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Monroe, Marla - Forever and Always [Riverbend, Texas Heat 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Marla Monroe

  “This isn’t a good idea, guys.” Her head agreed, but her body was on board with Paul and Justin.

  “It’s a great idea. Now bend over the desk for us, babe.”

  Lana slipped from between them and bent over the desk so that her ass was in the air and her hands were braced shoulder width against the desktop. It didn’t surprise her when one of the men reached around her to unfasten her slacks and slip them down her legs. Next dropped her panties. They steadied her so she could step out of them.

  “Fuck, I love to see you naked. All that creamy flesh just asking for me to lick you all over.” Justin’s voice came from her left side.

  She turned, and he immediately captured her lips in a searing kiss. Even as he explored her mouth with his tongue, Paul was exploring her breasts with his fingers, pinching and twisting her nipples. The dual sensations overwhelmed her good sense, and all thoughts of why this would never work flew out the window.

  Paul seemed to push Justin off to one side, because suddenly his body covered hers from behind, and he was fiddling with the zipper of his jeans.

  “You’re ours, Lana. We’ll never let you go.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Paul’s words slammed into her head and heart as he released his cock and filled her aching cunt with the hard length of him. No, no, no. He didn’t really mean that. She tried to reason with herself that he was just saying it in the heat of the moment. She couldn’t allow those words to take root inside of her or she would go crazy when they grew tired of her.

  She moaned as Paul’s rough hands held tightly to her hips while he filled her pussy over and over again. He seemed to be hell-bent on claiming her as he pounded her body against the desk. The sounds of flesh meeting flesh filled the room.

  “Aw, hell. Look at you, Lana. Your face is flushed and you have the prettiest expression on your face. Watching my brother’s dick sliding in and out of your sweet pussy is driving me crazy.”

  Lana’s climax grew out of nowhere as Justin’s naughty words drove her excitement higher. The feel of Paul’s thick cock tunneling in and out of her wet hole sent tingling vibrations all along her slit. The bump of his heavy balls against her clit kept it primed and ready for just the right touch.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last. Your hot cunt has my dick wrapped up in wet velvet.” Paul slipped one hand under her and located her clit.

  Stars exploded behind her eyes when he began to rub over the tight bundle of nerves with his finger. Little warning bells began to peal in her ears as her orgasm overtook her and carried her out to sea. The long, strong tide moved her along until nothing made sense but Paul’s cock emptying his cum deep inside of her and the feel of his hands on her flesh.

  No sooner had he finished than Justin was pulling him off of her and taking his place. She gasped for breath as he slid deep inside of her in one long push. His guttural growl told her he enjoyed it even as he stilled deep inside of her.

  “God, I missed your sweet pussy.”

  “It hasn’t been that long, Justin.” Lana had to fight around her ebbing climax to speak.

  “It was still too long.” He pulled out and slammed back into her quivering cunt once more.

  All she could think about was that it would never last and she wanted it to so desperately. Why couldn’t they fall in love with her? Because you aren’t good enough for them. They’re out of your league, Lana.

  Justin pulled almost all the way out once again, but this time, he fed his cock to her slowly until he was resting lightly next to her cervix. She felt his hand press at her back, forcing her to rest her face against the cool desk. At this angle, he had more room to spear her flesh with his thick dick. The sensation of wet flesh being dragged over sensitive nerve endings awakened her sweet spot even more. Each rasp over the spongy tissue had her writhing over the desk.

  “Come for me, Lana. I’m not going to be able to hold on. It’s too good.” Justin’s strained voice was all the additional stimulation she needed.

  Fire burst from her G-spot up to her clit. The surges of destruction spread out through her womb and attacked her body as she came in hard waves. The hot spurt of Justin’s seed inside of her spurred another small climax that left her gasping for breath. Justin’s hot body rested against her back, and she realized he hadn’t gotten undressed all the way. She was totally nude, and the two men had only lowered their jeans to fuck her.

  “Aw, hell!” Justin’s loud curse startled her.

  “What is it?”

  “Paul, we didn’t use condoms, man. What were we thinking?” He gently pulled out of her and kissed her back. “I’m sorry, Lana. We’re clean, but it’s no excuse for forgetting.”

  She slowly stood up, grasping the chair for balance after having been horizontal over the desk. She felt the combination of their seed and her juices leak down her legs.

  “It’s all right. I’m on the pill. I’m clean, too. It’s been a long time for me.” She hated admitting that but figured they already knew that.

  Paul walked back into the room with a washcloth. She hadn’t even realized he’d left the room. When he knelt on the floor and began to clean her, Lana felt embarrassed and tried to take the cloth from him.

  “I can do that.” He slapped her hands away.

  “Don’t, babe. I’ve got you. Stand still.”

  Justin kissed her forehead and rested his chin on top of her head. “We’ve got to go back to the job site, but I don’t want to leave you.”

  Paul stood up and leaned into her from behind. “Neither do I. Be here when we get home tonight, Lana.”

  “I’ll think about it. I really need to get back to work now. You need to answer your messages.” She pulled away from them and began dressing without looking at them.

  She didn’t know how to handle the emotions swirling around inside of her. Part of her wanted to give in and see where they would take her, while another part of her feared losing what she had fought so hard to hold on to. Her sense of self and being able to take care of herself were important to her. But for some reason, when they were near her, she lost sight of all of that. If only she could believe they wouldn’t lose interest in her eventually.

  Tension-filled silence stretched as she fiddled with her clothes before turning back around. Both men stared at her with serious expressions.


  “Why are you pulling away from us again?” Justin asked.

  “You start closing yourself off as soon as we finish making love.” Paul stuffed his hands in his front pockets.

  “I know better than to get too accustomed to the sex, guys. You’ll get tired of me soon enough.”

  “We’ve had this conversation already. We’re not going to get tired of you. We want you in our lives forever. We love you, Lana.” Justin almost yelled the last out at her.

  “No, you can’t love me.” She backed away from them only to find herself against the window.

  “Why the hell not? You can’t dictate whether we fall in love with you or not.” Paul stalked toward her.

  “You’re out of my league, Paul. You and Justin are handsome and wealthy. You’ve got a successful business. I’m nobody. Why would you want to be associated with me?”

  “That’s enough, Lana! I don’t want to hear you putting yourself down. There is nothing wrong with you. You’re beautiful and caring. You’re all we think about every minute of the day.” Justin stared at her as his brother stopped directly in front of her.

  “Is it because there are two of us? Are you embarrassed to be seen with two men around town?” Paul spat out the words as he grabbed her arms, jerking her against him.

  “No! I mean, there are other ménage relationships here in Riverbend. I just can’t see you being satisfied with me.” She realized it really didn’t matter that there were two of them. She could care less what anyone else thought.

  Did they feel the same way? Could they actually not care that she was a nobody? She was nothing to look at and didn’t have th
e slightest idea how to be someone they could be proud of. Could she risk taking a chance that they really did love her?

  “Then why don’t you want to believe that we really do care about you? Sweetheart, you’re our everything. We don’t want to even consider living the rest of our lives without you in it. Why do you think we didn’t want you to move back into that damn apartment? We want you here with us.” Justin smoothed a hand down her hair at the side of her face.

  “I–I want to believe you.”

  “What’s stopping you?”

  “I don’t know. It just seems too good to be true, too good to last.”

  “Give us a chance to prove it to you, baby. Let’s go out for dinner tomorrow night after work. We’ll take you to the steakhouse and just spend some time together.” Paul released his grip on her arms.

  “Um, let’s wait and go Saturday night. That way none of us will have to get up early the next day to go to work.” Lana couldn’t believe she was actually considering their claim.

  Then again, she might just be clinging to the chance of holding on to them for a little longer. It was too late for her heart. It was already fully engaged. She was headed for heartbreak and had no one to blame but herself. The only question was if her soul would survive intact or be torn apart at their eventual desertion.

  * * * *

  Justin followed Paul out to the truck. He couldn’t believe that Lana still doubted their love for her and the fact that they were in it for keeps. Why would she doubt herself like that? Everything about her was so open and honest. She hadn’t said the words yet, but both he and his brother knew she loved them. It was in her eyes whenever they made love to her. The way she smiled when they touched her left no doubt in his heart that she loved them as deeply as they loved her.

  “Are you okay with waiting until Saturday night to take her out?” he asked his brother.

  “Yeah. It’s probably a good idea. I’m not going to want to let her free once I get my hands on her. We should take her dancing as well. The more we get her out with us in public, the sooner she’ll accept that we’re serious and not going to change our minds.”

  “I still think that part of her is worried about the ménage aspect.” Justin pulled off his seat belt as they pulled up at the job site.

  “Could be. Getting out in public with us should help alleviate some of that. There are enough ménage relationships here that she shouldn’t feel self-conscious about it. We’ll just have to make sure some of our friends are around as well.”

  They both climbed out of the truck and surveyed the work being completed. Justin made sure the sprinkler system was being installed according to his plans then pulled out his phone and made some return calls. It sure helped to have the phones rolling over to the office now. If it was an emergency, she would call them and relay the message. Now they weren’t constantly being distracted by the phone while they were trying to concentrate at work.

  Having her there at the office helping to keep things running smoothly was comforting in more ways than one. First, it meant she was safe at their house. Second, it meant she was close to them and easily accessible, and third, they had a better chance of seducing her into accepting them as her lovers and eventually, her husbands.

  Not for the first time, Justin wondered if they should go ahead and ask her to marry them. Surely that would impress on her their sincerity where nothing else had so far. Paul seemed to think it was too soon. He’d argued that she would never accept such a quick proposal after only a few weeks. Maybe he was right. All Justin knew was that he wanted her in their home for good as well as in their bed. One without the other wasn’t enough. He wouldn’t settle for anything less than her entire commitment. He wanted it all.

  It wasn’t lost on him that part of her hesitation stemmed from the fact that she was used to being independent and taking care of herself. He and Paul, especially Paul, liked to take care of her and wanted to handle everything for her so she wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. That wasn’t going over very well with Lana. She valued being self-sufficient.

  “What are you concentrating so hard on?” Paul’s voice startled him.

  He looked down at the pipe he’d been working with and realized he’d almost bent it too much. Shaking his head, Justin handed it off to one of the men setting the pipe and climbed out of the trench.

  “You know, part of the problem with Lana is that she is stubbornly independent. She doesn’t like having someone take the reins from her.”

  Paul nodded. “Yeah, I caught on to that, little brother. She’s just going to have to get used to it. I like taking care of her.”

  “Me, too, but we’re going to have to back off some, or she’s just going to get her stubborn on and make things even more difficult.”

  “Just thinking about her being stubborn has my hand itching to redden her bottom.” Paul’s grin was infectious.

  Justin shook his head. There was no compromise with his brother when it came to being in charge. He tended to take over everything he had a hand in and run it. Somehow Justin didn’t think it was going to work that well with Lana. Her stubborn streak was just as strong as Paul’s. He could foresee a lot of fireworks in their future. He chuckled. As long as they had a future, he would take the fireworks and be the one to cool them off when needed. Somehow the idea of Lana all fired up got his blood pumping and his dick jumping. He couldn’t wait for Saturday night.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Saturday morning arrived sooner than Lana expected. The previous workweek had been busy. Between learning new things and trying to keep her distance from the brothers, she wasn’t sure how she managed to make it. Justin and Paul both teased her every chance they got, keeping her on her toes and in a constant state of arousal that made it nearly impossible to concentrate.

  She had managed to finish up and leave on Friday afternoon before they made it home so there had been no chance that they would try and talk her into spending the night. She knew they had to work today. She half expected them to call her the night before, but they hadn’t, and a part of her had been disappointed. In a little over two weeks she had gotten accustomed to having them around her and missed them when they weren’t.

  Lana rushed through her house chores then made out a grocery list and drove to the store. She spent nearly an hour just wandering around town, looking in windows at some of the interesting things. She wanted to explore a few of the shops, but decided to wait until she actually had the money to spend.

  Just as she turned back to head to the grocery store, Lana ran into Beth. The other woman hugged her before she even realized what she was going to do.

  “How are you doing? I’m so glad to see you. It’s a miracle that you weren’t seriously hurt the other night.”

  “Hey, Beth. I’m fine. How are you doing?” Lana wasn’t sure what to say to the other woman.

  “How are Paul and Justin treating you? Mac said they were fit to be tied when they got to the hospital that night.”

  “Um, they’ve been very nice to me.” Lana felt the heat crawl up her neck into her face.

  “Mac said you’re working for them now. How do you like it?” Beth’s curiosity seemed friendly enough, but Lana was uncomfortable.

  As if picking up on this, Beth took her elbow and urged her toward the coffee shop on the corner.

  “Let’s have a cup of coffee and visit. I love having someone to talk to when I get out of the house. I spend so much time inside working that when I do talk myself into getting out I want someone to talk to.”

  Lana took a seat at one of the outdoor tables. Almost immediately a young woman greeted them and took their order. Beth sighed and leaned back in the chair.

  “Did you ever get to download the books I loaned you through Kindle?”

  “Yes, I did. I’ve read several of them and really enjoyed them. Thanks. I can’t believe people actually write that stuff.” Once again her face began to heat up.

  Lana quickly looked around to see if any
one was paying any attention to them. She wasn’t surprised to see a threesome walking out of the leather shop down the street hand in hand. Ménage relationships seemed to be fairly popular in Riverbend. Though she had been aware of it before, having been with both Justin and Paul, she seemed to notice it much more.

  “I love to read a good love story when there is some action involved. Of course, it doesn’t hurt when the sex is nice and raunchy, either.” Beth winked at her.

  “How long have you and your husbands been together?”

  The waitress returned with their coffee and Danish orders. After taking a sip of her coffee, Beth answered her question.

  “Over a year now. They are the best things that ever happened to me. I had known them for most of my life, but I had moved off for several years. When I moved back, it seemed like they were always close by. Then I got into some trouble last year and they went all protective over me. Sort of like how Justin and Paul are doing with you.”

  “Yeah, they don’t like where I live and are all over me to move in with them. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to get too involved with them, though.”

  “Why not?” Beth looked confused. “They obviously care a lot about you. You can see it in their eyes when they look at you.”

  “They’re out of my league. I can’t compete with the type of women they are probably used to.”

  “Now listen here, Lana. Don’t think for one minute that you’re not important to them. They wouldn’t be pursuing you if they weren’t serious. Why would you think they are better than you are?”

  Lana sighed and studied her coffee. “I barely manage to pay my bills, and sometimes I have to really scrimp to do it. I’m nothing special to look at and don’t know the first thing about how to dress up to look like a lady. They’re worldly and have money. They could have the pick of any woman out there. I can’t believe they won’t get tired of me.”

  Beth just shook her head. “Nonsense. They picked you. You didn’t throw yourself at them. Cut yourself some slack. Those men wouldn’t be spending time with you if they didn’t truly want to. No one forces men like them or my men into doing something they don’t want to do.”


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