Monroe, Marla - Forever and Always [Riverbend, Texas Heat 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Forever and Always [Riverbend, Texas Heat 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Marla Monroe

  “Oh, God.”

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  She could only moan as he licked her neck then nibbled along her jaw. The next thing she knew, Justin had eased in behind her and was pressing his hardened cock against her ass. Stuck between them, it was all she could do to keep from going up in smoke there on the dance floor. They were teasing her beyond her control.

  “I can’t wait to get you home. We’re going to fuck that sweet ass and that wet pussy until you scream our names. Then we’re going to do it all again.” Paul’s deep, rich voice tightened things deep inside her.

  “I can’t wait to suck your nipples and watch them get hard for me. I could play with those little berries for hours.” Justin’s hot breath played along the back of her neck.

  Finally the song ended, and they escorted her back to the tables where the group had congregated. She wanted to fan herself, but didn’t dare draw attention to her condition. It wouldn’t take much, and Lana was sure she would climax in front of God and everybody.

  “Lana. Want to make a bathroom trip with us?” Beth grabbed her hand.

  “Yes!” Relief poured over her like a cool glass of water.

  They excused themselves and she followed Beth, Lexie, and Tish toward the other side of the bar where the bathrooms where located. Justin had squeezed her hand as she left, reminding her to hurry back. She was secretly thankful for the brief reprieve. They were getting to her.

  “Man, Paul and Justin are really pouring it on, aren’t they?” Tish grinned at her as she touched up her lipstick.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into them.” Lana washed her hands.

  “They’re seducing you, honey. You’ve been holding back on them and they want to make sure you know where they stand.” Beth’s eyes met hers in the mirror. “They love you, Lana. Do you love them?”

  Panic had her heart stuttering. How should she answer that?

  “Never mind. I can see it in your eyes. You love them just as much as they love you.”

  “I–I don’t think you’re right about them loving me, though. I think they really care about me, but maybe ‘love’ is too strong a word for it.”

  Lexie chuckled. “Lana, there’s no way to mistake what they feel for you as anything but love. They can’t keep their eyes off of you. Don’t screw it up, honey. Tell them how you feel.”

  “But what if it doesn’t last?” she whispered, wringing her hands.

  Fear of finding out that they were wrong almost paralyzed her. What would she do if she bared her soul to them and they really didn’t feel the same way? How would she ever be able to continue working for them? How would she be able to be near them and know that it hadn’t been real?

  “You have to take that chance, Lana. I can’t imagine them ever falling out of love with you considering how they follow you with their eyes. We all had to take that chance when we confessed that we loved our men. Don’t let fear spoil the best thing you will ever have in your life. There’s nothing like the love of two men to get you through life’s ups and downs.”

  “We better get back out there before they come looking for us.” Beth took Lana’s hand and squeezed it. “Don’t get hung up on the little things, girl. You’ll pick everything to death. Now let’s go have some fun.”

  The second they stepped out of the bathroom, Lana knew the men were watching her. She could feel their eyes on her and let Beth’s and Tish’s words sink in. She’d never had even one man pay as much attention to her as both Justin and Paul did. It was a little overwhelming and exciting at the same time.

  “Feeling okay, babe?” Paul took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She smiled and allowed herself to relax a little more into his arms.

  “How about another dance?” He led her out on the floor and wrapped himself around her.

  His scent washed over her as she buried her face in his chest. She let the soft melody of the music flow through her as she allowed herself to finally enjoy just being with Paul for those few minutes. How could she possibly ignore the way they made her feel? Yes, Paul could be controlling and exasperating at times, but he truly cared about her and wanted what was best for her.

  When the song ended, Justin was there to take over the next dance. Paul kissed her lightly on the lips and left her in his brother’s arms. She snuggled into him and reveled in the warmth of his skin and the way he hummed the words against her ear. Justin would always have a smile for her and would buffer Paul’s overprotective tendencies.

  Deep down, Lana knew she couldn’t stop loving them and if one day they changed their minds, she wouldn’t regret one moment with them. They were hers forever, and she was going to grab hold of what they were offering with both hands. Now that she’d made up her mind, she couldn’t wait to tell them, but she didn’t want to do it in a bar or in the truck. She wanted to tell them in private when they could all hold each other. She couldn’t wait to be alone with them, but she wasn’t going to cut the night short, either. She was having too much fun being among friends and learning what it was like to have them.

  “What’s that I see in your eye, Lana?” Justin stared down at her as the music stopped.

  “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe happiness?”

  “It looks good on you. Having fun, sweetheart?”

  “All because of you and Paul.” She stood up on her toes and kissed him on the chin.

  “What was that for?”

  “For caring about me. For being you.”

  He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her as he moved them through the crowd back to their tables. When they approached, Paul stood up and gave her his seat. Then he rested his hands on her shoulders as he continued his conversation with Mac and Brian.

  She listened in to the conversations going on around her between the various subgroups around the tables. When Caitlyn brought up the subject of children, everyone at both tables went silent. Lamar’s and Brody’s eyes got wide.

  “Are you trying to tell us something, baby?” Brody asked.

  “No! I was just asking Beth when they were going to think about kids. I wasn’t talking to you two at all.”

  Lana smothered a smile. Poor Caitlyn’s face had pinked up into a nice bright color. Everyone stared at Beth, Mac, and Mason now.

  “Don’t look at me. I’m not pregnant.” Beth frowned at poor Caitlyn.

  Then everyone dissolved into laughter and the mood was broken. Lana had never enjoyed herself more. She knew that she could depend on any of those women if she ever needed someone to talk to.

  “Ready to go, babe?” Paul leaned over her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

  “Yeah, whenever you two are ready. This has been fun, but I’m tired.”

  “Come on, Justin. Lana is tired.”

  Justin walked over and took her hand. “We’re heading out, everyone. This has been fun. We need to have another party before winter gets here and it’s too cold to be outside.”

  “We’ll have it at our place next time,” Paul told them.

  Justin’s quick look let Lana know that this was something exceptional for Paul to have volunteered their home.

  “See you all later.” They all said good-bye and waved as the men escorted her toward the door.

  Once outside in the still-warm night, Lana drew in a deep breath. It had been stuffy in the bar with so many people crowded in one spot.

  “Did you have a good time?” Justin opened the door to the truck and helped her up into the cab.

  “I had a great time. Everyone is so nice.”

  “Nothing like good friends you can depend on.” Paul climbed up on the other side of the truck and started the engine.

  “Lana, we want you to come home with us tonight. Will you do that?” Paul drew her hand to his lips.

  “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The second they were in the house, Paul had Lana in his arms and was striding for the bedroom.
He couldn’t wait one more second to have her naked in their bed. He could feel Justin close behind him. Lana was a comfortable weight in his arms as he hurried up the stairs. He only hoped he didn’t embarrass himself before he got inside of her. His cock was throbbing with need, pressed so tight against his zipper that he figured he would have a bruise.

  He pushed open the door to the bedroom with his foot and left its closure to his brother. He was too intent on getting Lana naked and beneath him. Her musky scent called to him. He knew she was soaking wet between her legs and couldn’t wait to taste her sweet ambrosia. There was no patience left in him. Paul jerked her blouse open, sending buttons flying as he pulled it off her arms. Then Justin was there, fiddling with the clasp to her bra.

  Paul went to work on unfastening her jeans and pulling off her shoes so he could get the stiff material out of his way. At last, all that was left was the flimsy material of her panties, damp from her juices.

  “God, I can smell your cunt, ripe and ready for us. Please tell me you want us, Lana.”

  “I want you, Paul. I want you both.”

  He watched her eyes darken as he jerked his shirt over his head with one hand and dropped it. Then he unfastened his jeans and toed off his boots. He heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper and knew that Justin was way ahead of him. He shucked his jeans and boxers all at one time before kneeling on the bed next to his sweet Lana.

  “Look at her, Justin. Look at how much she wants us. Her pussy is weeping.”

  Paul moved up her body to stare into her heavy-lidded eyes. They watched him with enough emotion in them to assure him that she loved them. She might not have said it yet, but it was there in her eyes. He sipped at her lips as his brother lay down on the other side of her. They were plump and soft against his. When he licked along the seam, she moaned and opened to him.

  Everything poured out of him and into her as he tried to tell her in that kiss just how much she meant to him. He stroked his tongue along hers then explored her mouth before drawing back and nibbling at her lower lip.

  Lana moaned against his mouth and arched her back. He was sure Justin was making love to her breasts by the way she was moving. The thought of those luscious berries had him kissing and nipping his way down her jaw and across her neck. He stopped to suck at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He loved the way she reacted when he touched her there. The idea of leaving his mark there had him sucking a bit harder. Then he moved farther down and joined his brother at her breasts.

  Justin moved his hand out of the way so that Paul could latch on to the nipple on his side. He sucked and pulled on the tight bud even as his brother tended to the other one. Lana’s fingers dug into his scalp. The sharp pricks drew a growl from his throat as he tried to stuff as much of her breast as he could into his mouth. Pulling away, he lapped at the underside of the voluptuous mound before kissing his way down her abdomen to her pelvis.

  “Oh, God! Please.”

  Paul stopped licking and kissing long enough to ask her what she needed.

  “More. I need more.”

  Paul chuckled and licked over the sensitive spot at her groin before returning to her belly button and rimming it with his tongue. She tried moving her body to align his mouth up with her clit. He easily avoided her manipulations as he made his way there in his own time.

  The instant his tongue traced over her pussy lips, Paul felt pre-cum seep from his dick. He ground his cock into the bed in an attempt to regain control. It didn’t help. He sucked on her before pulling back and blowing against the wet tissue. He heard her gasp and smiled before returning to the delicacy of her juicy cunt.

  The more he sucked and licked, the harder she bucked against him. He pressed one hand down on her pelvis to try and control her movements. When he stabbed her pussy with his tongue, she screamed out and jerked again.

  “Help me keep her still, Justin.”

  His brother added a hand to hold her down while continuing to play and suck on her breasts. The swollen berries were elongated and dark with the heat of her arousal.

  Paul returned to torturing her with his tongue, teeth, and fingers. Spreading her pussy lips wide, he licked all along the slit from top to bottom and then back up again. He drew a circle around her clit without touching it and grinned at the creative curses flowing from her mouth. He chuckled against her wet heat. He still owed her a spanking. They might not get to it tonight, but they would get to it eventually. All he could do right now was worship her body with his.

  When he slipped a finger inside her cunt, she moaned and tried to trap it there using her tight muscles. He stroked it in and out of her several times before adding a second finger and curling around to locate her hot spot. She called out his name when he rasped over the sensitive tissues. Taking advantage of it, Paul pressed on it over and over until she was begging for him to fuck her. Her breathy demands had his cock aching even more than it had been. He had to have her.

  “Justin. Move.”

  His brother let go of the nipple he had been sucking on with a loud pop and moved out of the way. Paul rolled off of the bed and grabbed a condom from the bedside table. He tore it open and rolled it over his straining cock in one quick move. Then he lay back on the bed.

  “Ride me, Lana. My dick is so fucking hard I can’t take a full breath.” He held out his arms for her.

  Lana climbed up on him and slowly sank down over his cock as he held it steady for her. As her pussy sucked him inside, Paul knew it was where he wanted to be. She groaned as she fought to accommodate his thick width. Even as wet as she was, it was a tight fit. He had to grit his teeth to keep from coming the second he was fully seated. He held her still when she tried to move.

  “No. Not yet, babe. I need a minute.”

  “Please, Paul. I need you.”

  “Justin. She’s so fucking tight. I can’t hold on for long.” It felt so good it was almost painful as she squeezed around him. He was sure there were stars exploding behind his eyelids.

  * * * *

  Justin could hear the strain in his brother’s voice as he tried to hold on to his sanity. He pressed gently against Lana’s back to position her over his brother’s chest so he could reach her ass. In this position the little star winked at him as her pussy was stretched around Paul’s cock. He donned a condom then spread a generous amount of lube down her ass. Gently massaging the slippery stuff against her back hole, it flexed around him. Just the sight of it flexing had his dick jerking against his belly.

  He slowly pushed his finger at the opening and held his breath as the tiny hole opened for him. He managed to get it to the first knuckle. Slowly, he pushed it in and out until he had his entire finger deep inside her back entrance. Adding more lube, he added a second finger and felt her squeeze against him this time.

  “Easy, Lana. Just relax and push out.” Even he could hear the strain in his voice. She might be stretching to accommodate him, but he was pushed to go slow.

  Once he managed to get both fingers all the way inside of her, Justin slowly fucked her with the two appendages until she was pushing back against him. He could feel his brother’s cock through the thin membrane separating both passages. He couldn’t wait to feel that tight hole closing around his cock.

  “Hurry up, Justin.” Sweat beaded on his forehead as he withdrew his fingers and added more lube before greasing it over his sheathed cock.

  Justin pressed the head of his cock against her dark rosette and pushed. For just an instant, she clamped down, refusing him entrance. Then she relaxed and his dick slowly began to make some headway until finally, it popped through the tightly resistant ring.

  “Oh, God! It’s too much.”

  “Do I need to stop, Lana?” Justin prayed she wouldn’t ask him to, but he would if he was hurting her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was cause her harm.

  “No. Hurry. I can’t handle it. I’m so full!”

  Justin pressed forward and felt the tight tissues give way until he was balls-dee
p inside her ass. A burning heat seared his dick as he slowly pulled out and then tunneled back in. He felt Paul pull out and then push in as he retreated. They set up a slow, steady rhythm that threatened to unman him. His balls were already drawn tight against his body as he slowly increased the rate of his lunging in and out of her. Between his and Paul’s plunges, Lana began to tremble all over. He wasn’t sure if it was with pain or ecstasy. He gritted his teeth against the need to come. He could tell his brother was having the same issues.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yes! Fuck me! Harder. I need to come.” She thrashed between them now as she fought her release.

  “Let it go, baby.” Paul’s voice sounded tight and far away.

  “It’s too much. I won’t be able to live through it.”

  “We’ve got you, Lana. Let go.”

  Finally, he felt her explode around him. Her ass milked his cock until his strangled cry joined her scream and his brother’s muffled shout. They all three came together. His cock jerked deep inside of her and then he collapsed over her, managing to hold himself up with one arm.

  “Fuck!” Justin’s strangled cry had him slowly pulling out of Lana’s sweet ass.

  He disposed of the condom and wet a cloth with warm water to clean their woman’s sweaty body. He liked taking care of her. He would run a bath for her soon. Right now, he just wanted to curl around her. As soon as he had her cleaned off, Justin pulled her over to curl into his arms while Paul drew out of her and tended to his condom as well. Then they both spooned with her as the slick sweat cooled on their bodies. Never had he felt so close to another human being as he did when they had all three been joined by her body. He’d felt a little bit of heaven in those brief moments while they were wide open and vulnerable. He felt love pour between them and knew without a doubt that she was theirs.

  * * * *

  Lana fought to regain her composure as she slowly caught her breath. She had no doubt in her mind that Paul and Justin loved her or that they were right for her. She felt as if a small piece of their souls now resided inside of her. An overwhelming peace settled over her.


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