A Ride or Die Kind of Love
Page 85
“Shall we, Miss Knox?” he asked, melting my heart with his smile.
“We shall.”
Chapter 10
We rode to Luke’s house in almost complete silence. The only sound being the classic country music filling our ears. We were constantly touching one another; me rubbing his knee or playing with the hand he had around me, him kissing my hair, my temple, caressing my shoulder and arm with feather like touches. I would occasionally glance up to admire his beautiful face and each time that he caught me he would give me his signature smirk. I couldn’t believe how fond I was of him. My body was teeming with excitement. Every time he touched me, my body shuddered. I knew tonight would hold something special, and the days to come would be even greater. However, in the very back of my mind, where I hid things that I never wanted to think about, there was a hint of nervousness or uncertainty.
Pulling up to Luke’s house, he got out first and then I slid across the seat to his open arms. He helped me from the truck, grabbing my hand and leading me inside. “Would you like something to drink? Eat?” he asked, opening the fridge and getting a soda.
“No, thank you,” I replied nervously. The anticipation for what was to come had me hungry alright, but not for food.
“You look so beautiful tonight,” he said, letting his eyes roam over my body. He made me feel shy and embarrassed for some reason. I smiled and looked at the floor, my cheeks scarlet; definitely not me. He walked over to me and lifted my chin up with his finger and then trailed it down my throat to my neck, then between my breasts.
“I want to kiss you all over. I have never craved the taste of someone like I crave you.” A shudder ran through me causing my body to literally shake.
“Cold?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
“No,” I replied weakly. Not being able to control myself any longer, I launched myself at him. My hands wrapped around his neck as my mouth claimed his. His answering kiss was just as passionate as mine and before long he had my hair undone and wrapped around his hand, pulling my head back to deepen the kiss. I moaned into his mouth, just enjoying the taste of him. He didn’t even have to fuck me, just kiss me and I would be satisfied.
He pulled away from me suddenly. We were both breathless, staring at one another in the kitchen. I thought he was going to tell me no, that he wasn’t ready or that I wasn’t ready or that this is wrong, but Luke had a way of surprising me often, and this time, like all the others, he didn’t disappoint.
“I want to make love to you, Dallas. I want to show you how a real man cares for a woman. I would never hurt you. I only want to protect you. Please, come to bed with me.”
What the hell was I supposed to say to that? A simple “let’s fuck” would have been good enough for me. I wondered why he felt like he needed to go into such detail about it. I wondered if maybe it was his way of apologizing for what had happened. Deciding that was a good enough excuse for me, I agreed to go to bed with this man. I wanted the same things that he wanted. I needed those things. My head had just started nodding when he scooped me into his arms and carried me to his bedroom.
Luke sat me down on the bed and went around the room lighting several candles that I had not noticed before. How romantic. He turned the lights off and I lost my breath at the sight of him in the glow of the candle light. He was perfect. Dangerous, sexy, sweet, handsome, and tonight he was all mine. I smiled at the thought.
“Something funny?” he asked amused.
“I am just happy to be here, with you,” I said sincerely. A looked claimed his face, as if he were thinking very hard about something. He pulled his jacket off and laid it over the dresser, then his shoes and socks. I was getting my very own Luke strip tease. He walked up to me, loosening his tie, taking his vest off, and laying it with his jacket. I struggled to swallow at the sight of him. I stood up, unbuttoning his shirt as fast as I could. His body was like air to me and at that moment I couldn’t breathe without it. He sensed my need and grabbed both of my hands in one of his, while he deftly undid the buttons with the other. He let go of my hands to undo his cufflinks, never letting his eyes leave mine. Once his shirt was off, I stepped back to admire his chest and arms. His abs rippled down his stomach and the muscles in his arms were so well defined, that it was like looking at a painted picture. My finger traced one of the tattoos on his arm, a tribal one that ran from his shoulder to his wrist. I grabbed his belt and very slowly slid it off and let it fall to the floor. He swallowed noisily and I was pleased with the effect that I had on him. It seemed to fuel my desire, because in record time, I had his pants down and was staring at the large bulge in his boxer briefs.
“My turn,” he said, causing me to glance up to his face. His smirk was there and the arrogance was evident. I didn’t care. He had every right to be conceited. He trailed his fingers up my arms and back down again. Grabbing my shoulders, he slowly turned me so that my back was to him and pushed my hair to the front of my shoulder. With one hand, his skilled fingers, unsnapped the string of rhinestones. He slid his hands from my neck down to my waist, taking my dress with him. It soundlessly fell to the floor and pooled at my feet. “You are so beautiful.”
I could feel his breath on my neck as he kissed his way from my ear to my shoulder, then down my arm. He planted a soft kiss on the palm of my hand, and then twirled me around to face him. In that moment, in the candlelight and completely naked in front of him, I was more appreciative of hot wax and spa treatments than I had ever been. His eyes roamed my body, taking everything in from my hard nipples to my yellow stilettos.
“So beautiful,” he murmured, claiming my mouth with his. I melted into his arms. Even though there was no physical way that I could get any closer, I continued to push my body against his. He gently pushed me onto the bed. He grabbed my shoes and slid them off, then pushed my legs apart, exposing my most intimate parts.
“Tonight, you are all mine. I am gonna savor every part of your body that my mouth touches.” His blues eyes were blazing with heat and his face was full of hunger. His voice was low and deep each time he spoke. He kissed my feet, sucking each toe as if it were a delicious treat. His mouth made its way up my leg, kissing and nipping my skin as he went. When he got to my inner thigh, he kissed the tender tissue in the crease of my leg causing me to moan out loud. Just when I thought that he would hit it home, he skipped over my throbbing center and began the same torture on the other leg.
“Please,” I moaned. My back was arched off the bed and my eyes were screwed shut. The pleasure was almost too much to bear.
“Shh, baby. I’m going to take care of you. That’s what I’m here for. I promise you, it will be well worth the wait. Are you on birth control, Dallas?”
“Yes,” I managed to say. I was unable to focus. His words, along with his torturous tongue, drove me mad. Finally, his tongue made contact with my sensitive, wet flesh. The first flick of his tongue almost sent me over the edge. His tongue circled my clit over and over. My moans and cries, I was sure, could be heard for miles. I moved my hands to grab the back of his head, but his were faster and restrained me.
“Calm down, baby,” he whispered. When his breath blew over me, I couldn’t hold back any longer. My orgasm racked through my body as his mouth took over, licking, sucking and kissing me from my entrance to my clit. The orgasm rocked on for what seemed like forever, and when I finally came down from it, he was climbing over the top of me licking and kissing his way up my stomach to my firm breasts. He sucked softly on my nipples, each flick of his tongue causing me to jerk. “Look at me, baby.” I slowly opened my eyes to see his beautiful face staring down at me. Seeing that my juices were visible on his perfect lips instantly made me hotter. His look was serious when he spoke. “I need you to tell me if it’s too much, ok?” I nodded my head in agreement, remembering how big he was. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself for what was to come. “We are going to take this real slow.” With gentleness that I didn’t think possible, he slid partially into me.
I felt myself expand under him. “Breathe, baby. I won’t hurt you.” I let out a big breath, and when it regulated, he inched in further. He felt so good inside of me. This wasn’t so bad.
“More, please,” I begged. I wanted to feel him deep inside me. I wanted every bit of him. He kissed me passionately, keeping my mind off of his large cock that was now buried inside of me.
“You feel so good. So wet, and hot just for me.”
“Yes,” I breathed. I wanted him to know that no other man could ever make me feel like he did.
“You okay?” he asked, searching my face for clues.
“Yes, please Luke, fuck me. Please.” I wanted to feel him move inside of me. I needed to feel him.
“No, baby. No fucking this time. Just slow love making.” He said, kissing my neck, my face, my lips. I loved hearing him talk to me. The more he said, the wetter I got. Every little endearment was like a breath of air. My heart fluttered each time his lips touched me. I had never felt like this before. Slowly, Luke began to move. It wasn’t painful but a little uncomfortable. I lifted my legs to wrap around him and winced as he thrust deeper. “Be still.” His tone had a bite to it, but he kissed me and I immediately forgave him.
He picked up rhythm and the feeling intensified. It was no longer uncomfortable. His mouth never left my body, constantly kissing my lips and neck and breasts. I lifted my pelvis and matched him thrust for thrust. I could feel myself building. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. I moaned in his mouth and his growl from deep in his chest was enough to push me over the edge.
“Come for me, baby. Let me feel you while I’m inside you.” My screams were of pure pleasure, this orgasm even more intense than the other. As I came apart beneath him, he drove into me-taking full advantage of my relaxed muscles. I was on the verge of passing out from ecstasy, when he rammed into me, filling me completely.
When I came to, he was still inside me, kissing my neck and face. Ever so slowly, he eased out of me and instantly I missed him. The feeling of him inside of me, the way he constantly kissed me, the sweet things he said to me, it made me feel like a woman. He worshiped my body. There was not a place on me that he had touched that didn’t feel as if it were on fire. He laid beside me and tucked me into him. My head rested on one arm and with the other one he had a firm hold on my waist, rubbing tiny feather like circles on my stomach. His soft voice broke the silence.
“You okay, babe?”
“Yes,” I managed to say, although it came out as a whisper. A soft chuckle came from behind me. I wanted to turn and look at his face, but my body was so relaxed, I didn’t think that I had the strength.
“Why did you run from me?” My body tensed. I knew we would eventually discuss this, but I was hoping it would not be in my post-coital state.
“You know why,” I responded, my voice somewhat stronger.
“No, I don’t. I asked you not to do something and you disobeyed me. You deserved what you got.” He said, never raising his voice.
“Disobeyed you?” I struggled to turn over so I could see his face. How dare he use the word disobey with me? I was a grown woman for crying out loud.
“Yes, disobeyed me. I told you not to be associating with other men and you did it anyway.” His facial expression was completely impassive and his voice was still soft. God, he was gorgeous.
“First of all, I am not in the fifth grade. I am a grown woman who does not live by a set of rules. You can’t just tell me to do something and expect me to do it when you were over there hugging and kissing on every woman in the bar.” I was now fuming. Sweet, sexy Luke was gone and in his place was this guy that I had yet to meet.
“Ah, now we are getting somewhere. You were jealous.” He gave me his signature smirk and it was like throwing gasoline on a fire.
“I most certainly was not jealous. I don’t give a shit what you do. If you want to hang on every piece of trash you encounter, that’s fine with me, but don’t expect me to sit there and watch it,” I seethed. I stood up and headed to the bathroom. That son of a bitch, how dare he try to blame this on me. Damn right, I left; why the fuck should I stay?
“You are a feisty bitch, aren’t you?” I turned to see Luke standing in the bathroom doorway. He had pulled on some basketball shorts. For the first time, I notice his calves. Damn. How did he do that? They were muscular and tan and just the right size. Wait, did he just call me a bitch?
“Did you just call me a bitch?” I asked him, completely taken aback by what I thought my ears had heard.
“A feisty bitch, to be exact,” he responded, still smirking. I could see the challenge in his face. Well if he wanted a fight I was going to give him one. Before I could lash out at him, he spoke again. “Why don’t you tell me why you really left? Tell me the truth. How will I ever know if you don’t talk to me? Is that your answer for everything? To run?” He looked so confident standing there, talking to me. His words were hypnotizing. He was so calm and collected when he talked and I was a stick of dynamite, whose fuse had already been lit.
“Do you want to know why I left?” My voice had risen and my body was shuddering with rage. “I’ll tell you why, because you drag me to this fucking bar in the middle of no fucking where, then leave me at the mercy of some fucking body else why you hug and kiss every bitch that walks through the door. Then,” I said quickly as if he might interrupt, even though he was propped against the door looking slightly amused and not giving a single impression that he was about to cut me off, “You made me feel like shit, because you wouldn’t even introduce me to your friends or co-workers or whatever the fuck they are and I talk to one guy, one fucking guy, whom I haven’t seen in years and you drag me out of the building like I am a fucking rag doll, push me up against the wall, close me in and cuss at me, not even giving me the chance to speak. What the fuck was I supposed to do, huh? Walk back inside so I could look like a complete fool in front of everyone? No fucking thank you. If you think for one minute that I am gonna let you tell me what to do then you are fucked up in the head, you egotistical, self- centered son of a bitch.” I sucked a big breath in and stood there panting, staring at him. He stared back at me with a small smile on his face and his eyebrows lifted as if he was impressed.
“You finished?” he asked. He would have been better off spitting in my face. I hated fighting with someone who refused to fight back. What was the point of an argument if he was just going to stand there and stare at me?
“You damn right I’m finished.” I pushed passed him and made my way back into his room, scooping my clothes up off the floor.
“Dallas, just calm down,” he said exasperated.
“Calm down?” I was in his face now and his look had suddenly changed from that of amusement to a clear warning for me to shut up. Finally, I was getting a reaction. “Don’t you fucking tell me to calm down! You started this shit!” I said, putting my finger in his chest. His breathing had become heavier and he was losing his composure. Well, bring it on, LLC.
“Hush, Dallas. That’s enough,” he said, struggling to stay calm. I knew that I shouldn’t push him too far but of course, I let my mouth overload my ass.
“Fuck you!” I screamed. That was the wrong thing to say. He grabbed my hands and roughly pushed me onto the bed.
“Fuck you? I don’t mind if I do. Let’s see how smart your mouth is when I’m finished with you.” Without another word of warning, his shorts were off and he was coming towards me. I was filled with excitement and nervousness all in one. He was mad, but I had seen him madder and he didn’t hurt me then. But my instincts kicked in and I scrambled to try and crawl off the opposite side of the bed, but he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back to him. I was on all fours and frantically trying to escape his tight grasp. He wasn’t holding me hard enough to hurt me, but firm enough so that I couldn’t get away. The cat and mouse game had me soaking wet. I was so horny, but if he wanted it, he was going to have to work for it. A harsh slap landed across my ass and was immedi
ately followed by another one that hurt equally as bad. I cried out from the pain, but was so turned on by it that the feeling quickly faded to a delicious sting.
“Stop it!” Luke yelled at me. He now had a firm hand on my waist and had managed to wrap his other hand in my hair, holding my head back and making me stay in place. My breasts rose and fell with the harshness of my breathing. I felt Luke lean across my back and he put his mouth close to my ear. “I am going to fuck you until you beg me to stop, and even then, I’m going to keep driving into you until I think you have learned your lesson.” My response was a strangled moan, full of passion and wanting. “I know you want this, so I’m not going to give you an option of saying no.” His voice was low and deep. The coldness in it sent a shiver down my spine. “If it becomes too much, just lift your arm and I’ll stop. Do you understand?” I tried to nod my head, but I couldn’t move it. “When I ask you something you will answer me with words. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I managed to choke out.
“What are you going to do if you can’t handle it, Dallas?” He asked, blowing his breath on my ear.
“Lift my arm,” I said nervously. Fuck, this was exciting and intense and nerve racking. He leaned up, letting go of my hair and slowly eased into me. It felt so fucking good. I was so wet from my arousal that I welcomed him in, my pussy stretching to accommodate him. When he pulled out, I was expecting him to fuck me slowly until he knew that I was ready, but I was wrong. He rammed into me over and over again. My cries were a mix of pain and pleasure. He was so deep inside me, filling me and fucking me mercilessly. I knew this was a punishment fuck, but I loved every minute of it.
“You learned your lesson yet, Dallas?” He asked through gritted teeth. Hell, no. This was too wonderful for him to stop now.
“Fuck. You,” I responded with as much malice in my voice as possible.