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Page 5

by Cox, Desiree A.

  “Thanks, Alpha Xavier, but we need to try to find this land my father gifted us.”

  “I won’t take no for an answer. Besides, it sounds as if you haven’t eaten in months. If you’d like you can stay here tonight, then be on your way in the morning.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll let the guys know. It may be safer for us to get a start early in the morning, since we’ll have to stay in our human form. For some reason, we seem to keep getting shot at when we shift to our Wolves.”

  “Fine, then I’ll let the cook know. And we’ll have extra for you. It sounds as if you’ll need it.”

  Xavier waved at his guards and they quickly were at his side.

  “Make sure Damian and his friends are comfortable. They’ll be dining with me, then staying here tonight.”

  “Yes, sir, Alpha,” one of the guards said.

  “Better tell the women to lock their doors tonight,” the other guard mumbled.

  Xavier smiled at his men, then at Damian before walking toward the healer’s post.

  When Damian and his friends were taken to their quarters for the night, they were all shocked. They weren’t sure what to expect, but judging by the exterior of the large, weathered cabins, they hadn’t expected there to be many modern amenities. The interior was nicely decorated. Masculine, and cozy. The living room was furnished with leather seating on rustic wood frames. The fireplace was large enough for Damian to stand on the inside at his full height of six-foot-six, and stretch his seven-foot-two-inch wingspan without touching either side. The brick surround soared from the floor up to the ceiling, which had to be three stories tall.

  “This fireplace is crazy,” Damian said. His Betas stood in awe, looking at him inside the pristine enclosure. There were logs stacked neatly along the side of the fireplace, and they’d passed by a large woodpile as they entered the domicile.

  The kitchen was fully stocked. All the utensils they could possibly want, plus a full set of pots and pans were in the cupboards.

  “Man, this is a guest house?” Maverick questioned.

  “I know, right?” Jordan replied.

  Maverick opened the refrigerator and saw enough food to easily sate them through the night. Even Damian’s excessive hunger could be satisfied.

  They walked through the pass-through kitchen into the hall that led to three spacious bedrooms, each with a queen-sized bed. Damian couldn’t help but notice the footboard was taller than the mattress, which he knew from experience would prevent him from being able to stretch his legs. There was also a chest of drawers, and its own en-suite bathroom.

  “This one is mine.” Damian claimed the bedroom closest to the front door of the home.

  Maverick and Jordan moved to the other two rooms and staked their claim as well.

  The trio made their way back to the living room and climbed the stairs up to the second floor. There was railing that allowed them to look over into the living room and kitchen, but the rest of the floor was a wide open space. There was no furniture. When Damian’s stomach rumbled, the sound echoed.

  “Weird. What the hell do you use something like this for?” Damian asked.

  “Who knows? They probably couldn’t figure it out either and that’s why they didn’t bother doing anything with it,” Maverick said.

  “We have one more floor.” Jordan pointed at the stairs and they all made their way to the third floor. Once there, they all stopped and just looked at each other. It was identical to the second floor. No furniture and railing that allowed them to look down into the living room and kitchen.

  “Clearly they didn’t think this through too well. They wasted a lot of room in this place,” Jordan said. Maverick and Damian nodded their agreement. They took a quick glance around the space, then descended back to the first floor. The sound of Damian’s growling stomach was louder than the creaking of the worn steps.

  Damian went straight to the refrigerator and helped himself to one of the venison casseroles. Maverick and Jordan watched him devour his plateful, then scoop out another heaping serving.

  “Make sure to leave some room for dinner. Xavier might not be too happy if you don’t eat,” Maverick said.

  “Trust me, this is just an appetizer,” Damian said before shoveling in a large mouthful.

  “Sounds like you do have that Hunger disease some of the elders from the Pack talked about,” Jordan said.

  Damian shoved his fork deep into the casserole and waved Jordan off with the other hand. The two Betas shook their heads, then turned and made their way to their rooms to freshen up before meeting for dinner.

  When Damian finished off his second helping, he made his way into his room where he did the same. He stared at himself in the mirror after wiping the washcloth across his stubbled face. His thoughts went back to a comment his father made that haunted him. Does the good in you ever get an opportunity to surface? He thought back to how they found and released Leia from the trap and smiled. Yes, Father, it does, he thought.

  Chapter 9

  They enjoyed a hearty, filling meal with Xavier, Leia, and the two guards. When they finished, the cooks were asked to package up the leftovers for Damian and his friends.

  “You’re too kind, Xavier. Thank you,” Damian said.

  “You’re welcome.” Xavier wrapped his arm around Leia and pulled her into him. “What you did today was very selfless, dangerous, and so appreciated. I called your father. We had a nice long chat. He told me about your situation, and I told him what you’d done.”

  Leia was dismissed to her room and the men made their way into the large living room that looked a lot like the one in the guest cabin. They each took a seat, while the guards stood close beside Xavier’s chair.

  “I’m sure he wasn’t impressed,” Damian scoffed.

  “On the contrary, he was.”

  “I’m sure he was,” Damian said sarcastically. “Anyway, I’m sure he didn’t tell you the whole story about my situation. He kicked us out.” Damian’s stomach growled despite having eaten three servings of everything.

  “Whatever is going on between you and your father is not my business. We are both very concerned, however, about the shooting, and now we know there are traps. We as Alphas need to protect our Packs. That includes you now, since you are an Alpha. One thing’s for sure, they aren’t aiming for any one specific group or target.”

  “I thought it was just us, until you told Father your guys had reported gunfire, too. And now the cub,” Damian said.

  “We’ll talk more about that later. Do you have any idea where you’re going in the morning?”

  “Sort of,” Damian said. He wasn’t completely sure where the land his father had promised him was located, but had a general idea of the vicinity.

  “We know the area well. My men would be more than happy to make sure you get there safely and aren’t met by any rogues.”

  “That’s not necessary. We can manage,” Damian said. He doubled over in pain as his stomach rumbled louder than normal.

  “You can’t go alone. You’re not well, and there are only three of you. My men will accompany you,” Xavier said. “And my healer is at your disposal, if you need her this evening, too.”

  “Thank you.”

  The men sat and talked for nearly thirty more minutes before Damian saw Maverick yawning several times. He gracefully thanked Xavier once again for his hospitality and the wonderful meal before announcing they needed to get some rest, so they’d be ready for their adventurous trek the next day. Xavier agreed it was best and, after shaking hands, they all parted ways for the evening.

  It didn’t take long after Damian and his Betas made it back to their cabin and got settled into their room before Damian heard Maverick and Jordan snoring loudly. He lay tossing and turning, while his stomach continued its noisy tirade.

  Knowing there was only one way to ensure he’d get some sleep, Damian dragged his naked form from the bed and made his way to the front window. He peeked outside to make sure
Xavier’s men weren’t standing guard. Once he saw the coast was clear, he darted outside and quickly ran around to the back of the cabin facing the woods and shifted. His Wolf felt freer than he ever had as he frolicked and sprinted through the dense forest in search of a fresh kill.

  It didn’t take him long to chase down a jackrabbit, followed by two squirrels. His pangs deep in his gut seemed to get worse, not better. And the scent wafting in the air was driving him more insane than he’d thought ever possible. His ears perked up as he listened intently to the slight noises that sounded like someone or something getting closer.

  He lolled his head back to take in the sweet scent while determining the direction of the sounds.

  Damian, what are you doing? It’s not safe to be out here, Maverick’s Wolf asked, breaking his concentration.

  Jordan’s Wolf approached with a stern look. This is crazy. We’re supposed to be sleeping. We have a long day tomorrow. Why are you out here anyway?

  I came out to run, and hunt. But someone was here. I could smell her, and heard her footsteps. She must have run when you two bumbles came charging through the woods. I have to find her.

  Jordan’s Wolf howled. We should have known he was on a pussy hunt.

  Maverick growled. Next time do us a favor. If you have to come hunt, let us know. Don’t come out here by yourself. What if something had happened to you?

  Damian bared his teeth and gnashed at his Beta. I don’t need babysitters. I’m more than capable of protecting myself. I needed to get out of that cabin. I wanted to just run and next thing I knew, I had my canines sinking into a delicious jackrabbit. Damian’s stomach rumbled loudly.

  About the insatiable hunger pangs and never-ending rumbling stomach you keep having, I was texting with my mom about it and she told me a little more about the Hunger disease. You can eat all you want, my friend, but until you find your soul-mate and claim her as yours, it won’t go away. She said you’ll know when you find her. And if you never find her … Jordan abruptly stopped.

  Then what? Don’t leave me hanging. What happens if I don’t find her?

  Maverick took a step closer to the two of them and said, You’ll go bat-shit crazy. My dad told me the stories about the Hunger, too.

  Just then Damian’s nose poked up in the air and sniffed furiously. Her scent was back. She was nearby. She’s here, again.

  Who? Maverick and Jordan asked at the same time.

  Her! My soul-mate.

  Chapter 10

  After hunting, and searching the woods for hours, Maverick and Jordan had convinced Damian he was imagining things. There was no trace of anyone having been in the woods, despite Damian’s repeated claims that he could smell her.

  His soul-mate.

  They returned to the cabin with their bellies full from feasting on deer, rabbits, and squirrels, and were met by Xavier’s guards.

  “Xavier has requested you break your fast with him before you leave,” one of the guards said. He curled his lips as he scrutinized them from head to toe. “But judging by the residue on your faces, you haven’t been fasting at all.”

  “Please, take a shower. You reek to high heaven. You’re all filthy,” the other guard chimed in.

  “No shit. We’ve been out in the woods most of the night,” Jordan sniped.

  Damian held out his hand, palm facing outward, toward his Beta in an effort to get him stop talking. They’d be leaving soon after eating, and he didn’t want there to be any bad blood.

  “Sorry about my Beta. We’re tired. Please let Xavier know we’ll be there. And we’ll be squeaky clean.”

  “The morning meal will be served in thirty minutes,” the first guard stated.

  The guards glared at the trio, then turned and walked away. Damian couldn’t make out what they were saying, but could hear the low mumbling. He didn’t care. He had someone on his mind, and the pangs shooting though his abdomen were causing him to take shallow breaths. He’d never felt that stabbing sensation, mixed with a feeling of starvation, before.

  Breakfast was eaten on Xavier’s porch. Leia was there, and she was all smiles during the meal until the conversation turned to discuss how the new Pack was to get to their destination.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” Leia whispered.

  “Damian needs to establish his own Pack, sweetheart. Maybe one day, after he and his friends get settled, we can make the trip to visit them.”

  Leia bounced in her seat while clapping her hands. The frown turned to a huge toothy grin.

  “Have you come up with a name for your Pack?” Xavier asked.

  “I thought of one: Exiled Shasta Spawn.”

  Maverick and Jordan shook their heads. They’d heard the name in the woods the night before and had asked Damian to reconsider. They both knew it wouldn’t sit well with Alpha Thor, and could possibly put them each in an even worse predicament.

  “That’s the best you can come up with?” Xavier shook his head. “There certainly has to be something less controversial. Isn’t there? Perhaps you can think about it a bit longer before announcing your Pack name.”

  “It’s the only thing I can think of,” Damian said. His tone was clipped, and he shoveled huge forkfuls of food into his mouth.

  “May I make a suggestion?”

  “Sure,” Damian said.

  “Perhaps something along the lines of Mountain Rumblers, or Shasta Redeemers. I’ve seen your father at his angriest, and I’d hate to see you poke at that beast in him with your proposed name.”

  Damian’s stomach growled as he swallowed his mouthful of food.

  “Perhaps Insatiable Blue is a viable option.” Xavier chuckled at his reference to Damian’s bottomless pit of a stomach and his piercing blue eyes.

  “Ha-ha. I’ll take your advice and think about it for a little more, but your options are out. All of them. Maybe we’ll just be known as the Pack with no name.” Damian stopped talking abruptly and his nose rose high into the air, sniffing. Then, with a look of disappointment on his face, he lowered his head.

  “Fine. My guards will be ready to accompany you to your land when you and your friends are ready.”

  “Thank you, but that’s really not necessary. I think we’ll be fine to travel on our own,” Damian said.

  “Nonsense. I promised your father I’d make sure you got there in one piece. You have no choice but to accept my offer, because I never make empty promises.”

  “Thank you, again, for everything. I guess it’s time for us to get moving. We have no idea what we’re going to find when we get there.”

  Damian and his Betas shook Xavier’s hand, then they each leaned down to give Leia a hug and told her good-bye.

  Chapter 11

  It took three hours to reach their destination. There were a few stops to allow Damian to hunt and feed his insatiable appetite. The Mountain Lion guards were annoyed, and were told on more than one occasion they could return, but they knew if they didn’t follow through on their mission there’d be hell to pay.

  When they arrived at the site Damian’s father had gifted him, they were all surprised. There were three small, old, weather-worn log cabins sitting in close proximity of each other on an overgrown plot of land. Men they knew were the best carpenters and plumbers from their former Pack were hard at work, making repairs to the homes that had sat idle for so many years.

  “It seems everything is under control here and there’s no fear of rogues. We’ve gotten you here safely, as we were ordered, so we’re going to go back,” one guard said.

  “Thank you, and please express our gratitude to big- ... Xavier, again,” Damian said. The three new Pack-mates shook hands with the guards before Xavier’s men turned and left. The trio continued along the makeshift path leading toward their new homes.

  “Welcome home, Alpha Damian,” Chuck, a skilled craftsman, said.

  “Thank you. What’s going on?” Damian asked.

  “Alpha Thor was here yesterday with us and asked us to make sure everyt
hing was in proper working order for you. He has men coming tomorrow to clear the rest of the bushes and brush from the walkways and away from the residences. They would have come today but Bryce’s mate went into labor, and Donovan had a pressing issue to take care of. It would take forever for just one person.”

  “This wasn’t necessary; we could have figured something out,” Damian huffed. Inside, he was furious. He felt like his father was setting him up to be indebted to him.

  “We were given strict orders what our Alpha wanted done here, and we will do as our Pack Alpha asked. Unless you guys have some hidden skills with plumbing, electrical, and woodworking, you’d have been looking for someone to come in. And we’re here, so we’ll finish this up today and the cabins will be habitable again. They won’t be completely done, but we’ll get them all finished up in another day or so.”

  “What else needs to be done?” Damian asked.

  “Each needs a new roof, and there’s some work in the kitchens and bathrooms that still needs to be finished. Since it’s not going to rain for another couple of days, we have time to replace the shingles,” Chuck said.

  “That’s pretty nice of your dad to go to such lengths to fix all of this stuff. Hell, we’d never be able to figure half of this stuff out, let alone have the tools to do it,” Maverick said.

  “Yeah. But what’s he want from me? There has to be a catch.” Damian rubbed his hand over his scruffy beard and inhaled deeply. His nose twitched and his eyes closed. He kept sniffing the air.

  “What? Do you think you smell her again?” Jordan asked.

  “I definitely can sense her. She’s not far away.”

  “She should stop being a chicken-shit and come out to face you,” Maverick said, then laughed.

  Damian growled, then gave his friend a powerful shove, knocking him off-balance. His blue eyes were slits as he glared at Maverick like he was ready to pounce on him.


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