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Sanctuary: Book One of Bloodlines

Page 33

by C. L. Stevens

  “A simple task, nothing dangerous I assure you.” Deidrich replied.

  “Research only.” Meilin said, right on top of him. “There is a book in the library that may shed some light on our bond. But it is lost among many books. The more searching, the quicker it can be found.”

  “I can do that.” She replied, curiosity and excitement burning through her. And perhaps I can find something on Ablanq.

  “I shall summon you when next I search.” He said, bowing slightly to her. He then turned and bowed slightly to Meilin. With that he turned on his heels and vanished around a corner.

  “You do not need to wait for him Desiree.” Meilin said, pulling her mind away from thoughts of haunting emerald eyes. “You have full access to the house. The library is yours.”

  “So, they believe me dead? The ones that were looking for me?”

  “We can talk of that later child.” Meilin admonished with a frown. “I will have a meal sent to your rooms and meet you there when I am able. You must replenish what you have lost in the healing even if you are not yet hungry.”

  Desiree nodded reluctantly.

  The meal came shortly after she arrived at her rooms but she only picked at it. She bathed and changed but after all that Meilin still had not showed. She napped for a time but started awake from a terrible nightmare of her time in the darkness. Breathing hard, she forced herself out of bed, not willing to risk falling asleep once more. She paced around her large room wishing she had a computer to surf the web or something. She could only stand being bored for so long and left in search of her friends.

  Desiree made her way to the human’s quarters and was about to flag down 2 guys walking down the corridor when the sounds of laughter and TV caught her attention. She followed the sounds until she came to a large room filled to the brim with young adults. They stood or lounged on sofas and recliners, talking loudly to each other or playing video games on one of the dozen or so flat panel monitors of various sizes. She stepped inside.

  “Hey Desiree, what's crackin?” Someone said as they tapped her roughly on the shoulder. “You finally move into the dorms?”

  She looked up to see Martin. He was cheesing at her with a can of soda in one hand and a red game controller in the other. She returned the smile, lifting her chin sharply in greeting.

  “Na, just bored and wanted to see what the lesser half did around here.” She replied playfully.

  He laughed. “Not much really.” He said, gesturing around the room. “Kick it and game mostly.”

  “Hey fool!” Someone shouted. “Are you playing or not?”

  He handed the controller to someone and motioned her to follow.

  “Want something to drink?” He asked. He had to bend down right next to her ear and shout to be heard over all the TVs which all seemed to have their volumes set at full blast.

  She shrugged. He took her to a large fluorescent orange chest full of ice. She peered down and chose a can of lemonade. She flicked the ice-cold water on her fingers at him and he wiped it away from his face absently.

  “Kennedy and Eric are around here somewhere I think,” He said, standing on tiptoe to see over the many heads in the room.

  “Where's Olive?” She asked over casually. He looked at her and frowned.

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that?” He said sourly. “You people act like we are married or something.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that you don't know where she is?”

  He grinned at her. “She's with her Patron,” He admitted.

  “So how do I get in on one of those shooters?” She asked, pointing at a row of TVs.

  “You game?” He asked, surprise heavy in his tone.


  “What do you want to play?”

  Desiree looked around the room and walked over to a group of a half dozen lined up on one wall.

  “I play a bit of Overwatch.” She replied with a nod.

  “Hey! One of you move and let my girl Desiree get in.” He said to the young men sitting on the couches. A few of them looked back. At the sight of her, several got up.

  “Who do you main?” Asked a tall skinny guy with a long ponytail as he handed her a controller.

  “I usually run support, but I can use 76 if you guys need a DPS, or D.Va for tank.” She replied as she sat down and got comfortable.

  “Support, good.” Said a guy to her right. “We need a healer.”

  “You know how to run dive comp?” Ponytail asked and she shook her head. As they all waited for the match to start, he explained the simple strategy the team would be about and her role. She nodded her understanding and the match began.

  They lost the first match and a guy got up a little way down from her, cursing in disgust. He gave her a pernicious stare before stalking off but she paid him no mind. There were many there ready to take the place of whomever decided to give up a controller.

  They lost the next match as well, and the next, but unlike the first, they were both very close matches. No one else got up though. It was a good thing too because they did not lose another for some time. In fact, they only lost 1 more match before she wearily gave up her controller but not her seat. The couch was very comfortable and her small nook was nice and warm. A clap on her shoulder caused her to turn around. She smiled up at Eric.

  “Hey!” She said in greeting.

  “Not bad.” He replied, gesturing with his chin to the games still going on. “I can't say I am too surprised that you game.”

  She had no idea what that meant or if he even meant anything by the comment and chose to ignore it.

  “This is a nice set up.” She said truthfully. “Makes running teams a lot funner and easier since I can see most of my team's screens.”

  “Thanks!” He replied without an ounce of modesty. “I set it all up. It was boring as shit around here before.”

  She Yawned, long and hard as she nodded in approval. Anastacia walked up behind Eric and flicked the back of his ear. He winced, but laughed when he saw who had done it.

  “Please, please Eric.” She began in exasperation. “We all know who got the game room going. You don't have to remind us for the billionth time.”

  There was not really any room but Anastacia squeezed in next to her, halfway sitting on Ponytail’s lap and forcing her to lean heavily against the other guy but neither of them uttered a word of complaint. The 3 of them chatted awhile before a controller was passed her way and she got in a few more games before giving it up again. She settled back to watch the next match with Eric and Anastacia on the team now, this time aware enough to cover her mouth when a big yawn took her.

  Desiree could tell right off that Anastacia was unfamiliar with the game. She was doing horrible and Desiree had no qualms about telling her so. She laughed both at and with her friend as she settled down quietly and watched a few matches.

  A hand on her shoulder made her look up and a young woman leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “Deidrich asks that if you are not busy, to attend him just now.”

  “Where?” She asked, butterflies already fluttering in her stomach.

  “I can show you if you wish it.” The woman replied.

  She nodded and rose. She tried to say goodbye to everyone but they were preoccupied with the match so she just left. She followed the woman and before she knew it, she was entering what could only be his personal quarters. How she knew this, she had no idea. She did not even notice any details of the room, she only noticed him. He beckoned her closer and she moved to stand before him.

  “I am happy you came Desiree.” He greeted, smiling up at her broadly. “I have been hoping to spend some time with you for a while but you are always so busy.”

  “I am all yours now.” She said breathlessly and gave a start at her own words. “I mean to say, I am free now. Uh, what did you wish to talk with me about?”

  “It is somewhat of a personal nature.” He admitted uneasily. “Please, you will sit with me, yes?” He
asked, indicating the large recliner of which he now sat. In the back of her mind she wondered at the oddity of the chair being the only furniture she could see but she dismissed the thought as she sat down with him. It was crowded like it had been when Anastacia had forced her way onto the sofa in the game room, it was made for only one person after all, but the end result could not be more different. Instead of being cramped and leaning haphazardly on someone, she seemed to melt into his lap as if God had made a casting of them together the day they were born and they had only grown more made for one another with each passing day. She settled onto him with a sigh, leaning her head back onto his strong shoulder, the warmth of him chasing away a chill she had not felt. He touched her arm, tracing his fingers lightly down its length with his own as he spoke. He had such strong hands.

  “I have missed you so my lovely Desiree.” He whispered. The sheer amount of raw emotion in his voice made her heart ache. Made it difficult to talk, yet talk she did and the words that came out of her mouth, the sheer candor of them made her wonder if it was she that spoke at all.

  “I missed you too.” She said without missing a beat. “I have thought about you every single day, dreamed about you.”

  “Dreamed about me?” He replied with a gasp and a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes.” She found herself saying. It was simple truth after all.

  His happiness at her words was so absolute that she could practically feel it through his body. Feel him tremble under her with excited exuberance.

  “You cannot imagine how it feels to hear you say that.” He whispered, his voice actually breaking up a bit. Is he crying? “A man can dream, it is his right to dream, but never would I have thought that the dream could come true.”

  He held her then with a tightness that seemed to say that he was afraid that she would float away or something. That the dream would fade before his very eyes. She twisted in his embrace enough that she could see his face. She tenderly wiped away his tears and then she kissed him. His lips, even the salt of his tears was the sweetest thing she ever tasted. He kissed her back passionately, hungrily. She ran her hands through his hair again, as she had done before and marveled once again at its silky softness. She gripped his strong shoulder, down his muscular arm. She grinded her body on his lap making him utter a soft moan. She knew he liked the way she moved her body on his and not because of the moan. She could feel his appreciation under her, his arousal and the knowledge that he wanted her sparked an inferno in her as well. His hand slipped under her blouse, gliding across her stomach and she lay back against his shoulder again and let him explore whatever he wished, emitting a few soft moans of her own. When the hand began moving south she put both of hers over it with a start just as it began to slip under her waistband. She held it there for a moment breathing hard but when it began to move further down once more she took her hands away, one gripping the arm of the recliner, the other on his sleekly muscled arm. When his hand found the place it sought, her eyes squeezed shut and her back arched as she opened her mouth and let out a sensual “Uh!” So loudly it seemed to echo.

  Desiree sat up with a start, the passionate sound she just made still heavy in her ears. She looked around in confusion for a moment before she realized where she was. She was still in the game room on the couch. She had fallen asleep! Everyone was watching her, some with unreadable faces but most in shock and her face grew hot. Then several people started laughing. She tried to bury her face in Anastacia’s shoulder but felt the telltale signs of shaking that said she was laughing as well.

  “I hope that you were dreaming about me.” She heard Eric whisper to her in her ear.

  Anastacia must have heard as well because she retorted in a chuckle, “In your dreams. She is way out of your league.”

  Desiree looked up at him in time to see him shrug as if unconcerned.

  “She is out of everyone's league,” He said as he got up to leave. He gave them both a wink and his signature grin. “Then again, so are you Stasha. And that never stopped me from trying before.”

  The girls watched him as he walked away, neither of them having the foggiest idea of how to respond to that. She was still aware of others looking her way, whispering to one another and snickering and she frowned.

  “Yeah, I think I am going to go get some rest.” She said to her friend. Anastacia nodded and rose as she did. Desiree noticed that all eyes followed them as they left.

  “Fantasy or remembrance?” Anastacia asked when they were walking through the halls.


  “Was the erotic dream you had something you were remembering or fantasizing about?” She clarified. “And don't try to tell me that was not an erotic dream. I could hear you moaning softly before that last outburst.” She looked off thoughtfully. “Must have been intense!”

  Desiree continued walking.

  “Well? Which was it?”

  “None of your business,” Desiree replied, her face growing hot again at the thought of sitting there in front of all those people moaning in her sleep.

  Anastacia laughed. “It has happened to us all at least once,” She said consolingly. “Once I had one right in the middle of my high school English class. Moaned so loud the teacher immediately excused me for a bathroom break without me even asking.”

  “Really?” Desiree asked in a scandalized tone.

  “Really,” Anastacia confirmed without a hint of shyness. “It was his fault though, my teacher’s. Looking all hot like that and wearing those tight pants. How is a girl supposed to concentrate on her studies with him smiling all the damn time?” She added in a lower voice as if talking to herself.

  Desiree laughed and shook her head.

  “I needed more help after class with him than with all my other classes in the 4 years of high school combined.” She shook her head frowning. “He never did see me for the amazing, beautiful woman that I am though.” She muttered sourly.

  “Well, I don't know about then but you certainly are now Stasha, amazing and beautiful.” She said encouragingly.

  “You and me both!” Anastacia said, raising her hand for a high five. Desiree grinned as she clapped her hand.

  “It was fantasy.” She admitted.

  “Was it Eric?” The shorter woman tried to guess. “He is certainly cute. Or was it Kennedy? He would definitely do whatever you wanted.” She stopped and waggled her eyebrows dramatically. “Whatever!” She added and laughed.

  Desiree laughed too, shaking her head in denial. “No, neither.”

  “Who then?” She asked, sounding completely at a loss. Then her face suddenly brightened. “Is it Meilin? Oh god it's Meilin isn't it? I see the way you two are always so close to each other. How you two are constantly looking around to see where the other is.” Her voice got lower suddenly but still nowhere near a whisper. “I don't blame you. I am not gay mind you but if she slid into my bed one night I wouldn't complain.”

  The mention of her sister brought thoughts of the feeding in the car, of what had happened, how it felt. Her face began growing hot all over again. She tried to school her expression, knowing how it must look but failed.

  “I knew it!” Anastacia exclaimed after watching her for a moment.

  “No, it wasn't her.” Desiree managed to say when she could finally rid herself of the memories. “No, seriously, it was not her.” She said again before her friend could protest. “Wait, do we really do that, what you said, stand close and all that?”

  Anastacia nodded. “Eric pointed it out to me that day we all went shopping. At first I thought he was just wishing on a star.” She said ruefully. “You know how guys are with that girl on girl stuff, but as I watched, I realized that he was right. You two were never apart for long, no matter what. You would always start searching for her or her you and sure enough, the two of you would be soon standing so close together that at least a part of you both were touching.”

  Well at least she does it too. It's not just me following her around like a lost puppy.<
br />
  “Look Stasha, don't tell anyone but I think we do that because we are bonded.”

  “Bonded? What does that mean, Bonded?” Anastacia asked.

  “Um. I don't really know actually.” She admitted and then proceeded to tell her of the few things she did know about it, leaving off the part in the car though.

  “I had no idea I was even doing it. It has to be the bond. It must be if we both do it.” She nodded to herself in satisfaction, feeling as if she had just figured out a small piece of the much larger puzzle. Unfortunately, that piece she filled in only made clearer the size and scope of the sections she had not yet put together.

  “I don’t get it. If not Meilin than who?” She asked in confusion.

  “It was Deidrich.” She finally admitted. She then told her friend what had happened the night they had met. All of it.

  “You better go after him,” Anastacia said, a bit too loudly for her comfort. “Get yo man girl!”

  Desiree rolled her eyes, something she realized she did a lot of around the spunky young woman. But her mention of Meilin and then the memories they kindled, made her think of something else.

  “Would you mind helping me with a project later?” She asked her friend.

  “Of course.” Came the quick reply. “Help with what?”

  “Something is up with the bond between us. Meilin wants me to help do some research on it with Deidrich in the libraries here. I have been given full access.” Her friend started to woo-hoo but she raised a hand to forestall her.

  “I also think it's about time I do some research of my own as well. It's time to find out exactly what the hell an Ablanq really is.”

  She slept so long that breakfast was already waiting on a tray beside her bed when she awoke, despite going to sleep at least 2 hours earlier than normal. Wow, I must have been more tired than I thought.

  She ate, managing to finish the entire meal this time before hopping in the shower and getting dressed. She chose the first outfit she saw, not really caring what she wore today just so long as it covered the essential parts. She had more important things to be about.


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