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Monroe, Marla - Forever and Always [Riverbend, Texas Heat 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Marla Monroe

  Paul and his brother, Justin, owned a landscape business. They were working out on the Billups’ ranch. The Burger Hop would be on the way to their house in the morning. They would stop and have a look at Lana’s car on the way out there. He didn’t like the suspicion that it had been tampered with creeping around in his head.

  He looked over at his younger brother by barely a year. Justin was the more outgoing and loved women. The fact that once he’d seen Lana several months back he hadn’t wanted to date anyone wasn’t lost on him. Hell, he pretty much felt the same way. She called to him on a level that no one else ever had before. It both thrilled and terrified him. That someone could have that much power over him stole his breath.

  “I sure don’t like that she lives in that roach-infested place. The place is a death trap.”

  Paul winced. He agreed with Justin, but they couldn’t do anything about it yet. First they had to win her trust, and then they would talk her into moving in with them. Everything took time and planning. Unfortunately, he felt like they didn’t have a lot of time to spare.

  “We’ll get her out of it soon.”

  “She shouldn’t have to work two jobs, either. She deserves to be coddled and pampered.”

  Paul couldn’t help the half smile that statement brought out. He happened to agree with him wholeheartedly. Still, it would take time to convince Lana to give it up and let them take care of her. She was a proud little thing.

  From the top of her glorious mane of rich auburn hair that she kept pulled back in a ponytail to the tips of her painted toenails, Lana demanded respect. Her curvy body kept his cock hard and at attention anytime she was around. More and more, just the thought of her pale porcelain skin with its dusting of freckles was enough to elicit a full-fledged hard-on.

  Deep blue eyes in a heart-shaped face missed nothing. He longed to taste her full lips and see them wrapped round his dick. Better yet, he’d love to be pumping his cock in and out of her sweet ass while his brother claimed her hot cunt. He had no doubt that she would turn their world upside down the first time they got inside of her.

  She had the ample curves they craved on a woman with heavy breasts, a gently rounded belly, and a double handful of ass, plump and begging to be spanked. The thought of his handprint reddening her butt cheeks caused his cock to press harder against the zipper of his jeans. The imprint left there would be painful for hours to come.

  “Think she would go with us to the Tidwells’ barbeque next weekend?”

  Paul had almost forgotten his brother was in the truck with him. His thoughts had been so intent on Lana that it hadn’t even registered with him that they were nearly home. Losing his focus wasn’t good. He glanced over at his brother and took in the knowing look.

  “She’s got me in knots, too, big brother.” Justin chuckled.

  “We can’t afford to lose our composure, Justin. Something isn’t right about that guy trying to pick her up.”

  His brother sobered instantly before his eyes.

  “Maybe I should call Tidwell now and alert him since the guy didn’t have plates on his car.”

  “It will wait ’til morning. There’s nothing he can do tonight anyway. I would almost bet that guy is long gone by now.” Paul turned onto their drive.

  They lived in a four-bedroom, ranch-style home about ten miles outside of town. Their nearest neighbor was a good five miles away as the crow flies. He liked the solitude and thrived in the wide-open space. He and Justin had renovated the place to suit their tastes in the hopes that one day they would find a woman to share as their wife. Maybe they had found her now. Only time would tell.

  Paul cut the engine and started to climb out of the truck when Justin’s words stopped him.

  “She’s the one, Paul. My head is already twisted around her.”

  He continued out of the truck and walked toward the kitchen door. No way was he going to say anything to that. One of them had to keep their head on straight. The back of his neck tingled, and that always signaled trouble. With Justin already fully involved, it fell to Paul to keep things on an even keel and be ready for whatever happened.

  They stepped inside the house, and Justin disarmed the security system before closing and locking the door behind him. Then he set the system to home and headed for the fridge. Paul watched him pull out a couple of beers and toss one to him.

  “Paul, I’m ready to claim her. I don’t want to wait around any longer. It’s been long enough, and I’m tired of watching her work herself to death.”

  Paul sighed and turned up his beer. “We take it slow. I don’t want to overwhelm her. She’s been here long enough to understand when we tell her we want to date her, but it doesn’t mean she’s ever considered dating more than one man herself.”

  “I agree. I just want it out in the open now. I’m tired of acting like a damn stalker checking up on her.”

  He watched his brother pace back and forth in front of the refrigerator. It hadn’t occurred to him that what they had been doing by keeping an eye on Lana was bothering Justin. Maybe it should have. His brother wasn’t one for deceit or subterfuge, where he’d once been Special Forces and lived that way for eight years.

  Shaking his head, Paul emptied his beer then tossed it in the garbage. “I’m sorry, Justin. I guess I didn’t realize it bothered you so much.”

  “Yeah, well. I understood the need for it at the time, but that time has passed. Her mom’s been gone nearly six months now, and she’s still working herself to death.”

  “We’ll talk to her, tell her what we want. First we see about her car in the morning and talk to the sheriff.”

  Justin nodded his head and ran a hand over his face. “I’m going to hit the shower and get some sleep. It’s already nearly two.”

  Paul watched his brother walk out of the room. He should do the same thing. The weather report had promised another scorcher of a day tomorrow. It wouldn’t do to be tired on top of hot.

  He set up the coffeepot for in the morning and hurried to get in on some of the hot water before Justin used it all. They had a separate hot water heater for the master suite, but that was reserved for when they claimed their wife. Hopefully it would be getting some use real soon.

  * * * *

  Lana crawled out of bed the next morning much earlier than she had planned. Between the worry over her car and her overactive hormones because of Paul and Justin, she hadn’t gotten much sleep. Instead, her dreams had been filled with all sorts of sensual delights centered around the two hunky men, leaving her needy and feeling empty when she woke up.

  She stumbled into the bathroom and quickly dressed for the day. In shorts and a T-shirt, she stepped out into the already-warm day to walk back to work to check on her car. To her amazement, it was sitting in her usual parking spot with a note under the windshield wiper.

  She quickly grabbed it and hurried back into the apartment. Thinking that Rick had taken care of it and hoping he didn’t expect anything personal for the good deed, she laid the note on the kitchen counter and poured a much-needed second cup of coffee. Picking up the piece of paper, she unfolded it and read.

  The battery cable was loose. We tightened it and checked it out for you. It shouldn’t give you any trouble again. It was signed Paul and Justin.

  How had they been able to get in it, much less start it without her keys? Lana puzzled over that for several minutes as she sipped her coffee. They probably had no trouble getting into it. It was an old car. Maybe they had hotwired it to drive it over. She shook her head and set her cup on the counter. She needed to start on her housework and make a run to town for groceries before time to go to work. Should she call and thank them or leave it alone? She didn’t want to be rude. She decided to think about it for a while.

  For the next two hours, Lana washed clothes and cleaned the apartment. She decided to grab a late lunch at the diner and then finish up at the grocery store. By the time she pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, very few people were left. S
he’d missed the crowd.

  Martha greeted her at the door and waved her over to a booth by the windows.

  “What can I get you, Lana?”

  “Just a hamburger and a Diet Coke is fine.”

  “I’ll have it right out.”

  Lana watched Martha lean over the window dividing the front from the kitchen and confer with one of her husbands. She couldn’t tell which one it was from where she sat. Martha had two men to look after her. She couldn’t say she was used to the practice in Riverbend, but she had been there long enough to have gotten past the initial shock and unease about it.

  When her mom had moved there while she had been in college, she hadn’t paid much attention to the town. He mom loved it there and had decided on it because one of her best friends from college lived there with her two husbands. It hadn’t bothered her mom one bit, and Lana could honestly say that living there had probably helped her mom more than anything during those last years. Everyone had been so nice and helpful.

  When her mom passed away, it had never occurred to her to move away. Even though she hadn’t been able to keep the house because of the medical bills, she still considered Riverbend her home.

  “Here you go, sweetie. One Diet Coke. Your burger will be ready in no time. How are you doing?”

  “Fine. Thanks for asking. With school out, it’s a little less busy right now.”

  “I sure hate that you’re working at The Burger Hop, though. I wish there had been an opening when you needed it.”

  “It’s no problem. I don’t mind working with the teenagers. Keeps me young.”

  Martha rolled her eyes at her. “Lana, you’re so far away from being old you might never get there.”

  Someone came in the door so Martha hurried away to seat them and take their order. It gave Lana the breathing room she needed. Martha could be a bit overwhelming in her own way. She mothered everyone like they were her children.

  Several minutes later, she returned with Lana’s meal but hurried off to see about another table. The burger was delicious as usual. She finished it and her Diet Coke before Martha got a chance to return to chat. After leaving a tip, she paid for her meal at the register and waved at the two men in the back as she left.

  She spent a little less than an hour in the grocery store because they had moved the aisles around again and she couldn’t find anything. Frustrated and tired, Lana hurried back home and unloaded her groceries. She still had to finish up the laundry before time to go to work. She dreaded the coming evening, but she needed the money, and she would be off the next day.

  She had just changed into her jeans and The Burger Hop polo shirt when someone knocked on her door. Who could it be? She never had company. Lana checked the peephole and recognized Justin’s face. Well, she needed to thank him and his brother for taking care of her car, so this was as good a time as any. Opening the door, she smiled.

  “Hi, Justin. Thank you so much for taking care of my car this morning. You and your brother didn’t have to do that.”

  He leaned against the door facing and smiled. “It was our pleasure. Lucky for you it was just a loose battery cable.” Then he frowned. “You’re going back to work tonight?”

  “Um, yeah. I work ’til close. I’m just about to leave now.” She hoped he would take the hint and leave, but it didn’t look like he had any intentions of doing that.

  “I don’t like for you to drive back to your apartment that late at night by yourself.”

  “Well, since it’s none of your business, it shouldn’t bother you. Be sure and tell your brother that I appreciate the help with the car.” She lifted her eyebrows, hoping he would go.

  “We talked to the sheriff about the man who tried to get you to get in his car last night. He’s looking into it. Strangers driving around Riverbend that late at night are obviously out to cause trouble.”

  “I’ll be extra careful. With my car fixed, I shouldn’t have any more problems.” She sighed and put her hand on her hip. “Look, Justin, I’ve got to go or I’ll be late.”

  “I’ll wait on you to get your things and walk you to your car.”

  Realizing he wasn’t going to leave as long as she was still there, Lana turned and grabbed her purse and car keys. Then she locked the apartment behind her and led her self-appointed guard toward her car. When she got in he held the door while she fastened her seat belt. Then he leaned in with a smile.

  “I’ll check on you when it’s time to go home. You’re not leaving that place alone again.” He closed the car door before she could tell him otherwise.

  Fuming, she started the car and backed out of her parking place, scowling at him the entire time. He just smiled and waved her off. She watched him climb into his truck in her rearview mirror as she drove off. The nerve of the man telling her she wasn’t going to do something. He had no right to tell her what to do. She was nothing to him.

  When she clocked in, Rick was waiting on her. He had an unreadable expression on his face when he called her into the office and shut the door behind them.

  “Is something wrong, Rick?”

  “Your car was still in the parking lot last night when I left. How did you get home?”

  “I caught a ride.” She struggled to keep her expression normal.

  “Why didn’t you come get me so I could check it for you? It was probably just your battery. I could have saved you the hassle of having to call a tow truck.” She could see barely suppressed anger in his eyes.

  Lana wondered if he had deliberately messed with her car so she would have to ask him for help. She quickly dismissed that idea. Rick wouldn’t stoop to something that low, would he? She frowned. Then how had he known it was probably her battery? Lucky guess.

  “I didn’t want to bother you. I already had a ride, and they checked the car and brought it to me this morning, so there really wasn’t any problem.”

  “Who did you get to help you?”

  “Look, it’s really none of your business, Rick. Can I get to work now? I know Tracy is ready to turn the window over to me.”

  Rick looked as if he wanted to say something more, but he gritted his teeth and nodded his head. Lana hurried out of the tiny office, relieved to be able to draw in a deep breath of fresh air. He had made her nervous with his questions and the angry look in his eyes. What was she going to do if he started bothering her for real? She needed this job. Jobs that would work around her full-time position at the school were hard to come by.

  “Sorry, Tracy. Rick had a question about last night.” She quickly traded spots with the teenager and counted her drawer as Tracy ran the register report.

  “It’s been fairly quiet for a Saturday afternoon. Mostly drink orders with it being so hot.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way. I could use a break.” She grinned at the girl as she gathered her things and headed to the back.

  As it turned out, the early evening dragged by. She kept busy by cleaning the area and stocking the cups and lids. Around seven that night, Rick walked up and waited for her to hand a drink and an order of fries through the window before interrupting her.

  “I’ll handle the window for a few minutes. Take a break. Sheriff Tidwell is out front and wants to talk to you. Is something going on, Lana?”

  She frowned. “No, nothing that I know of.” She handed him her headset and hurried out front.

  Just as she got to the door that led out into the lobby, it dawned on her that the sheriff probably just wanted to talk to her about the stranger that had offered her a ride. Relief washed over her, but when she opened the door with a smile, the dark look on the man’s face had her smile melting quickly. Something was wrong, and she didn’t think she was going to like it.

  Chapter Three

  “Ms. Peters? I’m Sheriff Mac Tidwell. I don’t believe we’ve ever met before.”

  Lana shook her head and took the hand he held out. Mac was totally bald and very imposing. She’d seen him around town, of course, but had never had a reason to m
eet him before. She wished she didn’t have to meet him now.

  “Um, is this about the car from last night?”

  “Yes, it is. Let’s go over there where there isn’t anyone so we can talk. I won’t take up much of your time.”

  He waited for her to sit in the booth before sliding in on the opposite side. His piercing eyes had her swallowing around a rather hard knot stuck in her throat.

  “Justin and Paul told me what happened last night after you left work. Why don’t you tell me exactly what happened from when you walked out the door until you got in the truck with Paul and Justin?”

  “O–Okay. I walked out with Joseph, who works the grill in the back at night. He waited until I got in my car before he took off in his truck. I never thought that my car wouldn’t start.”

  “So you’ve never had trouble with it before?”

  “Nothing like that. I mean, I’ve had a flat tire before, but it’s always started for me.”

  “Go on. What happened next?”

  Lana nodded and hurried on. “I tried it a couple of times and then got out and locked the door. I thought about getting Rick, but I really didn’t want to bother him. I figured it wasn’t that far to my apartment, so I could walk.”

  “Paul said Rick’s been bothering you.” He seemed to be watching her closely.

  “Oh, no. I mean, he’s asked me out a few times, but that’s really it. I just didn’t want to, um, make things worse. You know?” She really felt awkward now. Lana didn’t want to cause Rick any trouble.

  “So you decided to walk home, at one in the morning—alone.”

  When he put it that way, it did sound dumb. She looked down at where her hands were clasped tightly in her lap.


  “Um, I got about halfway there when a car pulled up beside me and offered me a ride. He even knew my name. I told him I was almost home, and he said that I still had a long way to go so get in. It bothered me that he seemed to know where I lived.”


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