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Page 14

by Maddie Wade

  Chapter 19


  A Few months later

  Work has been so busy, I even had to decline some clients as I won’t be in the shop to make their orders, which really upsets me because I’ve never had to say no to customers before. If I go away, I normally shut the shop for the weekend when I have no bookings. This time the shop will stay open as Taylor will be there to open it as normal, but I can’t do any special orders. I’ve made a ton of things ready for Taylor, so she shouldn’t run out of anything.

  I have no idea how my stalker friend knew I was going to Disneyland with Jackson, but I got two gifts from him, Minnie ears and a bikini which I thought was just creepy. Jackson got really pissed off with it, called the police to see if anything was being done from the time they came over to the apartment, but nothing. They told Jackson that there was no CCTV footage from the street cameras. I told Jackson not to stress about it, the stalker was around before and left once they got bored and it will happen again. They have never hurt me, so I want him to just ignore them, even though he says he’s fine with it, but I can see that he’s still pissed.

  I’m choosing to ignore them, and they are not ruining my holiday with Jackson. I’ve had a countdown on my phone waiting for today. I have unpacked and packed my suitcase one too many times, and every time I did, Jackson would laugh at me. There was no way I was going to be forgetting anything.

  “Are you all ready?” Jackson asks, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me.

  “Yep, let’s go meet Mickey Mouse,” I say turning around wrapping my arms around him to give him a kiss on the lips. This is it. In my eyes this is the holiday to see if we can make it or not.

  Jackson has planned everything that we are planning on doing in Paris, as I lost all control of talking to Jackson about Disneyland and ending up booking everything, so Paris was all his. I’m looking forward to seeing what he’s got planned.

  Grabbing my bag saying, “Let’s go then.”

  Jackson pulls me closer to him, we stayed the night at his place as it is closer to the airport and the taxi will be cheaper. Looking at him putting everything in the back of the taxi, I smile to myself thinking I’ve got a man that I’m starting to fall hard for and it scares me a little.

  Walking around waiting for the gate to open for our flight, I start looking at some of the perfumes. I see Jackson on the other side picking up some chocolate. Turning back, I look at some of their other perfumes.

  “You smell nice,” Jackson says kissing the back of my neck.

  “Thanks.” I put the spray back I look up at the screen to see if our gate has opened.

  “You not getting them?” Jackson asks as I go to walk away.

  “No, I have that many already. I don’t need to add to them,” I say giving him a smile. That’s not a lie, I have so many I don’t think I’ll ever run out of them. “Come on, Mickey Mouse is waiting for me.” I pull him towards me so that we can leave.

  Jackson takes my hand in his and we walk towards the gate. “When was the last time you went on holiday?” Jackson asks.

  “Last year, around Christmas. The family got together, we went to Lapland,” I tell him. I love that holiday it’s always my favourite countdown. Not just for the holiday but for Christmas too, I love the whole festive season.

  “That’s really nice, do you like Christmas?” Jackson takes his passport out of his pocket as we look for the gate.

  “Yes, love it. You are in for a treat.” I take his passport from him and look at his picture and I try my best not to laugh but the hair is too much. “What is happening with the hair?” I ask him. It’s like Edward Scissorhands went wild on him.

  “Don’t ask, it took five weeks for it to all grow out, the hairdresser was new and…”

  “You don’t look like someone that would go to anyone new for anything.” I cut him off because he really doesn’t. I mean he’s been going to the same doctor since he was little.

  “I went to the same place as I do every week, I had to get my driver’s licence and passport pictures and my normal hairdresser called in sick, so I was stuck with this new guy, and long story short, he fucked up my hair.” Jackson stops and hands our passports and tickets to the ground crew. “Anyway, I had to take my picture that week as I needed a passport for a stag do,” Jackson tells me, and I can’t help but laugh because it is so funny.

  I take a seat. “Yours still isn’t that bad, about four years ago Finn and I were fighting on the ground, we were doing somersaults on the trampoline, and I said I was better and we got in a fight, so long story short, he was chewing gum, blew a bubble and popped it in my hair. The look on my dad’s face, I knew then my brother was going to die, either from me or my dad, I had to cut it into a horrible bob because the gum got stuck everywhere,” I tell him waving my hand over my head, so that he knows that I mean it.

  Jackson starts laughing. “Is that why you have bubble-gum pink hair now?” he asks through laughter. I push him away from me as he leans over to give me a kiss. “Oh come on, I think we are at the place in our relationship now that we can share anything and everything.” Grabbing my wrist to stop me from pushing him away from, he quickly leans over and kisses me.

  “My hair was already bubble-gum pink,” I whisper to him.

  The rest of the flight was like this, telling him stories about my family and how my brother and I have a love-hate relationship, but he will always be there for me no matter what. In my dad’s eyes I can never do any wrong, and that he hates all my boyfriends. Jackson is very confident that my dad will like him, and my mum is my best friend. I told him how Taylor and I became friends. I laughed telling him that my life is very simple, and there has never been any drama in it, all my breakups have been good, and I like it that way.

  He couldn’t believe that I’ve never had a bad break up, and my family has always been so happy, but then when he told me about his dad, I could understand why he thinks like that, I mean his dad left his mum. His relationship with her is amazing and I love it, it makes me smile that he loves her so much, most would think he is a mummy’s boy but to me that shows a man that will always stand by the woman he loves.


  We’ve checked into the hotel, freshened up, had sex, which was the main thing Jackson wanted to do soon as we got to the hotel, and I’m not going to complain about that, he’s amazing at it and knows just how to push my buttons to make me scream his name.

  As the bus pulls up outside the park, my smile gets bigger. I look over at Jackson just watching me. “I hope to make you this happy every day.” Jackson wraps his arm around my waist, I lean into him and give him a quick kiss.

  “You do make me this happy every day,” I tell him, as we step off the bus. Pulling the map and camera out of my bag, Jackson takes a quick selfie of us with the park behind us, and then looks at the map with me. “Where to first?” I ask him.

  “I don’t mind, when did you book to see Mickey?” he asks, looking at his phone as it beeps.

  “Tomorrow, I thought if we get to the door before it opens we won’t have to wait too long,” I tell him. I thought if one morning we come early we can meet him and then carry on with the day.

  “If we do the Pixar side today then, and then tomorrow we can come early to the other side, see the parade there too.” Taking my hand in his, we start walking to the Pixar part of the park.

  I look at the smile on some of the children’s faces, it’s like they are in a magic land but I’m the same. I look at one kid dressed as Woody and his sister as Elsa from Frozen. It’s so cute.

  “This is one hundred percent a place for kids.” Jackson says pulling me closer to him. “So do you see kids in your future?” he asks kissing my neck.

  “Yes, I would love to have a family one day, but at the moment I think I enjoy practising making them.” I give Jackson a wink, and he starts laughing.

  “I’ll practice every day, I think that we might even have to practice four or five times a
day,” Jackson tells me, and I can’t stop laughing at him. Men and sex, they can never get enough of it.

  “Come on you sex machine, I want to go on some rides,” I say as we continue walking into the park. Without thinking we both walk to the right and start our day.

  Sitting down on the grass, we wanted to sit at a table, but the place was so busy fifteen minutes waiting and still nothing. In the end we decide to get a takeaway and we sit on the grass and eat. We've been on so many of the rides, they aren’t really big ones as this is a place for children to have fun, but that didn’t stop me screaming. Jackson was the same, I think that it makes it a little more fun. After we eat he really wants to watch some car show that is happening in an hour.

  “I can’t believe how hot it is here.” I turn to Jackson as I spray some cool water on my face and legs. “Do you want some?” I ask him, shaking the can in front of him.

  “No, I’m good.” He passes me a burger. “So you have to tell me something about high school, Ashley,” Jackson asks taking a bite of his burger.

  “What would you like to know?” I ask. I mean there is a lot to say, but I’m not going to tell him everything, I have to keep some things a secret.

  “I don’t know, were you a good girl, or the naughty girl?” Jackson asks.

  “I was good at high school and then did the whole adventure thing at Uni, dated a biker which was good, then a musician which was not so good,” I tell him taking a sip of my water, looking around at everyone. There is no way I am telling Jackson that he is the first boyfriend that I’ve had, that has a full-time job, and a clean place to live.

  “To be honest I really didn’t think you would give me a chance. I’m not saying this in a bad way at all, because I really, really like the way you look, but we are…” Jackson stops to think of the right word to say.

  “Different,” I say.

  “Yes, I don’t want you to be pissed that I think that,” Jackson adds quickly, and I think that it’s cute that he always wants me to be happy.

  “I’m not. I thought the same thing, but then you just would not give up, so I had to give you a shot.” I give him a smile, and he starts laughing.

  “Well the moment you stepped on my foot, I was gone, I was staring at you the whole night,” Jackson tells me, there is no way that I’m admitting to doing the same thing, but I can have some fun with this.

  “Oh really, so what were you thinking while you watched me dance?” I ask him.

  “Trust me it was not that you weren’t dancing with me, but there were a few things that I was hoping I could do to you,” he replies, and I look at him for a moment, he didn’t want to dance with me.

  “And why didn’t you want to dance with me?” I ask him. I love dancing it’s like my favourite thing to do at a party.

  “I can’t dance, why would I do that to myself?” Jackson takes my empty things from me and then helps me up off the grass.

  I place my hands on his shoulders. “Well who will I dance with when the slow sexy songs come on? Who will pull me close to their body?” I ask him, in a little whisper.

  “Me, and me only. All sexy dances are mine, and I’ll figure out how to dance with you,” Jackson says leaning closer to me, putting his lips on mine.

  We walk to join the line for the car show, I really don’t know how this is going to be entertaining for a grown man, but he has been raving about it all day.


  Yesterday was so much fun, the Car Show was really good. I was amazed at what they did. Jackson loved it that much he said that if we have some time today, he would love to go to watch it again. He was that happy I said yes to him it was like I had just given sweets to a little boy.

  We were sitting on the grass waiting for the doors to open to meet Mickey Mouse. We left the hotel early this morning as we both thought if we could get this part done then we’d have all day to go on rides. Tomorrow night we were going to watch the firework show but Jackson said that he wanted to watch them tonight, as he would like to get back to the hotel as we have to check out early. I didn’t argue with him, because I like my sleep and I don’t want to be moody for the day in Paris.

  “If you would go anywhere in the world on holiday where would you want to go?” Jackson asks me, I look down at him, he’s got his head on my legs as I sit leaning against the tree.

  “I don’t really know. Australia would be a great place to go, A Safari too, Italy. here are so many places I would love to visit, just need someone to see them with.” I tell him, and I’m hoping that Jackson is the one that will come with me. Going away with him has been so nice, I haven’t had to try and have fun with him, it’s just happening and we all know that is a good sign in a relationship.

  “Well maybe we have to start planning a trip a year then,” Jackson replies making me smile.

  “So, you’re planning on more holidays then?” I ask with a cheeky smile. The way he talks sometimes makes me think that he has our whole life planned out for us, but he’s not saying anything to me.

  “You bet I am, and the next one is a beach holiday so that I can see you walk around in a bikini.” Jackson looks up and down my body. “Just the thought is making me want to book it for next week,” he says.

  I slap his chest playfully. “Come on the doors are opening,” I tell him pushing him off my legs.

  He takes my hand in his and we start walking to the doors to wait in the line like we’ve been doing but I’m so happy we have come here.

  “You know we have to see if we can get a picture with Tinkerbell,” Jackson tells me. “Even though she won’t be as sexy as my Tinkerbell,” Jackson says then gives me a kiss.

  This is why I’m falling in love with Jackson. He says things to me that makes me feel like I’m the only girl he sees. There are times I catch him looking at me, but it’s in a way that makes the butterflies in my stomach fly at super speed, and I’m scared that it’s all in my head, and I’m imagining things.

  The day has been amazing, I have loved every minute of it with Jackson, and I can happily say that we can survive a holiday together.

  “I have a question, why is Tinkerbell your favourite?” Jackson asks as I look at the menu for what to eat for dinner.

  “I don’t know, she just seems like a fairy that won’t take shit from anyone, I love the attitude she has but still has that sweetness to her,” I tell him, as he smiles at me.

  “So, I thought because you like Disney World, I wanted to do something special for you.” Jackson looks at his watch, which makes me wonder what he’s got planned. “I thought I would surprise you.” He smiles, and the music starts playing, and I see all the little kids jumping up and down.

  Looking around the dining room, I see all the princesses coming into the dining room, I look back at Jackson and his smile is perfect, he is perfect.

  I think my smile gets bigger when I see Tinkerbell walking over to us. Jackson looks at her. “Hi, Tinkerbell, would you like to meet my Tinkerbell?” he says as he points at me.

  Tinkerbell looks at me then pulls a seat out to join us. “I love your hair.” I move my hair out of the way, so she can see behind my ear. “And the tattoo is even better.” She leans closer and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Jackson, this is amazing,” I tell him. This has to be the best day of my life.

  “Just as amazing as you.” Jackson gives me a wink, and we get back to talking to Tinkerbell. Now I’m an adult and I know that this is some woman dressed as Tinkerbell, but I have to say this is the best thing any boyfriend has done for me.

  Chapter 20


  Ashley’s reaction the Princess Tea Party earlier was better than I could have hoped, her face had beamed and the smile that she could not quite erase from her cheeks was radiant. She had a zest for life and an inquisitive joy for all things that was almost childlike in its beauty.

  Yet she was the sexiest and most alluring sensual woman I had ever met. It made for an irresistible package and one tha
t took my breath away a million times a day. I walked a step behind her as we made our way to the lift in the lobby of our hotel. Her hips swung with a natural grace that tantalised and made me wonder how fast I could get her naked and beneath me.

  Ashley turned, a little grin curving the corner of her mouth as we stepped into the lift. I pulled her to me, sliding my arms around her waist and fitting her body snug to my front. Her arms wound around my neck and when her breasts pushed into my chest, I knew she could feel the effect she had on me.

  It was pretty hard to deny when my cock was hard and rigid against her belly, the little minx wriggled making my dick pound with the need to be inside her. Bending my head, I nipped at the curve of her jaw and heard the small sigh leave her mouth.

  “So, what are we going to do with our last night?” she asked as she tilts her head allowing me better access.

  “Well, we could play cards, or scrabble,” I joked and try to hide the smile on my face.

  My Tinkerbell pulled back and looked at me with squinty eyes. “Jackson!” she says in outrage and her indignation makes me laugh.

  “Ashley!” I countered.

  “Come on, we have to do something exciting. I can’t have you reverting back to a boring old man on me,” she challenges as the doors ding open on our floor.

  Taking her hand, I pull her towards our door before stopping outside and inserting the key card. “Old man? Who you calling old?” I say in mock anger and bend my head to her belly throwing her over my shoulder as she squeals.

  “Jackson, put me down, you, crazy person!”

  I smack her ass lightly and feel her freeze.


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