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Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot

Page 4

by Bria Marche

  “That will go away. It’s just been a few weeks. We’re good… really. All of us are better off without Jack in our lives. We did each other a favor.”

  “If you look at it that way, I do feel better. Okay, let’s do lunch.”

  “That’s my girl. I’ll pick you up at noon. We’re going to Greenwich. Cool huh? You can see where Karen lives.”

  “That sounds exciting. I’ll see you at noon. Mia?”

  “Yes, Sasha.”

  “Thank you for forgiving me, and being my friend.”

  “Stop it before I start crying. I’ll honk when I’m outside. See you soon. Out.”

  Mia noticed a group of newspaper stands along the front of the grocery store a few minutes from Tina’s house. She pulled in and parked her car. She grabbed three Realtor magazines to give Sasha. It was time to go house hunting now that Sasha accepted the offer on her apartment. They would all pitch in together and help her find a place in Tarrytown. It would be fun looking for the perfect house in a great neighborhood. Sasha needed to tell them what she liked. Would the style be modern or vintage? Did she want a house or a condo? We can talk about it while we drive to Karen’s house. I wonder if Karen has ever thought about moving to Tarrytown now that we’re all friends. Greenwich is so expensive. Mia pulled into the driveway and beeped the horn twice. Sasha looked amazing. She would be beautiful wearing a burlap bag. How does she do it? Mia wondered. Must be good genes. Sasha jumped into the passenger seat looking extremely pleased.

  “What?” Mia asked, as she drove.

  “What do you mean what?”

  “Okay, I should have said why?”

  “Why what?” Sasha asked, completely perplexed.

  Mia burst out laughing. “You’re completely clueless aren’t you?”

  “About what?”

  “Sasha, I don’t know. You have a childlike innocence about you, yet you’re a successful model with everything going for you. Then you hook up with Jack? Who is the real Sasha anyway? Are you the Sasha we know, or the Sasha Jack knew?”

  “Are you mad at me, Mia?”

  “No, honey, I just want to know the real you. Remember how you acted the day we met you at the salon? You were a spoiled brat. But then there was the Sasha I ran into at the train station. That Sasha was a caring, sweet woman, even though I was a basket case that day. You seem so happy and carefree now. I just want to know if it’s real, or are you doing it for our sake?”

  “It’s real, Mia. Remember when I wrote that note on the dollar bill?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Well, somehow, even though I didn’t know you guys more than a few hours, I knew my life was about to change. It was like something good was going to happen, and it did. Look at the four of you. I have real friends now, not the superficial model crowd that gossips when someone has a zit or gains five pounds. You guys are real. You’re my true friends, even after what I did with Jack. I’m so sorry, Mia. I had no idea about you, I really didn’t.”

  “It’s okay, Jack used all of us. Anyway, I’ll tell you the news about him at lunch. Karen has to hear it too. Reach over the back seat. I grabbed some real estate magazines for you to browse through. We need to go house hunting, girl.” Mia smiled, and squeezed Sasha’s hand. “We’re good, Sasha. Don’t worry about that anymore.”

  Chapter Seven

  The Camaro roared into the driveway of the Cape Cod. “Here we are. Cute place isn’t it?” Mia said.

  “I love it. This is kind of what I’m looking for.”

  “So you like the traditional style? You’re more into the old than the new?”

  “Of course. Tarrytown is a quaint village with beautiful older homes. If I wanted something modern, I’d stay in the city. I like the settled in look, something comfortable, with a story all its own.”

  Mia smiled. “I get what you mean. We’ll find you a beautiful older home. Remind me to show you Aaron’s house. You’ll fall in love with it. C’mon, let’s go in.”

  Karen welcomed Sasha and Mia inside. A large pitcher of iced tea and three glasses sat on the rattan table on the patio. “Let me show you the house, Sasha, then we’ll have some tea before we leave for lunch. I decided on Katzen Kafe. It’s a cute place downtown.”

  “Karen, your home is so beautiful. Will you help pick out a house for me? You have great taste.”

  “Sure, that sounds like fun.” Karen showed Sasha her home and introduced her to Claire. She briefly told Sasha the story Jack concocted of Claire. Sasha shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t understand that man. He’s quite the liar isn’t he?”

  “Um… yeah. Let’s go outside and enjoy that iced tea. I have something to tell you about Jack that will floor you both,” Mia said.

  They made themselves comfortable on the floral cushions covering the chairs. Mia began as Karen poured iced tea.

  “You guys remember me telling you how someone stole my spare house key, right?”

  “Yep,” Karen said, as she stirred a teaspoon of sugar into her tea.

  “Then we thought it was Jack so we got the spy cam just a few days ago.


  “It was Jack.”

  “What!” they yelled, simultaneously.

  “Well, you know Aaron has been staying with me because somebody was using the spare key to come in when I walked Reggie. They had to be watching the house to know when I left.

  Anyway, this morning when I walked Reggie, Jack actually came in while Aaron was there. He assumed the house was empty because I just left, and Aaron’s car was hidden in the garage. They had a scuffle in the foyer, but Aaron was able to corner Jack against the wall. Aaron called the police just before I got back to the house. The cops took Jack away. I filed charges against him for trespassing, plus I filed for an order of protection.”

  “Oh my God. You’re okay, right?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine. I’m really relieved this is over though. You two shouldn’t worry about Jack, since he has no idea where you guys live. Plus this might be a good lesson for him to move on and leave all of us alone.”

  “Amen to that. I wonder if Jack had a plan, sneaking in like that.”

  “Who knows, Karen, I can’t picture him being physically violent. His job meant everything to him, so I couldn’t say for sure. Anyway, it’s over and done with. I just wanted to tell you guys. I’ll keep you posted on everything that goes on with this. I mean, even though we’re still married, the house has always been in my name only. I gave him fair warning that we were over, not to come back, and I was changing the locks. So I’m pretty sure the trespassing charges will stick.”

  “Thanks, Mia, I’m so happy Jack is out of our lives. Do you think there’s some nice guys in Tarrytown I might meet someday?” Sasha asked.

  “Of course, hon. Aaron has nice friends, plus some of the business owner’s downtown are single. Tarrytown is a great place to live and raise a family, if that’s your plan.”

  “Oh, it is… eventually. Should we go have lunch?”

  “Yeah, let’s go,” Karen said.


  Mia stopped at the camera shop on her way home. The police returned the spare key to her, so she wanted to make sure it was in Aaron’s trusting hands.

  “How was lunch with the girls?”

  “It was good. I had to tell them about Jack. I could tell by the look on their faces they were relieved he was caught. I hope this situation will make him think twice about doing something so stupid again. Anyway, here’s the spare key. It’s the only one, and you should keep it.”

  “Thanks, honey. Does that mean I’m welcome anytime?”

  “Of course it does, as long as you don’t sneak up on me.”

  “I promise I won’t. I’ll be over after work. I can pick something up at the grocery store if you want me to.”

  Mia laughed. “Listen to us. We sound like a real couple already. I like it. No… I love it, and I love you.”

  “I love you too. Call, if you want me to grab a few things

  “Okay, bye.” The bell above the door jingled as Mia walked out. She looked back through the window smiling, and blew Aaron a kiss before she disappeared around the corner.

  My God, how did I get so lucky? I finally have the woman I’ve loved for almost twenty years. Aaron grinned and went back to work.

  It was six o’clock when Aaron opened the front door of Mia’s house with his own key. It felt right. His mind drifted back to earlier that morning. So much had happened, and yet it was still the same day. Unbelievable, he thought, as he set the groceries on the kitchen counter. Aaron didn’t want to startle Mia, so he called out to her. He heard the sound of the shower running in the master bathroom.

  “I’m taking a shower, Aaron. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “Would you like some company? I’m suddenly feeling very dirty.”

  “You’re crazy. Of course I would love some company. Get in here and wash my back.”

  “Gladly.” Aaron stripped naked and entered the large, steaming shower. He took the wash cloth from her hand and lathered it up with soap. Mia’s knotted shoulders and back relaxed as Aaron kneaded them with the soapy cloth. She turned to face him. Aaron looked Mia over longingly, and smiled as he continued. He cupped her breasts in his hands as he gently caressed each one. Their kisses were long and passionate. Aaron continued downward with the lathered washcloth. Mia’s body stiffened when he reached that perfect spot. Aaron licked and flicked her nipples with his tongue as he pressed his growing shaft against her belly. Mia moaned in ecstasy. This was the man she desired.

  “Aaron, I want you.”

  “I’m here for you, babe.” Aaron lowered himself on the tiled shower seat while Mia straddled his legs. She slowly inched herself down onto his hard, throbbing shaft while she kissed his neck and nuzzled his earlobes.

  “You drive me crazy.” Aaron whispered his desire for his blonde haired beauty. He thrust his shaft into her as she bore down on it.

  Mia rode him until they both exploded in an orgasmic frenzy. Making love with Aaron was pure bliss. He was all she ever needed.


  Vic was a nervous wreck. Tomorrow, she would be spending the entire day with Max. She never thought much about having a serious boyfriend. It never mattered to her one way or another. She already had the best friends in the world, and a huge extended family. She was fine with that, and completely content in her singleness. Now Max Cole was in the picture, and she liked him a lot. Vic dated occasionally, but she never had the perfect man handed to her on a silver platter. Now that she did, she had no idea what to do with him. It made her nervous, as gorgeous as he was.

  I’ve got to talk to Mia. I’ll see if she wants to do lunch. It was still early, only eight o’clock, but Vic couldn’t wait any longer. “Mia, do you want to do lunch today, just the two of us?”

  “Sure, Vic. I have a family portrait at ten, but noon is fine. It’s a local family anyway, so I’ll be in town. What’s up? Why not invite Tina?”

  “We need to talk about Max. I told you we’re taking his Harley to Rhinebeck tomorrow, right?”

  “Yep, I remember you saying that. It should be a lot of fun.” Mia poured a second cup of coffee while they talked.

  “I know, Chica, but… well, we just have to talk first.”

  “Okay, no problem. When and where?”

  “Let’s meet at Morey’s at noon.”

  “Okay, out.”

  “Thanks, Mia. Out.”

  Vic waited anxiously at the long, dark, bar just inside the door at Morey’s. She made the usual small talk with Morey while she stared absently at the menu. She knew the usual fare by heart, and Friday’s fish fry special, but food didn’t matter right now. Her nerves were out of control and she had to talk to Mia. Vic gulped down a glass of ice water and asked Morey for another. Her foot bounced up and down against the bar rail. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mia park outside and come through the door.

  “Let’s get a table, okay?”

  “Sure. Hey, Morey, we’re grabbing a table over here.”

  “Yeah, Mia, no problem. I’ll be there in a minute,” he yelled back from the kitchen as he finished an order.

  “What’s got you all twisted up?”

  “I don’t know. Something must be wrong with me. The hottest guy on the planet wants to hang out with me for the entire day tomorrow, and I’m freaking out.”

  “What the hell for?” Mia took off her sunglasses and set the menu down.

  “Because he asked me out. He went to my cousins wedding with me because I kind of insisted. He agreed out of pity.”

  “Are you out of your friggin mind? Why would you even say that?”

  “Mia, look at yourself. You were with him first. I’m the runner up, the consolation prize… if that. He is way too hot to honestly be interested in me.” Vic looked around for Morey to take their order. “Should we get a bottle of wine?”

  “Sure, hon.” Mia yelled across the restaurant. “Morey, get out here and take our order. Bring me a pan to whack Vic over the head with too.”

  “Mia, jeez!”

  “Vic, Max likes you a lot. Why are you being so insecure right now? Haven’t you looked in the mirror lately? You’re hotter than shit. I can see that, and he can too. Every available guy in Westchester County can see that, for crap’s sake. Come on, what’s really going on? You’re the most ‘full of yourself’ babe I know. If it’s about Max and me, I’m going to slap you right now, I swear.”

  “But… ”

  “But nothing. How many times in our lives have we gone out with the same guy at one time or another? Shit like that happens, especially when you live in a small town. Honey, I’m in love with Aaron. He’s going to be the man I marry. Max and I had thirty-six hours of horny hormones going nuts between us. We both get that, and I want to remain friends with him, but only if we’re all in agreement. It would be awesome if you guys became more, and Max knows I love Aaron. He asked you to spend the day with him tomorrow because he likes you. Since when have you ever been insecure?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I don’t even want a boyfriend. I’d have to watch Max every second, as hot as he is. Every girl in a fifty mile radius would be trying to get in his pants.”

  “Max is a diamond in the rough, and has no idea how hot he is. That is, except from us. We tell him all the time. Max is a few years older than we are. He doesn’t have a girlfriend, he’s never been married, and he does field trips with the Boy Scouts. He might be ready to get involved with somebody. Timing is everything, and maybe it’s time. What will be, will be. See where it goes, and all those stupid clichés. Really, Vic, go out and enjoy the day tomorrow. If there’s another date planned, see what happens. Wouldn’t it be great if all of us ended up coupled with someone? We could live in Tarrytown forever and raise our kids together. We’d have barbecues every weekend and pool parties.”

  “Who has a pool?” Vic asked, with a pout.

  “Nobody yet, you dummy, but in a few years somebody might. C’mon, let’s order, I’m hungry.”

  Chapter Eight

  Vic was wide awake late into the night. The reassurance Mia gave her at lunch still didn’t settle her nerves. What is it about Max that has me so insecure? We had a great time at the wedding, flirting and all. But now? Does he likes me, or does he only want to date me to be close to Mia? Vic glanced at the clock on the nightstand: 2:14 a.m. She stumbled to the kitchen, over tired and irritated. A cup of Sleepytime tea might calm her nerves. She plopped down on the recliner and clicked the remote, flipping through the channels to find something boring enough to help her fall asleep. She stopped channel surfing at PBS which was broadcasting a segment about shutting down fisheries to protect the tuna population. This should do it for me, she thought, as she sipped her tea. Within thirty minutes she was back in bed.

  The annoying alarm set for eight o’clock blasted in Vic’s ears. She reached up to ride the snooze button, peeking through her slits of barely open
eyes, and saw it was nine o’clock. “Son of a bitch,” she shrieked, as she jumped out of bed. “I should have been up an hour ago. Max is going to be here at ten.”

  Vic tossed a cup of water into the microwave and grabbed the instant coffee from the pantry. Shit, when was the last time I used this? She looked at the expiration date on the jar. It read: Expires 6-14-09. Damn it! What the hell? Stale coffee isn’t going to kill me. Reminder to self—clean out the pantry sometime soon. Vic didn’t have much time, so she had to improvise with her looks. We’ll be on his motorcycle anyway. No reason to worry about my hair. I’ll have helmet head all day the way it is. She showered and spritzed on Chanel. Glossing her unruly, long, dark hair into a sleek braid would be her only saving grace. Thank God it’s a motorcycle date. There’s no time to fart around with my hair anyway. Vic applied a small amount of makeup, slipped on a pair of tight jeans, a tank top and her moto boots. She checked herself in the mirror as she guzzled down the lukewarm coffee and ate two Double Stuff Oreo cookies.

  The deep throttling sound of the Harley was unmistakable as it pulled into Vic’s driveway. Her heart pounded and her palms were sweaty. Oh my God, knock it off, and take a deep breath. If Max reaches for my hand and feels how sweaty it is, he’s going to be so grossed out. He knocked on the door. Vic did another quick look in the mirror. Okay… I’m cool, and I look awesome. She took a deep breath, pulled the confident persona out of the closet, and opened the front door.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” Max said, with a smile that spread across his entire face. “Are you ready to make my day?”

  “Max, you’re crazy.” He actually looks happy to see me. “Today is going to be a blast.”

  “You seem different.”

  “Oh shit… I’m sorry. I woke up late and didn’t have a lot of time to get dolled up.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s a compliment. I really like that subtle style. I’m a small town guy. I mean, you were drop dead gorgeous at the wedding, don’t get me wrong. But today, you’re even more beautiful.”


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