Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3)

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Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3) Page 12

by Laura Lee

  At the end of the routine, Ainsley is lying on the floor, pure anguish written all over her face. I know she absorbs every emotion built into her choreography, and it takes her a minute to shake out of it. The three of us give her time to piece herself together again, and the moment it happens, she springs up, with a massive smile on her face, bubbly as ever.

  “Well, what’d you think?”

  Jazz wipes at the corner of her eye. “It’s beautiful, Ains.”

  “Why, thank you.” Ainsley curtsies. “Now, get the hell out of here. You’re all distracting me.”

  Reed’s chest shakes with laughter as he stands up and approaches my sister. They exchange quiet words, and whatever he says to her makes the flush on her cheeks deepen.

  Jazz tugs on my sleeve. “C’mon, let’s give them a minute to say goodbye.”

  I hold my hand up. “Later.”

  “Later,” Ainsley and Reed reply in unison.

  Jazz pauses by one of the observation windows on our way out. It looks like a new class started because now the room is filled with children who are maybe ten at most, dancing to hip hop.

  “When I start getting regular paychecks, I’d love to get Belle signed up for a class like this. There used to be an after-school program like it, and she’s a natural. Sadly, the teacher who volunteered her time moved, and she hasn’t had anything like it since.” Jazz bites her bottom lip. “I’d have to figure out transportation, too, though, because I doubt I could rely on Jerome to take her.”

  “What about his girlfriend? She seems pretty stable.”

  “She is,” Jazz agrees. “And Belle loves her, which I’m so thankful for. But from what I understand, Monica usually doesn’t get home from work until after dinner time on weekdays, and she works every weekend. Plus, you know, I honestly think it’s only a matter of time before she dumps Jerome’s ass. I just hope I can get some type of custody arrangement in place before that happens.”

  I open the car door for Jazz. “We’ll make it happen. I can call some people.”

  She waits until I’m in the driver’s seat before replying. “As much as I appreciate the offer, I need to do this on my own, Kingston.”

  “No. You don’t.”

  Jazz levels me with a glare. “Yes. I do.”

  I shift into gear and pull away from our parking spot. “Look. I understand why you want your independence. And I respect the fuck out of it, Jazz. But money makes everything easier. And when it comes to things like this, connections don’t hurt either. I have plenty of both. My mom would love knowing the money she left us went to something good like this. If it makes it easier to accept, don’t do it for my mom or me. Do it for your mom and your sister.”

  She stares out the window. “I’ll think about it.”

  I reach over and squeeze her denim-clad thigh. “That’s better than nothing, I guess.”

  “What did John have to say earlier?”

  I give her a wry look. “Nice change in topic.”

  Jazz raises her eyebrows expectantly.

  “He basically said the FBI guy was happy with the audio I got from the party. My dad’s gone for the week, so John’s going to keep an eye on your dad, Madeline, and Peyton and see if they give him anything useful.”

  “So, we’re back in a holding pattern?”



  This girl speaks sarcasm as fluently as I do.

  “You feel like grabbing something to eat?”

  “I could eat.” Jazz digs through her purse and pulls out her phone. “Maybe we should call Bentley and see what he’s up to? Boy’s been moody AF lately.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “What do you think his deal is?”

  “Dunno.” I shrug. “Maybe he’s just getting sick of pretending like he’s okay all the time.”

  “Poor Bent.” She pouts. “We need to find him a girlfriend.”

  I scoff. “Uh... no, we don’t. I’ve never played matchmaker a day in my life, and I have no intention of starting now. If Bentley wants a girlfriend, he’s perfectly capable of finding one on his own.”

  “So, what you’re saying, is I should recruit Ainsley for this particular mission.”

  I laugh. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”



  “Two things you never want to forget, always make sure the bean hopper is topped off, and wipe off the steam wand immediately after each use.”

  Misha, my new manager, runs a quick blast of steam and uses a rag to demonstrate the latter. “Any questions?”

  I shake my head. “I think I got it. Now, if I can memorize the drinks, I’ll be set.”

  He laughs. “It’s easier than you think. Most people stick to the basics. Although, this is Cali, so don’t be surprised if someone asks for a half-caff, sugar-free, grass-fed goat milk latte.”

  “Well, of course. Isn’t that how you’re supposed to drink it?”

  Misha makes a face. “That’s sure as hell not how I drink it. I’d much rather run five miles every morning so I can have my full-fat, extra-sugary lattes, thank you very much.”

  “I hear ya.”

  The bell dings above the doorway, indicating a new customer has arrived.

  “You wanna try this one?” Misha nods his head to the man walking up to the counter. “I’ll take his order, and I’ll be right here if you need help with the drink.”

  I freeze when I follow Misha’s gaze and see the man standing in front of the register.

  “Jazz?” Misha prods. “You got this?”

  At the sound of my name, the asshole jock turns toward me with a smarmy smile.

  I nod. “Yep. No problem.”

  Misha takes his order and hands me a cup marked for a salted-caramel mocha. I hit the button to brew some shots, pump chocolate and caramel syrup into the cup, and pour milk into the carafe for steaming. I dump the espresso and milk into the cup and give it a good stir to combine. Once I’m sure the lid is secure, I call out the customer’s name.

  “Salted-caramel mocha for Lucas.”

  Peyton’s fuckboy covers my hand with his own as I’m setting the cup on the pick-up bar. I focus on remaining calm, even though the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end. This guy seriously gives me the creeps. Ever since Kingston humiliated Lucas by making him clean the dining hall floor in his underwear, Lucas never wastes an opportunity to undress me with his eyes, which I’d think he was doing to egg my boyfriend on, but strangely, he only does it when Kingston isn’t around to witness it.

  “When did you start working here?”

  Mindful that my manager is eyeing us curiously, I pull my shoulders back and infuse some cheer into my tone.

  “Today’s my first day.”

  “Interesting.” Lucas takes a sip of his coffee, licking foam off his lips. “Peyton didn’t tell me.”

  “I doubt Peyton knows.” I shrug. “I don’t exactly talk to her much.”

  He pulls out his wallet, deposits a hundred dollar bill in the tip jar, and holds his cup up. “Perfect latte, Jasmine. I’ll be back soon.”

  After Windsor’s star QB leaves the store, Misha plucks the Benjamin out of the jar and stashes it under the register tray.

  “You know that guy?”

  “We go to school together. And he sorta dates my stepsister. Does he come in here a lot?”

  Misha nods. “Every morning, sometimes twice on weekends. Is that going to be a problem? I was getting weird vibes off you two.”

  I gulp. “Nope. Not at all.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Especially if he keeps tipping like that.” Misha inclines his head to the woman who just walked in. “You ready for your first mid-morning rush?”

  I nod. “Absolutely.”


  “You did great today, Jazz. Have a good night.”

  “Thanks, Misha. I’ll see you on Monday after school.”

  When I make it outside, Kingston is wa
iting right out front, idling in his Rover. I hear the doors unlock as I approach and climb in on the passenger side.

  “Thanks for picking me up. You really didn’t have to, though. I told you Frank said he’s more than happy to take me.”

  “And I told you, it’s no big deal.” His gold-flecked eyes dare me to argue. “How was your first day?”

  “Really good. It’s pretty crazy during the rushes, but the job itself is easy enough, and my shift went by fast.”

  “You smell like coffee.”

  “I should hope so considering where I’ve been for the last six hours.” I sniff my hair. “What’s the matter? Do I repulse you?”

  Kingston’s eyes leisurely travel the length of my body. “Jazz, you could roll around in a giant pile of dog shit, and you’d still get me hot.”

  “Ewww.” I scrunch my nose. “You couldn’t have picked something else for me to hypothetically roll around in? Anything else?”

  He laughs. “Nope. I’m sticking with dog shit.”

  “Such a romantic,” I quip.

  “Baby, you couldn’t handle me if I pulled out the romance.” Kingston winks.

  “Oh, God,” I groan. “So cheesy.”

  “Speaking of cheesy... how do you feel about dropping in on a Windsor party tonight?”

  “Seriously? I thought we agreed to pause on the parties for a while after what happened at the last two.”

  “We did. But this one is at Lucas Gale’s house.”

  I scoff. “All the more reason not to go. That guy gives me bad vibes. He came into the coffee shop today and was acting like a total creeper. Apparently, he’s a regular.”

  Kingston frowns. “Well, that’s even more of a reason to go. If we show up on his turf, it sends a message to everyone, especially him and Peyton, that we’re in charge. And if I happen to have words with Lucas about finding a new place to get his caffeine fix while we’re there, so be it.”

  “I don’t know, Kingston.”

  He reaches over the console and grabs my hand. “It’ll be fine, Jazz. Trust me. I wouldn’t suggest it if I wasn’t sure.”

  I groan. “Fine. But I need to shower and change first.”

  “We have plenty of time.”

  When we arrive at the Gale residence, the party is already in full-on rager mode. A group of guys are yelling at the TV while playing video games, red cups litter the floor, the music is loud, and scantily clad drunken girls dance on tables. I’d say it’s your typical rich kid party, but Lucas’ party has one noticeable difference: The gangbang they have going on right when you walk in the front door. There’s a line of ten girls, naked from the waist down, bending over, while a group of guys sticks their dicks into each one of them, pumping a few times before moving on to the next girl.

  “Whoa.” Bentley whistles. “I’m all for playing some pussy roulette every once in a while, but this is crazy. Even I know to take that shit to a semi-private location.”

  I throw my hand out toward them. “What’s the point of th—”

  “And freeze!” The music cuts off abruptly right before the DJ yells his command.

  “Damn it!” a guy with his dick hanging out yells.

  The dude standing next to him pats him on the back. “Sorry, bro. Better go jerk it in the corner.”

  “And go!” the DJ says right before the music starts up, and the thrusting begins again.

  Ainsley’s jaw drops. “Oh my God, are they playing some sexed-up version of musical chairs?”

  Bentley nods. “Looks like it.”

  Just then, one of the girls currently getting pounded notices our group. “Bentley! You should join the next game.”

  Bentley rubs the back of his neck, and if I’m not mistaken, he actually looks embarrassed. “Uh, no thanks. I’m good.” He starts making a beeline toward the bar. “I need a drink.”

  The rest of us eagerly follow him, trying to put as much distance as possible between us and the orgy.

  Reed turns his head to my boyfriend. “A hundred bucks says this shit’s uploaded to Pornhub within the hour.”

  Kingston scoffs. “Why the fuck would I take a losing bet? I’d say no more than half an hour.”

  “That’s seriously some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever witnessed,” I say. “None of those dudes are wearing condoms.”

  “I’d imagine it’d get a little annoying switching them out every thirty seconds,” Bentley offers.

  “Should we take bets on who gets which STD?” I ask.

  “Or knocked up?” Ainsley adds.

  “I think I just saw Gale heading out back. Let’s make sure he sees us.” Kingston jerks his head to the side.

  The pool is closed up for the season, but there’s a firepit in the middle of a brick patio, which is where most people seem to be congregating. Sure enough, Lucas, Peyton, and their entire preppy posse are all sitting around the fire with Solo cups in their hands.

  Lucas stands the moment he sees us, causing Peyton to land on her ass since she was sitting on his lap. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Why else would we be here?” Kingston replies smoothly. “We came to party.”

  “Yeah?” Lucas questions. “Who invited you?”

  “Kings have a standing invite to any Windsor party.” Bentley gives Lucas a cocky grin. “And since Davenport, Prescott, and I are the kings, we’re automatically welcome, along with anyone we choose to invite.”

  “Well, it’s a stupid fucking rule.” Lucas’ statement was directed at Kingston, but he smiles when his eyes wander over to me. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite new barista?”

  Kingston’s fingers flex around my hip. “Don’t talk to her.”

  Lucas takes a sip from his cup. “It’s my house. I’ll talk to whoever I want. Your royal decree can’t prevent me from doing that, can it?”

  Peyton brushes herself off and takes a seat in the chair Lucas vacated. “What are you talking about, baby?”

  Lucas holds his arms out. “Oh, you didn’t hear? Sweet, sweet Jasmine here is now a working girl.”

  “I’m pretty sure she was already was one of those,” Whitney Alcott, AKA Bentley’s bitter ex, mutters.

  I flip her off in reply.

  Lucas points at Whitney. “Sadly, that theory has yet to be proven. But, she is the newest employee at Calabasas Coffee.” He turns to me and flashes a smarmy grin. “You know, our favorite coffeehouse in the valley? The one we all go to practically every day?”

  Fuuuuck. Why didn’t I think about having to serve the assholes I go to school with when I started applying for jobs? I don’t hide my displeasure fast enough, because Lucas’ smile grows when he sees that he’s getting to me.

  “We’re going to love having Little Miss Crenshaw slinging drinks for us. Although I’m sure since she’s so new, it’ll probably take her a while to get the orders right. Might have to send the first few back.” He looks around. “Won’t we?”

  I park a hand on my hip as the lemmings murmur their agreement. “I’m from Watts, dickhead.”

  Lucas shrugs. “Same thing.”

  Uh, no, it’s not, but this idiot wouldn’t know the difference.

  Kingston flashes a murderous glare. “Find a new place to get your coffee. If any of you show up at Jazz’s work and cause trouble for her, you’ll answer to me.”

  “And me,” Bentley adds.

  “And me,” Reed echoes.

  I stand a little taller when the sheep no longer look amused.

  “Does Daddy know you got a job?” Peyton says that last word the same way I imagine she’d say off-the-rack wedding dress.

  “No, but I’m sure you’ll take care of that for me the first chance you get.” I wave my hand dismissively. “Not that he can do anything about it since I’m eighteen.”

  Peyton’s eyes narrow into slits. “Daddy is well connected. If he doesn’t want you to work, nobody within a fifty-mile radius will hire you.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.”
  “Hey, Peyton,” Kingston calls out, diverting her attention. “I’m surprised you’re not enjoying the festivities up front. You know, seeing as gangbangs are your thing now.”

  Peyton’s eyes widen. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Really?” Kingston laughs. “So, that wasn’t Gale, Baker, Wright, and Taylor that I recently caught you fucking at the same time?”

  “What?!” Imogen and Whitney shout simultaneously.

  Peyton looks at her two friends nervously. I’m guessing they didn’t know she was screwing their new boyfriends.

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds,” Peyton argues.

  Whitney turns to her boyfriend. “Christian? Is it true?”

  Christian Taylor looks away. “Uh... sort of?”

  “Sort of?” Whitney screams. “What does that mean?”

  “She only blew me. We... ah... got interrupted before it could go any further.” Christian inclines his head to the guys sitting on his left. “But yeah, she fucked the others. It was actually pretty impressive how she took all three dicks at once. I’ve got a video if anyone’s interested.”

  Peyton gasps. “What?!”

  “How could you do this to us, Peyton?” Imogen whines, leveling her so-called friend with a glare. “We’re supposed to be besties for life! C’mon, Whit, let’s get out of here.”

  “Gladly.” Whitney looks me over with distaste. “Apparently, being a whore runs in the family.”

  “Watch it, Whit,” Bentley growls.

  “Or what, Bentley? You gonna dump me? Oh, wait, you already did that!” She laughs, looking around the group. “I’m so over high school dick. Older guys only from now on.”

  “Totally,” Imogen agrees.

  Peyton stands up and screams as the other two girls hightail it out of Dodge. “Why are you trying to ruin my life, Kingston?”

  “Uh... I’m pretty sure you’re doing a damn fine job of that yourself, Peyton. Don’t blame my brother because you’re trying to bang your way through the entire senior class.”

  Peyton glares at Ainsley. “Shut up, bitch. Nobody asked you.”


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