Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3)

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Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3) Page 13

by Laura Lee

  Oh, hell, no.

  I charge Peyton, but Bentley pulls me back. “Claws in, baby girl.”

  I struggle in his hold. “Lemme at her, Bent. I think she’s due for another nose job. I’m just gonna help her out.”

  At this point, we’ve gathered quite the audience. Peyton looks like she’s going to be sick when she notices how many people have witnessed her humiliation.

  I’m instantly calm when Kingston grabs my hand. “C’mon, Jazz. We’re done here. They’re not worth it.”

  “You’re right.” I nod.

  The five of us leave the party, not sparing a backward glance to the drama we left behind. Now, the question is, why do I feel like we just invited a lot more trouble into our lives?



  “I will never understand how that big voice came out of little Jenny Humphrey.”

  “Who’s Jenny Humphrey?”

  “Uh... from Gossip Girl?” Ainsley nods to the display on the dash when she sees how clueless I still am. “The singer from The Pretty Reckless. She plays Dan’s little sister Jenny on Gossip Girl.”

  “Is that like, a show?”

  Ainsley gasps. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  I shrug. “Sorry. Never heard of it.”

  “X-O-X-O ring a bell?”

  “Nope.” I pop the P at the end.

  “Holy crap. As soon as I get back from Portland, we are bingeing the shit out of it. It totally changed the television landscape of teenage dramas. It’s a classic.” She sighs. “I can’t believe I’m not going to see you for a whole week.”

  Ainsley shifts her car into park and reaches over to hug me. She insisted on driving me to work this afternoon since she and Reed are flying to his sister’s tonight for Christmas.

  I give her one last squeeze before pulling back. “I know. It’s crazy to me that it’s already winter break, and our trip to Disney is almost here.”

  “Belle still has no clue where you’re taking her, huh?”

  “None.” I shake my head.

  “You promise you’ll take lots of pictures and send them to me?”

  “Promise.” I open the car door and grab my purse off the floor. “Thanks again for the ride.”

  “Of course. Have a good shift.”

  “Text me to let me know you landed safely.”

  Ainsley nods. “Okay. Bye, Jazz.”

  I shut the door and wave to her as she pulls away from the curb. When I step inside my work, I immediately go to the backroom to stash my purse and grab my black barista apron. This is only my second week, but I absolutely love working here. My boss and co-workers are amiable, and making coffee is surprisingly fun. We’re allowed to experiment with the different syrups and sauces, trying to invent new specials whenever we have some downtime. I smile when I see today’s special of the day on the chalkboard.

  Candied Peppermint Tuxedo Mocha

  That would be the drink I came up with the other day: Two pumps of white and dark chocolate sauce and one pump of peppermint syrup, topped with whipped cream and crushed peppermint candies. It’s not only delicious, but the combined flavors make a perfect holiday drink. Considering we’re only a couple of days away from Christmas, it’s fitting.

  “Hey, Jazz.”

  I smile. “Hey, Java. Has it been busy?”

  Yes, that’s her real name. I thought she was joking when she first introduced herself. Only in Los Angeles, I swear. There’s also a Racer, Maple, and Denim that work here. Oh, and Alley.

  Java shakes her head. “Not too bad. I think people are still out there shopping.”

  “Is it just the two of us?”

  “Yeah.” She nods. “According to Misha, the last two weeks of December are typically the slowest of the year because so many people around here leave town. Racer was supposed to be on shift for another hour, but he left a little early. We’re never supposed to be here alone, so if anyone asks, he wasn’t feeling well.”

  “What’s the real reason?”

  Java rolls her eyes. “He had to bathe his ferret and clean the cage before his girlfriend came over. Race lives in like a four-hundred-square-foot studio, so space is tight, and as you can probably imagine, bad smells spread pretty easily. Apparently, she refuses to give him head if the rodent stinks, so Lil Wayne—the ferret, not the rapper—is getting a bath. Can’t say I blame her. The last time he and I hooked up, I almost passed out from holding my breath too long because I was trying not to smell the thing. Those little guys are cute as hell, but they start to reek pretty fast.”

  “Wow... that’s more information than I ever needed.” I laugh.

  “Sorry.” She blushes. “Sometimes, I forget to censor.”

  My lips twitch. “It’s all good. Your honesty is refreshing.”

  The bell above the door dings as a small group of twenty-somethings walks in.

  “Duty calls,” she singsongs.


  “What else needs to be done?”

  Java sets the mop in the bucket and looks around. “I think we’re good after we empty the garbage.”

  “I can handle that.”

  “Thanks, girl. There’s new bags are under the bathroom cabinet, and the dumpsters are in the back lot by the fence. Ours is the green one. It should be open from the mid-day run, but make sure you lock it when you’re done.”

  “Got it.”

  After I finish putting a new liner in the last trash bin, I gather the bags and head out the back door. Damn, it’s kind of creepy back here. I heave the garbage into the dumpster and make sure the padlock is secure. As I start to walk away, I swear I hear a shoe scuffing against the ground, kicking up gravel. My head snaps to the side, looking around, but it’s too dark back here to really see anything. I hurry my ass back inside and take a few breaths to calm myself.

  Java frowns when she walks into the back room and sees me. “You okay? You look spooked.”

  “Yeah.” I turn on the tap to wash my hands. “I just thought I heard something out there and got freaked out for a second.”

  “Oh, that’s probably the squirrels.”


  “Yeah.” She nods. “There are tons of them that live in the trees behind the property line. Horny little bastards, too. I was taking out the garbage once, and I heard the strangest noise coming from up high. It was super loud and kind of sounded like an animal dying. As I got closer, I found two squirrels goin’ at it like rabid monkeys.” Java shivers. “I had to get really stoned that night to blur the memory. Sadly, it’s happened at least two dozen times since, so now it’s permanently etched into my brain.”

  My lips twitch. This girl and her lack of filter are definitely amusing.

  “Wow. That’s... interesting.”

  Java looks around the strip mall parking lot as we exit the store. “Your ride’s not here yet?”

  I shake my head. “No, I didn’t tell him we finished up a little early.”

  “Oh.” Her gaze falls to her boyfriend’s Audi. “Let me just tell Ian real quick, and I’ll wait with you.”

  “Thank you, but I’m fine.” I incline my head toward the other end of the lot, where there’s an open sub shop. “I’m just going to grab a sandwich while I wait.”

  “You want a ride over there?”

  I shake my head. “I’m good.”

  “Okay, girl. Have a good night.”

  I wave. “You too.”

  I start walking faster when I notice a black Escalade pulling out of a parking spot. Now, that in itself wouldn’t be odd, considering we’re in a shopping center, but the only place that’s still open is the sub shop, which is quite a few doors down. When the SUV starts heading directly toward me, I break into a run. I only make it about fifty feet before the driver slams on the brakes, and the cargo door flies open. A big guy wearing all black, including a ski mask, jumps out of the car and lunges for me.

  Oh shit.

  I struggle in his hold, but the guy is to
o damn strong for me. He clamps a hand over my mouth and nose, practically suffocating me as he wrestles me into the back of the Cadillac. I want to cry out at the unfairness of it when my purse falls to the asphalt, knowing the gun I bought for this very purpose is in there. My phone is in there, too, which means Kingston won’t be able to track me.

  Well, isn’t this some fucked up déjà vu?

  The second the doors are closed, he yells, “Go!”

  Wait a second... I know that voice.

  The masked driver steps on the gas and peels out of the parking lot. I know how screwed I am if I let these guys take me to a different location, so I kick and bite and fight as much as I can.

  “Hurry the fuck up and get there,” the guy who’s holding me commands.

  “I’m trying!” the driver yells.

  I know that voice, too. What in the actual fuck?

  What seems like only a few minutes later, the Escalade takes a sharp right, knocking the beefy guy and me off balance. The rear seats are flattened, so I’m thrown toward the side door, while he stumbles toward the back one. I don’t give a shit that the car is in motion, I reach for the door handle, but the child locks must be engaged because it doesn’t open.


  The car takes another sharp turn down a bumpy road before coming to a grinding halt.

  The big guy tackles me, smooshing my body against the carpeted floor. “Leave us!”

  Driver guy hesitates. “What are you going to do, man?”

  “What do you think I’m going to do?” Meathead squeezes the back of my neck. “I’m going to teach this bitch a lesson. Go back to your dorm, Taylor. And leave the keys.”

  I knew it! The guy behind the wheel is Christian Taylor! Ainsley once told me he lives in a dorm room at Windsor. Is that where we are? If the driver is Christian, that means the one on top of me must be—

  “Lucas, man, you said you were just going to scare her. That’s the only reason I agreed to help you.”

  Lucas peels off his ski mask and tosses it to the side. I guess there’s no point in trying to conceal his identity now. “I said, get the fuck out.”

  “All right, all right. Just... I don’t know. Just be careful, man.”

  As soon as the door closes, Lucas’ meaty paws are flipping me over, so I’m on my back, and he’s sitting on my torso. Fuck, he weighs a ton. He quickly slams his hand back over my mouth and pinches my nostrils, just to prove he can steal my breath if he wants.

  “You really fucked up by showing up at my house, bitch,” he growls. His face is mere inches away from mine, so I can smell the alcohol on his breath. “I was going to listen to Peyton and leave you alone, but you just had to push me. That boyfriend of yours just couldn’t leave well enough alone. Well, he might be untouchable, but guess what. You’re not.”

  My scream is muffled against his palm as he shoves his free hand down my leggings, roughly grabbing my crotch. Tears trickle down my cheeks when he moves my panties aside and stabs me with two thick fingers.

  “Fuuuuuck. Your pussy is even tighter than I imagined. A little dry, though. We’ll need to work on that before you take my dick. I’ve been dying to get a piece of you since that night at the lake. I can’t get the thought of your naked, helpless body out of my mind.” Lucas gives me an evil smile as he continues pumping his fingers in and out. “Oops, did I just admit that? I guess there’s no point in denying it now, considering you’ve probably figured it out already. In case there’s any doubt, Christian was the one with me that night, too, but he was too much of a pussy to take what he wanted. Lucky for you, I don’t have that problem.”

  The windows are tinted so dark, only the faintest bit of light comes through the moonroof, but it’s enough to see how maniacal his expression is right now. The dude’s lost it, for sure, which does not bode well for me.

  “Now, I want you to listen real carefully on what’s about to happen. Blink twice if you understand.”

  I glare at him.

  Lucas shrugs. “Eh, good enough. Now, in just a moment, I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth. When I do, I’m going to take my dick out, and you’re going to blow me until I’m ready to stick it in your cunt.”

  Jesus Christ, this fucker is delusional.


  I’m relieved when he removes his disgusting fingers from my body, but it’s short-lived when he sucks them into his mouth and moans.

  “Damn. I don’t normally waste my time eating a bitch’s pussy, but I might make an exception for you. Maybe you do have some kind of voodoo snatch. Maybe fucking you will convince me to consider your debt paid after we’re done here. Provided you cooperate, that is.” He digs his fingernails into my jaw. “But don’t get any crazy ideas. If you bite me while my dick is in your mouth, I will knock your fucking teeth out. If you try screaming for help, I will choke you until you lose consciousness. And don’t think I have anything against fucking an unconscious girl. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.” He squeezes my nipple painfully over my shirt. “Are we clear?”

  There’s no way in hell I’m just going to lie here quietly while he rapes me, but I think this psycho’s lost the plot just enough to believe me when I nod.

  “Good girl.” He smiles as he removes his hand from my mouth.

  I greedily gulp in as much air as possible with well over two hundred pounds of weight on top of me. I don’t move a muscle as Lucas unbuttons and unzips his jeans, pushing them over his hips. Of course, he’s going commando—better to rape someone, after all—so his dick springs free right away. I have to literally bite my tongue, telling my inner smartass that now is not the time to point out that the pencil dick struggle is real. Maybe I’ve just been blessed with the few I’ve seen before now, but not only is Lucas’ dick short, but it lacks girth. No wonder Peyton needs someone else to satisfy her. I highly doubt this guy can get the job done.

  Totally oblivious to my inner monologue, Lucas strokes himself, groaning as he twists his hand over the head.

  “Lift up your shirt. Show me those pretty little titties I’ve missed so much.”

  “You’re on my arms,” I point out.

  “My bad.” He releases his dick and repositions his knees so they’re pressing my arms into the floor even more.

  Lucas lifts his ass up just enough to pull my t-shirt until it’s above my boobs, then he shoves my bra up as well. My nipples pebble from the cold air, drawing Lucas’ attention to them. I have to remind myself that I’m only going to get one shot to escape, and I need to make sure it’s the right time to make a move. I feel like I’m going to puke as he eyes my naked breasts, grinning like a madman as he fondles me.

  “Don’t be coy, Jazz. I know you want it. And if you do an excellent job sucking my cock, I might trust you enough to let you use your hands. From what I’ve seen, your performance shouldn’t be a problem.” I fight my gag reflex when he rubs the head of his penis over my peaked tips, smearing his precum all over my skin.

  I don’t know how I’m remaining so calm as he shifts his pelvis, bringing his dick closer to my face, but I’m thankful. The last thing I need right now is a panic attack.

  “God, you have no idea how many times I’ve jerked off to that video of you in the shower with Davenport.” He gives himself another long stroke. “Oh, speaking of... can’t forget to record this so that fucker can see how much you’re going to love having me inside of you.”


  My eyes widen when Lucas pulls his phone out of his jeans pocket and holds it up. “Say cheese, Jasmine.”

  I blink rapidly as I’m blinded by the flash.

  He turns the screen toward me, showing me the picture he took of my naked chest with his dick hovering above it. He makes sure I see him switch it to video mode before turning the screen back toward him.

  “Open wide, you little slut.”

  I pinch my lips together as he comes closer, turning my head away when his nasty dick touches my mouth. I can’t stop the gag
this time when I taste the salty wetness he left behind on my lips.

  “Nuh-uh.” Lucas grabs my jaw and squeezes, forcing my head back to the center. I swear to God, it feels like he nearly cracked the bone. “Open your fucking mouth before I make you open it, bitch.”

  Just when I think I might have to suffer through this so I can at least get the use of my arms back, his phone starts ringing.

  “Fuck off!” he yells, silencing the ringer.

  A moment later, it rings again, and he denies the call a second time. When it rings a third time, Lucas blanches when he looks down at the screen.

  “Shit.” Lucas sits back, causing me to grunt when his weight drops on my stomach, but I’ll take that any day over his dick in my mouth. He slides his finger over the screen and holds the phone up to his ear. “Hello?” I can’t hear what the caller says, but Lucas gets more and more agitated as the conversation goes on. “No, sir. I was just having a little fun. Yes, sir. Yes, I understand. Of course.” His jaw drops. “Right now?! Um... sure.”

  Both of our gazes swing to the approaching headlights glaring through the window. Who the hell is he talking to?

  Lucas gulps, suddenly looking very scared. “Yes, sir. I see them.” He quickly tucks himself back into his pants and zips up. “Yes, I understand. I’ll step out of the car and leave Jasmine unharmed.”

  Seriously, who the fuck is on the other line?

  Lucas hangs up the call and mutters, “Fucking Taylor. He just had to play the goddamn saint. I’m going to kick that fucker’s ass.” His eyes narrow in my direction. “You got lucky tonight, but don’t think this is over. Your cunt is mine, bitch.”

  I scoot out of the way as he hops over the console into the driver’s seat and exits the vehicle, leaving me behind. I put my clothing back into place as fast as possible as I watch Lucas approach the dark sedan. He exchanges a few words with the driver before he gets into the back seat, and they drive away. What in the hell is happening right now?

  Right as I’m climbing out of the Escalade, the familiar hum of an engine greets me. I crouch down until I can be sure it’s not someone else I need to run from. As soon as I see Kingston’s Agera, I break into a sprint. He slams on the brakes, opening the door the moment the car comes to a complete stop. Kingston catches me mid-air as I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, but the momentum from my run forces us to the ground. I start sobbing uncontrollably into his neck as he smooths his hand down my back.


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