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Big City (Box Set)

Page 8

by Cynthia Sax

  “The entire store is filled with gold.” Her friend perused the diamond-covered dog collars. All her extra cash was spent on her tiny pooch. “I assume I’m to ask about employee discounts?” The more socially adept Ember handled all the negotiations.

  “An employee discount would be absolutely wonderful.” She could add to her hoard while learning more about her elusive dragon-shifting boss. Hailey bent over the display case glass. “Look at this piece.” She pointed at a dragon pendant. The detail was so fine, each scale was visible.

  “That is Mr. Oro’s design.” Vanna was back. The haughty woman slid the tray of black velvet out and laid it upon the case. Hailey touched the pendant with wonder. The workmanship was exquisite, the best she’d seen in years.

  “It is very exclusive,” Vanna informed her.

  The tiny hairs on the back of Hailey’s neck stood up, and the smell of smoke intensified. She didn’t need to see the woman’s widening eyes to know her future boss had arrived. “I am very exclusive.” Her voice deepened, a wave of unexplainable lust sweeping over her. “I’d like to try it on.”

  “Allow me.” Large, tanned fingers tipped with immaculately kept nails picked up the pendant. Hailey’s hands trembled as she lifted her hair, allowing this stranger, her prospective boss, access to her neck. Warm skin brushed hers, his touch light and lingering, caressing her nape and enticing her senses.

  “Beautiful,” he rumbled, the hard ridge in his dress pants pressing against her ass, heat radiating from his body. “Like it was made for you.” He rested his hands on her shoulders as though he owned her.

  No one owned her. She stiffened, mentally bracing herself against his alluring assault. And although the pendant was a tiny work of art, Hailey wasn’t that easy to buy. “Beautiful but not made for me.” She touched the tiny dragon, the gold resting at the base of her neck. “The chain is too short.”

  “Ahhh… yes,” he murmured, his voice seductively low, his breath wafting against her earlobe. “It should dangle between your breasts, drawing all gazes downward.” He unfastened the clasp and lowered the pendant, the cool gold sliding between her curves. Her nipples tightened, and her body quivered with awareness. “Like so.”

  The saleswoman silently moved the mirror, and Hailey gazed down. Her breath caught. He was blond perfection, his chiseled, tanned face and strong chin movie star handsome. The skin at the corners of his golden eyes crinkled, and his teeth flashed white in his divine face, his smile smug.

  Oro was good-looking, and he knew it. She wrinkled her nose, finding his arrogance both appealing and challenging.

  “Yes, like so,” Hailey quipped, ducking under his arm, escaping his embrace. “Clearly, you need our assistance.” She took a step back from him, tilting her head upward. God. He was tall… and strong, his muscles rippling under his black suit jacket.

  “Our assistance?” Oro raised an eyebrow.

  “Ember and I work together.” Hailey nodded toward her forgotten friend. “You’ll hire us both as your assistants… which is a prudent move, seeing as your last assistant went insane, getting himself killed while fighting a suicidal battle against a very old and very powerful vampire.”

  Oro narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. “You’re very well informed, mate.”

  Hailey took another step away from him, the possessive gleam in his eyes warning her to proceed with caution. “I am well informed.” She supplemented her lack of any real paranormal powers with knowledge. “But I’m not your mate.” Tiny green scales covered her fingers. Wow. She stared. That was new.

  “You will be.” Oro sauntered forward, casually closing the gap between them. “You feel the connection as deeply as I do.” She did. A throw-caution-to-the-wind sexual attraction surged through her body. “And I’ve been waiting for a mate for over a century. I’m not about to let an unattached female dragon enter my territory without claiming her.”

  An unattached female dragon. Hailey’s hands shook. She’d known when she didn’t age that she wasn’t normal, but she hadn’t known what she was, not until now. She flexed her fingers, her scales shimmering. Holy shit. She was a dragon shifter.

  And Oro wanted her because female dragon shifters were rare, not because he cared for her, or wanted her. Hailey had heard how he had recently fought for and lost a potential mate to a rival male. She was no sloppy seconds. Hell, no. She’d be her mate’s first choice or have no mate at all.

  “You’ll have to wait a bit longer.” Hailey raised her chin, indignation dampening her raging desire. “Because I’m interested in a job, not a mate.” She held his gaze.

  Flames danced in his golden eyes and smoke curled around his nostrils. His looks might be that of a male model, but his spirit was all dragon -- big and strong and dominant.

  “A job working by my side.” Oro followed the slope of her cheek with his index finger, releasing tremors along her skin. “Close by my side.” He swept his fingertip over her lips back and forth, back and forth, teasing her senses.

  Unable to resist tasting him, Hailey flicked his finger with her tongue, transferring the delicious flavor of charcoal and salt into her mouth. So good. A rumble of appreciation rolled up her throat.

  Oro groaned, his intense gaze fixed on her mouth, and he leaned into her, pressing her back against the display case. His head lowered, and Hailey’s lips parted, desire overwhelming her caution.

  “Darling.” A soft, Texan twang rolled over them. “I’m interested in what she’s buying.”

  Oh, shit. Hailey twisted away from Oro and his dragon wiles. An elderly matron, her lips rimmed with a liner three shades darker than her lipstick, stared at them, her blue eyes bright with curiosity.

  She’d almost lost control in public, in a store with customers and her friend Ember and that haughty paranormal poser Vanna watching. Hailey’s face heated. “Sorry.”

  “Oh, don’t be sorry, darling.” The woman brandished her gloved hand. “Be grateful. In fifty years, you could be paying for a man like that.”

  “He’s my boss,” Hailey boldly declared. She met Oro’s gaze, and he nodded curtly, not disputing her claim.

  “Even better. He pays you.” The matron beamed.

  “Vanna will be happy to assist you, ma’am.” Oro sliced the chitchat short. The saleswoman hustled over to the woman’s side, no trace of happiness on her perfect face. “If you’ll excuse us, we have things to discuss.” He put his arm around Hailey. “Come this way, mate.” Oro steered her toward the back of the store.

  “Assistant,” Hailey corrected, gesturing to Ember to join them. “One of your assistants.” She smiled at her friend. “Ember, this is Oro, our new boss. Oro, this is Ember, your new assistant.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Oro, sir,” Ember chirped, playing the role of obedient employee.

  “The same,” Oro murmured the civilized reply, the frustration lines around his perfect mouth smoothing.

  Hailey gazed at her friend with awe as they walked through the maze of corridors. That was why Ember did all the negotiations. She charmed even the grumpiest of dragons.

  Killer yipped as Ember shifted the doggy carrier on her shoulder. Oro glanced down, and the small dog whimpered, backing into the depths of the tote.

  “We have a no pet policy in the office,” Oro informed them with a scowl.

  “That policy has changed.” Hailey reached into the tote and patted the frightened Chihuahua on his tiny head. “Hasn’t it, Killer? Yes, it has.” She bent down. “Yes, it has.”

  “He really isn’t any bother, Mr. Oro.” Ember tried to placate their fuming boss.

  Hailey grinned, feeling no need to tiptoe around Oro’s feelings. Dragon mates were rarer than assistant jobs. She had the upper hand.

  “You won’t even know he’s there,” Ember assured him.

  “Because he won’t be there,” Oro mumbled under his breath. “One snap of my jaws and…”

  Ember glared at him and transferred the doggy tote to her other shoulder, pl
acing Killer out of harm’s way. Hailey’s grin spread. Wolf shifters had even better hearing than dragon shifters, and Ember’s temper rivaled her own. Oro had better watch his big mouth.

  “Ember and I will require a sizable salary,” she cheerfully informed him. “The cost of living in Manhattan and all that.”

  “Hailey,” her friend cautioned.

  “No, I’ve got this,” she assured her. “Or I guess we could live in the Bronx.” Hailey named the rival dragon’s territory.

  Oro’s handsome face darkened ominously, and the curious employees shadowing them scattered. “You’ll stay in the building, in the penthouse suite with me.”

  He wanted her in his lair. Hailey’s toes curled.

  “Did you hear that, Ember?” She laughed. “We’re staying in the penthouse suite with Oro.”

  Ember mumbled something unintelligible and hugged her little dog closer to her body.

  “I only require one assistant.” He held his office door open.

  Hailey swept by him, breathing in his smoke and man scent. As she passed, she trailed her fingers along his stomach and smiled as he shuddered.

  “Ember and I are a package deal.” After years of temping in the paranormal world, they knew there was safety in numbers. “If you want to hire one of us, you have to also hire the other.” She turned, surveying the large space, the walls painted a dark burgundy, the furniture gilded. It was a cave befitting a dragon. “I like it.” Hailey beamed.

  “I’m glad you approve.” His lips twisted. “I do try.”

  “I’m sure you do.” She paced the perimeter, exchanging an amused look with her friend. “And where is your office?” Hailey schooled her expression to one of complete innocence.

  “This is my office.” Smoke literally streamed out of his ears. “Your desk is positioned outside.” Hailey curled her bottom lip. “But as my assistant… ahhh… assistants, you will be spending most of your time in here with me.”

  “Hmmm…” She suspected she’d spent most of her time spread out naked on his big desk. She slowly unbuttoned her blazer, her pussy moistening and her body trembling with anticipation. “I assume there’s an employee discount on the jewelry.” Hailey drifted her fingertips over the desk and picked up a gold letter opener.

  “There are other people wanting this position.” There was a threatening edge to Oro’s voice.

  He was nearing his breaking point. Hailey watched him approach her, excited and stimulated by his passion. And she’d push him right over the edge.

  “There are other positions.” She stroked the letter opener up and down, up and down, mimicking the slide of her palm over a hard cock. “I hear The Lair’s hiring.” She named his rival’s sex club.

  Flames danced in Oro’s golden eyes. “They won’t be hiring you.” He placed his hands on the edge of the desk, trapping her body between them.

  “Or Ember?” she reminded him of her friend’s presence.

  “Ember, I need coffee -- black, strong, and very hot.” He didn’t turn his head, holding Hailey’s gaze. Smoke curled around his nostrils.

  “Hailey?” Ember raised her eyebrows, asking permission to abandon her to her deliciously sexy fate.

  “I’m in the mood for something hot and golden.” Hailey tapped the tip of the letter opener against her lips, heating the cool metal with her breath and drawing Oro’s gaze to her mouth. “I’d like a caramel mocha from that place we visited last night.”

  The trendy little coffee shop was situated near Greenwich Village, and it was always very busy, ensuring her that Ember wouldn’t be back to the office for well over an hour.

  They’d have time for multiple rounds of desk-burning sex. Hailey sucked on the letter opener, tasting gold and paper and him.

  “Very well.” Ember sighed. “Hopefully we’ll still have a job when I return,” she grumbled, closing the door behind her.

  “What does that mean?” Oro settled his big hands on Hailey’s hips and lifted her easily onto the desk.

  Hailey’s face heated. “I like it rough.” She slid the sharpened letter opener down her neck, between her breasts, slicing buttons off her blouse. “And not all my lovers can handle me.” Fear of hurting the men she lusted after had resulted in a long, dry sexual spell.

  “None of your other lovers were dragons.” Oro spread her legs and leaned into her, pressing the letter opener between them. Scales cascaded over her skin, protecting her tender flesh. “I can handle you, mate.”

  “The title is assistant, and I’d like to see you try.” She lifted her chin and parted her lips, issuing a challenge she knew no male could resist.

  Chapter Two

  Oro surged toward Hailey, wedging his hips between her thighs and covering her full, plush lips with his. She opened for him, her mouth hot, hotter than any human female’s, and he basked in their joining, relishing the slide of his tongue against hers, savoring the burnt taste of her mouth.

  He captured her beautiful face between his palms, stroking his fingers along high cheekbones dotted with golden freckles. Emerald green scales shimmered under her ivory skin, and curls, colored with both fire and gold, caressed his knuckles.

  She was perfect, she was dragon, and she was his.

  He’d lost one prospective mate to Frey, his big, brutish Bronx rival. That female had meant little to him. There was no instant connection with Perla as he had immediately formed with Hailey. He pressed his pants-covered cock against the wet silk of Hailey’s panties, her arousal ratcheting his higher. He wouldn’t lose her.

  Oro rubbed his tongue over the roof of her mouth and she moaned -- a stimulating sound that pulled at his soul. She tilted her head back and thrust her breasts into his chest, her softness flattening against his hard muscle. He clutched her to him, kneading her muscles with his big hands, trying to reach skin, to reach her.

  Too many clothes.

  He extended his talons and raked them across her back, shredding both her snug-fitting blazer and the silk blouse underneath it. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders and tore at his cotton shirt, her ferocity exciting him.

  Dragon. Mine.

  He snapped her bra in two and tugged at fabric, stripping away layers of garments, revealing pale skin, generous curves, and breasts tipped with delicate pink nipples.

  “Hailey,” he rumbled, dipping his head. Oro licked along the ivory column of her slender neck and nibbled on her collarbone. Needing to taste her, be closer to her, he bent her body farther and farther over the desk until she lay flat on her back, looking up at him with her startling green eyes.

  Oro retracted his talons and rubbed along her flat stomach, nudging the letter opener with his fingertips, the metal warmed by their bodies. He curved his fingers around the handle and dragged the blade over her torso and between her breasts.

  “Hmmm… gold.” She writhed beneath him, rubbing her lithe form against the precious metal.

  “I’ll cover you with gold,” Oro promised, willing to give his mate the world if she wanted it. He blew flames over her dainty emerald scales, melting the letter opener into a puddle of liquid gold.

  “Yes.” She arched, the musky scent of her arousal filling his nostrils.

  “Yes.” He breathed his fire upon her, pushing the stream of gold over her curves, and she undulated, her nipples tightening to mouthwatering peaks, her talons leaving a stimulating trail of red across his chest.

  “Beautiful.” Oro lowered his body upon hers, sharing her burn, large golden scales coating his body. “So hot.” He groaned, his cock as hard as a diamond, his balls aching.

  He kissed her, needing the heat of her mouth, as he tugged up her knee-length skirt, exploring the softness of her thighs with his fingers. As their tongues entwined, he cupped her silk-covered mons and rubbed against her wetness. She was boiling hot, her body radiating heat, and he had been so cold for so long.

  No other female touched him like she did. No other female could. She was a dragon and his mate, perfectly designed for him.r />
  Oro slipped his fingers into her panties, and he rumbled into her mouth, aroused by her lack of hair, her bare body primed for his flames and his gold. Needing to experience her warmth, he tore the flimsy ribbons holding the fine silk in place, lifted his body higher and breathed between them, his fire directing the rivulets of melted metal downward.

  “Yes, cover me, Oro.” Her voice rose to a female dragon’s arousing shriek, and she ripped at his dress pants, crisscrossing his ass with stinging scratches. “Fill me with your fire.”

  He spread her thighs wider and dipped his fingertips into her pussy, her juices bubbling around his hand. Hailey lifted her hips, pushing him deeper inside her, animal noises coming from low in her throat, her form covered with scales and her talons extended. She clasped him tightly, digging into his tough dragon hide and reaching his flesh, the pain heightening his pleasure.

  Oro pumped into her with first one finger, then two, then three, gazing down at her in wonder as she moved with him, panting, her mouth open, her breasts heaving. She was a creature of pure passion, and he had never seen anything so magnificent in all his centuries of living.

  He had to be inside her. Oro yanked the remaining fabric away from his body, freeing his cock, and she reached for him, stroking him with the razor-sharp tips of her talons, teasing his rim and poking into the slit, drawing his fire.

  “No.” He moved her hands to his ass, his restraint battered and bruised. More of her touching, and he’d spill his seed all over her belly.

  She growled and pierced the scales on his ass, the scent of his blood mixing with the aroma of her womanly musk and the smoke of his fire. He prodded her entrance with his cockhead, teasing himself with her heat, before pushing into her.

  God. She was tight and hot and wet, her body made for his. His eyes rolled back in his head as he slid into her, her inner walls clasping his shaft, squeezing his cockhead. She shrieked, squirming frantically, trying to escape him, but he wouldn’t tolerate any retreat, pushing and pushing and pushing, sinking into her up to his base, his balls pinched between their bodies.


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