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Death Gamble

Page 22

by Don Pendleton

  “What the hell’s the matter with you two?” Kursk snapped.

  “Nothing sir,” one of them said.

  “Then do your damn job.”

  “Of course.”

  Kursk rose from his chair and stepped inside. He furrowed his brow in worry as he journeyed up the stairs and into his study. What if Khordadian was right? What if no other countries would deal with him? Locking the door behind him, Kursk walked to a mahogany bookcase, pressed a button and slid the fixture back, revealing a safe set into the wall.

  As he opened the safe, the hair along the back of his neck prickled, and a cold sensation passed down his back. He dropped the case and reached for his Tokarev.

  “Don’t,” a graveyard voice said.

  Kursk turned and saw a big man dressed in black. Black combat cosmetics streaked his face. Ice blue eyes regarded Kursk over the barrel of a Beretta handgun tipped with a sound suppressor.

  The Russian let his hands hang at his sides. He’d be damned if he’d raise them without being told.

  “You are Cooper?” he asked.

  Bolan nodded. “Put up your hands.”

  Kursk did as he was told. “Even if you kill me, you’ll never leave here alive. I have gunmen positioned all over.”

  The Executioner shook his head. Kursk felt sweat bead on the back of his neck and dribble down the length of his spine.

  Bolan continued. “Your gunners are as good as dead. The young woman you’re so fond of is a DEA informant. She’s been pumping bacteria into the food and making your men ill. I have a team of snipers poised around the building to handle the ones who don’t get sick. If necessary, I’ll be stepping over corpses when I leave.”

  “It seems,” Kursk said, “that you’ve thought of everything. You’re as bullheaded as the woman.”

  “You’ll be glad to know she’s healing nicely. She sends her regards.”

  Kursk made a sudden move for his gun.

  The Beretta whispered once. A 9 mm Parabellum hurtled into Kursk’s nose. The impact caused the Russian to smack against the wall and sent his arms flailing. When he collapsed to the floor, his shattered head landed on the leather case and soaked it with blood.

  A moment later, Mack Bolan heard sniper rifles crack outside, followed by a brief reply of autofire, then more rifle shots. Then silence. Grabbing the plans, he started out the door knowing that the bloodshed of the past few days had finally come to an end.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-7403-0

  Special thanks and acknowledgment to Tim Tresslar for his contribution to this work.


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