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Gladiator Heart

Page 11

by Alyssa Morgan

  The Odyssey was a large building with its own private spa and baths attached. Inside were five private dining rooms with couches arranged amidst stone fountains gurgling with fresh water. Exquisite, colorful paintings adorned the walls. Each room had a large picture window that looked out onto the river, and tall green plants gave life to corners and lined the hallways that led to the guest suites.

  Valeria was overcome by the lavish comforts of her room. High windows let in the afternoon sun and the temperature was warm and the air humid and heavy. In the middle of the room was a large canopied bed draped with sheer, flowing curtains. In one corner, two couches lined the walls and there was a low table between them. On the table was a platter of fresh fruit. In another corner was a wardrobe and a stand with a washing basin.

  The first thing she wanted was a hot bath. She called for one to be prepared in her room rather than go to the public bath. The patroness, having seen her disheveled appearance upon their arrival, was excited to bring new clothes and accessories for Valeria to choose from while the servants drew her bath. She selected two sleeveless, linen tunics and three different stolas of the same cut to wear over them, one in light blue, one in red, and one in a deep lavender. Adding a pair of sandals and a dark blue cape, Valeria would once again look like a Roman. The patroness even left her matching ribbons with which to bind her stolas and weave into her hair.

  Valeria lingered over her bath, enjoying the solitude and the feeling of being clean and fresh. She scrubbed her hair and cleaned under her nails. The blisters had faded from her feet since she spent the days riding with Gaius on his horse, but she still bore a scar on her arm from the lash mark. She rested in the bath until the water went cold and the bright light of the sun had given way to the evening.

  Standing naked in the twilight, she rubbed scented oils into her skin. Thoughts of Tristan drifted through her mind, making her body ache for his touch, but she tucked the thoughts away. It was too hard to think of him, especially since he was surely suffering at this moment while she was luxuriating.

  As she dressed, a servant girl came to light the oil lamps and inform her that the rest of her party waited for her to join them in one of the dining rooms. Valeria draped the lavender stola over her white tunic and wrapped the matching ribbon around her torso to draw the stola tight and emphasize her slender waist. She bound up some of her lustrous blonde hair with braids and gathered the rest of the length behind the nape of her neck with a ribbon, letting the curls fall over one shoulder.

  Once she tied on her new leather sandals, she slipped dangling silver earrings into her ears and slid on a matching bracelet to circle her upper arm. Then she went to the mirror to apply kohl around her eyes and rouge to her cheeks. She studied the face staring back at her. Valeria looked every bit the noble Roman lady she was, yet inside she felt nothing.

  The servant girl awaited her outside her room and led her through the hallways to the dining rooms. The inn was full of people laughing and drinking as they dined. Musicians played in the background and dancing girls covered in gold jewelry moved around the room to entertain the various guests.

  Gaius, the Legatus and Rufus lounged on couches around a table with a few other officers from their party. They all wore fresh clothes and rose to their feet when Valeria came up to them.

  “My, Valeria,” the Legatus said. “I hardly recognized you.” The seasoned man wore a pleasant smile for her, so he was obviously well into his drink.

  “What a vision you are.” Gaius took her hand and brought it to his lips to place a light kiss across her fingers.

  What wonders a fresh bath and some proper clothing could work. Gaius inhaled the soft scent of Valeria’s skin and wished they were alone so he might embrace her and take her full, pink mouth in a kiss. It was going to be wholly stimulating to introduce Valeria to the pleasures of the flesh. He could almost hear her begging and crying out for mercy from his arduous attentions.

  Gaius knew under all that dirt and those ragged clothes a great beauty was hiding, and upon seeing it now, he didn’t want to take his eyes off her. With her light, blonde hair styled and arranged so intricately, and the lavender stola that hugged the curves of her figure and brought out the blue color of her eyes, Valeria had to be the loveliest young woman in all of Rome, and soon she would belong to him.

  Valeria snatched her hand away from Gaius when he held onto her longer than she liked, and then walked into Rufus’s big arms and gave him a hug.

  “What was that for?” he whispered at her ear, hugging her back.

  “I’m sorry for being so horrible to you.”

  “Come now,” he said, releasing his hold on her. “Join us. Have some wine.”

  She took a seat beside Rufus and sank back into the plush couch pillows. Gaius and the Legatus shared the couch opposite and the low table sat between all of them. Meat, fish and vegetables were laid out before them, along with bread, cheese, fruit and almonds. Rufus poured her a cup of wine and she gulped half of it down in one swallow.

  “You must be famished.” Gaius professed, trying to act the gentleman, though his voice held an ominous quality. “Please, share our meal.”

  Valeria helped herself to bites of food and then nibbled on a ripe, red apple. Where was Tristan in this moment? What was he eating? She shouldn’t be thinking about him. He was destined to die in the arena and she would never know his passionate touch again. It was so unfair.

  Gaius was watching her in an almost impolite manner, his sharp green eyes roving over her bosom and down to her waist. “How do you find your accommodations? I hope you’re comfortable.”

  “The rooms are lovely,” she answered, putting aside her apple and drinking more of her wine.

  “Florentia is a city rich with abundance because of its position on the Via Cassia,” the Legatus studiously informed her, like she’d never heard of the Via Cassia before. “The road leads directly to Rome. We should be there within a week.”

  “I know how excited you are to return home,” Gaius said to her, smiling. “This should be good news.”

  “Yes, yes it is.” She toyed with her fingers over her cup of wine. “I admit I do grow tired of being surrounded by a bunch of men.”

  “You seem to be holding your own.” The Legatus actually complimented her. “And I find your mood much more tolerable now that Gaius shares his horse with you.”

  “I’m glad to,” Gaius said. “Besides, I have a certain way when it comes to handling difficult creatures.” He winked at her.

  Valeria bit down on her bottom lip, knowing she shouldn’t give him a response, but she felt too restless and irritable to keep quiet. “I’m sure once you abuse any creature for long enough it can be forced into submission.”

  “Ah, my dear, there is beauty to be found in submission,” Gaius argued. “For once given, there is nothing but praise to follow.”

  Valeria thought she was going to be sick. She had a good idea what being married to the handsome, golden Gaius Cato would be like. He’d force his will on a wife until she accepted his dominance. He seemed to take great joy in having control over others.

  “I find that a gentle hand brings loyalty,” Rufus now spoke up. “But all men are different, and all have different methods.”

  “How ever did you make it to the Praetorian Guard with a gentle hand?” The Legatus leaned forward to slice a piece of meat from the platter and placed it in his mouth.

  “I was taught that the greatest weapon a man has is his mind,” Rufus replied.

  “I’ve seen the Guard in action.” The Legatus chewed thoughtfully. “Quite impressive, considering half of them are freed gladiators.”

  “As is Rufus,” Valeria intervened, in case the Legatus had suddenly forgotten his manners. “I’ve heard it said he was the greatest fighter the arena has ever seen.” She beamed at her protector with an admiring gaze. Rufus had always been her hero.

  “I saw you fight that day.” The Legatus leaned back in the couch and sipped from hi
s cup of wine. “You slayed thirty men with a fierceness that remains unrivaled. The crowd had no choice but to grant your freedom. I should say I’m glad for it. You’ve served Rome well in your years.”

  “To the arena!” Gaius raised his cup of wine in a toast. “What games these slaves we deliver to Rome will bring.”

  The Legatus joined his toast, and Rufus only went through the motion to keep from upsetting them. Valeria slammed her empty cup down on the table and sprung to her feet.

  “I fear I am quite tired from the long days of travel.I should like to retire to my room for the evening.”

  Rufus set down his cup of wine and stood. “Shall I see you back, Domina?”

  “No, thank you.” She shook her head, then looked to the Legatus and Gaius and inclined her head respectfully. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  Once back in her room, she gathered all the colorful fruit from the platter on the table and put it in the bag the patroness had given to her for carrying her new things. She pulled the string closed and slung the strap over her shoulder, then covered herself with the dark blue cloak and stole her way out of the inn through a back door in the large kitchens.

  Valeria was no stranger to walking city streets at night. At times she felt more comfortable among the regular citizens than the noble patricians. This city, though Roman, was nothing like Rome itself. The smells were different, the sounds were different, even the people were different. She felt how far from home she still was.

  When she came upon the military barracks, she had to sneak around back to the stables, and that’s where she found Tristan and his men, shackled like animals.

  Tristan welcomed any chance for rest. Chained on the ground in the stables while the soldiers were out enjoying the pleasures of the city, he was still too distracted by his pain and his hunger to catch a moment of peace. He bore the worst of the torture from the Romans because of the attention he received from Valeria.

  They didn’t like that one of their own sympathized with him, and he didn’t understand why she bothered to help. What did he mean to her? His men had kidnapped her. He’d taken her to his bed and robbed her of her virginity, yet she’d returned his passion when they were together, and when she looked at him her eyes were full of emotion, whether affection or hatred, he couldn’t decide.

  “Tristan,” her voice whispered through the darkness.

  He forced his eyes open and didn’t know if he wanted to curse her, or kiss her. What a vision she made. She was more beautiful than he imagined she’d be, with her golden hair piled on top of her head in the Roman fashion and colorful clothes that accentuated her womanly body. Her cheeks were flushed and rosy and she wore a sly smile on her lips. Why had the Gods sent this woman to him?

  She was an angel.

  “I know you don’t want my help,” she said, “and I’m sorry it can’t be more, but I brought you something to eat.”

  She slid a bag from her shoulder and dumped a pile of fruit on the straw-covered ground. Apples, oranges, grapes, and pears spilled out. Tristan’s mouth watered to bite through the colorful skins and taste their sweet juices.

  “It may not provide ample sustenance, but it’s the best I could do,” she said now in his language, then turned to leave.

  Tristan caught her by the arm. His dirty hand closed over her clean skin and reminded him of how wrong it was for him to feel anything for this woman. She was a Roman at heart. In the end, she would betray him.

  He released her arm. “Thank you.”

  “We’ll soon be in Rome.” Tears welled in her eyes and glittered like jewels in the moonlight. “You’ll be treated better there.”

  “I’ll be killed there.” He closed his eyes and turned his head aside, no longer able to look upon her splendid beauty or think about his awful fate.

  “I pray to the Gods you’ll live,” she said. “What better revenge on Rome than to become a hero in the arena and win your freedom?”

  He whipped his head around to stare at her in shock. “How can I?”

  “Goodnight, Tristan.” She drew the hood of her dark cape over her head and rose to her feet. “I’ll stay away from you for the rest of the journey.”

  Could her words be true? If he lived to see Rome, was it possible he could somehow regain his freedom?

  Valeria stopped at the door leaving the stables when she heard loud voices behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see the soldiers had returned and were starting in on the prisoners. Lowering the hood of her cape, she moved in closer through the shadows to see what they were doing.

  Titus and the two others were obviously drunk, and they kicked at prisoners on the ground, cursing and spitting on them.

  “This one still hangs on.” Titus kicked Tristan in the gut, making him groan with pain and curl up on the ground. “I’ll work harder to break him on the road to Rome.”

  Valeria was appalled when Titus began to urinate on him. She’d like nothing more than to see Titus suffer the same indignity, but there was nothing she could do. If she stepped in, she would only make things worse for Tristan.

  She left the stables, and sucked in a shocked breath when she found Gaius waiting in the shadows.

  Gaius gave her a threatening look and roughly took her by the arm, holding her so tightly it started to hurt. He led her through the darkened city streets without saying another word. Once they reached the inn, he dragged her into an empty dining room and slammed her back against the wall so hard the breath flew out of her lungs.

  “What were you doing at the barracks?” he demanded, his face hard with implied menace. “In the stables?”

  Gaius wanted to punish Valeria the way she deserved to be punished for her insolence and disrespect. Unfortunately, until she was his wife, he had to take a care with her.

  “I wasn’t… doing anything,” Valeria said with half sobs, though her eyes burned with defiance as she glared at him.

  How dare she try to mislead him!

  Gaius grabbed her by the arms and shook her roughly, battling his raging temper. “Don’t lie to me!”

  He knew there was something between her and the northerner, and it was killing him that he didn’t know exactly what. One thing he knew for certain: she’d better be a virgin when he took her, or someone would pay the price.

  “Take your hands off me,” she demanded. “You have no right to handle me in this manner.”

  “You push a man to lose his control.” He tried to find a measure of calm, and let his gaze travel over her, stopping on the rise of her full, round breasts straining forth from the top of her stola. He could take her here, fast and hard, get under her skirts and show her what a man felt like. But he wanted to own her first, and knew she’d be worth the wait.

  “Were you there to see your slave?” he asked, disgusted. “That filthy Pict scum?”

  How could she prefer such a man over a full-blooded Roman?

  Valeria said nothing in reply, just stared back at him in silent challenge. Gaius would know if she lied to him.

  Without warning, he crushed his mouth down on hers in a punishing kiss, bruising her lips, their teeth gnashing as he forced his tongue inside her mouth. She tried to escape him but he held her firm with one hand behind her head and the other at her back.

  He took pleasure in assaulting her, rubbing himself against her body and darting his tongue into her mouth while she tried to get away. He was right on top of her, like he anticipated every move she was going to make before she made it. When he took his hand from her back and raised her skirts, Valeria fought as hard as she could to stop him, but he was too strong. He forced his knee between her legs to hold them open and crudely thrust one of his fingers inside her, moving it back and forth.

  He looked down at her, his eyes blazing with a mixture of anger and lust, his breath coming in uneven pants. “I will bring you to heel.”

  Revulsion at his touch racked her. “Release me at once,” she ordered, but her voice came out weak and shaky, betraying her

  “I will have you, Valeria Marianus,” he whispered at her ear as he thrust his finger deeper, causing her to wince as a sharp pain shot through her. “And when I mount you and ride between your legs, you’ll know who you belong to.”

  He took her mouth in another abusing kiss while he forced his finger back and forth in a painful motion. Valeria panicked with fright and tried to pull away, tried frantically to stop him, but he held her firm and refused to let her go. It was only when a choked sob escaped her that he finally broke the kiss and withdrew his finger. He sucked it into his mouth to taste her.

  A corrupt light came to his eyes before he said, “Your submission will be well worth the fight.”

  Then he released her and left her there alone.

  Valeria smoothed down the ruffled skirts of her tunic and stola and braced one of her shaking hands against the wall to keep from collapsing to the floor. It would do no good to fall apart, not when she was this close to home. She fought the tears that threatened to fall. Gaius wanted her to cry, wanted her to be afraid, and she’d rather die than give him that kind of power over her.

  Valeria was stronger than he knew.

  She was a Roman.

  After a few minutes the shaking subsided and she was able to catch her breath without hitching sobs. She straightened up and drew her cape around her like a protective cloak. It wouldn’t keep Gaius away, but it did make her feel better. For a moment, she imagined it was Tristan holding her, protecting her in the safety of his arms. She had to stay strong for his sake.

  They still had a long ride to Rome ahead of them, and if she didn’t find some way to avoid rousing Gaius and his evil temper, she might never feel Tristan’s warm embrace again.

  Chapter Eleven

  On the last leg of their journey they’d fallen into a routine. Valeria had no choice but to continue sharing Gaius’s horse, so she tolerated his hands on her body, thankful they weren’t alone so he couldn’t take too many liberties with her. As the weather steadily improved and got warmer, she took to walking for a portion of the afternoons to stretch out her legs and get some time away from Gaius.


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