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Page 31

by Dana Redfield

  “Trading us out for those bug-eyed hybrids?”

  “It may not be that simple. I doubt it's that simple.”

  “You know it isn't that simple, because you remote viewed things you have not told anyone about.”

  “Got a little mind-reading capacity yourself.”

  “No, I'm just not stupid like you always thought.”

  “I have a lot of karma to work off, Jonah.”

  “We'll get to it all. Zion…she went invisible. She was dancing, and she just whirled away….” Jonah flutters his fingers.

  Was she dancing? No, that was the dream…. They made love, they woke up…. She said they would have a son and name him Remember. That had to be the dream. Name a boy Remember? That's crazy.

  “Saints have that glow, Tony. Halos around heads, auras around the body you can see with the naked eyes. I think Zion is a saint.”

  “Probably,” Tony says. “Saints go flying off all the time. Some of them for long periods of time. Some as long as forty days.”


  Anthony slaps him on the back. “Why should it worry you, the CIA noticed your absence? Are they our godfathers?”

  Jonah does not laugh. “How do I know this isn't some kind of sting operation? Do I know you?”

  “No, you don't, and I don't blame you. I never gave you any reason to trust me.”

  “Hell, we were kids. My trust is…I was told last night someone would come. If you're the enemy, I suppose I'll know soon enough.”

  “You were told last night someone was coming? See, I don't know everything. If I did, I'd know where to go to be safe.”

  “You're safe here. No place safer than Star Valley.”

  “Star—I thought it was Apple Valley.”

  “Slip of my dreamer's tongue.”

  “Maybe you dreamed Zion,” Tony says. “Maybe she doesn't even live here. Maybe everything I said about her is part of my dream.”

  Jonah thinks about all that. “Let's pretend it's real.”

  “Okay…Zion went invisible….”

  “Last night, not long after I told her about this channeled message I wrote about how the children of Earth can go invisible. I honestly thought it was metaphorical.”

  “Maybe it is…for the children of Earth.”

  “She's no different than you and me. She's pregnant with my child. Except she has a few special gifts. Like she glows.”

  “And goes invisible.”

  “Can you find her?”

  “Where was she when she disappeared?”

  “I'm not sure. Downstairs or in my bed.”

  Anthony frowns.

  “Sure, I'm crazy. In love with an ET who glows.”

  “Let's go downstairs,” Tony says.

  In the basement, Tony exclaims, “The vibes down here…”

  Jonah stares at the red candle burning in a jar atop a small table in the corner. He vaguely remembers lighting the candle last night.

  “Zion is a beautiful spirit,” he says wistfully. “Beautiful physically, too.”

  “I know. I've seen her photo.”

  “Should I worry about you, Tony?”

  He comes right over, points a finger in Jonah's face. “Don't you even think it. If I'm to help, you have to trust me completely. I don't want Zion. I have my own woman. I'll tell you about her later. Let's do this now. Show me the spot—no, let me find it. That way, it will help you trust me.”

  Jonah backs up to the wall and watches his brother walk around the room, seemingly with his eyes closed. Several times he crosses the spot where she spun out. He goes back to the spot, moves right, left, up, back, then he stops.


  “As close as I can remember,” Jonah says.

  “Sit there. Face…” Tony nudges him to turn slightly east of north. Anthony settles on the floor facing his brother, kicks off his loafers, assumes a comfortable lotus.

  “I see you do this often.”

  “All the time. If I didn't meditate, I would've died, I'm sure.” He takes Jonah's hands in his. Jonah swallows over a lump in his throat. His brother!

  “I'm going to look for her in your mind, Jonah. She's connected to you. Your mind is a great field all around you. She's in that field somewhere.”

  “That's how it feels, like she's right here, close.”

  “You really do love her.”

  “'Course I do. She's in my mind and in my heart. She can have any part of me she wants.”

  “I imagine she feels the same about you.”

  “She does,” Jonah says a little too emphatically.

  Anthony gives him a big-brother smirk.

  “You're going to find her, aren't you Tony?”

  “That's why we're here. Now, I'm going to act as a link between you two. I've never tried to locate a person who is really missing, so I don't have a protocol. This one's going to depend on spirit helpers.”

  “You have spirit helpers?”

  “I don't have them. A person is graced with the help or not. Or maybe the help is always there and it depends on us.”

  “You're sort of spiritual, aren't you, Tony?”

  “I am a scumbag. But I am trusting that I am not so low I can't help you. Someone told you I was coming to help, and that same someone sent an eagle to gather me in. You ever do a guided meditation, anything like that?”

  “Had a hypnotic trance done on me the other day.”

  “I'm going to use my voice to help us get to the right state.”

  “Then you'll bring her back.”

  “You will bring her back—she's in your field. You ready?”

  Jonah's mind is a torrent of thoughts until his brother's deep, soothing voice guides his consciousness away from his body. He feels so light, he's sure he is floating a foot off the floor. “I can see her,” Tony says. “She's okay. Something about her hands. She's showing me both of her hands. She's linking her hands by her fingers. She's pulling them tight, showing me they are linked.”

  As he speaks, the two men are holding hands tightly. “Jonah, raise your left arm and I will raise my right. Marshall your feelings of love for Zion, and reach.…See her hands linked with ours. She's right here…she's right here….”

  Along with chill bumps, Jonah feels heat, as if his palm were pressed against a hot-water bottle. He opens his eyes a fraction, looks up at his hand. He can't see it! He snaps his eyes closed, imagines he is touching her beautiful body. Suddenly he feels an electric charge sweeping over his body. As if struck by lightning, he jerks back. Tony lurches.

  A whirlwind of sparks is forming in the air above them. The men scuttle back against the wall. The sparks flash, then fade like a mist of rain. And Zion is just there, dressed in her black outfit. Jonah leaps up and embraces her fiercely.

  “I'm sorry, Jonah…I should not have spun alone.”

  “It's okay, Sweetheart. It's only a dream….”

  “It's sometimes difficult to tell the difference, isn't it?” She looks at Anthony, as if she's known him all her life. “There's something wrong with the timing of events,” she says to him. “We need to work on that.”

  “So much for the simple life!” Jonah croaks. “Uh, Zion, this is my brother, Anthony. He's a remote viewer for the CIA.”

  “Was. Hello, Zinestar.”

  “Hello, Wanderer.”

  “You two know each other?”

  “Never met her before.”

  “Zinestar…” Jonah says, feeling pinpricks of energy on his neck.

  “Your brother has an inquisitive mind.”

  “Things come to me,” Anthony says. “I can't help it.”

  “Things come to us all,” she says. She hugs Jonah. “It's time we acknowledge the things that are coming to us.” She looks at Tony. “It's time we join together.”

  “Don't look at me. The road is moving under my feet.”

  “Nope,” Jonah says. “You're staying.”

  “Can't do it, Brother.”

  “Yes, you can
. Yes, you will.”

  “You don't want the spooks in your life. This is the first place they'll look.”

  “And they won't find anyone, because you'll remote-view them coming, and you'll go invisible until they're gone.”

  “Your faith in me is amazing.”

  Suddenly Jonah feels big…nine feet tall.

  “Zion, Anthony…” He takes their hands. “Come upstairs and we'll drink some serious coffee and I'll tell you about the clan we're going to form. That shift the New Agers have been talking about? It has begun. You play an instrument, Tony? No? You're going to…a banjo.”

  Star Valley

  The History of the Rose-Mahoney Clan

  by Coral Kay Rose-Mahoney.

  December 31, 1999

  My father, Jonah Quiller Rose-Mahoney, says we all have to write down the history of our clan, even me. A clan is like an extended family. My great-aunt Beatrice Mary Mahoney is helping me write this history. Aunt Triss brought us music. Daddy says music is like hope. Human beings have to have it. I am six years old.

  Daddy says we will put our histories in caves, and maybe people in a thousand years will find them. They might wonder why people in our time were so weird.

  My brother, Remember Joel Rose-Mahoney, was born on September 7, 1999. Joey is an angry baby. Zion explained it to me. She said think of it. What if all of a sudden I was in a little body and I couldn't talk or walk or feed myself and I was wetting my pants and couldn't change them? And what if I couldn't understand the way the big people talked? And everyone was bigger. That would be scary, like everybody is a giant except you. Wouldn't you be angry and scared? So I asked Daddy, was I an angry baby? He said yes, and he was my giant, and as soon as I could talk, he taught me his language. That's love, don't you see?

  History is just as important as dreams and visions, Daddy said. Think of how much richer we would be if we had histories of all of the plain people who lived when Jesus was on Earth and before. In those days, most plain people couldn't read or write. The histories were written by temple scribes, kings looking over their shoulders. Sometimes Daddy stands over my shoulder, frowning like a king to show me how it feels.

  Daddy and Zion got married on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1999. Most people get married before they get pregnant, but the Rose clan doesn't care about that rule. Love is our only rule, but it's not a real rule; it's what everything is made out of, people, too. Daddy and Zion Rose got married right out back, no minister or judges, because it was a marriage of love. Daddy gave Zion a sapphire ring, and she gave him a ruby ring. Lulu Greystone sang a song nobody understood, and then Jonah Quiller Mahoney and Zion Rose were married. Now Zion is my mother! She wore flowers in her hair and a pretty lavender lace dress. Daddy called her a naiad. That's like a fairy. We have fairies. My fairy's name is Paulie. But maybe fairies are extraterrestrials or angels, we don't know for sure. Daddy wore a purple shirt with suspenders like Larry King on TV, and corduroy pants.

  Avery and Hilde got married by love, too. Avery plays the harmonica, and Hilde plays the flute. Daddy is the tambourine man. He said to Uncle Tony, “You have to play an instrument because our clan is a BAND.” So Uncle Tony got a banjo, but he sings out of tune. Zion just plays the CD. Her instrument is her pen. She's writing The Book of Zion. Aunt Triss and I play the violin. Frame Swenson and his family came to the wedding. Frame played the bagpipes and scared all of the birds away again. Our cat, Thunderpaws, was mad because he likes to kill birds.

  Something very special happened the night of the wedding. The wind was blowing like a hurricane, and in the sky was a HUGE round gold spaceship. There were shooting stars all over the place. That's why we call our habitat Star Valley now. Some people call spaceship UFOs. It was bigger than our house. I thought it was going to crash down on us, but it stayed in the sky, kind of wobbling.

  Daddy grabbed Frame and yelled. “You see that? That's real!” Frame looked scared, like he never saw a UFO before. You could see it was real, like the wind and the shooting stars.

  Frame's children, Ginger, Benji, and Julie laughed and clapped, but Mrs. Laurie Swenson was scared. Mrs. Swenson is Frame's wife by law.

  “It's an epiphany,” Aunt Triss said about the UFO. That means something very awesome. Hilde said, “It's the Shift!” Some of the flowers blew off Zion's head, and Daddy was dancing all over the place, laughing. Uncle Tony looked very worried. I wasn't a bit scared.

  After that, Daddy planted a pearl in the garden. I'm the only one who believes it will grow into a pearl tree. Daddy and I are ground people—soil, stones, and roots. Zion Rose is a wind person; Uncle Tony is a fire man; and Aunt Triss is a water lady. We don't know what Joey is yet, maybe a tree boy.

  The best dream is going to the emerald mountain. Daddy said to me, “What if you fall in love with an ET?” That's an extraterrestrial. Sometimes I think he's not joking. He says the emerald mountain is a real place, and someday we're all going there, when we make the right music. Zion came here on a MUSIC BEAM. That's a secret because people don't understand. We'll know we made the right music when Thunderpaws doesn't run away when we practice. Sometimes the men drink beer and get loud and the women get mad and stomp away.

  We're just ordinary people, Daddy says. Don't forget it.

  Tomorrow is Y2K Day, January 1, 2000. That's a glitch. All of the lights and telephones, televisions and computers might stop all over the world. That's what we get for getting too many machines and not enough love. But the Rose clan is about love, not machines, and we have lots of food and water.

  Star Valley is like a visitors' center, Daddy said. People are going to visit us from all over the world, and maybe from OTHER WORLDS. That's why Daddy and Frame and Uncle Tony are building dirt houses, like little guest cottages. Most people will just visit us, but some will live with us, like Rainya. That's the woman Uncle Tony loves. Rainya is lost, but Tony can see her in his MIND'S EYE. Uncle Tony says he can see three other people coming…Jesse, Maria, and their baby girl named Mercy. Daddy said maybe, we'll see.

  Uncle Tony is mastering the art of camouflage, and Daddy said that's just the beginning. We're going to learn to go invisible, and lots of other things we used to think were impossible, because we are becoming STARMEISTERS. That's a cosmic human being.

  That's enough history for today.

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