Book Read Free

Our Forever Promise

Page 14

by Mary Wasowski

  “It’s Jackson!” she screamed. My heart plummeted in my chest. Oh God, no!

  “Come quickly, Mr. Reed, he needs you.” She doesn’t know that we’re in New York. I took a breath and asked her where they were. She said at Johns Hopkins. I told her that her mother and I would join her as quickly as we could. I hung up with Riley and phoned my pilot.

  Reese came out of the bathroom, her smile now gone.

  “What’s happened?” she asked with worry in her voice.

  “That was Riley on the phone. Something has happened to Jackson, and he’s at Johns Hopkins. Baby, we need to go…right now.”

  She never moved so fast. She quickly dressed and grabbed her bag. We were in the car in a matter of minutes and on our way to the airport.

  I phoned Richard on the way, and he told me that Jackson had suffered a seizure. The seizure was not like one he had before, and it lasted beyond five minutes. Jackson was taken to the hospital by ambulance and was being seen by doctors.

  What stopped my breathing was what Richard had said next: The attending physician was no other than Dr. Samuel Briggs. I clenched my fist so tight that I could feel wetness on my palm. Blood was trickling down my hand, as I released my nails from my skin. Reese gasped and grabbed a tissue to wipe my small little slices that lined my palm.

  “What is it? Talk to me, Walker.”

  My head was spinning. How the hell is this happening? With my best efforts, I tried to remain calm, especially in front of Reese. He is the best in his field. Right now, that’s all I want for my son. I can’t let myself go to dark places right now where he’s concerned. I know Briggs doesn’t care a flying fuck about me, but he’s a doctor first. I have no choice, but to trust him right now.

  “I’m sorry baby. I’m fine, this is nothing.” I waved off my hand. “That was Richard. Jackson has been moved to Samuel’s wing, and he’s the doctor overseeing his care right now. From what I gathered, Riley and Jackson were having lunch with Samuel. He walked outside for some air, and collapsed. We will know more once we get there…I hope.”

  “Walker, listen to me. If I know anything about Samuel, it’s that he is the best. He will do everything in his power to help Jackson, I know it.” She pleaded with worry eyes to convince me that everything she was saying was true.

  All I could do was hold her and pray. We boarded my plane, and my pilot had us in the air within ten minutes of fastening our seatbelts. I phoned Stephen before we took off. He would have to take a separate plane to Maryland and meet us at the hospital.

  KEEPING MYSELF IN check was no easy feat, especially around Reese. She was watching me intently, gauging every move I would make. She entwined her hand within my own and rubbed small circles over my knuckles, a move I would normally use on her without even knowing I was doing it. Touching Reese was so natural, I knew no other way.

  We experienced a slight delay over Washington D.C. due to a storm. I instructed my pilot to do everything he could to fly around it. I didn’t want to delay one more minute away from Jackson. I excused myself from Reese and made some calls in my office. I knew Stephen was already in the air and would join me later on tonight. I hadn’t received any more updates from Richard, so I called the one person I could get answers from.

  In my right to the point voice, I asked for Dr. Christopher McGovern, who not only was a Cardiothoracic Surgeon, but who also was in charge of the Board of Directors for Johns Hopkins Hospital. I was put through immediately and skipped over the pleasantries.

  I made it clear to the point of my call. “I need a status on my son, Dr. McGovern.”

  “Mr. Reed, all we know at the moment is that he is still unconscious and is undergoing testing. I assure you we are doing everything we can for you son.”

  “Which is what, exactly? Why is he still unconscious? Is Briggs with him?”

  “Yes sir, he is. Dr. Samuel Briggs is the best Neurosurgeon we have here on staff.”

  “I didn’t ask for his credentials, McGovern, I simply want a status on my son. It’s clear to me that you know more than I do at the moment. I will be arriving in about thirty minutes, so make sure you have something more comprehensive to tell me when I get there.”

  I ended my call before he had the opportunity to say goodbye.

  WHILE JACKSON WAS being triaged and prepped for his CAT scan and MRI, I stepped out to check on my daughter. As I approached my daughter, a man whom I had never met before stepped in front of her. Was he acting as her personal bodyguard? Riley, who bypassed him to get to me, told him “It’s okay.” Okay? I am her father, and to have restricted access to her is completely ludicrous to me.

  “Daddy, how’s Jackson? When can I see him?” Riley was asking me through her tears.

  Right here, right now, I was a father, and nothing more. I wanted to do anything in my power to comfort her, to reassure her that everything would be okay, but I didn’t know myself.

  “Riley, Jackson is still unconscious and is being transported for testing. You will not be able to see him for a while. I have a few minutes, if I may ask you some questions?” She quietly nodded her head.

  “This was in Jackson’s pant pocket,” I said as I showed her the flash drive. She recognized it immediately. “Can you tell me what’s on this?”

  “That flash drive contains all of Jackson’s medical records.”

  “Why was he carrying this around?”

  “Daddy, there is something I need to tell you. I had another reason why I wanted to see you.”

  “From the look on your face, honey, I figured you might. Was Jackson seeking my help? Is that the reason why he was carrying around a flash drive with his medical records on it?”


  “Why didn’t you just tell me this when you first arrived?”

  “Would that have made a difference? Would you have helped him, if I asked you? Before I even knew what was going on, he had already reached out to your office. The wait to see you was over six months. Jackson thought that if I asked you personally, then you might treat him. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you the truth, daddy. This is my fault. I am always causing him stress. If I hadn’t argued with you, then he wouldn’t have left the restaurant, and we wouldn’t be in this hospital.”

  My daughter just broke down in my arms, letting go of the wall that was between us. All I could do was hold her. My heart was breaking for her.

  Our moment was interrupted by Dr. McGovern.

  “I need a word, Briggs, in private.”

  He clasped his pudgy hand on my shoulder and directed me to a private corridor.

  I said to my daughter, “Riley, please drink some water and take some calming breaths. I need to speak with Dr. McGovern. I will be right back. I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Dr. McGovern took me down the hall for a private conversation.

  “What is it, Christopher?” I asked him. “I need to get back to check on my patient.”

  “Yes, you do Briggs, and immediately. You should have never left his side to tend to your daughter here. Your attention and priority should solely be focused on Jackson Reed.”

  “Christopher, when I treat a patient, their well-being is everything to me. He is undergoing some tests right now. What the hell are you driving at?”

  “Are you kidding me, Briggs? You are going to stand here and play dumb with me? That boy in there will be your number one priority from this minute moving forward. He is your only patient at the time, and you will not leave his side again. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Who the hell do you think you are speaking to? Don’t you dare walk your condescending ass into my building and believe you can order me around. You are wasting my time.”

  “And you are playing with fire. Don’t fool yourself into believing that boy is just another patient. He is the son of Walker Reed, the same man that built this building. And the same man whose money funds your research. God help us all if anything happens to that boy while under your care.
You better believe it will be all of our collective asses on the line. Now get the hell back in there! His father just phoned me from his plane, and he is due here at any moment. He wants to be updated immediately, so you better have something to tell him.”

  I took a breath as I watched McGovern disappear from sight. I couldn’t waste a minute worrying about him right now and rejoined Riley, who was wringing her hands in her lap.

  “Riley, I have to go and check on Jackson. If I can’t update you right away, I will send out Francesca, my head nurse, to come find you. Okay honey?”

  “Daddy, please help him. He didn’t trust Dr. O’Larien. This is why he asked for his medical records to see you.”

  “He did what!?” I heard a familiar voice scream a few feet away.

  That voice was unmistakable and laced with anger. The sole reason for my months of pain just bellowed in through my doors: Walker Reed, in the flesh, and not alone. My beautiful ex-wife was by his side. There he stood, already breathing fire at me.

  “Mr. Reed. Mommy! Thank God you’re here.” And just like that, my daughter flew out of my arms, and into his. I felt my stomach drop as I took in their reunion. He stroked her hair to comfort her, and my stomach coiled into spasms. I thought I would be sick. She’s my daughter and she’s in his arms.

  “Riley, we’re here now. Please calm down honey and tell me about Dr. O’Larien. What did you mean by Jackson not trusting him?”

  I broke up their moment, and excused myself to check on Jackson. Without waiting on Riley’s answer, Reed shouted over to me.

  “Briggs,” he called out. “What do we know? How’s my son?”

  “He’s up in Radiology. He’s having a CAT scan, and then an MRI to follow. I will know more once I get the films back. Please excuse me.”

  He didn’t question anything else, making my escape that much easier. As I stepped onto the elevator, I watched helplessly as another man comforted my daughter. As Reed held my daughter, my ex-wife held him. It felt like a knife piercing my heart and served as a reminder that I have truly lost them both.

  ASSURED THAT RILEY was now calmer with her mother and me here, I wanted to speak with her about Jackson. I gave her another moment with Reese, before doing so.

  “Reese, I’ll leave you with Riley for a few minutes while I speak with Richard, okay?”

  “We’re fine, Walker. Don’t worry.” She gave me her best smile. I leaned in to kiss the top of her head and breathe in her sweet smelling scent of flowery shampoo. It was like a drug calming all my nerves. We walked down to a private conference room, courtesy of Dr. McGovern.

  Richard had been nothing but a loyal and trustworthy employee for many years now, but he has a soft spot where Jackson was concerned. I feared he may had been falling behind in his detail for my son, and I was about to find out.

  “I want to know what the hell has been going on with Jackson and Riley. I heard Riley tell her father about Jackson not trusting Dr. O’Larien. How is that possible? Has Jackson been to see him recently? If he has, Richard, this is news to me, and it will not sit well with me not knowing this important piece of information.”

  “Sir, for the most part of this entire trip, Jackson and Riley have been exceptionally behaved. I have had no issues whatsoever.”


  “No issues until a few days ago. I took them to a local Starbucks, so they could meet with some of their friends. Jackson did not want me to join them inside, so I had them placed at a table in front of the window where I could still observe. A few minutes later, Riley exited the restaurant complaining that she was ill and needed to be taken to a local pharmacy for some stomach aides. I wanted to bring them both home, but she convinced me that it would only take a few minutes. I agreed and took her to the store, leaving Jackson unattended. She was taking longer than she should have. I insisted we return to the restaurant immediately. Upon arrival, I observed something suspicious.”

  “Which was?”

  “Well, sir, Jackson was clearly perspiring, so much that it could be seen through his shirt. I know we are in the middle of summer, but they had air conditioning inside.”

  “Richard, was my son ill? Is that the reason why he looked sweaty?”

  “Sir, what I have failed to mention is the location of the restaurant. We were only a couple blocks from Dr. O’Larien’s office. While I was attending to Riley, your son made his exit to go to Dr. O’Larien’s office, for whatever reason I do not know. He must have ran all the way back, that is the only logical reasoning why he looked the way he did. We were en route back to the apartment, when Jackson said they wanted to run errands. I refused his request, insisting they both return to the apartment. When I was stopped at a traffic light, they both ran out of the limo, and I could not catch them. They didn’t return home for hours. I was very alarmed at the fact that Jackson would pull a stunt like this, he never did before. I chastised him about putting his health at risk by doing such an irresponsible act. He apologized to me, and I decided to keep it between us. I vowed to tell you immediately if he ever did something like that again.”

  I could feel my jaw beginning to tick, my skin beginning to heat, as I listened to Richard’s detailed account about Jackson. His bodyguard was now crestfallen and waiting on me to speak.

  “Why wasn’t I told about this immediately? It is your job to report back to me with every last detail about my son, no matter how insignificant you think it might be. It has been very taxing on me already, knowing he was on the other side of the country, but now this? He’s pulling stunts of disappearing acts? I don’t understand this at all. Was Jackson carrying anything on him when he collapsed at the restaurant?”

  “Yes, sir. I have his wallet, along with his small backpack.”

  He handed me the items, and no longer caring about his privacy, I immediately began to search his things. What I found next completely floored me. It was a State of New York Marriage License issued to Jackson Walker Reed and Riley Taylor Briggs. No! This can’t be real. My son did not marry his girlfriend, without my knowledge of it. I shoved the paper back into the pack and sat down to catch my breath.

  Richard handed me a glass of water, but I shoved it away. I was almost in a catatonic state. If they are married, then Riley has a legal say in my son’s medical care. As his wife, she can make decisions on his behalf. Hell no! I will not fucking abide by this.

  I don’t even know how much time passed before I came out of my initial shock. I kept hearing over and over again someone calling out, “Mr. Reed.”

  I finally whipped around and shouted, “What!”

  “Excuse me, sir, but my name is Francesca, and I am Dr. Briggs’ nurse. He asked me to come find you.”

  No pleasantries to greet her, I just bolted from my seat.

  “Where is my son?” I practically screamed at her.

  “Your son is on his way down from Radiology and is being taken to the I.C.U. within Dr. Briggs’ wing. He hasn’t regained consciousness yet, but all will be explained to you shortly.” With that, she turned and exited the office.

  Now accepting a bottle of water, I drank it down in several quick gulps, wishing it was scotch. I felt as if I was spinning out of control and needed to get a better handle on it. I turned to Richard, who was nervously quiet.

  “I need to check on my son. You take care of Reese and her daughter. Do not let them out of your sight, and especially make sure Reese is comfortable. If you fail me again, you are fired. Do I make myself clear?”

  “I understand, Mr. Reed, and I am very sorry.”

  “I don’t want your apologies, nor do I need them.”

  We walked out together. Reese was waiting for me. My eyes found hers, as I took in her beautiful features. She was holding Riley’s hand, and with the other was stroking her belly with our growing daughter inside. Riley was oblivious to what Reese was doing. Just the sight of her calmed me. As I got closer to where they were sitting, Reese got up to greet me, wrapping her arms around my waist and reassur
ing me. I wanted to believe that she was right, and my son would be okay.

  “Jackson will be in his room in the I.C.U. in a few minutes, so we can see him then. Reese, baby, I want you to go with Richard and take Riley. I need to see Jackson alone.” She clearly looked hurt by my words of dismissal. It was never my intention, but I knew what I needed. I wanted her to rest and be safe.

  “I also need you to find out something for me,” I said. I hooked her arm within mine and walked over where no one could hear us. “I found this in Jackson’s backpack, and this never came up in one of my daily calls with my son” I showed her the marriage license, and she was clearly shocked as well.

  She gasped. “What the hell does this mean? Did the kids get secretly married and not tell either of us?”

  “That’s what I need you to find out for me. I don’t trust myself around Riley right now. I am too upset, and I don’t want to be curt with her. Please get to the bottom of this right away, and then send me a text with what you know. I will join you in a little while.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of it. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby, so much.” I couldn’t kiss her again, knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop. Reese was the only reason I wasn’t losing my mind right now. She was keeping me in check. With Reese being pregnant, I wasn’t going to cause her any unnecessary worry.

  I came upon Jackson’s room and watched through the glass, as the nurse checked his vitals. My legs locked. I couldn’t bring myself to enter his room. I was beyond frightened on what I would be told. Briggs came up behind me and invited me in.

  “He’s stable and should awaken soon. His blood pressure was extremely elevated upon arrival. His scans show no visible injuries to his head when he collapsed. I will give you a few minutes with him, and then you can join me in my office where I can speak with you in private.”

  “You can tell me now, Briggs.”

  “It’s Doctor Briggs to you, and I thought you might want to have a few minutes with your son before we talk. It’s up to you.”


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