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Haunting Blackie: 8 (Cyborg Seduction)

Page 17

by Laurann Dohner

  “It’s over, Jazel. We only have one question left. Is what Parlis stated true? Did you abandon the canine units due to your trepidation that it would result in undesirable offspring?” Zorus arched an eyebrow, waiting.

  “Yes,” she admitted. “It was deemed a relevant issue. It was better to have stronger descendants with pure cyborg DNA than risk genetic anomalies.”

  “Some of our children are flawed!” Blackie yelled. “That’s why so many of them need medical attention after birth.”

  Eve crossed the room to stand in front him. He appeared ready to go after the female cyborg. Parlis slowly attempted to stand but his broken arm hung uselessly at his side.

  “We were incorrect.” Jazel lowered her gaze and her tone. “We didn’t realize the extent of our own damage due to our dependency on some of our implants. It wasn’t a foreseeable outcome at that time. I do regret my compliance. We failed to take emotions into account. I am saddened that so many canine units were murdered and accept partial responsibility.”

  Cyborgs suddenly rushed through the doors and took charge of the injured Parlis and surrounded Jazel. “Come with us,” one of them stated. “You’re under arrest.”

  “This isn’t over,” Parlis swore. “We did the correct thing. It was to protect our race. Someone had to make the hard decisions. That’s all we’re guilty of.”

  “It is over.” Zorus sighed. “You made a grave error and you will be punished for your actions. Goodbye, my old friend. I would wish you long life but we both know your days are numbered.”

  Eve watched them being removed from the room. “They’ll die?”

  Blackie pulled her into the circle of his arms. “Yes. I will volunteer to end their lives if I’m allowed.”

  “They are the reason only two of your line survived, Eve.” Zorus moved closer. “The council is aware of how adding that many women to our population could have benefited our race as a whole. They and I are not in agreement with Parlis that your canine genetics would have been detrimental to our gene pool. We mourn their loss.”

  Conflicting sentiments choked Blackie. It was over and Eve would be safe. But he’d lost a friend in Parlis, a hero, though his reputation had been built on lies. Only time would heal the wounds inflicted upon his soul, knowing his blind faith in the male had been misplaced and cost him decades with a woman who should have been at his side instead of struggling to survive on her own.

  Eve was his priority now. “Do you wish to speak to the council or go to our home?”


  He turned his head, staring at Zorus. “She is owed a few things.”

  “Name them. The council is still linked with me.” He pointed to the top of a pillar. “They can see us.”

  “We want a new home outside the council building. I’m certain you understand this request.”

  Zorus paused, probably discussing it silently with the other members. He nodded. “I remembered that request. Arrangements have been made.”

  He stared at Zorus. “We’d also like to join in a family unit of only two. She is not to be considered a cyborg woman. Canine units mate for life with one male. To join her to other males would be psychologically traumatic. It’s how they were created.”

  Zorus frowned.

  “It isn’t up for debate. They were designed to be completely loyal to one mate. She holds no interest in other men.”

  Zorus lowered his head to study Eve.

  “I’ll kill anyone besides Blackie if they are dumb enough to climb into my bed. It isn’t happening.” Her voice deepened and her canines elongated to show off her teeth.

  A sense of pride filled Blackie when he watched the council member stumble back a step, surprised and wary of his mate. “We’re mated, Zorus. The canine units need absolute monogamy.”

  Zorus remained quiet for too long.

  “We owe her and her surviving littermate,” Blackie argued.

  The council member held his gaze and gave a sharp nod. “Agreed. They are just curious about her and wish to ask questions.”

  “What do they want to know?” Eve jutted her chin out, a sign of stubbornness Blackie found endearing.

  “Would you follow me? They’d like to see you in person.”

  “We’re fine here,” Blackie protested. “She doesn’t need to feel overwhelmed. Ask their questions.”

  “Is she anatomically human?”

  “For the most part,” Eve answered. “If you’re talking sexual parts, yes. Strip me naked, which you’d better not consider really doing because I’d fight that since I’m not into show-and-tell, and I look completely human. I don’t have a tail or anything. I have the cool sliding teeth and fingernails.” She lifted a hand and peered up at the camera. “See?” She extended her fingernails, turning them so it was clear how long they were. “I can also deepen my voice. My larynx isn’t limited to human sounds. I’m also stronger than most Earthers and I don’t age the way they do. My line was created just weeks after cyborgs were. I’m the first in my line.”

  “I asked Jazel if you could have children to establish they were already aware of that fact. Do your units have single births or multiples?”

  Eve hesitated and turned her head to stare up at Blackie. “Um, I thought we’d discuss this part in private but the two of my line who had children when we were still on Earth had more than one. Barbra had three at once and Debbie had two.”

  Blackie was stunned. He hadn’t considered that canines tended to have litters instead of just one child.

  “You okay, Handsome?” She bit her lower lip, peering up at him with concern.

  “Yes.” He’d adjust to the information.

  “The council will agree to a family unit of only two if you agree not to limit the amount of children you have.”

  “What does that mean?” Blackie didn’t enjoy the implications.

  Zorus didn’t look pleased but he represented the council. “Your woman and her sister are unique.”

  Eve growled. “You want to turn me into a breeder, in other words. Just expect my sister and me to…what? Drop a litter every year?”

  “Could both of you do that?” Zorus appeared interested. “Your race was created female. Were they able to create male offspring?”

  “We could probably have children that fast but we won’t.” Eve flashed her fangs. “I’m sure it is possible but I’m not going to allow you to turn me in to some kind of baby machine and neither is Danica. Only two of our line had children before they were executed. They delivered at full term just after twelve weeks of gestation since we heal so fast and our engineered genetics seemed to accelerate the pregnancies. I remember what happened to them when it was discovered they were pregnant. Both were taken away by security and locked up so they could test the shit out of them. Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “Were the offspring all female?” Zorus wasn’t ready to let it go.

  “Yes.” She frowned. “But there were only two pregnancies in our line so don’t just assume for a fact that we can only have girls. The fathers of those babies might have had something to do with their sex if it wasn’t by genetic design.”

  Blackie reeled from that information, imagining Eve able to bear him numerous children in a short span of time. It also alarmed him a bit if she was only able to birth females. He took an aggressive step forward and glowered at the camera.

  “Enough,” he demanded. “She and her littermate paid the ultimate price for what they did for cyborgs. You are not going to ask or expect them to replenish our population with females. The number of children we have and the timing will be decided between her and me. That is not negotiable.”

  Zorus glanced at the camera and seemed to be listening.

  “What are they saying?” Eve peered up at Blackie.

  “I don’t know. I’m not linked into their conversation.” He wished he were.

  “I wanted to tell you about the pregnancies privately but it never came up. Are you freaked out?”

  He turned h
er so they had direct eye contact. “I am not freaked out, if that means what I think it does. It is a surprise but I already decided I wanted to have children with you. I just didn’t expect to have more than one at a time.”

  “It might have just been a fluke.”

  He arched his eyebrows, not believing that.

  “Yeah.” She dropped her gaze to his shirt. “That’s what Cameron and his team came up with too. They encouraged more of us to hook up with some of the guards, hoping to do more research. Of course, that never happened.” She looked up with tears in her eyes. “Those babies were just weeks old when we tried to escape with you. The mothers had them ten days apart. Cameron said he had them killed along with their mothers.”

  He hated to see her anguish.

  “It was my fault. I was the one who talked everyone into helping cyborgs. Some of them were afraid. Our lives were shit but as long as we played by the rules, we would have survived. They listened to me, though, because it was the right thing to do.”

  Blackie wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. He glared at Zorus over the top of her head. The male’s sympathetic expression assured him he’d overheard their exchange of words when they studied each other.

  “Your line lost their lives to save us. I’m so sorry, Eve. I know there’s no way to make it up to you or them but we will try.”

  Zorus nodded. “Agreed.”

  Eve tensed and pulled out of his arms. She wiped at her eyes before she turned around to face the camera and the council member in the room with them. “My ovaries are my business and that of my mate. The same goes for my sister. Am I clear?”

  “Perfectly.” Zorus inclined his head.

  Blackie assumed the council would agree to almost any terms at that moment. “I want to be removed from my breeding pact immediately.”

  “What is that?” Eve glanced up at him.

  Blackie opened his mouth but no words came out. There was no explanation she would like.

  “Not all cyborgs are able to breed,” Zorus answered. “I am a prime example of that. I had viable sperm when I was created. One of the doctors used me to discover whether we were capable of having children. Then he decided to sterilize me.”

  Eve appeared horrified. “I’m sorry.”

  “It is done. I’m not the only male unable to produce offspring. We place those men on a list with others who have healthy, productive sperm. It’s termed a ‘breeding pact’. It gives women access the men who have active sperm if someone in her family unit is unable to provide children. It’s our duty to safeguard the future of our race by providing at least one child per person.”

  Eve paled. “You mean another woman could ask for my mate’s sperm and he’s supposed to just hand it over in a cup so she can have his babies? Hell no.”

  Blackie had known she wouldn’t react well. “That’s why I want out of mine.”

  Zorus smiled. “We don’t have a good success rate with artificial insemination. The woman would borrow your male for intercourse.”

  “Fuck that!” Eve’s temper exploded. “Take him out of the breeding pact. If any bitch tries to lay a finger on him, I’ll bite it off. He’s mine!”

  It seemed to infuriate her more when the council member had the audacity to look amused. Blackie wanted to punch Zorus.

  “I’ll kill her. Blackie is my mate.” She growled, showing teeth.

  “Fascinating,” Zorus mused.

  “Zorus,” Blackie warned. “Enough. I know you’re purposely being obtuse just to witness her reactions. Remove me from the breeding pact. The number of children we have is a personal matter between Eve and me. I do understand why you wish us to have more than what is required to safeguard Eve and Danica’s line for a future generation but now isn’t the time to discuss this. She’s been through enough.”

  “Agreed.” Zorus stepped back. “A team was sent to secure your belongings and move them to your new home. Krell will escort you both there and give you a short walking tour of the city for Eve’s benefit while they stock it with food. The council requests you both return tomorrow for an appointment with them.” He stared at Eve. “We would also like to meet your sister.”

  “I’ll inform Gene and he will bring her.” Blackie paused. “I would like our family unit to be officially granted.”

  “We’ll take care of that in my office tomorrow morning right after the council sees them. It won’t be a problem. Do you wish a ceremony?”

  “Uncertain.” Blackie looked down at Eve and smiled. “We’ll discuss it tonight.”

  The doors slid open and Krell entered. “This way.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Eve decided the city was one of the cleanest she’d ever toured. The curious stares of cyborgs didn’t frighten her as she grinned widely at anyone who took an interest in her. She’d helped free some of them and a sense of pride at her accomplishments arose. The bitterness caused by Freedom and his betrayal to her canine line wasn’t going to ruin the rest of her life. Her future was with her mate on Garden.

  “You know Danica is going to howl when she wakes up on Gene’s ship. I almost feel sorry for him.”

  Blackie’s deep chuckle drew her attention as she glanced up at him. “I think he can handle her.”

  “I don’t know. She bites and doesn’t fight fair. We might want to cut this short and send a vid to him. He can play it for her so she can actually see me when she comes around, otherwise she’s going to assume the worst. My guess is she’ll think he kidnapped her to have his wild way.” She grinned. “Not that I think it would be a bad thing if he did. I believe she likes him more than she’s willing to admit. It might take that kind of wake-up call to get her to admit it to him.”

  Blackie didn’t look amused as he turned his gaze on the other cyborg. “Krell? Do you think they’ve had time to prepare our new quarters?”

  The tall, broad-shouldered cyborg shrugged. “We could go find out. I want to get home to Cyan.”

  “She’s due to have the child soon, isn’t she?”


  “Thank you for everything you’ve done.” Eve grinned at him when he glanced back at her.

  “Threat assessment is my job. I do it best if I’m present to calculate every move the enemy could make, to counteract it. Zorus requested that I be there.”

  They entered one of the buildings and rode the elevator to the top floor. The doors opened once Blackie placed his hand on the panel and Eve guessed he sent signals through it to prove his identity.

  Cyborgs met them inside. One of them didn’t appear too happy when he faced off against Blackie. He was tall, with silver-blue eyes and his hair was a glossy, silvery color. “Your belongings have been transferred, food has been delivered and a clothing coordinator will arrive within the hour to measure the woman for outfitting.”

  “Thank you for all your assistance, Steel.”

  The tense way her mate spoke stiffened Eve’s spine. She was instantly alert for trouble.

  “I followed orders. Rena was glad to return to Garden, tired of space. We’ll be here for a few weeks.” He paused. “We were assigned a floor below you.”

  Eve searched her memories for every reference she’d heard about Steel. “You are married to a human.” She released Blackie and offered her hand. “I’m Eve. Blackie and I mated. I’m a canine unit. That’s, um, human with canine genetics added. Thank you for the save on the Bridden.”

  Blackie tensed at her side but didn’t stop her from being polite to the tall cyborg. Steel’s clasp was gentle and his skin was warm when they quickly shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you, Eve. I was brought up to speed on what was going on when my ship was ordered to escort your shuttle here. Welcome to Garden.”

  Some of the cyborgs went to the lift where Krell waited to leave and Eve decided to give her mate a few moments alone with the commander. “Thanks. What a view!” She darted toward the big windows, staring out at the city and the wall that enclosed it. Beyond that, in the distance, sh
e saw endless ocean.

  The silence was acute and she winced. She’d hoped her stepping away would be hint enough for her mate to take an opportunity to speak privately to Steel.

  “Thank you for overseeing the preparation of our home.” Blackie paused.

  “I didn’t. This used to be the quarters Rena and I shared. She’d forgotten a few things and I had them sent downstairs.”

  “Understood.” Blackie cleared his throat. “I want to apologize to you, Steel.”

  Eve grinned, resisting doing an air fist pump in case they could see her out of the corner of their vision. It was an important step for Blackie to deal with his past issues.

  “For what? It isn’t protocol to give a top-level space to someone of your standing but the woman merits special privileges. Rena actually prefers the lower floor with the balcony. She enjoys sitting in the fresh air after being on the Vontage for long spans of time. This living space wasn’t assigned to me permanently. Zorus informed me it was being held for another couple when we arrived.”

  Come on, baby. You can do it, Eve urged her mate.

  “I deeply regret the way I treated your woman. I believed Rena was a threat and had somehow influenced your judgment. I didn’t understand that she inspired deep emotions from you.”

  Eve hoped the silver-haired cyborg would accept the apology. It didn’t take long.

  “I see.”

  Her shoulders sagged a little and part of her heart broke for her mate. It wasn’t the response she’d hoped for and was sure Blackie felt the same way.

  “I was completely loyal to the council and believed their assessment that she was a danger to us. I’ve since learned my error and realize how angry you must feel regarding my words and actions. I regret them. You have my deepest apologies and I would like to state my error to your mate as well.”

  The seconds ticked by, urging Eve to get involved and she spun, studying the men as they regarded each other. Steel didn’t look ready to throw any punches but he also didn’t exactly appear convinced.


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