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Toxic: Logan's Story

Page 13

by K. A. Robinson

  “You sure you’re okay?” he asked.

  “Better than okay,” I whispered.

  He pulled out and then slammed back into me, over and over. I wrapped my legs around him, allowing him deeper. I closed my eyes, letting the sensations take over my body. Each thrust brought me closer and closer to the edge. I wanted more, needed more, craved more.

  “Faster, Logan. Please!” I gasped.

  He obliged, pumping into me faster. I clung to him, my fingernails digging into his back. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me. The look in his eyes nearly pushed me over the edge. There was so much hunger and passion in them that I wanted to look away. Instead, I continued to stare at him, watching his face, as he started to lose control. It was the single most erotic thing I’d ever witnessed in my life. Logan in everyday life was beautiful, but at this moment, he was simply breathtaking.

  My orgasm crashed over me suddenly, and I cried out his name. As he released into me, his body was taut and slick with sweat, but it was his expression that did me in. Before my eyes slid shut, the last image I had was of him coming with me. The look of pure ecstasy was something I knew I’d remember for the rest of my life.

  I opened my eyes, and my head was resting on Logan’s chest. I could hear the solid thump, thump, thump of his heart under my cheek. I tried to move my legs, but they were pinned between his. His arm was wrapped around my back, and his hand rested on my shoulder. Every inch of my body was touching his.

  I smiled as I snuggled tighter against him. He sighed in his sleep, and his hand squeezed my shoulder gently. I was exactly where I wanted to be. Despite the disaster of yesterday, I was glad we’d come to Crossville for the simple fact that I was in his arms now. Memories of the night before filled my mind, and I shuddered with desire. It had been perfect. He’d been perfect.

  I didn’t want to leave this bed, but after glancing at the clock, I saw it was almost eleven, and I’d promised to pick up my sister at noon. I slowly started running my fingers back and forth across his stomach and chest, trying to wake him. After a few minutes, he started to stir. He groaned and stretched just before his eyes slowly opened. He stared down at me, and a sleepy smile lifted his lips.

  “Morning,” I whispered.

  He rolled so that I was forced to rest my head on a pillow. Once he was facing me, he leaned in and kissed me gently.

  “Morning,” he whispered back as he pulled away. “Did I dream last night? Or was it really that good?”

  I laughed, unable to stop myself. I felt light and happy. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt like this. “It wasn’t a dream.”

  “Prove it.” He grinned.

  I glanced down at our naked bodies. “I’m naked while lying in bed with you. What more do you want?”

  His blue eyes darkened with lust. He opened his mouth to speak, but I shook my head.

  “I know what you’re about to say, and we can’t. We have to pick up my sister soon.”

  “Later?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Later.”

  “Good. Now, I have something to look forward to all day.”

  I grinned. “Last night was incredible. Now, I know why Adam is always so happy. Sex does that to a person. It’s addictive.”

  He laughed. “Only one time, and you’re already addicted to me? Damn, I must be a fucking god in bed.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “A fucking god? Really?”

  He just laughed again as he pinned me to the bed. I could feel him pressed against my thigh, ready to go, and I cursed the fact that we had less than an hour to get ready and pick up Bethaney. My body was craving him. He kissed me long and hard, making my toes curl. When he finally pulled away, I was breathing heavily.

  “I’m going to get off of you before we both decide that your sister can wait. I doubt she’d appreciate being stood up after yesterday.”

  “Good point,” I said.

  He moved away from me and stood up. I watched him walk, completely naked, across the room. He grabbed clothes out of his bag and headed toward the bathroom.

  “I’m going to shower really quick, and then the bathroom is all yours.”

  I lay in bed and stared up at the ceiling as I heard the water turn on. I couldn’t believe that I’d had sex with Logan. I felt like a sixteen-year-old who had just lost her virginity. I grinned as I crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Logan didn’t notice me until I opened the shower door and stepped inside with him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he rinsed his hair.

  “I need to shower, too. I thought I’d join you and conserve water.”

  He laughed as he reached for me and pulled my body tight against his. Water cascaded down around us, soaking my hair and running down my face and body, but I barely noticed. All I saw was Logan, naked and wet. My body practically begged me to attack him, but I held back. We didn’t have time.

  Later, I promised myself.

  Instead of pushing him up against the wall and climbing him like a monkey, I kissed him lightly on the lips and pulled away. I turned away from him and grabbed my soap. Our bodies constantly brushed against each other as we showered together. I wasn’t sure which of us was going to lose control first.

  When he shut off the water and grabbed a towel, I let out a relieved sigh. He shot me a quick grin before climbing out and wrapping a towel around his waist. I grabbed two towels. I wrapped one around my hair and then dried off with the other. I towel-dried my hair quickly before brushing it straight and grabbing the hairdryer. Once it was dry, I applied a small amount of makeup and hurried back into the room to get dressed.

  Logan was lying on his bed, already dressed. His wet hair was hanging over his eyes, driving me wild. We needed to get out of this room and fast before my hormones took over. I dressed quickly, constantly aware of his eyes on me. As soon as I finished tying my neon-green shoelaces, he sat up and pulled me down onto the bed with him.

  He kissed me for a few seconds before reluctantly pulling away. “This is going to be the longest day ever.”

  “Agreed. Now, come on, let’s go before my sister thinks I forgot about her.” I stood and grabbed his hand, pulling him to his feet.

  He kept my hand in his all the way to the car. As soon as we were inside, he pulled my hand back into his where it stayed until we arrived at Lily’s.

  “Do you think today will go better than yesterday?” I asked as I stared out the window at Lily’s house.

  “Yeah, I do. Things got a little…intense yesterday. Your sister was upset, but she’s had time to cool off now,” Logan said as he rubbed the palm of my hand with his thumb.

  “What if she’s still mad at me and decides that she wants nothing to do with me anymore?”

  “Jade, you’re her sister. She’s been without you for over six years. Now that you’re trying to make things right and be a part of her life, she isn’t going to just let you walk away again. You’re the only real family she has left now.”

  “She has David.”

  Logan snorted, and I couldn’t help but grin.

  “Like I said, you’re the only real family she has now.”

  I glanced down at my phone to check the time. It read 12:06, so I took a deep breath and opened my car door. The last thing I wanted Beth to think was that I’d stood her up. I didn’t want to piss her off more than I already had.

  Hoping that Marie wasn’t around, I knocked on the front door. Only a few seconds later, it opened, and Bethaney stepped out of the house. She closed the door quietly behind her and turned back to me.

  “Come on, let’s go.” She hurried past me to Logan’s car.

  “Where’s the fire?” I called after her as I tried to keep up with her fast pace.

  When we reached the car, she jumped into the backseat and quickly closed the door.

  What is up with her today? I wondered as I sat down in the front seat.

  “Want to tell me what that was all about?” I asked.

  Logan pull
ed back out onto the main road.

  She glanced back at the house one last time before turning her attention to me. “Marie wasn’t all that excited about my plans to meet with you.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. She wasn’t exactly nice to me yesterday. But that still doesn’t explain why you snuck off like a thief.”

  “I didn’t want her to know you were outside or that I was leaving with you. She would have come out and called you a bunch of bad names. In turn, you probably would have punched her and broken her nose, and she would have called the cops on you. Then, I would have to spend my whole summer as a hooker, trying to save up enough money to bail you out and send you to some foreign country with the band so that you could narrowly escape your death sentence. I thought it would be easier to just sneak out instead of going through all of that.”

  The car was completely silent. Through the rearview mirror, Logan was staring at Bethaney like she’d lost her mind. She tried to keep a straight face, but she finally gave up and started laughing uncontrollably. I lost it, too, as I watched her fall over and clutch her stomach in the backseat.

  “Okay…” Logan said, glancing between the road and us. “I think I’m the only sane person in this car.”

  I finally stopped laughing long enough to speak. “This is just how Beth is—sarcastic, weird, and occasionally funny.”

  “The looks on your faces were priceless. Oh my God!” She tried to stop laughing at herself.

  “Yep, I’m surrounded by crazy people,” Logan muttered as we pulled into a Denny’s parking lot.

  “Oh, by the way, we’re stopping here for lunch. I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast, so I’m starving. After this, we can go wherever you want,” I said as I looked back at Beth.

  “Fine by me. I’m hungry, too.” She opened her door and stepped out.

  I could still hear her giggling quietly.

  “Come on,” I told Logan before opening my door and climbing out.

  “Actually, I just remembered that I forgot something back at the hotel. I’m going to run back there and grab it really quick.” Logan said as I closed my door.

  “What did you forget?” I asked, confused.

  He grinned at me, and then he backed out of the parking spot. I watched as he left the parking lot and headed back the way we’d come. As soon as he was out of sight, I realized what he’d just done. He was giving me time alone with Beth. I smiled at his thoughtfulness. Logan had to be one of the nicest guys out there.

  “Where did he go?” Beth asked.

  “He had something to take care of. It’s just us.”

  We walked to the building side-by-side. Once we were inside, we found a table away from everyone else and placed our orders. I wanted alone time with Bethaney, and that would be hard if someone recognized me and came over. Crossville didn’t have a huge rock music crowd, but there were a few, and I used to know them all. They would recognize me instantly.

  “So, what’s up with you and Logan? Are you two a thing or not?” Beth asked. She certainly didn’t waste time with small talk.

  I couldn’t keep the sappy grin off my face. “Yeah, we are, but it’s in the early stages.”

  “Wow. Really? I figured you guys had been together for a long time.”

  Our waitress appeared with our drinks, halting our conversation.

  “Why would you think that?” I asked once we were alone again.

  She shrugged. “Just the way you two look at each other. It’s kind of gross actually. It’s like you’re fucking each other and saying wedding vows with just your eyes.”

  I choked on my soda and started coughing violently. When I could finally breathe again, I frowned at my sister. “We do not eye-fuck, and we certainly aren’t getting married. You’d better get your eyes checked.”

  “Oh, whatever. You two probably go at it like rabbits. You’re blushing! I was right!”

  I felt my face heat as tingles raced through my body. All I could think about was the way Logan had looked last night while he fucked me. If I died right now, I’d die a happy woman from just thinking about him like that. The thought that I could have had a repeat performance this morning had me wishing that I’d rescheduled with my sister and stayed in the room with Logan all day…or all week.

  “So, how’s your love life?” I asked before I let my thoughts distract me from why I was here. I wanted to get to know Beth again.

  “What love life? Have you seen the guys around here? And college isn’t much better. College guys are hot, yeah, but they’re dicks. I can’t handle their egos long enough to make it to a second date.”

  “What college do you go to?”

  “University of Tennessee. I stay in a dorm during the school year, but I came back with Lily to stay at her mom’s house over the summer. I love Marie, but she drives me up the wall. She’s so damn bossy that I think she’s pretending to be my mom.”

  “She’s just looking out for you, Beth. Does she know what David did to you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I kind of had to tell her when I showed up on her doorstep with all my stuff. She wanted me to go to the police, but I told her no. I just wanted to forget about it. I was doing a pretty good job until you showed back up.”

  “I really am sorry that I left you alone with him. If I had known, I never would have left. You’re my baby sister, and I want to protect you.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a baby anymore.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’ll always be my baby sister. So, tell me about college. What are you studying?”

  “Ugh, gag. I’m still undecided. I hate college.”

  “Why? You used to love school.”

  “Yeah, when I was, like, fourteen. Things change, Jade. What I’d really love to do is go to Hollywood and become a famous actress or a model. I want out of Tennessee so bad that I can taste it.”

  “Bethaney, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I mean, how many people go to California with the same dream? You’d be one of thousands. The odds aren’t in your favor. You’re better off getting a real education.”

  “Hypocrite much? You went to California with dreams of making it big, and you did it even though thousands of people are out there, trying the same thing all the time.”

  “That’s different. The only reason we went out there was because they called us. We never would have just packed up and moved if Brad hadn’t called.”


  “Our manager at the label,” I clarified.

  Bethaney sighed. “You have it all, you know that, right? A band, a record deal, a label, and thousands of fans. You got out of this town and accomplished everything you’d ever dreamed.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. All I ever wanted was to play my drums. All the other stuff was just an added bonus.”

  “So, what’s it like?”

  “What’s what like?” I asked.

  “Everything—living in L.A., recording music, touring, having fans.”

  “It’s all great. I like L.A., but I miss living in West Virginia. It was my home for so long. The touring is awesome. I get to meet tons of people who love the band’s music, but being on the road constantly wears on me, especially when it’s just the band and Chloe. You try living in close quarters with three guys for almost a year. You’d pull your hair out.”

  “Chloe? Isn’t she the lead singer’s wife?”

  “Yep. They’re pretty much attached at the hip. It’s cute and sickening all at once.”

  “What about the other two? Do they have girlfriends?”

  “Nah. Adam has hookups, and Eric just ignores everyone.”

  “I’ve looked at pictures of you guys. The one is super hot, and I’d love to meet him. He’s just so…yum.”

  Panic shot through my body. “Oh no, not a chance on your life. You will never meet them, and if you do, you’ll stay far away from Adam. I won’t allow you to be around him unless you’re wearing a turtleneck, pants, and a chastity belt.”

he thought of Adam noticing my sister made me want to castrate him. I made a mental note to threaten him the next time I saw him just in case I decided to bring Bethaney around the band.

  “Why? He seems so sweet,” Bethaney said, looking at me like I was nuts.

  “What is it about him that makes him seem sweet? The boy is covered in tattoos and piercings. He has a blue Mohawk, for God’s sake!”

  “What? No! Not that guy, the other one. I think his name is Eric.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You think Eric is hot?”

  I couldn’t even process the fact that Beth thought of Eric like that. To me, he was just Eric—my best friend, my confidant.

  “Um…yes! Don’t you?”

  I shook my head. “He’s practically my brother, and you’re my sister, so that makes you siblings. You’re basically saying your brother is hot.”

  She looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Jade, you’re seriously weird. Eric isn’t related to us, and I sure as hell don’t think brother when I look at him.”

  “No. Just no. I refuse to think of you crushing on Eric. New topic.”

  “Whatever. So, where does Logan fit into all of this? Did you meet him in L.A.?”

  “No, I’ve known him for a long time. We met through Chloe. He’s her ex-boyfriend and best friend.”

  “Awkward much?” Bethaney asked.

  “You have no clue. It’s a mess. Chloe cheated on him with Drake, and it really fucked Logan up. No one even knows that we’re together yet. I’m not sure how everyone in our group of friends will take it.”

  “Does he live in West Virginia?”

  I nodded.

  “So, what happens when you go back to L.A.?”

  “We haven’t really talked about it. Like I said, this is brand-new. I haven’t really thought about what will happen after I go back to California.”

  I had no idea why I hadn’t thought about the fact that his life was in West Virginia and mine was in L.A. I couldn’t just move back to West Virginia to be with him, and I would never ask him to move to California for me. We didn’t have years of history like Drake and Chloe had. He wouldn’t give up everything for me. My stomach clenched when I realized that this summer might be all I had with him.


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