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Mastering Her Heart

Page 10

by Dani Wyatt

  “Listen, because this is going to be a short, one way conversation and you need to hear what I have to say.” Willow shifts her hips, consciously or unconsciously rubbing herself on my erection, raising her bravado another octave. “You won’t expose me or Pike. You will also not be getting your new client. Your managing partnership or anything else upon which I was the fulcrum of your plans. Because I know about the DNA test. I have the physician's report. Okay, so Derrick may not have had intercourse with me, but you knew there was sexual contact. You knew it was his semen they found on me and you did nothing! You did less than nothing, you made me feel like I was the wrong-doer. The liar. When all along you had the proof! And you know what? I was sixteen years old. And Derrick was eighteen. You know, even if I couldn’t prove he took advantage of me when I was impaired, it’s still statutory rape, mother! And you didn’t report it. Failing to report felony sexual abuse on your own daughter?”

  She knows if this gets out her career is over. The physician’s report shows she had knowledge of the sexual contact. Derrick never denied it happened, just denied the little detail about consent. That’s enough right there to ruin her.

  Margaret screams. “You’ve ruined not only my deal, but you’ve ruined Pike’s merger as well, Willow. You may think you’ve won, but you’ve ruined everyone with your little show. Pike——”

  “Margaret.” I brush my fingertips along Willow’s cheek as I chime in. “After all these years, you should know me better than that.”

  Silence on the other end of the phone as Willow leans down to kiss my cheek and nestle her head into my neck. I draw her tightly against me before I deliver the final blow.

  “Your little group of investors? They were more than happy to accept double the share price of their position with Axis and controlling shares in Richards’ Holdings. They all sit on my board now. Oh, except Pierson Marcus. You are more than welcome to represent him. Only, since he was also privy to the DNA test and the events of that night, he may need a different kind of attorney as I don’t think you two will be in any position to be concerned with my little merger if you are facing criminal charges. Oh and one more thing, you should be smarter than to text a threat to lie about criminal activity in order to get what you want Margaret. That little blackmail text you sent me, remember? This deal means nothing to me. Less than nothing. Winning isn’t important to me, Margaret. Money means nothing to me. Willow means everything to me. So in the end, I win, because I have everything I’ve ever wanted or needed right here.”

  Margaret continues in her high pitched panic. “You can’t do that! You’ll pay for it in the press. Taking advantage of the daughter of your former wife? They’ll have a field day.”

  “She’s not going to be my former step-daughter for long, Margaret. She’s going to be my wife. And I’m going to plaster that little announcement all over the media myself. I’m proud as fuck of Willow and what we have together. I’ll never hide her away. So don’t think that gives you any leverage here. Because as soon as Willow gives me the nod, our wedding announcement is about to become public knowledge.”

  Margaret’s voice is screeching as I hit the red button and end the call.

  Willow sits up straight on my lap, grinding her crotch over my erection with a smile that lights up my heart.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Not asking, princess. Informing. I’m decisive. And I’ve decided. My private jet is waiting to take us to Las Vegas. We’ll be married by lunch time. How does that sound? Or do you want a big wedding? Mother-of-the-bride and all the trimmings.” My sarcasm is met with a playful whack on my shoulder with her fist.

  I let one hand drop from her hip and reach into my inside jacket pocket, pull out the worn, rust colored leather box. The gold embossing is weathered but it still shimmers on the antique leather.

  “Marry me, Willow Bainbridge. Make me the happiest Daddy on the planet.” I flip open the box. Inside is an emerald cut diamond. It’s the size of a dime, surrounded by smaller emeralds and mounted on an antique filigree white gold band.

  “Oh my God.” Her eyes tell me she knows exactly where the ring came from.

  “You don’t think I would ask you to marry me without talking to Maisy first, do you?”

  Her lips come to set on mine as I take the ring from the box and slip it on her finger.

  “When? How?” Her eyes dart from my face to her hand, then back.

  “Princess. You know I’m always two steps ahead. When I went to LA the day after we were together at Club Tower, I stopped first and went to see your grandmother. I knew that night I would never let you go again. But I also know how much Maisy means to you, and I wanted her blessing. She gave me that, along with her engagement ring from your grandfather. Told me to take good care of you or she would come around and kick my butt.”

  I hold her hand up and kiss the ring.

  “Daddy.” She whispers and my dick is on point. She knows how to control me with that single word. “But I have to work tomorrow...Lucielle.”

  “You really want that job princess? You want to work for her?”

  “I want to succeed. I want to follow my dream.”

  I kiss her nose. “Tell you what. You let me call in a favor for you this one time. I know people that know people.” She squinches up her nose and I hold up a finger to her lips. “Just this once.”

  “Fine.” She can’t fight the smile. “I sort of hate Lucielle. Maybe I’ll just start my own business. Take a risk. I’m tired of being abused by her just hoping for her endorsement. I think if she fires me, I’ll figure something out. If I can stand up to Derrick Marcus and win, I can handle Lucielle.”

  “My princess. My Caramia. Daddy loves you more than you will ever know. Now, let’s go get on that plane.”

  E P I L O G U E


  Six months Later

  “I’ll come over there and give you a wallop you don’t get me my brandy.” Maisy rolls forward to where Pike is pouring her a drink.

  The lights are still twinkling on the Christmas tree. It’s been an incredible few months and this New Year’s Eve is just another celebration of the amazing life Daddy and I are building.

  “This is your last one.” Pike turns around and hands Maisy a snifter of her brandy.

  “Don’t you tell me when it’s my last one.” She snatches it from him and spins her wheelchair around with her free hand. Pike winks at me as I rub my belly.

  I’m only three months along and I can’t wait for my belly to be bigger. I thought I would be insecure about getting even rounder, but Pike has taught me just how beautiful I am no matter what I think. My curves turn him on and seeing that in his eyes has repaired some of the years of self-loathing I had regarding my full figure.

  “You tell your husband to mind his business Willow. I’m ninety-two years old, what am I going to do if I have another drink? Die?” Maisy settles in a spot by the roaring fire Pike made.

  Who knew such a refined businessman could turn all lumberjack whenever we come here to the cabin.

  He’s even wearing flannel for God’s sake.

  And it’s hot AF.

  “Hey, lumber-Daddy.” I wink back and Pike gives me that look. The one that says in no uncertain terms, ‘You’re getting very close to a spanking young lady.’

  “Willow.” He draws my name out in playful admonishment.

  “Sorry.” A pout and an eyelash flutter grants me temporary asylum. I see the twinkle in his eye.

  Pike comes over to stand in front of me. Kissing my forehead.

  “Get a room.” Maisy chimes in. “And tell all these other men to leave me the hell alone. I’m not going home with any of them tonight. And when my Henry gets here, if they don’t back off, he’s going to knock them into next week.”

  She jabs a finger in the air point toward nothing but what she sees in her mind.

  “They can’t help themselves.” Pike says. “A woman like you drives men mad. It’s a miracle
I can hold myself back.”

  I swat his arm. “You better hold yourself back Pike Richards.”

  He leans down to my ear. “You know holding back is not in my vocabulary only when it comes to you Caramia.” He leans down and kisses me with that raw passion that takes my knees out from under me.

  His tongue swoops into my mouth. I can still taste myself on him from when he flipped my skirt up and ate me from behind as I put the finishing touches on the candy buffet that covers the kitchen island.

  My pussy gushes. I’ve learned to just live with being wet nearly 24 x 7. Pike likes me that way and it’s darn good thing, because just he sight, sound or thought of him can put me on the edge of an orgasm in the blink of an eye.

  “Come with me.” He finishes our kiss and grabs me by the hand. He looks toward Maisy who is having a conversation with someone only she can see. “Maisy. We’ll be back. Veronica is right here if you need anything.”

  Pike smiles at the stout gray haired woman sitting reading a Harlequin novel.

  “I don’t need anything but these men to quit following me around.” Maisy quips. “And another brandy.” She holds her drink up toward Veronica who sighs and looks toward Pike. Maisy snorts, “You don’t need his permission to give me a damn drink.”

  Pike nods. He plays the tough guy but both Maisy and I have his number.

  “You’re a sweet Daddy.” I lean into his side as he drapes his arm over my shoulders. “Where are you taking me?”

  “You’ll see princess. Just come with me.” He has dark circles under his eyes.

  Pike has been working so much. He’s tired and I do my best to not be demanding of his time, but I miss him so. This house I hope will be our sanctuary. A place where he can come and recharge but sometimes I wonder how often he will be able to take time. His company runs him to the brink of exhaustion.

  He leads me down the hallway from the great room. The slick floors are made from antique pine planks. The walls are alternating stone and plaster with barn beams imported from his families land in Hungary.

  We visited there on our honeymoon. A tour of Europe that culminated in Pike meeting his family for the first time. Aunts, Uncles, cousins all gathered and welcomed us with open arms.

  His Grandparents left some land to his mother. He didn’t know until we were there and his mother’s brother gave him the deed to an old farm that had been in the family for gnerations. There were several century old buildings on the property that were not repairable. Old stables and a huge hay barn. So, Pike had them taken down, but saved all the lumber. Shipped the beams and planks back here to build this country house for us. It was completely just before Christmas and we’ve been staying here as a family for the holidays.

  As we get close to the bedroom, Pike stops us.

  “Princess.” He shifts, taking me by the shoulders to face him. “You are part of my very soul, you know that don’t you?”

  “Yes Daddy.” I smile. The look on his face somewhere between concern and joy. “What is it?”

  I watch him swallow hard. I know this look. It’s something that comes over him often. I see the responsibility he feels for me.

  “Just come in to the bedroom. We need to talk.”

  My heart sinks but he traces his hands down my arms and pulls me by the hand. Once inside, he settles on the end of the bed, gathering me forward to stand between his legs. His hands on my hips.

  I’m near tears because I see the tension in his ace. Something is wrong and he’s doing his best to hide it from me I can feel it.

  “Daddy, something’s wrong. You’re scaring me.” I put my hands on his cheeks. The rough scratch of his unshaven face under my palms.

  “Baby nothing’s wrong. I just think we need to make some decisions. Or I need to make some decisions and I hope you will understand.”

  My heart is in my throat. I swallow and wait.

  “I want to make some changes in our life.” His brow comes together and even muscle in my body tenses.

  “Okay. Like what?” I mumble barely able to get the words out.

  “First off, I’ve already talked to my board. As of March 1st, I am stepping down as Chairman. I will be a majority shareholder, but I will no longer be involved in the daily operations of Richard’s Holdings.”

  He pauses, his green eyes searching my face as I wait for the other shoe to drop. Pike managed to save the merger in spite of all the drama and chaos caused by Margaret and the Marcus family. It was a miracle, but it made him an obscene amount of money. Half of which he immediately turned over to a number of charities.

  “Is that it?”

  “Is that okay with you?” He asks and I can see he really isn’t sure.

  “Are you kidding me?” I throw my arms around his neck. “I’m so happy.” Tears spring to my eyes. “Is that it? Really? That’s what you wanted to tell me?”

  “Princess, I wasn’t sure if having me be the powerful business man was part of what appealed to you. Part of why you loved me.” His voice hints at the truth in his words.

  People think of Dom’s as impervious to emotion. That their hearts are somehow made of different stuff than the rest of us. But I assure you they are not. Pike is as sensitive and loving as many man on this earth and he has insecurities just like the rest of us.

  “I love you even more Daddy. Because this means I get more time with you. You get more time with me. With our family.” I release my grip and take his hand to place them on my belly. “We could be living anywhere and I’d be happier with more time with you than any position or job you would have.”

  “Well, I have another thing.” His full lips turn up. “I want to move Maisy in here with us. And, I’ve set up a construction company to build you a studio on the property. A design studio for your maternity clothing line. I think you should let me take care of the baby as much as you need. I want you to pursue your own dreams princess. I’ll be here to support you however you need. Mr. Mom, financial backer and grandmother management.”

  I giggle at the idea. The powerful Dominant Lord Tower taking on the domestic roles so his wife can follow her dreams. He stepped down from running Club Tower the day we got married. Turned it over without looking back to his friend and trusted manager Sir James.

  “You are full of surprises you know that?” I lean down and kiss him. The feel of his tongue moving into my mouth never gets old. I give him wink. “You sure you an handle Maisy without a full time staff.”

  He laughs and reaches around to give my bottom a smack.

  “I didn’t say I would have a staff. But, baby, I’m ready to be fully immersed in this new life Caramia. This life I’ve dreamed of for so long.”

  My cheeks ache from the smile I think will never leave my face.

  “Daddy.” I love him so much. He’s given me my wings under his guidance and control.

  “You happy princess?” He asks squeezing his legs together and pulling me closer, his hands moving to grip my ass.

  “I’d be happier...” The heat raises on my cheeks. Even after this time together I still find a shyness comes over me when I want certain things from him.

  His eyes light up, because not only does he know what it means when I blush and turn coy, he loves to see that little girl in me come out.

  “Does my princess need something from Daddy?”

  I run my hands through his hair. He’s let it grow out just a bit and I love the way it feels between my fingers.

  I lean down. My lips brushing against his ear.

  “Special kisses.” I whisper and the words draw out a moan from him.

  “Say please.” He returns, his voice thick with lust.

  “Please Daddy. Pretty please.”

  With that he’s got me turned around and on the bed. My skirt already up around my waist as I giggle and open my legs. He’s taught me well, never keep him from what’s his.

  “Good girl.” He says before his mouth is on me.

  When he says ‘good girl’, I hear ‘I lov
e you’. I’m ready to cum within a minute. I arch into his mouth, filling the room with the words I know he loves to hear.

  “I love you too Daddy. Forever and ever.”

  Need even more Daddy time? Try Angel, her Daddy knows what a good girl needs.


  Chapter One



  “You are wound too fucking tight, man. When’s the last time you got laid anyway? Go find some fucking chick and just get it done!” Erik smirks at me as he spreads his fingers on the polished birch. The desk used to be mine, and it was big even for me. Erik isn’t small, not by everyday standards, but he looks like a toddler playing like he’s some big shot behind that desk.

  He’s wearing a fucking idiot grin, and I have half a mind to wipe it off with a quick shot to his jaw.

  What he doesn’t know is I get laid a few times a day. In my mind at least and by my own hand. I got laid a couple hours ago. Laying back in my bed, my fist around my rock hard shaft, trying to talk myself out of jerking off for the second time before six a.m. as I thought about my angel.

  I lost that battle, just as I’ve lost hundreds exactly the same over the last few months. As I gripped myself, squeezing and jacking up and down with the sheets tossed off my body, my thoughts had drifted to what her lips would taste like, the way they curve and stay full when she smiles. Thinking of that gorgeous smile as I would sink my tongue so deep inside her I become part of her fucking DNA. The image of myself placing her on her knees in front of me, her willing eyes looking to me for reassurance...

  My fantasy unfolds with the first brush of her tongue on the slit of my cock, drops of pre-cum seeping out just for her. The things I would say to her. How she would smile when I told her she was my good girl... The weight of her magnificent tits in my hands.

  The taste of her pussy. Her legs spreading willingly for me. Then that smile again.

  Every time it happens, I imagine teaching her, guiding her, showing her everything I want her to know about sex. About how I was made to please her and her me. Making her mine in ways most men would think perverse, but it’s not. The ways I want her are beautiful. The ways I wish I could have her. Take care of her. Possess her beyond anything most rational men would understand.


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