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Silver Blood (Blood Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Tamara White

  My mother intertwines her hand with my father’s, as if using him for courage before speaking. “I'm not sure if you know much about your duty to the coven, but at the end of the day, you're their Princess. As such, you need to know about our politics, our culture, and our history. What I’m trying to say is I want you to attend royalty training. One of our most loyal vampires has volunteered to teach you all you need to know, and I would like to talk to your soul-ties about explaining things, too. There is so much you need to know, and you’re at a significant disadvantage until you’ve been brought up to speed. At any moment one of our own could use your lack of knowledge against you.”

  I nod in agreement when my father interrupts. "What about physical training? And patrols? Em has been training in the pack for years, and I imagine she would like to use her skills in the real world, rather than sit around drinking tea and reading history books."

  My mood lifts, but my mother immediately shoots down that idea. “It’s not all drinking tea and reading books, Axel. These are things that Emerald will need to know if she’s ever sent on our behalf as an envoy. Would you really want her walking into another coven while being unaware of our customs? She would likely be punished or, worse, killed for her ignorance.” She shakes her head adamantly. “No, I won’t risk that. She will learn our traditions and cultures. Then, when I am convinced she knows all she needs to, she can assist with patrols.”

  I watch for a moment in fascination and the slight edge of fear creeps in as my parents bicker, each adamant that they’re both right, before I interrupt.

  “What if I do both?”

  They both stop arguing and turn their attention to me, and I go on. “I can go to lessons when you need me to and still go on patrols with the guys. They can even teach me stuff while we’re on patrol if that makes you happy, but I think both things are equally important. I need to learn how you patrol, and I also need to learn about my kind. This way it’s a win-win.”

  A small grin appears on my mother’s face, while my father outright smirks. “She's good," he whispers into my mother’s ear.

  They stare at me for a moment before they both nod. My father meets my gaze, and his face goes into serious mode. “Your mother and I agree with you. Both are important, so with that in mind, you will attend royalty lessons as well as go on patrols with the guys. If at any time we feel you are lacking in one area or another, we’ll mention it to your tutor, so she can focus more on that subject. Does that sound acceptable?”

  I smile, feeling relieved that we settled the issue pretty quickly. I hate being in the middle of conflict and their bickering over me going on patrol or attending lessons just remind me of the way my step-mom would yell at Dad for what I considered small things. “Yes, that’s perfect. And I promise to grill the guys for information whenever I can.”

  A knock sounds on the door, and my heart picks up the pace. Based on my body’s reaction, I’d bet everything one of my guys is standing right outside.

  Sure enough, when my father gets up and opens the door, it’s to reveal Nik standing in the hall with a sheepish grin on his face. "Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to see if Em wanted to go for a walk?" he asks. I jump to my feet, ready to go.

  It’s not that I don’t like hanging out with my parents, but I hardly get any alone time with the guys, so I want to take the chance anytime I get.

  "I would love that." I smile brightly, excited to spend some one-on-one time with him.

  My mother and father each offer me a quick hug, and I’m surprised it doesn’t feel off. I would have thought that kind of affection would still feel awkward, but spending time with my mother today has made me feel a bit closer to them.

  As I reach Nik and take hold of his hand, my mother speaks. “I’ll schedule your first lesson in two days’ time. Someone will come to your door to escort you to your lesson and I will make sure Talon is informed of what days and times they fall on so he can plan your training and patrols.”

  Nik leads me out the door, and I can't help the sigh of relief I let out when we reach the other end of the hall. “Thank you so much. You saved me from being caught in the middle of a marital disagreement."

  He chuckles as we step into the elevator. "I could feel your anxiety and thought I’d better check on you.” He lets go of my hand and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. “Now how about I give you a tour? I know you haven't really had much chance to explore yet," he offers as he glances down at his watch.

  Huh? He must have a meeting or something later. Better not keep him waiting. “Yeah, that would be awesome. Let's go."

  The elevator stops on a floor I haven’t yet been on, and we step out. This level is set up the same as other floors I’ve seen, the only difference being that this hallway leads to a massive kitchen.

  “Each of these rooms are for guests. Since we never know whether we will have humans, wolves, or witches staying with us, it makes sense to keep them close to the kitchen since its stocked with everything our kinds need to remain well fed. It used to be an abandoned level, but when your father needed a more efficient kitchen, your mother had the whole floor upgraded. Britt would be in one of these rooms usually, but she demanded to be close to you, which is why she’s on the same floor as us.”

  He opens a few of the doors in the hallway, showing me the rooms are all empty. They seem cozy enough for guest quarters.

  When we reach the kitchen, I notice him glance at his watch again, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk. I start to wonder if he's late for some kind of meeting. Why else would he be watching the time so vigilantly? But then again, if he were late, wouldn’t he act more concerned about it?

  We walk through the kitchen, and he goes on to explain why there are two fridges. The stainless steel one with double doors contains human food for their wolf and witch visitors. Then there’s the small white fridge, which contains blood bags for vampires.

  At least now I know if I get hungry, I can take a quick walk down here to get a bite, rather than have to order food.

  I open the fridge, curious as to its contents, and reach in to grab the lone can of soda on the top shelf. Nik snatches my hand back with a sheepish grin. "Ah, that belongs to one of the guards. He likes to mix it with his blood for extra flavor," he explains.

  "Oh, sorry."

  He shrugs and cocks his head to the side, as if hearing something. I listen and hear the distinct sound of footsteps approaching. Nik drags me back into the pantry, pulling the door shut behind us. He presses a hand to my mouth to stop me from speaking and moves me so I too, can see out the small crack into the well-lit kitchen.

  "Watch," he breathes so low I barely pick it up, even with my sensitive hearing.

  A tall man walks into the room, humming happily. He opens the white fridge and pulls out two blood bags, pouring them into a large mug on the counter. I watch as he throws the bags in the bin, still humming to himself as he does so. He moves to the silver fridge and pulls out the can of coke I tried to grab before. This must be the guy who likes to mix soda with his blood.

  I watch as he walks back to his blood-filled mug and opens the tab of the soda.

  Liquid explodes out of the top of the can, spraying over practically every surface in the room. The once white cabinets are all now spattered with brown drops, the roof has even more droplets covering it, and the floor is covered in the mess as well.

  I feel Nik chuckling quietly against my back as we watch the guard take in the mess he just made. Shock is clear on his face, as if he can’t believe what just happened, but I watch as his shock quickly morphs into anger. His eyes dart around as if looking for us, and I see his gaze shift to the pantry where we’re concealed.

  He takes a step in our direction when Talon’s voice suddenly cuts through the room. "Tyler, what is all this? You know Queen Sierra hates any mess in her kitchen. Clean it up at once."

  The feel of Nik’s mouth against my shoulder as he smothers his laughter makes giggles well up. I
almost suffocate against Nik’s hand as he keeps me muted while the guard cleans up the mess that Nik somehow caused.

  After Tyler finishes, Talon inspects every surface before allowing him to leave with his blood. Tyler leaves the room, muttering under his breath about payback against the ass who messed with his drink.

  Talon cocks his head, listening as Tyler walks away before he turns to glare at the cupboard. "Nik, I know you're in there. Only you would be stupid enough to hang around and watch."

  Nik lets out a laugh and removes his hand from my mouth before pushing me out of the small space.

  Talon’s eyes widen in surprise when he sees me, but then his gaze moves across to scowl at Nik who comes out after me. "Seriously? You had Em in here while you were provoking Tyler? Are you stupid?"

  Nik leans against the counter and smirks. "She was fine. I am more than capable of protecting her against Tyler if need be. Besides, he didn't even know we were here.”

  I roll my eyes, feeling annoyed. "Guys, I’m right here. Can you please stop talking about me as if I’m some helpless little girl who can’t defend herself? I’m more than capable of fighting off a vamp or two.”

  Both guys keep staring intensely at each other, not even acknowledging my words. I sigh and shake my head. Men. Never bother listening to what a girl has to say.

  After a long moment, Nik breaks the stare down and moves to the door. "Come on, Em. I’ll show you the rest of our coven."

  I sigh and walk towards Nik, stopping to give Talon a quick kiss on the cheek before I go. I offer him a small smile as Nik and I leave. As we walk back the way we came, I start to wonder how I can prove to them I am more than capable of handling myself.

  Sure, I died one time, and now they’re holding it against me. I will find a way to make them understand I’m stronger than I appear.

  Five – Markets


  We end up on yet another floor I’ve never been on. When the elevator opens, I can’t help but gasp at all the activity going on.

  Large groups of people are milling about in a market-type setting, complete with everything from the cobblestones on the ground to the many tables holding various items. If I didn’t know any better, I would assume we were out in the street. The lights in here shine down on the setting like the sun.

  Vampires of varying ages walk around, and I get my first glimpse of what vampire children look like. They aren’t that different from human children; the only real difference I can see is that they’re paler. Their skin is almost translucent. I try not to stare, but I find myself fascinated. Was I that pale as a child?

  Nik guides me past various stalls filled with all sorts of things such as candles, blood, gemstones, and other curious items, and I notice that there are signs by each table.

  "What do those signs mean?"

  Each table holds a sign, which appears to list various items to trade. The first sign seems to be asking for the following blood types: O-negative, B-negative, and AB-negative.

  One of the other table’s signs asks for tanzanite or cash. There are other signs, asking for things such as diamonds, gold, other blood types, and the like. There are even tables that asks for certain services in exchange for goods or other services.

  "Oh, that’s how our currency system works. We trade. The majority of our kind deals in human cash, but with having lived as long as we have, we all own many things others may find useful. Like take this table, for example.” He moves closer to a booth that holds little vials of multi-colored liquids with a sign asking for blood in exchange.

  "These are powerful potions made by witches. Sean here might have a source that supplies him with these which he then trades for items he needs. Blood, in this case."

  The man behind the table gives us a little bow and speaks up. "Yes, what your soul-tie says is true. I have a friend in the local witch coven who I trade my services for. He uses my blood to make certain magical potions, and in exchange, he makes simple ones for me that I can use to trade for blood types that are more rare.”

  Sean reaches forth and picks up a green potion. “For example, Princess, this potion here gives you the ability to hide one’s self from sight. While your soul-tie may not need that particular boost, some of the guards like to use them on patrols when they need to remain unseen. Then we have this one,” he continues, putting the green potion down to pick up a bright red one. "It’s an infatuation potion. It can't be used on someone who's got a soul-tie or mate, but it can be used on supernaturals. There are many vampires, werewolves, and witches out there who have lived alone for so long that they just want someone to love them back. This is the closest it can really get.”

  At my look of horror, he rushes to add, “Do not worry, Princess. The potion wears out after twenty-four hours unless they keep feeding it to the affected individual.”

  Somehow that doesn’t comfort me as much as the man means it to. What if someone buys a lifetime supply of that stuff? Would that mean their victim would be forever infatuated with someone they didn’t like? Seems very cruel to me. It makes me wonder if the witches police that kind of thing? Surely they must, otherwise everyone would be running around like lovesick fools.

  More than ever, I’m glad that my guys are tied to me. I couldn't possibly imagine them infatuated with someone else. Honestly, I’d probably kill the person who tried to take them from me.

  Nik thanks the man for his time and we continue on our way. We walk past each table, with Nik explaining each thing that I don't understand. All in all, their bartering system seems to be a pretty easy concept. One table steals my gaze and holds it, and I have no idea how to process what I’m seeing.

  The table houses various weapons and other relics but two twin swords are where my gaze keeps being drawn to. I feel an overwhelming connection to them for some reason, as if they’re mine somehow. Nik sees my gaze riveted on the various items and moves us closer while he explains. “Some of our kind are thousands of years old. That means most or all of the material things they had when they were alive are lost to them now. But with historical finds being made every day, some of those long lost items are being recovered by the humans or other covens.”

  Nik runs a hand over an old engraved pocket watch before speaking again. “These items are invaluable to those who have lost their treasures. Imagine being a vampire who was turned hundreds of years ago, but you had a child before you turned. We aren’t exactly allowed to see our family after we turn, it’s too dangerous. So take a family photo, for example. Some pictures of loved ones are sold for upwards of a million dollars.”

  Holy... That’s unbelievable.

  We move from the table, and I notice the way Nik glances back longingly at the pocket watch. “Do you know who that watch belonged to?” I ask, intrigued.

  He casts one last lingering look at it. “It belonged to someone I knew, but he’s dead now.”

  We continue to walk, my thoughts continuing to drift back to the twin swords as we explore the remaining tables. The longer we remain here though, the more people start to notice me. They begin to stare, whispering as we pass.

  They all know who I am, and are curious as to what I’m doing here.

  "Em, you okay?" Nik asks, noticing my anxiety rising.

  He wraps an arm around my shoulders, and I try to keep myself from huddling into him. "Um, no. I mean, I’m okay. It’s hard going from the shadows to being in the spotlight."

  He nods in understanding and steers me down the hall to a large set of glass doors at the end. The moment we step through them, the scent of ammonia overwhelms me.

  I grimace and try to stop the instinct to cover my nose, even as my eyes well with tears from how concentrated the scent is.

  Nik notices and puts his wrist under my nose. The scent of him and fresh blood running in his veins overpowers the strong chemical smell. “Sorry, I should have warned you before we came in. They have to disinfect this room daily in order to prevent the scent of blood from overwhelming any newbie
s who come in."

  I nod, moving Nik’s hand away and using my own to cover my nose and mouth to soften the scent.

  Nik pulls me towards a bright white desk in the middle of the room where a woman sits, wearing an all white suit. She couldn’t wear even a little color? The white on white is a bit much for me. I find it a little disorienting, just as the smell is. Maybe they want to have that effect if new vampires are coming through here?

  The woman smiles up over the desk at Nik, ignoring my presence completely. She flicks her auburn hair over her shoulder, revealing her neck where a set of bite marks sits in invitation. "Why hello, Nikoli. Do you have an appointment today or is this a pop in visit?" The flirty tone of voice has my beast on edge, and I long to dive across the desk and smack her across the face for flirting with my man. He is mine!

  Nik chuckles, as if sensing my jealousy and kisses me on the temple, which draws the woman’s gaze to me. "Don't worry, Dolores, I’m just showing the Princess around. Do you mind if we go through the back? The Princess hasn’t been down here yet.”

  She nods, assessing me for a moment before returning her focus to Nik. “You’re fine to go back.” She winks, and I fight the urge to growl.

  He starts to lead us through the door behind her desk, only to stop and turn back. “Are there any newbs back there?"

  "No new ones today, Nikoli. I will alert you if any come in," she says with a polite smile. That smile quickly turns to a frown when Nik keeps me firmly by his side.

  I try not to smile too smugly, but I doubt I repressed it well enough, because the moment Nik closes the door, he bends down and offers me a quick kiss. Before I have a chance to respond, he pulls back with a wink. “There's no need to be jealous, Em. I’m all yours."

  I flush and meet his teasing gaze. “How’d you know?”


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