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Double Your Trouble

Page 3

by Belita Renn

  She shook her head.

  He stared intently into her eyes, taking control.

  "I will not insist that you obey and come to us. If I am wrong and you truly don't want us, you will go where there are people and stay. If I am right and you are stimulated by us and only wish to be stubborn, you will forget what I have said.” Pressing a soft kiss upon her lips, Valo was smiling when he released control of her mind and pulled away. “You will be easy to love. So sweet and kindhearted, you were willing to risk your life to protect your people. I wonder if they appreciate you like we will?” His fingers stroked her cheek with a delicate touch. “Your skin feels like the petals of a rose.” Pressing a feather light kiss on her lips, he straightened and moved away.

  Cader was standing on the opposite side of the rack where she lay on the mattress. Slipping his hand beneath her chemise, he cupped her breast. A part of her mind acknowledged that Valo had moved aside to give Cader a few moments alone with her.

  The two males had to be finely tuned to each other's desires to work so smoothly together. It was unusual to meet males who were sensitive to another's needs. There had to be a strong bond between them, but did vampires love? Could they feel tender emotions? Valo had spoken of loving her, but he could only have meant physically.

  Boldly, Cader stroked his thumb over her smooth nipple. The darn thing tingled, and rose to attention. Glancing down, she saw his fingers surrounding her naked breast. Using his wrist, he had pushed the material aside to expose her globe to his view.

  "Your body welcomes me,” he spoke reverently, as though he were honored that her body responded to him. Perhaps he was; she had to wonder if most people would be repelled by the fact of what they were. Certainly, they were male creatures of their kind, but they weren't men, and she was having trouble remembering that fact. Was it difficult for other humans to remember they were evil? Did their unnatural beauty make them impossible to resist, or was she the only one affected this much?

  Leaning close to her breast, Cader slid out the tip of his tongue, and stroked it across her nipple. It felt as though his moist tongue stroked her whole body. Her head fell back as the shocking sensations shook her insides. Her breast arched up with her back, and unable to control it, she groaned deeply in her throat. It was embarrassing that they could pull these reactions from her, in spite of her desire not to respond.

  Valo stepped to her side and smiled, but his intense gaze locked with her eyes. “Are you a virgin?"

  "No.” She felt compelled to admit. What kind of power did they wield that allowed them to force her to admit things when she didn't plan to speak? She had never told anyone such an intimate thing about herself.

  "Good. Virginity is for children, and much overrated in an adult relationship. I am pleased you are no longer afraid of us. We do not plan to kill you, so you may rest easy. We really would like you to be our mistress. You are responsible for the loss of the one we had, and as we both find you desirable, it would be a perfect arrangement for us.” His persuasive voice had a seductive quality that pulled at something deep inside her. “We could make it the solution to all your worldly needs."

  She actually wanted to agree. It was true; his words drew her attention to her present physical condition. Her body was shaking with tension, and vibrating with anticipation. Never had she had a sexual nature, yet they were building desire in her with barely any effort. They were enjoying playing with her body, and she was so aroused, she wanted it to continue. Being tied relieved her mind of guilt. Being helpless, she couldn't control her body's reaction and ensuing desire for two unnatural creatures.

  "We need to feed. I'm hungry,” Cader reminded his companion, although he didn't move away from her prone form. Her heart leapt. She was uncertain if the jump had been caused by fear, or excitement surging through her body.

  Cader's hand covered her mons, then pushed his fingers between her relaxed thighs. The pressure caused her female core to ache sharply. Pushing her dress deeper between her thighs, he stroked over the pouted lips of her labia. Without conscious thought, she parted her legs to give him better access to her private area. She didn't understand why they aroused her into wanting their hands on her body. It had to be the saliva they had put in her. There was no other logical excuse for such odd behavior. She hadn't even voiced an objection to their touching her intimately. Perhaps she was more perverse than she thought.

  Forgetting he was a vampire, she had parted her thighs for a total stranger. Even now, she wasn't attempting to press her thighs tightly together to prevent his invasion. Her body welcomed Cader's touch, and longed for Valo to take advantage of her weakness also.

  Valo returned to her side. “I believe we have proved that you desire us.” He spread open the lapels of her blouse, then tugged down the neck of her chemise to beneath her breasts. The two round globes protruded into the cool air for their avaricious gazes, to be stroked as they wished. Secretly, she was hoping his tongue would lick across her nipples as they hardened and pouted in the cool air.

  "I can hear the rush of your blood through your veins, and sense the throb in your vagina. You do ache for me to slide my long, hard shaft into your soft fragrant cunny, my dear. I can smell intensely growing desire. There is little you can hide from us. You waste strength upon useless attempts. It is better to accept, and revel in your lusts. Taking what is available is one of the few important things I have learned in the past two hundred years.” Valo's deep timbre caressed her mind, releasing the last of her reservations. She was ready for them to make love to her. Still, her conscience told her this was wrong. It was her duty as a human to resist, but they weren't trying to kill her. They wanted to make love to her!

  Biting her bottom lip, she struggled to resist the longing rising in her flesh. Her breasts were thrilled by the caress of Valo's large hands, as they gently fondled the pale flesh. He worked in slow circles toward the pink disks, and the pebbled flesh at their centers. The sensations were shattering the strength of her control. Had it been an illusion that she had control over her body's responses?

  Cader's hand was also doing wonderful things to her lower body. He lifted her gown and stroked her labia through the thin chemise that covered her body. She had never been in a situation where two men assumed control of her body. It was exciting and frightening, because she didn't know if she could trust them. It was her skin betraying her; it felt alive, and longed for more.

  Silently, she mourned the loss of his touch when Valo removed his hand from her breasts.

  "We will leave you now. I suggest you sleep while we are gone. I want you to have sufficient strength for some long loving sessions,” Valo said persuasively.

  Her eyes grew heavy, but she struggled against sleeping. Valo had suggested she sleep, he hadn't ordered it. Surely that was a loophole she could slide through.

  The vampires laughed at her struggles.

  She was nothing more than a play toy. She had to prove she was worthy of some respect.

  Cader gave her mons a final pat before withdrawing his hand from beneath her skirt, then stepped from her side.

  The men sauntered out, acting full of pomp over capturing and seducing her. The lamp went out, yet there had been no gust of air to extinguish it. After a few minutes, the urge to sleep passed. Although her hands were bound, she dragged her fingers together above her head. Her thoughts were growing confused. Without their presence, she was no longer certain she wanted them touching her body. Would they force her if she said no? As they weren't human, if she enjoyed it, did that make her a freakish creature? Obviously, she was odd if two males could arouse her when one, her lover, had been unable to get more than a mild response. Even when she had been willing to be seduced, Saul had never made her feel as desirable as these two.

  The room was a true dungeon with chains. There were arm and leg shackles on the wall. “Oh heavens, I am in trouble.” Now she had an idea how they would punish her should they change their minds. They had a complete dungeon at their dis
posal. Rusty chains with cuffs hung from the ceiling. There was a triangle shaped rounded box with eye slits that had pointed spikes inside and a bench seat. It stood open and waiting for an occupant to punish and torture. Lastly, there was the wheel with arm and leg cuffs for spinning, or if someone wished, standing a person on their head with arms and legs spread.

  At present, she was comfortable lying on the mattress, even with her hands and feet tied. At least they hadn't tied her to the wheels and stretched her out until it pulled the bones from their sockets.

  "Yet.” Fear gripped her. Whatever had helped her remain calm was fading, and natural fear flowed through her body replacing desire. Panic raced through her muscles. Her blood pumped fast through her veins, shaking her body with the vibrations. Sweat beaded from her pores, cooling her flesh.

  Gana puffed out some breaths, and forced herself to calm, then she took a serious look at her situation. The moonlight coming in the open door allowed her to make out shapes in the room. She glanced at the black walls and sighed. This was the dungeon the villagers had broken into last eve. Shadows made it difficult to see, but the door was hanging at an angle. It had been broken from its hinges.

  If they truly untied her in the morning, she would run back to town as fast as she could. Once there, she was going to inform the whole village of the danger lurking on the hill. There were no coffins visible in the dungeon. Perhaps she had been wrong about their resting place. If the villagers had not discovered them, it had to mean the vampires resided in another area of the castle. But would she be able to convince the villagers to return for a more thorough search of the castle?

  There had to be someone who could protect her, or some way she could protect herself from their temptation. Perhaps she had been a fool to kill the lady vampire. No, she had been a fiend who killed people with heartless glee. She didn't know if these two were killers, but she had to assume they also had no conscience. Look how they have taken me prisoner. They are all uncaring heathens. She didn't know why she had given them credit for being sensitive creatures. It must have been a crack in her mind where insanity had leaked in.

  Time passed, and finally, she dozed.

  The sound of their voices drifted toward her from beyond the doorway of the dungeon. They had returned. Was dawn coming soon, or did they have time for her first? They had gone out for blood. Did that mean they had no intention of biting and feeding on her blood? Had they killed one or two persons in the village?

  The oil lamp flared with light again. Valo sauntered into the dungeon; she recognized him by his brown hair and beautiful masculine features. The loose style superfine wool coat floated around his legs. Tension tightened her throat as he approached, but he didn't appear threatening.

  "What are you going to do with me?” Her voice was laced with fear.

  "I believed we had cleared that up. You will replace our mistress.” Stopping at her feet, he quickly removed the ropes, then stepped to her side and released her hands. “I am retiring now. There is fresh food in the kitchen. You should eat and find a comfortable room.” He turned and walked away. “I am thrilled to have a mortal lover. It makes me feel almost as though we have a place in this world,” he said in a lilting manner.

  Gana sat up and watched him leave the room. Did they feel like outcasts, since they were so different from humans? His words made Gana feel sympathy for them, which she quickly banished. Their problems were not her concern. She could not take care of everyone. Right now, her main concern was saving herself from becoming one of them.

  A tense Gana stayed where she was, while giving him time to retire to his lair. She didn't know where they slept. Should she attempt to discover it? Fear warned her not to search for them. She scooted off the mattress and dropped to the hard stone floor. Thoughts of running chased around in her mind. She needed wings on her heels to get away quickly.

  However, she couldn't leave now, first she had to eat. The need to do as he had bid was stronger than her will. Gana bit her lip as she walked past the entrance, gazing at it with longing, then she went in search of the kitchen. I am starving, and would have no energy to run until I eat, she justified the delay in her mind. Finding the kitchen, she prepared a quick meal. While she ate, she thought of how she was going to run home as soon as she finished.

  It didn't happen. Once she finished eating, she felt compelled to clean up the mess she had made. After washing the dishes she started toward the entrance. Her gaze wandered to the staircase. It wouldn't hurt to take a quick look at the rooms. The thought popped into her mind, and it seemed the correct thing to do. She had explored the castle years ago, but it would be interesting to see what changes time had caused.

  Chapter 2

  Valo entered the secret passage and closed the door. Cader had cast a magic spell to keep the entrance concealed from curious eyes. The spell wouldn't save them from danger should a fire consume the building. The last time that had happened had been at night, and they escaped. Were it to happen in daylight, he wasn't certain what the burning rays would do to them. Even their unnatural speed couldn't outrun the burning rays of sunlight, but he hoped they could move fast enough to avoid death.

  Valo pushed open the interior door and stepped into the tower chamber. The room was comfortable and contained two double beds with a rice paper wall separation between them, but from where he stood, there was nothing blocking his view of the entire chamber. Cader sat on the end of the bed removing his shoes. His black superfine coat hung on a peg on the wall.

  "Did you tell her that she has to stay? I noticed you didn't earlier."

  "No, I want her to stay on her own."

  "I don't think that is going to happen without using thrall.” His boot hit the floor. “She is afraid."

  "Cader, I don't want to force her. Don't you want to be with a woman who actually wants you, rather than wanting someone to protect her while she kills like Destra?"

  They hadn't cast a spell to protect the female vampire because Destra was supposed to stop killing. They had moved here to give her a chance to start over. Although they hadn't intended for it to happen, she had deserved to die for her cruelty. Destra had bragged that she had received a thrill similar to a climax each time she had killed. Apparently, she had been unwilling to give that up, and paid dearly for it. Valo wasn't willing to lose his life over a false climax when he could have the real thing.

  "You know I want to be wanted, just like you do.” Cader shook his head. “I don't think that's ever going to happen. Just entrance her and get it over with. You're only getting your hopes up for nothing.” The second boot hit the floor. Cader stood and removed his breeches.

  Strolling to his bed, Valo leaped, and bounced on the mattress. When he landed, he was naked, his head rested on his hands, and his ankles were crossed. Sighing, Valo relaxed and his eyes shifted to the silhouette on the rice paper wall. “She wants us."

  Cader tugged his shirt over his head and chuckled. “See, you're all ready getting your hopes up."

  "I can tell it's more than mere desire. She is attracted to us. She just wants a man with a firm hand."

  "If she does, she will never admit it.” Sitting on his bed, Cader slid to the center. “She thinks we're monsters."

  "I was thinking I would give her an out."

  "Out, you mean allow her to pretend she has no choice? How is that giving her an out, if she thinks she has no choice?"

  "No, she has to know she can leave, but allow her to pretend she has an excuse to stay."

  "How are you going to accomplish that feat?"

  "I have no idea. I was hoping you would have a plan. However, since seeing that you have forgotten how to remove your clothing instantly, I am having doubts about the powers of your mind."

  Cader chuckled again. “Go to sleep, Valo. We will think of something tomorrow.” Spreading his fingers over his chest, he grinned.

  "I long to be treated like a man, Cader. I am tired of being different."

  "We are different."

  "She wants us,” Valo insisted, with a smile on his lips.

  "I hope you are right, because I want her."

  "You made that obvious, randy boy."

  "Like you weren't."

  Valo chuckled. “I still am."

  Chapter 3

  Her recent quick scan of the castle had been to find a windowless room close to the dungeon, not to study the interior. Perhaps she had to go above because Valo had told her to pick a room, but maybe she would find their resting place while looking around. The information would come in handy when she had the villagers’ help.

  Crossing to the staircase, she glanced over her shoulder at the entrance. The light coming inside was still bright; she had time for a quick look. Mounting the steps, she wondered if Cader and Valo slept in one of the chambers. Reaching the landing, she walked slowly to the first door. Her hand hesitated as it reached for the doorknob. For heavens sake, open the door. Grasping the knob, she shoved the door inward.

  The light coming from the windows was a sign the room would be unoccupied. Stepping inside to take a quick look at the room, she kept her hand on the doorknob. Rotting curtains hung from ceiling to floor beside the windows. The furniture was mostly solid, and would probably remain in good condition for another hundred years, as long as the rain didn't come in. Thick dust lay on the wood and mildew grew in several spots, including the wall. She thought it unusual that the dirty windows should still be intact.

  She was glad the children hadn't broken the expensive glass. What would the vampires have done to them for damaging their home? She didn't want to learn the answer to that question. Do the vampires own this castle?

  Moving from room to room, she found similar furnishings in each one. The bed linens, as well as window covers, were crumbling. A mouse startled her as it scurried across the floor. “Surprised you, didn't I? Not used to people walking about during the day?” she joked to ease the tension coiling through her body. Reaching the last room, she found it to be in the best condition. The heavy curtains covering the windows protected the room from sunlight and dampness. She opened a curtain, and swirling dirt set her to coughing, she fanned the fine powder from before her face, then hurried to the door.


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