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Monroe, Marla - Forever and Always [Riverbend, Texas Heat 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Marla Monroe

  She rolled the chair closer to one of the file cabinets and stood up on her good leg. The top file drawer was pretty much over her head. She needed a stool. She sighed. The top drawer would have to wait until later. She closed it the best she could and pulled out the next drawer.

  “We’ll get you a stool for the top drawer when you’re able to stand on two feet again. No way you’re climbing with one leg.”

  Lana bit her lower lip to keep from smiling and ignored him. She needed to concentrate on learning the office and not think about what had taken place on the couch earlier. Her face grew hot at the brief thought. What was she going to do if just being in the same room with one of them had her thinking dirty thoughts?

  She pulled out some of the files and sat back on the chair to scoot over to the desk where she could go through them and see what they were. There was nothing on the front of the file drawer to give her a clue as to what was supposed to be in it. It took a minute, but finally she managed to get back into reading. Still, she knew the second he’d gotten up and walked out of the room. A part of her had wanted to follow him. Was she going to always feel this way with them?

  Several hours later, Justin returned with a Diet Coke. He set it on a coaster on the desk before leaning against the side and smiling at her.

  “Paul will be home in another thirty minutes. He’s cooking tonight, so dinner will be a little later than last night. Thought the Diet Coke would tide you over.”

  She smiled up at him. She couldn’t help it. “Thanks. I’ll be fine ’til then.”

  “Ready to call it a day? I’m sure you’re about sick of our style of filing by now.”

  She chuckled. “Well, it’s interesting, but I think I’ve figured out your strange logic.”

  He eased closer to her and bent down to pick her up. “Grab your drink. Let’s go watch the news while we’re waiting on Paul.”

  Lana squealed when he lowered her enough to grab her drink. He carried her back to the living room and sat in one of the recliners with her on his lap. It felt good to be there. He switched the TV on and selected the news. She tried to remain still and not wiggle around as he absently rubbed his thumb back and forth over her thigh at the hem of her shorts. Just that little touch was playing havoc on her nerves.

  The sound of the kitchen door slamming indicated that Paul was home. Her heart rate kicked up at the knowledge.

  “We’re in here, Paul.” Justin squeezed her leg.

  “Hey, babe. How are you feeling today?” Paul bent over and gave her a lingering kiss that left her aching for much more.

  Damn Justin. He had shown her a little of what she had been missing all these years, and now she wanted it all. Working with them was going to be hell on her nerves.

  “I’m fine.” She quickly glanced back at the TV as heat climbed up her neck into her cheeks. He knew.

  “Justin said you’d had a nice day today. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “I’m going to kill you,” she mumbled at Justin.

  Justin grinned and squeezed her thigh again. “We don’t keep secrets, sweetheart. Just wait until after dinner. I bet Paul’s going to try and find out for himself just how much fun you had.”

  Lana huffed out a breath and resisted the urge to bury her face in his shoulder. She might be a little naïve, but she didn’t have to act like it. Instead, she refused to look at either of the two men and pretended to be interested in the TV.

  “I’m going to work on dinner. How about chicken and rice, Lana?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Bring her into the kitchen so we can—play while I cook.”

  That caught her attention. She jerked her head up and saw the intent look on Paul’s face. She could tell he had something planned, and she wasn’t sure she was going to like it. Looking over at Justin, she caught him nodding at Paul. Damn, she was in trouble. They were up to something together.

  Justin stood up with her in his arms. She tightened her grasp around his neck as he strode through the kitchen door behind Paul. God, Paul looked good from behind. She couldn’t take her eyes off of his ass. Evidently Justin noticed because he chuckled in her ear.

  “Like what you see, honey? Paul will give you a show if you ask nicely.”

  She popped him on the top of the head. Paul did not need to hear that she’d been ogling him. He already thought highly of himself. Justin just chuckled and sat down at the table once they were in the kitchen.

  “I need some inspiration for cooking tonight, Justin. It was damn hot out there.” Paul washed his hands and turned around as he dried them.

  “We can handle that, can’t we, Lana.” Justin began pulling off her shirt.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” She slapped at his hands.

  “Giving Paul some inspiration, sweetheart. Now be still. I don’t want to hurt you by accident.”

  She closed her eyes while he pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. Since she wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts were bare and open to Paul’s view. The air-conditioning had the house nice and cool. It soon had her nipples standing at attention, or at least she told herself that was why they were pointed directly at Paul.

  “Open your eyes, babe. I want to see you while Justin plays with them.”

  Paul wasn’t smiling at her discomfort. He had a seriously aroused expression as he began gathering what he needed to cook.

  Justin’s big hands cupped her breasts as if offering them to Paul. Then he began pulling and pinching her nipples until she was so aroused, her head thrown back on his shoulder and her body arched so that her breasts pushed against his hands. He continued to play with her until she was sure she was going to come from that alone. As if knowing she was on the edge of flying, he nuzzled her neck and let go of her breasts.

  “Oh, God. Why did you stop?”

  “To move on to something else. Stand up.”

  Lana hesitated for just a second. She stared into Paul’s eyes. His were heavy lidded, and there was a stillness about him that made her think he was waiting on her to move before he breathed again. She slowly slipped off of Justin’s lap on her good leg and waited to see what Justin would do. She had a feeling she already knew.

  Sure enough, he unfastened her shorts and slipped them down until they rested at her feet. She was trembling now as Paul’s eyes grew even darker, if possible. He licked his lower lip as Justin helped her back on his lap where he separated her legs so that they were wrapped around the outside of his. He moved his legs apart, widening hers even more. Her wet pussy was spread wide to Paul’s eyes.

  “Beautiful.” Paul continued working on dinner.

  “Fuck, she’s wet, Paul. Look at all that cream leaking from her hot cunt.”

  Paul’s eyes seemed to focus on Justin’s over her head for a few seconds then jerked back to her sopping-wet slit as his brother began circling her clit with his finger. She moaned and leaned back against Justin’s chest as he teased her clit without touching it. Her eyes closed as arousal built inside of her.

  “Open your eyes and look at me.” Paul’s voice sounded deeper, thicker.

  She opened them and stared into Paul’s but had to fight to keep them that way. All she wanted to do was grab Justin’s hand and hold it against the clit so she could ride him to release. She couldn’t ever remember being so horny and needy before in her life. She was reduced to chasing his finger with her hips, trying to force his finger where she wanted it.

  “Be still.” He popped the thigh of her good leg lightly before resuming his torturous attention to her pussy.

  He ran his finger down her slit and then back up again. The more he teased her, the hotter she grew. Her body felt as if it were a living torch waiting on someone to take pity on her with a bucket of water.

  “Please, Justin. Don’t tease me.”

  “Shh, sweetheart. It will be so good when you come. Just hold on a little longer. See how hot you’re making Paul. He’s having trouble focusing on dinner.”

  “I can smell you from here, babe. Your scent is driving me fucking crazy.”

  Justin slipped a finger inside her pussy and swirled it around in her juices before pulling it back out and rubbing lightly over her aching clit. She squirmed and panted at the light touch, needing a much heavier one to come. Lana gave a frustrated growl when he lifted his finger away.

  The sudden entrance of two fingers into her pussy had her gasping. Justin began pumping them in and out of her wet hole while whispering naughty suggestions in her ear just loud enough that Paul would be able to hear him. If she hadn’t already been blushing all over, those dirty words would have colored her skin in no time. No one had ever said things like that to her before.

  Her eyes darted back toward Paul and found his hands still as he watched in rapt attention Justin’s fingers moving in and out of her cunt. Hidden behind the island, she couldn’t see his crotch, but she imagined that his cock would be hard and poking out against the front of his jeans. She wanted to see the evidence of what she and Justin were doing to him. She wanted to know that his steady control had slipped and was all but lost as his brother tore away her last shred of resistance where they were concerned. He should have to suffer right along with her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Paul couldn’t take his eyes off where his brother’s fingers were fucking Lana’s pussy. The evidence of her arousal leaked down her pussy lips and coated Justin’s hand as he pleasured her. His cock jerked at the little mewling sounds she made as she begged his brother for release.

  Dinner totally forgotten now, Paul wiped his hands on a towel then adjusted his erection to take some of the pressure from the fucking zipper off of it. He walked around the island to lean his back against it so that he could see better. The more Justin pumped his fingers in and out of her hot, wet pussy, the harder his dick grew. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he unfastened his jeans and pulled it out.

  He noticed Lana’s eyes grow impossibly wide as she watched him stroke himself. His cock jerked at the attention. When she licked her lips a moan escaped his lips. She was going to kill him with her sweet innocence. He was sure she was not a virgin, but it was obvious that she was unversed in so many things an experienced woman at home in her body would know. He itched to introduce her to the sensual delights he and Justin could show her. Unfortunately, she was injured and needed time to heal before they took things further with her.

  Justin was killing him as he slowly worked his fingers in and out of her hot cunt. Lana couldn’t be still, and she begged so prettily to come. He squeezed the base of his dick then ran his hand up and down, smoothing the drop of pre-cum over the bulbous head. It slicked his way as he slowly pumped his hand up and down. His balls hung taut and heavy between his legs. It wouldn’t be long before they would draw up in preparation to shoot his load.

  He continued to stroke himself as Justin changed tactics with Lana and curved his fingers up inside their woman. Paul knew he was rubbing over her sweet spot by the way she suddenly jerked in his brother’s arms as her eyes rolled back. He increased the pressure around his dick in hopes he could stave off his own impending orgasm to coincide with hers.

  “Hurry, Justin. I’m going to come.”

  Justin chuckled and dropped his other hand to play with Lana’s clit.

  “Oh, God! Please, oh, please, oh, please!”

  “Ah, hell she’s so fucking hot!” Paul felt his balls draw up and his cock begin to burn at the base as he began to lose his rhythm and his control.

  Justin grinned across at him as he pinched Lana’s swollen clit between his fingers as his other hand continued to stroke her G-spot. He leaned closer to her ear again and whispered in her ear while Paul struggled to walk across the short distance to stand in front of Lana’s spread legs. His cock jerked in his hand as he began to shoot ribbons of cum across her breasts.

  Lana screamed with her own climax, her head thrown back against Justin’s shoulder as he drew out her release until she was gasping for breath. She trembled so hard he feared she would vibrate off of his brother’s lap.

  “God, you’re amazing, baby.” Paul lowered his head to hers and kissed her, reveling in her jerky gasps.

  When he stood back up, Justin stood up with her in his arms. “I’m going to go get her cleaned up. We’ll be back down to eat in a little while.”

  Paul just nodded. He was still too emotional from the experience to speak rationally. He trusted his brother to take care of her, and he needed to get himself back under control to finish dinner. She would be hungry after that. Fuck, he hadn’t expected that to happen. Normally he was able to manage himself better than that. He wasn’t used to losing his tight rein over his libido like that. It was Lana. She did it to him.

  After washing up, Paul finished up the meal preparation and set the table for when they returned downstairs. He didn’t have long to wait. Justin carried Lana back into the kitchen and settled her at the table. They made quick work of dinner, and while Justin cleaned up, Paul took over caring for their woman.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good. I’m not nearly as sore as I thought I would be. My leg is much better, too.” She had her arms around his neck as he carried her into the living room.

  She smiled shyly up at him as he relaxed into his recliner with her on his lap. It felt right having her there. Switching on the TV with the remote, he chose a channel with a popular drama show and waited as she slowly began to settle against him.

  Justin joined them several minutes later in the other recliner. After the TV show was over, Paul noticed that Lana had fallen asleep. It was no wonder after having had an orgasm, a bath, and something to eat. Not to mention that she was still healing.

  “She’s sound asleep,” he told his brother.

  “Yeah. With everything that’s happened to her the last few days, I’m not surprised. Besides, I doubt she ever gets a lot of rest between working two jobs. We’ll make sure she gets plenty of rest from now on.”

  “There’s so much about her that we don’t know.”

  “I think she’ll open up more with us now. We’ve gotten past her defenses. It’s just a matter of time.”

  Paul looked down at Lana curled up on his lap. She seemed so peaceful right then. Normally her body remained stiff around them. He wanted her to always be relaxed in their presence. They would never hurt her. What would it take to totally break down her reserve? She was so independent. They didn’t want to break her or take away her spirit, but they wanted her to rely on them to take care of her. He needed to take care of her. It was who he was.

  “She worked in the office some this afternoon before you got home. She’s a regular whirlwind of activity. I watched to make sure she didn’t overdo it or hurt herself, but she actually accomplished a lot, I think. At least you can see the top of the desk now.” Justin chuckled quietly.

  “I’d rather she just rest, but I guess that’s too much to ask.”

  “She’s going to need a stool to reach the top drawers in the filing cabinets and the bookshelves as well.”

  “I don’t want her climbing, Justin.”

  “I’m not going to get her one until she’s healed up.” He frowned at Paul.

  Paul sighed and realized he’d snapped at his brother. Lana had him tied up in knots. It wasn’t like him to fuss with Justin. Normally they worked great together.

  “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t let her climb this soon. I’m just not used to feeling this way about someone. She has me aching to take her one minute and wanting to turn her over my knee the next.”

  Justin chuckled. “I know exactly what you mean. She’s going to challenge us at every opportunity, Paul. She’s used to taking care of herself, and letting us do that is going to go against everything inside of her.”

  “I know. We’ve got a long journey ahead of us, little brother.”

  “She’s worth it, though.”

  Paul kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. She was
worth anything he had to deal with to keep her in their lives. His need to control every aspect of her life would be the greatest challenge he’d ever faced, even over his time in the armed forces. No matter what the sacrifice, she was worth it. He’d do anything for Lana.

  * * * *

  Over the next several days, Lana worked in the office some and slowly made headway with learning their business. She managed to organize their chaos, and except for the top drawers of each of the file cabinets, she had them all straight and in order. Justin had promised that when she got the all clear from the doctor, he would get her a step stool for the office.

  She would be going to get her stitches out of her head on Monday. She was looking forward to that. They had begun to itch, and she desperately wanted to take a shower and wash her hair for a change. As much as she enjoyed the long soaks in the massive tub in the master bathroom, she really wanted a hot shower.

  “Hey, sweetheart. What are you thinking about over there?” Justin’s warm voice brought a smile to her face.

  “Just thinking that I get my stitches out on Monday and I’m excited. Plus, I’ll be getting my stool for the office as well.” She couldn’t stop the smirk that crept across her face.

  “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. The doctor might not clear you for putting full weight on that leg yet.”

  “Spoilsport.” She pouted.

  Lana realized what she was doing and immediately wiped it off her face. She didn’t flirt like this. That wasn’t her, was it? So much had happened lately that she wasn’t sure what she did anymore. She could feel her face heat at the memory of the night before when Paul had made her scream while he’d sucked and licked her pussy until she’d come. Justin had tortured her breasts and licked and kissed his way all over her body at the same time. No one had ever brought her to orgasm before and certainly never more than once in a night. Between Justin and Paul, she’d come three times last night. What would it be like when they finally made love to her?


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