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Page 15

by Cox, Desiree A.

  “There’s one more thing to see. The master bathroom.” Maverick held out his hand to direct them.

  As they walked to the bathroom, there were two walk-in-closets flanking each side of the small hall, then they walked into the beautifully appointed bathroom with a double-sized shower with two shower heads, a sunken Jacuzzi tub, and a vanity for each of them.

  “Damian and Angel, I hope you’ll be happy here for many years to come. And if we need to build that add-on for more kids, just give us a holler,” Chuck said. Everyone laughed.

  Damian and Angel knew his parents were one hundred percent behind making sure this was all done for them. They walked over and gave Thor and Calista several hugs and thanked them repeatedly for everything. Jude and Jordan joined in expressing their gratitude. Maverick looked at Roxanne, but she was busy running her fingers along the mantel of the fireplace in Damian’s bedroom.

  “I’m happy you all like what’s been done so far,” Thor said. “We have a couple more buildings that will be going up soon, and I’m sure everyone will be quite happy with the finished product.”

  Everyone funneled back out of the Alpha house and over to Maverick’s bachelor pad.

  “And we have one final stop on this tour,” Chuck said. “Maverick hasn’t seen the inside, and one of the great things about living here for these past few weeks was being able to make changes on the inside in the evening. We were able to keep this all a surprise until now. Come on, Maverick, go on in,” Chuck said.

  Maverick walked through the door and abruptly stopped. He was surprised to see the paneling had been replaced with drywall. He’d hated the paneling. It felt too old and dated for him. Even as they painted the infirmary paneling, he had complained about it still being there.

  “No paneling,” Chuck said. He and Maverick smiled at each other.

  The group moved farther into the house and stopped at the kitchen, which had been painted, a new island was added, and the lights had all been changed to much more modern fixtures. A wall had also been removed to open the kitchen to the living room.

  The tour continued back to the master bedroom, where a bay window had been installed, along with a gas fireplace. And the biggest surprise, Maverick would have his own master bath.

  “This is great. Thank you so much.” Maverick was beaming. He was so happy with his new home. He gave Thor a big hug and then gave Chuck one, too.

  “That’s it, folks,” Chuck said. “Now, I have to kick you all out so we can get back to work.”

  Everyone shuffled out of the house; but Maverick stayed in his bedroom, looking out the bathroom window that gave him a great view of the woods behind him. When he turned around, he nearly ran right into Roxanne.

  “Now I know where you live, Mavvy. I guess that means I could crash on your couch some night, right?”

  “I wouldn’t make you sleep on the couch,” he replied.

  “Oh, no? Where would I sleep? Maybe in here with you?”

  The butterflies in his stomach were churning furiously. “Maybe. If you want to.”

  “Maybe I do. And maybe one day, I will.”

  She stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then, with a gentle tug, she pulled him down to her. Her mouth was on his, and her tongue pressed to tangle with his. He opened for her and held her at her waist. He could feel his manhood growing and pressing against his zipper.

  “Roxanne!” Jude hollered.

  They broke their kiss. “I guess I gotta go. I can’t have Daddy getting pissed. I just got back on his good side.” She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. “But I’ll be back.” She smiled at him, then turned on her heels.

  Maverick stood in his bedroom, watching Roxy’s sexy rear end sway out the door.

  Chapter 29

  “When do you plan to announce your mate?” Thor asked Damian on the ride back.

  “Who do I make the announcement to? Our Pack consists of five people so far.”

  “You make the announcement here, in our Pack. You grew up here, and I think it’s only right that all the people you know, and who love you, be part of this amazing event. You should be ready to also announce your Pack name at the same time,” Thor said.

  “We need to know when, Damian. We’ll make sure everyone is told and that they’re there,” his mother added.

  “Is tomorrow too soon?” Damian asked Angel.

  “Not if we can get my parents here. I’d really like them to know I’m okay, and that I found my soul-mate. They’re on the other side of the mountain, though.”

  “You can give them a call when we get back and see if they can make it. If so, just let me know and I’ll get the word spread so we can celebrate the two of you properly,” Calista said.

  “Mother, really. Don’t make this bigger than it needs to be or make a huge fuss. You guys have done more than enough with the village and our home. And giving us Anita.”

  “Nonsense, son. This only happens once in your life,” Thor said. His voice boomed with pride and authority. The kind of tone Damian knew not to question, even if he was an adult. It would be an argument he’d lose for sure.

  Damian looked at Angel. She scooted close to him. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, his fingers lifted her chin, and then he lowered his mouth onto hers. She was his world. His father was right. There would never be another woman for him. And he’d never let his Angel go.

  Two days later, Damian and Angel were set to make the announcement of their union. Her parents had made it into town and were ecstatic to know she was safe, and happy.

  Damian was in the bedroom, trying to decide what to wear. He really wanted to wear his new Affliction jeans with a button-down shirt. After all, there were no set-in-stone rules that had to be followed for attire. But his problem was that Angel was going to be wearing a beautiful beaded evening gown that her parents bought for her. If he wore jeans, he’d look far too informal. On the other hand, if he wore a suit, he’d feel too constricted.

  “Baby, can you come here?” Damian called to Angel.

  When Angel rounded the corner and entered the bedroom, Damian’s mouth dropped open. He stared at his beautiful mate.

  “Can we skip this awful event?” he asked. He gawked at her in her off-white matching lacy panties and bra.

  She walked over to him. “No, silly, we can’t. What can I help you with?”

  “I was going to ask you a question, but now I may need help with this.” He grabbed his crotch.

  “Later. We don’t have time right now.”

  “Looking at you has made my dick incredibly hard. I don’t think it would be a good idea to go to this shindig in this condition. Do you?”

  Angel rubbed her hand over the boxer briefs covering his growing erection. “What do you want me to do?”

  “What would you like to do?”

  “I’ve already showered and fixed my hair, and we need to leave in less than an hour. I hate to say it, but you’ll have to wait until the celebration is over.” Angel winked at him.

  “Fuck,” Damian grumbled.

  “You did call me in here for something. What did you want to ask me?” Angel asked. She poked her chest out teasingly and rubbed her hand across her stomach.

  “Oh, yeah. I know this is a weird question, but do you think I have to wear a suit? Or do you think I could get away with wearing these jeans and a button-down?”

  “I don’t recall this being a formal thing, and you know what I’ll be wearing. It’s up to you. Wear the suit pants and the shirt. Skip the tie and jacket. You’ll want to be comfortable, because we may be there all night.” Angel ran her fingers across Damian’s bare chest before she walked back into the bathroom.

  “You really didn’t help me, you know,” Damian said. He could hear Angel giggling in the bathroom.

  When she walked back into the bedroom, she saw her mate still staring at the jeans he had neatly laid on the bed.

  “Just wear them and get ready,” she said. Angel went to the closet and r
emoved her gown from the hanger. She stepped into it and wiggled it up past her hips, then worked it up onto her shoulders.

  “Can you zip this for me?” she asked.

  “I’d rather take it off.”

  “Later, my love. After the party.” Angel smiled. “I have a question for you.”


  “Have you ever given any thought to how many kids you want? I know your parents seem to think we’re going to single-handedly populate the Pack.” They both laughed.

  “Two would be nice. Maybe a boy, and a beautiful little girl who looks just like her mommy,” Damian said. “How many little ones would you like to have?”

  “I think two sounds like a good start.”

  When Damian got the zipper pulled all the way to the top, he turned Angel to face him and lowered his mouth onto hers. He held her close and fought the urge to run his fingers through her hair.

  “Damian, get dressed. We need to leave soon.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered.

  “Wear the jeans. I don’t care. After all, it’s our party. We can dress how we want to, right?”

  “That’s true. But I know my mother and father will frown seeing me in jeans.”

  “You have about five minutes to figure it out, dearest. We need to leave in less than a half hour. But trust me, I’m fine with either choice.”

  Chapter 30

  Warmth radiated through Angel as she and Damian returned to their cottage. She’d never felt so happy and complete. She was ecstatic to be publicly announced as Damian’s mate, and to see her parents again, knowing they were pleased she’d found her fated soul-mate.

  Damian received several odd looks from his parents, a few of the elders in the Pack, Jude, and even her parents when they glanced down at his jeans. He had on a button-down shirt that matched the color of Angel’s beautiful gown, but chose to forgo the dress pants. His mom scoffed, and shook her head in disappointment at her son, but Angel assured her it was her idea for Damian to wear them.

  Angel had been surprised she managed to convince Damian to stay for as long as they had. Damian kept prodding her to leave. But with them being the guests of honor, she felt they owed it to everyone to stay, much to Damian’s chagrin.

  There were only a few people from Thor’s Pack who didn’t make it. Even Chuck, Maverick, and the other guys came back to join in the celebration. And Angel finally got an opportunity to meet the much-talked-about human, Mindy.

  Mindy congratulated the happy couple, then told them of the wedding date, and proceeded to practically beg them to be there. She must not have realized the strong bond between Damian and Jordan. There was no way Damian and Angel would miss the event.

  Damian felt like he’d been put on the spot earlier when his father asked him to announce his new Pack name. He hadn’t given it very much thought after talking to Xavier, but knew his choice during that conversation wasn’t going to make anyone happy. He’d come up with a better Pack name and was ready to announce it. His father had a look of apprehension on his face, and appeared to be holding his breath while he waited for Damian to reply.

  “Shasta Blue Strata,” was his answer.

  “Very interesting. But I like it. It’s definitely different,” Thor said.

  Later that evening, in a private conversation with his father, Damian revealed that Xavier had talked to him and had offered a name based on his blue eyes. While he was getting ready, and looked into Angel’s eyes, he knew the name to pick. Damian added Strata to signify the parallel he felt between his father’s Pack and his. First was that his father and he were both Alphas. Next, he said that Jude and Jordan were both Betas. He also cited the healers as a parallel.

  When Angel’s parents left the party, and the crowd thinned drastically, she finally told Damian they could leave. She thought he was going to break out in a celebratory dance. Instead, he grabbed her hand and quickly made his way to the exit. Angel was so relieved she had changed into flats earlier. Had he tugged her while she was in her heels she surely would have toppled over.

  And now the happy couple was relieved to be back home, where they could finally relax.

  “Can you help me with this zipper, dearest?” Angel asked.

  “It would be my pleasure. I’ve been waiting for this moment all night,” Damian quipped.

  He quickly closed the distance between them. His large hands glided over her bare shoulders then down her arms.

  “You are a stunning beauty. How did I get so lucky to be blessed by the Goddess and get you as my mate?” Damian leaned down and kissed her slender neck.

  Angel turned to face her mate. “I feel the same about you, my love. The Goddess definitely did a great job pairing us.” She smiled.

  His fingers caressed her forehead, then traveled down her face along her hairline and chin. He held her in his grasp and lowered his mouth to hers.

  Angel held Damian around his waist. “It’s such a beautiful night. It almost seems a crime to be trapped inside. What do you think of going for a late-night hunt and we can let our Wolves run free?”

  “I was hoping for some time alone, inside. But why not? Let’s do it.”

  Damian quickly unzipped Angel’s gown and slid his hands under the shoulder straps, easing it down her arms. Her bare breasts were exposed to him. He hadn’t realized she’d removed her bra earlier, before they left. He lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth, then the other.

  “We’ll never make it outside at this rate,” Angel said.

  “Okay. Okay. Fine.” Damian pulled away from his mate and stripped his clothes off as he watched her shed her gown and panties. His need to be inside her was impossible to control. His cock stretched to its fullest length in her direction.

  “Ready?” Angel asked, with a devilish smirk on her face.

  “If we don’t go soon we’ll never go, because I’ll take you right here.”

  Angel giggled, then darted toward the back door of the cottage. Damian was quickly on her heels. As soon as they stepped outside and closed the door, they shifted into their gorgeous Wolf forms.

  Angel’s wolf took off running and Damian’s followed close behind her. The two loped deep into a wooded area, where they were surrounded by tall, majestic, sugar pine and fir trees.

  It’s so beautiful and peaceful here, Angel’s Wolf said through her link.

  You’re beautiful. And the moonlight shining on your coat makes you glow, like an Angel. My Angel, Damian said. His Wolf stalked over closer to where she was standing, and his snout rubbed against hers.

  The two walked, circling each other. Sniffing each other. Their eyes fixed on each other as if they were in a trance.

  Let’s go back. I desperately need to be inside you, Damian said.

  Let’s don’t. I’d rather stay here, under the moon. It’s so beautiful and I think it’s time we let our Wolves mate, Angel said. She stopped moving and stood perfectly still as her Wolf’s blue eyes met his bright blue pools of lust.

  Damian’s Wolf was more than ready to claim hers. He walked up behind her and sniffed at her hind quarters. Then, he lowered his snout near her sex, nudging her several times before he licked his flat, thick tongue across her to take in her scent and taste into his mouth. His Wolf was more than ready to take his mate.

  Are you sure this is what you want, beautiful? Damian asked.

  I’ve never been more sure in my life, she said.

  Damian’s Wolf mounted her from behind and his large penis slowly entered her eager channel. Her Wolf moaned a low roar as he pressed further into her until he reached her depths.

  Damian’s large paws pressed down on her back, his claws digging into her flesh beneath her fur. But Angel didn’t mind. She wanted to experience his raw, animalistic love. She wanted him to take her with reckless abandon, hard and rough.

  His engorged length pumped in and out of her as her walls constricted on his shaft. Damian leaned forward, putting even more of his weight on his mate as he stroked
her faster and faster.

  His Wolf closed his eyes and lowered down to her neck, where he sank his fangs deep into her tender flesh. He took her blood droplets into his mouth, then lapped his coarse tongue at the holes to help heal them.

  Angel’s Wolf howled long and loud at the marking of their bond.

  They were locked tight together. The grip she had on his cock held him tight inside her. His claws dug deeper, holding her tight beneath him as he rocked his hips, building the pressure and friction between them.

  Damian howled out his release as he felt Angel tighten even further around him. Her howl joined with his to signal to the wild world that they were mated for life.

  Chapter 31

  It had been almost a month since Damian and Angel moved into their new house. They’d gotten settled in and had christened nearly every room. Two of the rooms they’d designated for future children had been spared.

  Angel walked up behind Damian and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, then kissed his cheek. He was watching football, but not his favorite team, so she knew her interruption wouldn’t be frowned upon. “Damian, my love, I have a surprise for you.”

  “I’m not crazy about surprises. Can you just tell me what’s going on?”

  She took her arms from around him, then walked in front of his chair before climbing into his lap. “I’d rather show you,” she cooed. Her fingers stroked his stubbled chin, then down his neck, and stopped at his chest.

  “Did you get more lingerie?” Damian smiled.

  Angel could feel his cock thickening beneath her. “Better,” she said, then kissed his mouth.

  Damian’s brows furrowed. “What? Better than lingerie? What could possibly be better than more sexy lingerie?” Damian asked.

  She held his shirt in her grasp and pulled herself closer to him. She loved feeling the heat radiate off his thick muscled chest. She took his hand in hers and moved it up to clasp her breast.


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