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Stubborn Love

Page 10

by Wendy Owens

  Ever since Colin and I made our friendship truce, it had been just that, a real friendship. I was back on my path, focused on earning my degree, no longer consumed by distractions. Of course, I still thought Colin was insanely hot, and there were many times I had to remind my nether regions we were just friends, but now that I took the idea of a relationship off the table, things seemed to flow easier between us.

  After weeks of nothing but work, Colin convinced me to agree to give him my Saturday. It wasn’t a date or anything, despite how much Paige taunted me. He made it very clear, we would only be a couple of friends going out and having a good time. I had the hardest time falling asleep last night, anticipating what he might have planned for me today. I have never been able to handle surprises very well.

  Glancing at the time on the screen of my iPhone, I began to fidget, checking to see if perhaps there was a text I had missed from Colin. It was not like him to be late, and even more unlike me to wait for someone when they were running late. Fifteen minutes isn’t the end of the world, I told myself.

  “Em!” Colin exclaimed, exiting the front door of his building. It usually drove me crazy when people would shorten my name to Em, I always thought of the letter ‘M’ when they would call me that. For some reason, though, it didn’t bother me anymore when Colin did it.

  “Um, hello? Really? I can’t believe you would keep me waiting this long. I was about to give up on you,” I complained, slapping him on the arm with the back of my hand.

  “Totally my fault, you can be mad at me all you want,” Colin offered with a smile, raising his hands in defense.

  “Had trouble getting last night’s flavor out of your bed?” I jested in a devilish tone.

  “I wish that was the problem.” Colin laughed.

  I rolled my eyes in a mixture of amusement and disgust. “So what was worth leaving me here, wasting my precious time?”

  “Honestly? I had to toss Christian in the shower.” Colin’s voice changed, a solemnness suddenly taking over.

  “Hmm ...” I began, furrowing my brow as I thought about the statement. “Isn’t he a little too old to have his big brother taking care of bath time?”

  “I know you and Paige are close, and I don’t—well, I prefer she not know about this.” Colin stared at me, as if waiting for me to confirm that I would keep his secret. I wanted to know, but at the same time, I felt incredibly uncomfortable about keeping anything from her. She had become my best friend, something I wasn’t willing to betray.

  “This just got a little too serious for me,” I replied, shifting my hands in and out of my pockets uncomfortably.

  “I know, and I shouldn’t even be putting this on you, but I don’t know who else to talk to,” Colin pleaded. I could see the information he carried was quite a burden on him.

  Shaking my head and holding up two open palms, as if to signal for him to stop, I advised, “All right, but a quick disclaimer: I won’t keep a secret of infidelity or something like that from her.”

  “Christian would never do that—he loves Paige. He went out with some old buddies last night, and they got him drinking.”

  “Wait, isn’t he in AA?” I asked, my concern obvious.

  “Yup, he showed up this morning completely wasted. After about an hour of puking I managed to throw him in the shower. He’s going to sleep it off and then hit a meeting as soon as he wakes up.”

  “I’m sorry.” I reached out a hand and patted him on the arm, unsure what friend etiquette warranted.

  “I worry about him; it’s like he does this shit on purpose. As soon as things start going in the right direction for us, he has to go and do something stupid.” I could see a different side of Colin as he spoke. He wasn’t angry with his brother, it was clear he was concerned about him. There was no more joking around to cover up what he was going through.

  “At least nothing terrible happened. It sounds like he knows he screwed up, and he is going to take care of things,” I pointed out, trying to be the optimistic voice in the situation.

  “We lost our parents when he was just a kid, and I know it was hard on him,” Colin explained, unaware I had received the back-story of their entire life from Paige.

  A silence lingered between us as Colin stared at the sidewalk, deep in thought. I wished I was one of those people who knew how to handle these situations. Instead, I just stood there, silent, like a complete idiot.

  “You know what, we have a day full of fun to get to,” Colin said, looking down at me. His face completely transformed in that moment. He went from intense and sad to chipper in only a few seconds—the transformation a bit unsettling at first. But quickly I remembered I was about to discover the surprise.

  “Now, about this day of fun, you do realize that shoving dollar bills into strippers’ G-strings is not my idea of a fun-filled day, right?” I asked, pressing my lips together to try and refrain from laughing.

  “Damn, guess lunch at The Thunder From Down Under is out,” Colin replied casually, starting to walk away from me.

  “Oh wait,” I squealed, leaping forward and grabbing his arm. “I take it back, I’m good with strippers.”

  “Nope, too late, I know how you really feel,” Colin countered, taking my hand from his arm and wrapping it around his elbow so that we were walking, linked, side by side.

  “Fine, no strip clubs, but can I have a hint about the rest of the day?” I begged, looking up at him, batting my eyelashes, as we moved down the sidewalk.

  “You do realize that since you put the ‘just friends’ label on us, you have no power over me whatsoever with those eyes?” Colin taunted.

  “Damn it!” I exclaimed.

  Reaching the corner, Colin stepped one foot out into the street, and with an outstretched arm, he hailed a cab. Wherever he was taking me wasn’t somewhere we could walk to. I was now even more intrigued.

  “So you are seriously not even going to give me a hint?” I pressed, after a moment of silence in the cab.

  “Let me see, I go through the trouble of writing the address down so that you won’t hear me instructing the cabbie where to go, and you think I am now going to just tell you where we are going? Oh, my dear, you are a bit off your rocker, aren’t you?” Colin stared at me in delight, thoroughly impressed with himself.

  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

  “Very much so.”

  I watched as the city passed by the window, one block, and then the next. Each time the cab would slow I crouched forward onto the front of my seat, but each time I was disappointed when he would again pick up speed. Silent, I held my breath, as we turned onto Madison, traveling farther uptown.

  “Almost there,” Colin finally remarked.

  “We are?” I asked, looking around frantically, still completely unaware of where we might be going. The cab took a left onto 83rd Street, and as we came to a stop, before the next turn, I knew. Staring at me were the monstrous columns and stone facade that made up the front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  The cab proceeded to continue with another left onto 5th Avenue before pulling off to the curb. “Ready?” Colin asked pushing open the door and preparing to step out.

  “The Met? Are you really taking me to The Met?” I asked, my jaw dropping as I stared at the front of the building that housed masterpieces from all across the world and throughout time.

  “Well, I mean, only if you want to go.” Colin stepped out, extending a hand.

  “This is not a date,” I reminded him after seeing how pleased he was with my reaction.

  I stepped from the cab as he informed me, “I would never presume it was.”

  My heart began to race as we climbed the stone steps, nearing the entrance. I couldn’t believe I had been in New York all of this time and not found the time to visit this landmark. I could feel Colin, watching me, living vicariously through my virgin experience.

  I never realized how big the place was. I don’t think Coli
n knew how to handle me once I was unleashed. It was three floors of bliss. In those halls there was no sadness, no tragic history to consume me. It was art; it was what I was born for. I raced through the American Wing, swooned over the Egyptian Art, slowly walked through, soaking up the Greek and Roman Art. All around me were the remnants of people who had lived long ago, people who expressed themselves in the same way I did. Their work spoke of their lives and their own personal tragedies. We grabbed lunch at a cafe before heading to the Modern Art area and then it was off to the Photography wing.

  “Colin Bennett, you never cease to amaze me,” I stated, leaning back in the cab with a gleeful sigh.

  “It was my pleasure,” he said, smiling.

  “What are you doing for dinner?” I asked, not wanting the day to end.

  “Ms. Hayes, are you asking me out on a date?” Colin laughed.

  “No!” I exclaimed, pushing him playfully. “I simply would like to repay a friend for a wonderful day.”

  “I don’t know? A guy could get the wrong idea.”

  “Oh my God!” I squealed as the cab came to a stop in front of my apartment. “You’re relentless.”

  I watched as Colin’s face twisted. He was staring out the window at something.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned by what might have him so perplexed.

  Colin leaned forward, handing some cash to the cabbie through the opening in the plexi-glass. As he moved, I could suddenly see out the window behind him, and what he had been looking at. My heart sank as I realized William Stryker was waiting at my door.

  “Shit,” I whispered to myself.

  “Do you want me to take care of this?” Colin offered, before opening the door.

  I thought for a moment. I did want him to take care of it… I wanted him to make the creep leave me alone, but I knew that wouldn’t be right. That wasn’t the job of a friend.

  “Nah, it’s my problem. I’ll get rid of him,” I replied.

  “I’m not leaving you alone with him. I don’t care what you say,” Colin insisted. I didn’t dare tell him how happy that made me.

  With a deep breath we exited the vehicle, and I waited as it drove away. Colin followed behind me, careful not to allow too much distance.

  Stryker didn’t wait for us to reach the door; instead, he rushed over to me the moment he saw us approaching.

  “Clementine!” His voice made his agitation clear.

  “Hello William,” I answered coolly.

  “Can we talk?” he asked looking over my shoulder at Colin.

  “I’m not sure what we would have to talk about—”

  “Alone,” he added, as if it were a command.

  “Not going to happen, buddy,” Colin answered for me.

  “So, this is why you haven’t been returning my calls?” Stryker asked, shaking a hand wildly in Colin’s direction.

  “No, he’s just a friend,” I explained.

  “Yeah, right.” Stryker scoffed. “This is bullshit.”

  “It was one date, and I figured you would get the point I wasn’t interested when I didn’t talk to you for over a month,” I snarled, deciding at last there was no delicate way to handle this madman. “Now, can you please leave me alone?”

  “No, I won’t. Not until I can talk to you alone,” Stryker insisted.

  “I already told you, it’s not going to happen. Now please, do as the lady asked and don’t bother her again. Come on, Em, let’s get you upstairs,” Colin said extending an arm and creating a barrier between Stryker and me.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me!” Stryker shouted.

  “Nobody is touching you, man. She just wants you to leave her alone,” Colin quickly responded to his threatening gestures.

  “I’ll leave when I’m damn good and ready.” Stryker was determined to have his say, even if I didn’t want to hear it.

  “What is it?” I growled.

  “You and I have some business we need to discuss in private—stuff I’m sure you don’t want pretty boy to hear,” he spat angrily in my direction.

  “Em, go inside,” Colin interjected. I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want to leave him to fight my battles, but I was also quickly becoming terrified of Stryker.

  “Jesus, man, this isn’t any of your damn business!” Stryker yelled in Colin’s direction as I ran toward the security door, fumbling for the key.

  “It is my business when you’re harassing my friend. Now leave!” I had never seen Colin so aggressive, and no matter how close Stryker came to his face, he didn’t move or shift his eyes.

  Before I realized what was happening, the air exploded around us as Stryker reached back, landing a punch on Colin’s right eye. The sound carried up and down the sidewalk as Colin’s head gave way to the violent attack. Stryker wasted no time, using that opportunity to dart in my direction.

  Colin, however, also didn’t hesitate, and used the momentum to spin himself around and grabbed a hold of Stryker’s waist, throwing him to the ground and pressing a knee into his chest. A couple swift punches later, and Colin rendered Stryker motionless.

  Pushing Stryker deeper into the concrete, he stood and walked in my direction, motioning me to open the door. “Don’t come back,” Colin called over his shoulder.

  In a moment we were inside my apartment, blood trickling down the side of Colin’s face from the gash above his eye. I didn’t know what to say… what could I say? Grabbing a washcloth from a drawer, I ran it under cold water and quickly brought it up to the wound. He winced as I applied pressure.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Don’t ever be sorry for the behavior of other people,” Colin replied. If he only knew. I was always sorry for what I drove other people to do. I had a knack for pushing people over the edge.

  Three days had passed since the altercation between Stryker and Colin. William seemed to be successfully scared off, and apparently Colin had been too, since he hadn’t called or shown up since. I had decided, however, this was for the best. It was clear Colin was becoming a distraction for me, even if I had been trying to convince myself he was not.

  Today I received some exciting information, and the first person I thought of telling was Colin, which once more proved that some distance between us would be a good thing. Sliding my key into the apartment door, I turned the knob and waited a moment, listening for heavy breathing. Even though Paige had promised to control her and Christian’s escapades, there seemed to be instances when they couldn’t help themselves.

  “Is that you, Emmie?” Paige called from the living room.

  “Nah, just a robber here to steal your innocence,” I yelled back, closing the door behind me and locking it.

  “Too late, that was gone a long time ago.” Paige laughed.

  “Girl, you’re not right,” I remarked, walking past her into my room to drop my book bag on my bed. As I walked back into the living room I could instantly see that Paige had been crying. Rushing to her side, genuinely concerned, I asked, “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

  “Nothing,” she quickly answered, looking away from me.

  “Paige, your eyes are all red. Come on… something’s wrong,” I pushed, taking a hold of her hands and encouraging her to sit with me on the couch. “Is Christian all right?”

  She sat, at last looking at me, clearly hesitant to talk about what was bothering her. I wanted more than anything for her to open up to me.

  “You can talk to me,” I pressed.

  “I think he’s lying to me,” Paige said, her voice shaking, her eyes begging me to tell her she was wrong.

  “What makes you think that?” I asked, keeping my voice quiet and calm.

  “I don’t know… a few nights ago he was out all night. I keep asking him what he was doing, but he’s not being straight with me,” Paige explained.

  “Are you sure? I mean, how do you know he was lying?” I queried, remembering what Colin had told me about Chri
stian’s recent sobriety slip.

  Paige pulled her sleeve down over her fingertips, using it to wipe a tear away before explaining, “At first he said he was home, and then when I told him I had stopped by his place and he wasn’t there, he got nasty with me. He told I should stop checking up on him and asked why I can’t just trust him. I never brought up trust—I only said I had stopped by and he wasn’t there.”

  “That does seem odd.” I had given my word to Colin, so what more could I say.

  “He claims he must have just went out for a bite, but I know he’s lying, Emmie. I don’t know what to think. I never thought he was the type, but I think he might be cheating on me.” As she spoke the words, it was as if a dagger was pressing into her heart. I was certain the truth would be better than the things that were running through her mind, but it wasn’t my truth to tell.

  “He’s not cheating on you, sweetie,” I comforted, squeezing her hand.

  “How do you know? Why else would he lie to me?” she asked, staring up at me, hopeful.

  “I just know Christian wouldn’t do that. He loves you, hon. I’m sure whatever is going on is not as bad as you think.” I reached out, giving her a hug, wishing more than anything I could tell her what I knew.

  “ I know you’re probably right,” she agreed. “I don’t know what I should think, though; he has seemed so distant this week.”

  “Who knows, maybe he’s going through something. You know how guys are… it’s like pulling teeth sometimes.” I offered the small amount of consoling I could.

  “That’s true, guys are idiots sometimes. Just look at Colin,” Paige replied.

  I stared at her, tilting my head, clearly puzzled by what she might be insinuating. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh, come on, you have to know.” Paige leaned back, pushing her head against the back of the sofa.


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