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Payback With Ya Life

Page 6

by Clark, Wahida

  Several men rushed to the casket and began replacing it on the stand.

  Brianna’s sister was now up there motioning for more of the funeral workers to clean up the mess. Her mother looked as if she was going to faint. Shan was stunned beyond belief as she leaned over and said in Peanut’s ear, “I can’t believe she did that.”

  “B pissed off a lot of people. I thought the shit was rather funny myself,” Peanut told her with a smirk.

  “You are so ignorant,” Shan gritted between clenched teeth.

  “Look what the cat drug in,” Sonya said, referring to the brother who favored the reggae artist Sean Paul.

  Miss P unashamedly craned her neck to get a good look at the brother with the black fedora and dark shades. “It looks like that nigga Nick but I ain’t sure.”

  Sonya smacked her lips and whispered, “Gurrrl, it’s him. That nigga got a lot of nerve. Ain’t nobody seen or heard from him since Peanut went to jail. Him and that bitch used to fuck around, but just like every other nigga, the bitch kicked him to the curb too. But Nick is a keeper. I don’t know what that bitch was thinkin’, not holdin’ on to that one.”

  Nick nodded at the two ladies as he looked around to see who was in attendance. He fell back, trying to keep a low profile. He didn’t want anybody to recognize him, especially not Peanut, and was glad to see him and Shan sitting way up front. He knew he shouldn’t have come but he just wanted to know for himself: was she really gone? He spotted Brianna’s mother and sister. Even though the crowd was small, Nick noticed a few faces that had decided to show up. The hoes who were there didn’t like or probably didn’t even know Brianna. They knew she fucked with get-money-type niggas, so they were most likely there to pick up her slack. And the niggas in attendance were those who you rarely caught at the club. But you could bet your last dollar they would be at the Who’s Who funeral. The fellas were looking sharp, and the ladies were looking even sharper. Instead of a funeral service it was more like a meet-and-greet.

  Oh shit, Nick said to himself as he held his head down to avoid being noticed by Peanut or Shan. He was so into checking out the so-called mourners he wasn’t keeping an eye on the man who, without a doubt, if they were to come within a few feet of each other, somebody was gonna get their wig split. He didn’t know what they were looking at but everyone’s attention was now turned to the young lady who was standing in the middle of the room. Nick used this opportunity to slip out of the funeral without a confrontation. Especially since he had already been recognized by the two broads who had been talking throughout the entire service.

  “Fuck this nigga at?” Teraney spat, tossing the cell at Slim. After circling the Med, the only Memphis hospital that served all of the hood folks, for almost thirty minutes and Doc not picking up, they were now expecting the worst as Teraney floored the pedal.

  “Born, we lookin’ for Doc. Round all them niggas up,” Slim barked before hanging up and dialing Doc’s number once again. “This nigga Doc better quit playin’. If something happened to the work I’ma do this nigga. Ain’t no room for fuckups.” They rode lost in thought until they came up on Doc’s block.

  “Yo, this nigga’s car is parked.” Teraney skidded on the brakes because he had almost passed right by it. They both inspected it and then looked up at the house.

  “Shit ain’t right, maine,” Slim said. “Find a spot to park.”

  Teraney double-parked and they got out, hands on their pieces, looking around. They checked out the front entrance first and it was locked. They went around the back, stormed up the steps and stopped at the door, which was wide open. Slim, leading the way, flicked on the living room light, and then made it to the kitchen. Nothing looked out of the ordinary.

  “Bathroom.” Teraney pointed. Slim nodded and led the way. Slim held his hand up when they got to the bathroom and put his ear against the door. They could hear the shower running but no movement. He slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open and saw Doc’s silhouette hanging from the shower. Slim flicked the light on.

  “Fuck,” he spat as he put his burner away and pulled out a switchblade. “Check the rest of the crib, Raney.” He turned off the ice-cold shower and cut the tape from around Doc’s wrists.

  Teraney came back. “The bedroom is fucked up and of course, I don’t see any signs of the work. Is he gonna be aiight?”

  “Fuck if I know. The nigga is shot. Help me lift his heavy ass.” They carried him to the bedroom and wrapped him in several blankets.

  “Do you feel a pulse?” Teraney asked.

  “He is breathing. Get a street doctor over here. The nigga is unconscious and is probably freezing to death. This big-ass lump on his head doesn’t look good and we need to stop this bleeding.”

  Briggen was sittin’ in the back of the prison visiting room waiting on his cousin Zeke to come out. He looked at his watch and it was almost one-thirty. This nigga needs to hurry up. I got shit to do. Briggen had no clue as to what was so important that Zeke needed him to come up here. The last time he visited was to see his little hardheaded-ass brother, Forever. That’s when he’d found out that Forever was fucking Shan and using her to bring in his dope. Briggen told Forever to leave Shan alone, and that she was his first and he needed to use her. But Forever ignored him and kept on doing him. Forever hadn’t called or reached out to him since. Briggen glanced up, and four inmates were coming through the door. Zeke was leading the way. Briggen stood up and frowned at his smiling cousin.

  “Nigga, don’t be smiling at me. What the fuck you got me up here for?”

  “Good to see you too, punk!” Zeke grabbed Briggen, pulled him to him and gave him a hug. “Go get a nigga some vittles out them there machines,” Zeke barked and playfully punched Briggen in the chest.

  “Maine, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are. Go get the shit yourself.” Briggen pulled out some bills and tossed them at him.

  He watched as Zeke came back with an armful of snacks. “Nigga, you still greedy as shit.” He snatched the bottle of Cherry Coke out of Zeke’s hand. “So what’s up? And how’s my hardheaded-ass brother? I have a feeling this is what this visit is about.”

  Zeke got comfortable, opened up a bag of potato chips and stuffed them in his mouth. He turned serious. “Man,” he began, “blood is supposed to be thicker than water. And I’m a very loyal muthafucka but I ain’t no damn fool and a nigga still gots to eat. I need to take over this whole operation. We need to make some changes . . . and fast.”

  “What the fuck is up? You and Ever been gettin’ money together since y’all was shawties.”

  Zeke gobbled up the last of the chips and swallowed the last of Briggen’s Cherry Coke. “Your brother on some shit and it ain’t a good look.”

  “What about him? I had an idea he been on some bullshit, since I haven’t heard from him. What’s the bizness?”

  “Maine, shit is deep. You know he had shawty bringin’ in that work.”

  “Yeah, I know all about that. I put a stop to it.”

  “No, you didn’t. Shawty was trying to get her brother’s bond money together and Forever was breaking her off with a little bit of change at a time. She was bringing the shit in long after you said stop.”

  “Say what!? Where the fuck he was gettin’ the work from?”

  Zeke put his palm up to silence Briggen. “Then Nyla found out and she stepped in and talked Forever into settin’ shawty up. That’s why shawty quit the day she was supposed to make the drop. She didn’t even show. She bounced with the dope and some dough. Now, Forever and Nyla is beefin’ big-time. It’s a whole lot of drama. Ever been trippin’ hard. I need to do my own thang and let him do his. I gotta distance myself. Do me. Bottom line.” Zeke was looking at Briggen, who had on his game face. Zeke couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. Finally Zeke said, “Your brother turned straight snitch, Brig.”

  Again, Zeke watched Briggen as his words set in. Zeke wished that things hadn’t gone down the way they did. He hated to be th
e one to break the bad news . . . but snitchin’? That shit was jeopardizing everything and everybody.

  “You ready to hear the rest?” Zeke wanted to get everything off his chest.

  Briggen was speechless. Would his own flesh and blood snitch him out? Naw, not Forever. “Give it to me raw, nigga.”

  “The reason why he ain’t re-up with you is because he’s using another connect and owes dude mad bucks. From what I’m hearin’ that’s why it has dried up around here, ’cause dude ain’t fuckin’ with Ever no more. Now Forever tryna get in touch with Skinny and dem.”

  “Who is the connect that he owe?”

  “Some cat named Polow. I don’t know why Ever think he can just straight-up jack niggas for they work. That ain’t like him. But, yo, Brig, you know I don’t trust the nigga no more. He’s too hot.”

  Finally Briggen said, “Aiight, fam, thanks for puttin’ me up on what’s happening.” He stood up to leave and gave Zeke some dap. “I gotta dip.”

  As he stepped away he turned back around when he heard Zeke call his name. “I’m lettin’ you know now. If I think that nigga is gonna jeopardize you or me, we gonna have some problems. Just let me know the bizness if you want me to handle it.”

  He and Briggen locked eyes and then Briggen turned and left.

  Everyone was in Doc’s living room. The street doctor had got Doc to the point where he was all right. The bullet came out without a problem and he meticulously dressed both wounds, the one on Doc’s head and the one on his shoulder. He then gave Doc a sedative that he chased down with a pint of vodka and now Doc was pissy drunk and in his bed sleeping like a baby.

  “So we all agree that we coppin’ from Janay, right?” Slim asked.

  Everyone said yeah.

  “So Doc ain’t in charge no more?” Born wanted—needed—to know.

  “We’ll vote on it when he’s able to be present. He’s pissy drunk and talkin’ out of his head. Y’all ain’t gonna get no valuable info from him in that condition,” Slim announced and left it at that.

  “Fuck that!” Teraney barked. “Wake that nigga up. We lost seven birds.”

  “Hell yeah,” Jo Jo agreed. “Born, you and Raney go drag that nigga outta that bed.”

  The whole room was in an uproar and they all started moving toward the bedroom. Slim said, “Fuck it.” He got up and went out the front door.


  Hey, luv, you aiight?”

  “Who is this?” Nyla snapped.

  Peanut laughed. “Oh, it’s like that now? A nigga can’t even check on a beautiful lady nowadays without getting snapped on. What is the world coming to?” he joked.

  “Peanut?” She finally recognized his voice. “I’m sorry about that. Wait. What am I apologizing for? You called me collect the last time I spoke to you, so what’s up? Wait a minute. You’re out?” She sounded excited. “Oh my God, you’re out!” she squealed.

  “Yeah, I’m out. I’ve been home for a couple of weeks.”

  “A couple of weeks? And you’re just calling me? I should hang up on yo’ ass.”

  “Nah. You don’t want to do that. Go easy on a nigga. I’m out here trying to get back on track. So how you holdin’ up and when can I see you?”

  Shit. Peanut had caught her off guard fo’real. It’s like he always knew to call when she was straddling the fence. Here she had just gone out on a limb to set Shan up so that Forever could come home and the bitch didn’t even come to work. Instead she did one better and quit, making Nyla look and feel stupid. So now she was still pissed at Forever for fucking the bitch raw and getting her pregnant. She was at the point of love him or leave him. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t see leaving him since she had put in so much work. They were married and had their beautiful daughter, Tameerah. But that hadn’t stopped her from thinking of a get-back and Peanut just may be the answer.

  “You still there?” Peanut interrupted her flashback and train of thought.

  “I’m here.”

  “A nigga tryna see you, so what’s up?”

  Damn. He’s coming on strong. But shit, I wouldn’t mind seeing his ass. Beep. “Can you hold on a sec, that’s my other line.” She pumped her fist. Yes! Saved by the bell . . . or should I say the beep? And right before I got into something I ain’t have no business getting into.

  “Hold on? Do I look like a secretary, maine? Just tell me when can I see you.”

  “You gonna let me take this call or what? If you ain’t got time to wait, then call me back,” she went back at him and then clicked over. Whoever was on the other line hung up, so she clicked back over to Peanut. “Now was that so hard? It didn’t even take long,” she teased.

  “Naw, but tell me how long I’m going to have to wait to see you.” Yeah, he was pressin’ her. But he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was the ultimate picture of a lady in his eyes. He wanted her to be his lady. There was an attraction between them that he couldn’t control . . . no matter how hard he tried . . . and he knew that she could feel it as well. It didn’t matter to him that she was holdin’ a nigga down on lock. He wanted her to be his lady.

  “Actually—” Beep. “Shit, that’s my line again; do you mind holdin’ on?”

  “Damn, your line is bumpin’. I’m glad I called when I did or I probably would be the one struggling to get through. But go ahead. Do you need me to take some messages for you?” He was bein’ real smart with it.

  “You got jokes. Nigga, don’t be like that. I promise it won’t take long. Hold on.” She clicked over.

  It was Forever.

  Oh shit, oh shit. She hopped around as if she were stepping on hot coals. Just my luck. Does this nigga have ESP? When the recording said Press five to accept, she hesitated. “Oh God, calm down, Nyla, breathe.” She finally did . . . as she pressed five.

  “Damn. I thought you wasn’t going to press five. Did I interrupt something?” Forever was nonchalant about it but she knew he was dead serious.

  “Hold on. Let me get rid of this call.” She clicked over before Forever responded. “Peanut, I gotta take this call.”

  “Is everything aiight?”

  “Yeah. Well, no. I’ll get back with you.”

  “You don’t even have my number. I’ll get back at you. Handle your business, shawty.” Peanut hung up.

  Nyla sighed as she clicked back over to Forever. “Yeah,” Nyla spoke drily.

  “Yeah? That’s all you got to say? Straight up, what dick got your mind gone?”

  “Forever, did you just call here to argue?”

  “I’m just sayin’ you—”

  “You’re just saying what, Forever? Huh? Why it got to be some dick? I can’t be tired of your shit? Of course not. You think your shit don’t stink.”

  “Damn. And your mouth fly. You can’t tell me another nigga ain’t in this equation. What’s the nigga’s name?”


  Forever chuckled. “I knew there was a nigga in the equation. I don’t believe this shit. You fucked him already? Can you at least tell me that?”

  “What difference would it make?”

  “You bitch.”

  “Fuck you, Forever. Unlike you, I haven’t crossed that line or broken my marriage vows.”

  “The way you poppin’ off you expect me to believe that bullshit?”

  Nyla was fighting back her tears. “I’m starting to hate you, Forever.”

  “Ain’t this a bitch. So it’s over?”

  “I answered your call. I’m still here, ain’t I?”

  “Fo’real, I can’t tell. You got niggas callin’ the crib and shit. Are we through?”

  “Do you really care, Forever?”

  “Nyla go ’head with the bullshit, this is me, Forever, baby. Fuck you mean do I care?”

  “Yeah, the same Forever that fucked a bitch and got her pregnant. That Forever, right? How many more bitches you up there fucking, and getting pregnant?” Nyla now had tears streaming nonstop down her cheeks.
r />   “C’mon, Nyla.”

  “C’mon my ass, Forever. Nigga, I got your last name and your daughter,” she screamed.

  You have one minute remaining, the recorder chimed.

  “Nyla, don’t do this.”

  “You already did it, Forever. And fuck you. You need to sweat for a minute.” The phone disconnected.

  “Fuck!” Forever slammed the phone down. He had waited exactly fifteen minutes to call her back but now she wasn’t answering. He picked up the phone and dialed again. Nyla still wouldn’t pick up.

  “Yo, man, can I jump on the phone right quick? Shit!” one of the inmates standing in line quipped.

  Forever ignored him and walked away. He spotted his cousin and codefendant Zeke going down the hall. He needed someone, preferably Zeke, to listen to him vent.

  “Zeke!” Forever yelled out. Zeke turned around, nodded and kept it moving.

  “What the fuck?” Forever was really confused. This nigga has been acting standoffish for the past few days.

  “Zeke,” Forever called out again as he picked up his pace, determined to catch up with him. “Zeke, hold up, nigga, I need to holla at you.”

  “Nigga, I gotta take care of something. I’ll get with you later,” Zeke yelled back and strolled off.

  Peanut ended up calling Nyla back and talked her into meeting him at the movies. They went to see The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith, and now they were standing in the parking lot, leaned up against Peanut’s Denali. He was holding both of her hands.

  “I enjoyed our little date. Even though we took separate cars,” he teased.

  Peanut was massaging her palms. Her short haircut, beautiful smile and petite body were a complete turn-on. She had on a jeans outfit with some stiletto boots, and she was still a little itty-bitty thing.

  “I enjoyed myself too.” The gentle massage she was receiving was making her tingle. Add the fact that his Jean P cologne was making her head swim. “I think it’s time for me to be going.”

  “You don’t sound so sure. You want to get something to eat? I’m hungry fo’real, how about you?”


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