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Lust (Seven Deadlies MC Book 5)

Page 11

by Kaitlyn Ewald

  “What about my job?”

  “We’ll figure that out. Rayna asked me outside if I thought that you were worth it, and honestly, until this moment, I wasn’t so sure. I hate to say that, but I want to be honest. I want to be able to utilize this full disclosure thing when we need to.”

  “I don’t know where to start.”

  “Tell me how you got here.”

  “I was bouncing around from town to town, and one day I rolled into Axel’s bar. I wasn’t looking for company, I was just minding my own business. I needed a drink, bad, because I was still missin’ you, and for some reason, whiskey always made the sting hurt a little less.”

  Billie didn’t comment, but she was definitely listening.

  “Green and Ox were there, with Prettyboy. Something happened between them and another crew and they got into a fight. I didn’t do anything at first, just watched from across the room. And, then, I told myself ‘fuck it,” and decided to help. I broke a bottle over one of their heads and shoved the other one through the jukebox.”

  Billie blinked slowly.

  “And, then what?”

  “They offered me a place to prospect. After a while they offered me a seat at the table and I never thought twice about it. This place had already become my home, these people my family.”

  “Hmm,” She said softly.

  It hurt to be so close to him and hear him say that these other people, these strangers to her, were the people he preferred over her. She knew he didn’t mean it that way, but it still hurt her nonetheless. Which is why she continued to listen, with open ears and an open heart.

  “After that, I got caught up in this life and I realized, I’m good at it. Billie, this is where I’m supposed to be. The only thing missing was you.”

  Billie took that into consideration as she mulled everything he’d said over.

  “I don’t want to fight anymore, but I need the truth. I need your word that you’ll do your best to give me that, and then some, because it takes a tough bitch to live this kind of life willingly.”

  “And, you think you can handle it?”

  “I just want to make sure I’m handling it for the right reasons, you understand? One more chance, Slayer. That’s it. Just one. If you blow that, I’m gone, and no matter how connected we feel, this is over,” She said adamantly.

  He shook his head and finally reached for her, his fingers wrapping around her waist and pulling her towards him. She let him hold her, let him draw her in close.

  “I promise, Billie. No more lies.”

  It felt good to hear it but it would feel even better once he proved himself, and that was what she was counting on. That was what she needed. His fingertips grazed the exposed skin beneath her shirt and she sucked in a breath.

  He was still a little bloody, a lot of sweaty, and shirtless as hell. His blue eyes were intense on hers as he watched her in the waning light, his touch as soft as a baby’s breath. Billie watched, caught up in him, as he slowly lifted her shirt up. He motioned for her to lift her arms, and she did.

  She couldn’t explain why, or what was provoking her; maybe it was that stupid connection they’d always had. Nothing between them had ever been perfect, and there was no reason it would start now. She could learn all about his job tomorrow…

  His blonde brows were drawn together in concentration as he watched each inch of her skin come to light as he pulled her shirt up and over her head, tossing it aside. Once she was bare to him, he cupped her breasts and ran the pads of his thumbs across her nipples. She gasped his name, something he liked, and he showed it when he pinched her nipples the same way he had before.

  Billie loved that, loved the shock it sent reeling right between her thighs. There were a lot of things that reminded Billie of Slayer over the years; the colors of the sunset, the way that summer smelled on the breeze, but her body? Her body never forgot the effect he had on her, and it swung right back into the same old rhythm as before when he swept her hair up and out of her face.

  Slayer’s lips sought hers, his fingers buried in her hair, his nails scraping her scalp as he tilted her head back. She fell forward into his chest, her fingers curled against his skin. The way he was breathing against her mouth told her that he was just as swept up in the feelings as she was, and she hadn’t realized until then, that she needed that, too.

  His hold on her tightened when he dropped his hands down the back of her neck, past her shoulders, and gripped her hips. He didn’t rush to remove her pants, he didn’t need to. This was all about reconnecting, and maybe a little about the fear of losing each other so soon.

  He was gentle, so gentle, and when he pulled back to look into her eyes the way he used to, she could still see the same old awe sparkling back at her in their deep blue. He watched her silently for a moment before he said, “I love you. I never stopped.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as she whispered, “I love you, too.”

  Slayer dipped his head, kissed her again, reached down to slip her pants down her thighs as he slanted his mouth over hers. The taste of him, the smell, it was so familiar yet so different, and the thrill of it had her breathing heavy. She was hot, hot, hot, and he was the source of her heat. He always had been.

  She’d never seen anyone more beautiful.

  Slayer helped her step out of her pants before he lifted her into his arms, his forearms under her thighs. He kissed her again, sank his tongue between her teeth and sucked on her bottom lip. She couldn’t hold back her groan at the way his hands had her arching her back. Her spine bowed when his hand slipped into the elastic of her panties and drew them down her thighs.

  His fingers sought her pussy, touched her softly, kissed her tenderly. Billie gripped his shoulders, drew him in as close as she could, met him halfway when he reached for her. He spread her thighs with his palm as he reached for her soft skin. She was already wet, already whimpering under her breath, ready for him to take her.

  “You’re the only one that ever meant a damn thing to me,” He said raggedly.

  Their touching became desperate as he lifted to fit himself between her thighs, his hard cock seeking her entrance like they’d never been apart. He wrapped one hand around the back of her neck, their gazes locked, as he sank into her so deep their hip bones rubbed together.

  “Fuckkk,” He huffed.

  It felt so good, so right, the perfect fit. Billie wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in the long locks of his hair as she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Slayer took his time, he didn’t rush it, and as their bodies became more acquainted, Billie fell more in love with the new him. He touched her like she deserved, like she’d craved.

  “I’ll lust for you the rest of my life,” He said.

  Slayer wasn’t the perfect man, but she knew that he was perfect for her, and if he was willing to make the past right between them, then she would let him. She’s give him the chance to love her the way that she deserved.

  His name clogged her throat when he hit her g-spot, rubbing her walls from just the right angle, giving her every incentive to come right then and there. But, she held on, kissed him harder, held him tighter. Her nails scraped the tanned skin on his back, roved up and down his spine, letting the notches of it guide her touch.

  Slayer sped it up, wrapped one of her legs around his thigh, hit her from an even deeper angle that had her keening and gasping as her whole body tensed. Colors exploded behind her eyes as she held her breath and let her body do the talking. Slayer cupped the back of her head and tipped her head back, kissing along the column of her neck, sipping on her lips as she came.

  Billie blinked her way back to reality, and Slayer had an expression on his face that she would recognize no matter how many years they spent apart. He was about to come, and she wanted him to.

  “Come for me, baby,” She whispered.

  His mouth landed on hers as he grunted under his breath and breathed into her, his movements jerky and soft as he came, too. He opened h
is eyes, but he didn’t stop kissing her. He kept his hands on her, his mouth pressed against hers.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Billie. I don’t ever wanna stop kissin’ you.”

  Chapter 17

  Slayer walked into Church knowing full well he about was to be made an example of. As soon as he sat down, Ox nodded at him from across the table. Whatever was going on with the Madmen, it was serious enough that Ox was pissed at him for not telling Billie the truth.

  Which, he had every right to be, and Slayer knew it.

  “Everybody take a seat, and let’s make a plan. I don’t know what these fuckers have planned, but we need to get our asses in gear now that everyone is here,” Ox said.

  Axel cleared his throat, “Jefferson was real helpful when it came to cleaning up the bar. Suggested we set up some kind of traffic block to catch these fuckers off guard,” Axel said.

  Ox rubbed at the beard lining his jaw.

  “Not a bad idea. I’m surprised he’s willing to help that much.”

  “He said he’s just as pissed about the death of the locals. He knows we don’t cause any trouble up here, Ox. He ain’t an enemy. We won’t be needing his help very often, and I doubt he’ll offer again. We should take it.”

  “Where is the traffic stop supposed to be? We can’t pinpoint these fuckers, that’s part of the problem. They have moles all over watching us, and they haven’t made their intentions clear,” Limit said.

  “That’s where this gets tricky. I got a hold of Ty today and he called me back an hour ago to tell me that there are only five riders in this crew. They’re using my name to get more connections, and since Pierce and Chris were a part of my club, people believe them. I can’t have my name bein’ used like that. Ty offered a suggestion.”

  “What would that be?,” Tango asked.

  Slayer sat back in his chair.

  “Nip the problem in the bud now. Ty gave me the location of where they’re stayin’; he had to pull some strings, but I got a good idea of where their little shack is. I say we have Jefferson stop them before they can leave the mountains and have him take them back to their shack while we lay in wait. If the sheriff and a couple of deputies fuck with them a little, they probably won’t suspect we’re already there.”

  “Does anyone know what they want, though?”

  Prettyboy snorted, “What any new MC wants. Territory.”

  “Why is it always our territory they want?,” Green asked.

  “Yeah, and why ain’t they ever nice about it? We could always use allies,” Rebel said.

  Ox nodded.

  “So, Limit, Tango, you gonna plan this? I can call Jefferson tomorrow, see what he can pull for us. I don’t know how soon he can block off the mountain for us,” Ox said.

  “Works for us,” Limit said as he glanced at Tango, who just nodded.

  “Now, Slayer, apologize to your crew.”

  Slayer crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.

  “I lied to Billie about what we do here. Didn’t give her anything to go off of. I put us at jeopardy, and I apologize for that. I spoke to her and told her everything. She’s on board.”

  “Why would you do that to any woman?,” Fury asked.

  “I didn’t know how she would take it. She ain’t like the other women who had a little taste of this beforehand.”

  “Scarlett never did and she handled it just fine,” Limit argued.

  “Maybe, but her daddy is our prez. That makes her situation a little different, wouldn’t you agree? Regardless of her status with you, she had ties to this club.”

  Limit sighed, “Fair enough.”

  “I didn’t know what to do, and I panicked.”

  “We understand, but you also get why I took your ass to the cage, right?,” Ox asked.

  “Yes. I got the message.”

  “Good, you’re forgiven. Let’s go grab some brews before we head to bed. It’s good to have you ho-,” Ox was cut off by a scream that was loud enough to nearly rattle the windows.

  “Billie! Billie!”

  Shots rang out, so loud and fast that no one in the room had time to process what was happening.

  There was more screaming, more shots, this time coming from inside the clubhouse.

  Slayer dropped to the floor and ran for the doors, bursting into the hallway the same time he saw Rayna bounding around the corner, her gun firing shot after shot into the parking lot. Slayer ran for the doors the exact same time that he saw a shitty four-door sedan speed out of the parking lot, their tail lights busted from the spray of bullets both Rayna and Esme were putting out.

  Slayer scanned the room, looking for one face in particular.

  “Where’s Billie?”

  “Slayer, she was out there! She said she wanted some air, and she was walking around in the parking lot. I tried to call out to her to stay close, but when I finally caught her attention, they were already shoving her into their car!,” Esme said panicked.

  Slayer swore and ran out into the parking lot as fast as he could, hoping like hell he would catch a glimpse of the car again. He hadn’t gotten much detail out of it other than it was more than eight years old and red.

  “Fuck!,” He yelled when he saw there was no sign of them anywhere.

  “She’s gone! She’s fucking gone, and this is all my fault!,” He yelled.

  Fury and Limit were there in two seconds flat, their guns out.

  “Why the hell would they steal her?,” Fury asked.

  “Leverage. If they have her, they have one of ours, and she was the closest thing to leverage they could get. They were probably hoping to sneak in here and take more than one old lady, but she was all they could get.”

  “This is fucking bullshit, how the hell am I gonna get her back?,” Slayer worried.

  “Ty sent me the address over text, brother. We’re gonna get armed, and then we’re gonna go after Billie, okay?”

  Slayer glanced at Axel, who was holding his shoulder.

  “Try to stay calm right now. We’re gonna save her, man.”

  “Well this just upped our schedule by a full day. Limit, go inside and get the weapons ready. This little bust just turned into a hostage situation. They’ve already proven they ain’t afraid to shed some blood, let’s hope that ain’t the case this time. Hurry it up, too, we don’t have the luxury of planning this out very well,” Ox said.

  “She’s gonna leave me if she makes it out of this alive,” Slayer said.

  “Don’t think like that, Slayer,” Prettyboy said.

  Esme came wandering towards them, tears in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, I tried- I shot as best I could, but they were too fast,” She whispered.

  Slayer shook his head and hugged her close for a second.

  “It ain’t your fault, Esme. I’m not mad at you.”

  She dipped her head and Prettyboy laid a kiss against the crown of her head as he tipped his head towards the clubhouse. “Get inside and help those women stay safe, okay? Keep Flora inside at all costs. No one’s leavin’ here, no matter where they live. This place is on lockdown.”

  Esme grabbed the lapels of his jacket.

  “You come home to me, Damon.”

  He smiled, the scarred half of his face tugging with the gesture.

  “I’ll always come back to you.”

  Prettyboy slapped Slayer on the back and pierced him with his bright green eyes.

  “You ready to save your woman? Now’s the time to prove yourself to her.”


  Billie was minding her own business, walking around the lot to catch some fresh air, when she heard the screeching of tires. She heard Rayna call her name, so she looked up for just a second- and that’s when the car she’d heard sped onto the lot, cornering her.

  She wanted to run, and she tried; but there were more of them than she could fight off. Billie kicked and screamed, and she heard Rayna call her name. She heard shots, too, felt one of them close enough to burn the skin o
n her ankle, but none of them hit her. The man that was holding her got hit, though, and he cursed the entire way to the shitty shack they took her to.

  She kept her mouth shut, even though she was panicking inside. There was no way she’d be able to fight off all of them once she counted five bodies. They had her blindfolded within the first couple of minutes of bringing her to their shit hole of a hideout.

  Billie felt herself being shoved into a chair and tied down, the rope scraped against her soft skin, causing her to wince behind the blindfold.

  “We got us a new one, boys!”

  For a second, she wanted to fight; to scream, to curse them, but she didn’t. She knew that nothing she said or did would help her out of this situation, so she had to pray to God that Slayer and his men would find her.

  Her blindfold was removed all of a sudden, and she quickly took in her surroundings. She was in an old hunting cabin it looked like, and it hadn’t been updated…ever. It was filthy, filled with trash, and there was more than one little mattress tossed onto the filthy floor. They were living like animals out there.

  As Billie was looking around, she noticed something terrifying; there was another woman tied to a chair, and she looked half-dead. Filthy, with matted hair and nearly naked, she was covered in old wounds and fresh wounds. Splotches of blood stuck to her skin, too, and Billie’s stomach turned at the sight.

  That’s what these men are capable of.

  The woman had her head tipped forward, her mass of red hair covering her face, so Billie couldn’t make out any of her features, but she was small. There was no telling how long she’d been stuck in this cabin with these animals.

  “We got ourselves a little Seven Deadlies princess, boys! This ought to get us what we want,” A man said as he came towards her. He had a shaved head, two earrings, and he was missing three teeth.


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