

  “Hey Peaches, snap, snap! Come back to me, and join in on the conversation. My buzz is beginning to kick in, and I’m sad it’s not from hearing all about Mr. Hot Walker Wall Sex.”

  “Freddy! Okay, you caught me daydreaming. It’s easy to do when it comes to Walker. He makes me believe in the fairytale of our story and all the good things to look forward to in our future.”

  “Aww, baby girl. You have it all now. You never have to dream about the fairytale part again. Your life with Walker is very real, and it’s about time you both get your happily ever after. Your story can go no other way.”

  “Thank you, my best friend, but something is off, I can feel it. He’s holding something back from me, and I can’t help him if he doesn’t talk to me. We had a beautiful morning, then Samuel was brought up into our conversation, and all the air got sucked out of the room.”

  “Sounds kinky. You sure it was the air that got sucked and not something else?”

  “Freddy, can you for a minute be serious, please?”

  “Oh I’ll try, but you don’t make it easy on a guy. You mention your hot man and sucking in the same sentence, I can barely contain my erection after that. And besides, you don’t play fair, Reese. I already told you my hot man is passed out in bed where I left him.”

  “First of all, gross, and second of all, if you miss Fabrizio so much, why don’t you join him in bed instead of not listening to me.”

  “Scratch, scratch. Kitten has claws this morning.”

  “Freddy, come on and be serious for a minute please.”

  “Okay, okay. You want my advice on Walker Reed?” he asked.

  “I do.”

  “You really don’t need me to tell you, but I will try my best to put it in perspective for you. That man loves you. You know this, you feel this, and it’s his love that completes you. Sorry I’m quoting movie lines again, but truth is truth. You are each other’s half, and now you are connected again in every way that matters.”

  Freddy continued, “Give him time, Peaches. If I know anything, the one thing about Walker Reed is that he can only be challenged so much. Don’t push him into something he’s not ready for.”

  “What does that mean Freddy?” I asked. “Am I doing that?”

  “No, Reese, I don’t think you have to push Walker at all. You own him body and soul. You have the power to disarm him with just batting your beautiful eyelashes at him. You have to give each other time to feel out and get used to all the crazy quirks you both have. The love you have for each other can probably be seen by the space station, for crying out loud. It’s an amazing thing to witness. You two are my heroes for heterosexual love. Just enjoy each other, and don’t sweat the small stuff.”

  He continued, “Now, if you wish to ignore my sage advice, by all means push him, Peaches. Let the fireworks begin, but can you give me a heads up first? I want to have my popcorn ready for the show. Bring on the wall sex! You better be ready for that.”

  “Oh Freddy! You do have a way with words. I can’t tell you how much I wish I could drink right now. “

  “Oh, my sweet Georgia Peach, I love you too!”

  As crazy as his no filter mouth was, Freddy knew exactly what to say to make me smile. I felt so much better after our very animated talk. Walker knew he could tell me anything. He had never held back any emotion from me before, and there was no reason why he would start now. He trusted me completely, even when I didn’t deserve it. I spent too many years without him. Freddy was absolutely right. A man like Walker probably had a million things on his mind all going at the same time. I loved and trusted him completely. I had to believe he would share with me whatever was troubling him, and together we would work it out. Together…our forever promise.

  HE PROMISED ME the summer of our lives, and by all accounts, it was. When we said goodbye to our parents, our adventure began. Our first stop was camping under the stars in Big Sur. Jackson promised to show me all of his favorite spots in California. We were surrounded by the tallest trees I had ever seen in my life. We hiked for hours with my leg muscles burning. Jackson’s energy never faltered, and at times, he was dragging me along.

  I never hiked a day in my life, but he knew that, so he was very patient. Jackson and his father did things like this all the time, where that wasn’t the case for me. I shared many things with my father, but outdoor recreation was not one of them. He preferred to take me to museums of art and history, to opera performances and regatta races. I didn’t know how many girls did those sorts of things with their fathers, but for me, the gesture was always welcomed and appreciated.

  I always felt that I was very close to my father, a daddy’s girl, but he shattered that image the last few months and I see him differently now. My heart hurt to remember the state of affairs I found myself in with him. He was angry and spewed ugly at my mother every chance he had. It took Jackson’s father punching him out to shut him up. This was not who Samuel Briggs was. My father was a respected surgeon at one of the best hospitals in the world. He saved lives every day, performed miracles on the cases where they were deemed hopeless by others.

  I’d been ignoring his calls and e-mails. My mother told me to forgive him and to move on. I wasn’t ready to have the conversation I needed to have with him, so I chose to remain silent until I was ready.

  All I wanted was to enjoy the last couple of weeks of my time with Jackson. We were in our own private and secluded world. I loved every minute sharing many firsts with Jackson. He had become the center of my universe. No wonder why my mother fell so hard for his father, Walker. The Reed men had charm dripping from their pores. I was so in love with Jackson Reed.

  He told me he loved me every chance he had. All he ever asked of me was to trust him, believe in his love for me, and look forward to the future we were going to have. His father, from the beginning of meeting my mom back at college, always used those exact words on her. What did I tell you? It’s that irresistible Reed charm, and I have fallen hopelessly under its spell.

  It sounded amazing every time I heard it. You could imagine how taken back I was when I caught Jackson in a lie, and sadly that lie chipped away at our trust. As strong as I thought I was, I could be insecure. I was only eighteen years old and had much to learn about the ways of the world and about love. I turned my heart over to him so easily. I could only trust how I felt in my heart, so it broke a little when Jackson kept something from me. Little did I k
now at the time, that lie of omission would change the course of our life together.

  After traveling through California, Seattle, and several amazing state parks, we were finally back in New York. We were staying at the Reed’s penthouse, of course under the supervision of Jackson’s bodyguard, Richard. He was never too far behind, but respected our privacy and gave us our time.

  Our entire itinerary was controlled by Mr. Reed; any change of plans had to go through him first. He always kept his son on a short leash, but that’s because he was so protective of Jackson. I knew this from the beginning, but it didn’t bother me at all. For Jackson, he seemed to get frustrated at times, but as long as we didn’t veer too far from our plans, Richard didn’t seem to mind…and what Mr. Reed didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

  But that’s where I was wrong. Mr. Reed did know all, and I soon would find that out and learn a hard lesson.

  Jackson was tired the last few days since arriving in New York. It was no wonder with all of our traveling. He knew New York better than I did, so he was my personal tour guide. We met up with friends from New York and Connecticut that would be going to school with us. We saw the Broadway show Rocky…oh yeah, Jackson’s choice.

  We took in a few museums all in under a week. My favorite one was the American Museum of Natural History. Jackson knew that museum from top to bottom. I teased him about it, because he loved the movie with Ben Stiller. He reenacted some of his favorite scenes. Jackson can be so funny. One of the many traits I love so much about him.

  Brandon and Clay also had the chance to visit with us before returning home to California. They had been on a cruise with a bunch of friends who all mutually knew Jackson. Their ship met its final destination in New Jersey. I was happy they took time to spend time with us before their flight. These three guys were thick as thieves in high school, but were disappointed about their friend’s school choice. Both Brandon and Clay were attending UCLA. I think they were hoping Jackson would see the light and reconsider, but with me loving New York as much as I did, I didn’t think so.


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