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A Ride or Die Kind of Love

Page 87

by Chelsea Camaron

  “My father drew that for him when he was very young. Pops kept it with him for years. He said it was the only memory that he had of my father ever loving him,” Luke said, melancholy ringing loud in his voice.

  Poor Luke, it must have been terrible growing up in the middle of a family feud. I couldn’t imagine having to choose between my parents and grandparents. Even though I was lacking in the family department, at least when they were alive; they all got along. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand reassuringly. “It was a long time ago, babe-water under the bridge,” he said, kissing my hand.

  He showed me the other vests, housed in the shadow boxes around the room. I soon learned that they were called “cuts.” They all belonged to former members, all of whom had passed on. “We have meetings here weekly, and hold a formal church once a month. All members are expected to be present at church. It’s the time that we discuss business, upcoming events, and any problems that may affect the club.”

  “Where do you sit?” I asked.

  “At the head of the table,” he said to me as if that was something that I should have known. I laughed. Of course he did.

  “So, where do I fit in with all of this?”

  “You don’t.” He said matter-of-fact. Oh. “You are with me. If things work out, I would love for you to become my ol’ lady.” Luke was back in biker mode.

  “Ol’ lady? What the hell is that?” I asked. It sounded horrible.

  “It’s not disrespectful, babe. It’s actually the complete opposite. Being an ol’ lady has its perks, especially if you’re the president’s ol’ lady,” he said smirking at me.

  “I don’t like the term “ol’ lady.” It sounds silly,” I said, frowning. I liked babe, a lot better.

  “Ol’ lady is used as an endearment. It might sound silly to you in the outside world, but in my world, it’s the most respectful position a woman can have.”

  “Well, what will I have to do?” I asked.

  He laughed, “Let’s get you through one day at a time. If you see this is something that you want and can handle; then I’ll tell you more and we can take the next step. The girls can really help with these things. I know you don’t like them that much, but at one time they were right where you are. Red knows a lot about this lifestyle. She is kinda the go-to girl in the club, and can help you with any questions you have. Tomorrow night we go out for steak night at a local bar and grill. I would really like you to come. You will get a chance to meet everyone and see if this is something you really want.”

  This was a lot to take in. I wanted to find out what this life was really about. I had become so attached to Luke. I knew I couldn’t be happy without him in my life, so I was willing to take a chance. Plus, my curiosity had gotten the better of me.

  “I would love to go,” I said, walking up to him, putting my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. He kissed the top of my head and engulfed me in his arms. I could stay here all day, but I knew that if I wanted to be off in time to go out tomorrow night, I would have to work today. “I have enjoyed this weekend so much. And thank-you for sharing all of this with me,” I said, squeezing him a little harder.

  “My pleasure, babe. I really want us to work. Just promise me that you will keep an open mind.”

  “I promise.” I meant it, too. I would not let my jealousy come between us again.

  “I have some things to do this evening. Would you like to stay and have dinner with me later tonight? You can do anything you want. I won’t be gone too long,” he asked, looking down at me. As I looked up at his handsome face, I tried to find a flaw about his appearance but everything was perfect. Lucky bastard.

  “Do you have a computer?” I asked. I could work from here. That would give me another night with Mr. Wonderful, and perhaps I could do something to piss him off and earn myself a delightful, punishment session. The thought excited me.

  “I do. Come on. I’ll show you where it is.” He took my hand and led me out, locking the doors behind us.

  Back inside, Luke presented me with his laptop and headed off to get ready. I opened my email, finding over fifty messages that I needed to respond to. My company was huge. I had offices all over Mississippi, and even though each office had its own management team, all major decisions had to come through me. My employees often emailed me personally; asking for favors, whether it was advances on their paychecks or a discount on a property. I usually had Lindsey sort through them and give them a generic response, but last week I had to answer them myself and I found that some conditions were serious. Since then, I have decided to respond to each one of them, personally. Perhaps I needed to hold church with my employees. The thought reminded me of Luke, and even though he was in the next room, I missed him. Well, he was my boyfriend.

  I walked into his room and found that he was not in there. I could hear him in the bathroom, so I decided to stay until he came out. When the bathroom door opened, I was glad I did. Sprawled out on the bed, I had the best view in the house of Luke’s incredible body. He didn’t notice me at first. I heard him humming a song to himself and wondered what it was. He had his back to me and I watched while he shimmied into some underwear. I couldn’t help it. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist. I registered his surprise, but he immediately relaxed when he glanced over his shoulder and saw that it was me.

  “You snuck up on me, babe.”

  “Sneaky, sneaky,” I giggled, quoting one of my favorite movies. He turned around and picked me up. I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, giggling once again.

  “What’s so funny, gorgeous?” he asked, mirroring my smile.

  “Nothing, I just get excited when I watch my boyfriend dress.”

  “Well, if it will make you smile like that, then I’ll let you watch more often.” He kissed me sweetly and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “I love seeing my girl happy. Would you like to sit and watch the rest of the show?” His girl. I loved how he said that. I nodded enthusiastically and he sat me on the bed. What in the hell was wrong with me? I was giddy and felt like a love-struck teenager.

  Luke glanced at the clock on the wall, and to my disappointment, dressed a little too fast for my liking. He looked hot in a pair of khaki pants and a white button down dress shirt. He slipped his belt on, grabbed his wallet and keys and leaned down giving me a kiss. He smelled so delicious that I wanted to lick him all over. I wondered where he was going, but I figured if he wanted to tell me then he would. He had not asked me to go and I couldn’t help my disappointment. Not that I would have went anyway, but it still would have been nice to be invited. I pouted like a petulant child, and when he saw my frown, he knelt down in front of me and stuck his lip out.

  “Why so blue, panda bear?” he asked, mocking the catch phrase for an old commercial and making me laugh.

  “Do you have to leave?” I asked, still frowning.

  “Unfortunately, baby, I do. Riding a Harley and making love to you don’t pay the bills, although I wish it did.” I smiled in relief. He was going to work. I admired his dedication, which was much like my own.

  “Well, hurry back or I may be forced to do something that will result in you reprimanding me,” I said grinning.

  “Oh, baby. How I wish you would.” He kissed me hard, leaving me breathless and stood to leave. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” And with that, he was gone.

  Chapter 12

  The next few hours flew by as I busied myself with work. I responded to every email in my inbox and went back to review some previous ones that I had over looked. My office in Tupelo contacted me about some rental properties that they were having some issues with. Apparently, the tenants had been somewhat destructive and had not held up to their end of the deal. They had received a notice of eviction, and were now making threatening calls to the office manager.

  I didn’t have many homestead rental properties; I usually just dealt with commercial properties unless I purch
ased a company that already had them. This was one of those cases. And it was not the first time that we have had issues with these properties. When people moved out, I did not rent the houses to anyone else. I fixed them up and sold them.

  I only had two tenants left. One was an elderly lady whose children wanted her in a rental house, because of some issues with her life insurance. They claimed she couldn’t have any property in her name and it was easier for her just to rent. It sounded shady to me, but they always paid on time and the woman was very kind.

  The other property, housed a median income family. I had attempted to contact them on several occasions to see if they would be interested in a rent to own deal, but I never received a response. My branch manager was at his wits end, so I emailed him; letting him know that I would be there Tuesday to handle the matter myself. I would go talk to the family and see if there was a way that we could work something out that wouldn’t include them trashing the place, or me throwing them out on their asses.

  My phone rang and I scrambled to the other room to find it. It was Luke, and my pulse immediately quickened when I saw his name. “Hey, baby!” I answered.

  “Baby? And what ‘fraid tell have I done to receive that endearment?” Luke asked laughing. I never used pet names, so I was just as shocked to hear me say it as he was.

  “Do you prefer Luke?”

  “You can call me whatever you want, as long as you don’t call me late for supper, and speaking of which, what would you like?” After last night, I really didn’t want anything heavy.

  “How about something light?” I asked, hoping he didn’t have a big rib eye steak in mind.

  “Something light, hmm. How about a grilled chicken salad?”

  “Sounds delicious.” Just saying it made me realize how hungry I was. It was already two o’clock. Where had the time gone? “Okay, I’m gonna swing by the store. I’ll be there in about an hour. Anything else you want me to pick up?” he asked and I could tell he was in a really good mood.

  “No, just hurry. I miss you.” It was out of my mouth before I could stop it.

  “I miss you, too, babe. I promise to hurry,” he said, sounding very pleased with my confession.

  “Okay, bye.”

  “Bye, babe.” I hung up the phone and fell back onto the bed. I felt as if I were living in a dream. How did I get so lucky?

  I decided to make use of my time and hopefully make time pass faster. I cleaned up the bedroom, making the bed and picking up our clothes off of the floor. In the bathroom, I wiped the counters down and rinsed out the tub, taking note that Luke’s house was very clean. The floors were spotless and everything was dusted and in its place-other than the few items that we had strewn around last night.

  Luke must have a maid. The thought agitated me, but I tried not to dwell on it. Having nothing else to do, I sat down on the leather sectional in the living room and switched on the T.V. Luke had all of the channels that satellite offered, including the movie and porn channels. I flipped through until I found a sitcom re-run, and then settled into the side of the couch.

  Not long after I settled in I heard Luke call from the kitchen, “Honey! I’m home!” I took my time, turning the T.V. off and pulling myself from the couch. I leisurely made my way into the kitchen. I didn’t want to appear overly anxious to see him, even though I was. Luke was digging something out of the fridge when I walked in.

  “Hey, baby,” he said smiling at me when he looked up. I didn’t realize how much that I had missed him until that moment.

  “Hey, yourself,” I said sauntering towards him and taking him by surprise when I pulled him to me in an embrace.

  “Did you miss me, babe?” he asked, gathering me into his arms. I nodded into his chest, and breathed in the scent of him.

  “Well, that makes two of us.” He kissed the top of my head, then lifted my face to his and kissed my lips. I would never tire of his kisses. “Let’s eat.” He grabbed two boxes from the bag on the counter and sat them on the bar. “I didn’t want to waste what time we have cooking, so I just picked us something up from a restaurant.”

  That satisfied me, because I knew that I would have to go home all too soon. I climbed onto the bar stool and sat down. The salad was delicious and I was eager to finish so that I could be back in his arms. We talked a little about the club and he informed me of the officer ranks. Tiny was the Sergeant at Arms, meaning he was the club’s security. It relieved me to know that Luke had such a tough guy looking after him. The club’s vice president, Worm, was someone I had yet to meet, but Luke assured me that he would be there tomorrow night. I wasn’t surprised at all to find out that Regg was the Enforcer for the club. He was pretty much Luke’s right hand man and answered only to him.

  I asked him why he sent Regg to watch me that night and his answer surprised me. He wanted to come himself, but was afraid that I wouldn’t listen to him, so he sent Regg. He knew I was comfortable with him and that if he asked him to do something, he knew without a doubt that it would be handled. He had a sense of pride when he spoke about his officers and it was very admirable. He also mentioned that War was the Secretary and Coon, who I had not met either, was the Treasurer. I was excited about meeting them all tomorrow night; it was the ladies that I had the biggest problem with.

  By the time we finished eating, my head was hurting from all the new information that was packed in it. Luke came with a lot of baggage. When he took his shirt off in the kitchen and I got a sneak peek at his abs before his under shirt slid back down; I was reminded of why his baggage didn’t bother me at all. The t-shirt he was wearing underneath his polo was tight fitting on his arms. It looked shockingly white against his tanned skin and I was anxious to see him with it off. Luke seemed oblivious to my staring as he gracefully made his way around the kitchen.

  “Did you get dessert?” I managed to ask, my voice low and full of hunger. Luke turned to stare at me and he smirked when he noticed my eyes looking over him hungrily.

  “Well, I thought about it,” he said walking towards me. “I must have looked at that menu a thousand times, but nothing seemed as tasty as Dallas.”

  I swallowed audibly, my breathing becoming shallow and my body heating. He was standing in front of me and I could feel the heat from his skin.

  “Ever since I woke up this morning, there has only been one thing on my mind. Do you have any idea how hard it has been keeping my hands off of you?” He ran his finger down my cheek, then lifted my chin and put his lips to mine. The kiss started out slow and tender, then quickly morphed into a kiss of passion and need.

  Fueled by my need for him and my desire to please him, I started undoing his pants. All I wanted at that moment was to have him in my mouth. I wanted to look up and see him coming apart. I broke the kiss off and looked into his eyes. Desire and need for me was just as evident on his face as it was on mine. His lips were slightly parted and his breath had quickened. He looked so fucking sexy, his blue eyes staring into mine. I sank to my knees on the kitchen floor in front of him and freed him from his boxer briefs.

  Before he could harden completely, I took all of him into my mouth. He threw his head back and let out the sexiest moan that I had ever heard. Placing my hand at the base of him, I slid it back and forth, while I licked and sucked the head of his enormous cock. Once he hardened completely, he was so big that my mouth could not accommodate all of him. My hands grabbed his thighs, while he placed his on the back of my head, holding me still. He thrusts his hips slowly, giving me as much as I could take.

  “Relax, baby, I want you to take more.” The sound of his voice willed me to comply. I opened my mouth wider and relaxed my throat. He slid into me deeper, still moving slow but keeping a steady rhythm. I didn’t have much of a gag reflex, but that didn’t apply to him. He was huge. There was no way that I could take all of it. He pushed deeper, causing my eyes to water. “That feels so good, baby. I love looking at you on your knees.” His voice was deep and throaty.

  Seeing the
effect that I had on him and hearing his voice, made me forget my discomfort. If it pleased him, I would do it. He pulled out of my mouth and slid his pants down, taking his underwear with them, then peeled off his t-shirt. I was still on my knees, looking up at a completely naked Luke, stroking himself in the kitchen. It was so fucking hot.

  I loved being told what to do. Who would have thought? I wanted to be submissive to him. My body was craving his command and he must have sensed it. “Stay on your knees, but I want you naked. I want to see all of you.” His voice had taken on a dark tone and the pleasure it gave me was shown by the increased wetness between my legs. I slid my shirt off, then never getting up, managed to slide my shorts down my legs. I was now kneeling before him, completely naked. “Do you want some more of this cock, Dallas?” He asked, still stroking himself. I nodded my head and he glared at me.

  I wasn’t sure what was wrong, and then remembering his command from last night, I answered him. “Yes, please.”

  “Good girl.” Good girl? Fuck, that was hot. I felt like a dirty little slut and loved every minute of it. He grabbed my head with one hand, while his other one grasped his hardness, guiding it into my mouth. He pushed so deep, I had to control the gagging, but as soon as he reached the point where I couldn’t take anymore, he pulled back and began again.

  “Look up at me, baby. I want you to see how good this makes me feel. I want you to see how much you please me.” A moan came from deep in my chest, and even though it couldn’t escape my mouth, he heard it and I could tell it pleased him more. My eyes burned and watered, my jaw was sore from my mouth being open so wide, but the feeling of pleasure was more intense than either of those. He let go of my head and pulled out of my mouth. I immediately leaned forward and grabbed him, putting the head of his cock back into my mouth. I ran my tongue from the base to the head, greedily taking him.


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