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A Face in the Crowd

Page 6

by Christina Kirby

  “I know, but I’m going to miss the hell out of you.”

  She tried to reassure her bestie with a smile. “Me, too, but I’ll be fine and so will you. Plus, you deserve this.”

  “Just think, if I screw it up, I may be back here before you even realize I was gone,” Simone said it with a half grin, but there were nerves under the humor.

  “That’s not going to happen. You’re way too talented a writer for that. We always knew this day would come.”

  “Hoped, you mean.”

  “No, knew. I knew this would happen and I’m glad it finally has.” Lexie wiped her greasy fingers on a napkin. “Plus, this way you can move out to L.A. and meet some really hot actor and make pretty babies. Make sure to save Johnny Depp for me, though.”

  “Of course,” Simone agreed with mock seriousness, complete with a crease between her eyes. Damn, she was going to miss her.

  “Hey, Lexie,” a male voice said from above her. “You were right. This is a cool place.”

  Simone glanced up with her food halfway to her mouth and froze, eyes wide.

  “Hi Leo, I’m glad you approve. This is my friend Simone.”

  “What’s up?” Leo smiled at Simone, but she didn’t say anything in return. She just kept staring, unblinking, her jaw practically hanging open.

  Lexie gave her a light kick under the table causing Simone to spring back to life. “Hey.”

  “I almost didn’t recognize you in normal clothes.” Leo gestured to someone in the direction of the pool tables.

  Lexie craned her neck to try to see who, but couldn’t spot anyone she recognized. “Are the rest of the guys with you?”

  “Yeah, they’re finishing up a game.”

  A strange sound escaped from Simone’s throat. Something between a sigh and a dying cat. Lexie did her best to ignore her as she checked her own teeth in the back of a spoon.

  “Here they come now. Do you guys care if we sit?”

  “No.” Lexie managed after she slammed the spoon back onto the table. “The more the merrier.”

  Leo pulled up a chair beside her at the same time David and Oliver sauntered up to the table. More introductions were made and when David looked at Simone, her color deepened to fuchsia. Lexie had to stifle a giggle. It was pretty overwhelming, she had to admit.

  “So, what are you ladies out doing tonight?” David settled himself next Simone and stretched out the same way he had in the hospital. The man was comfortable no matter where he was.

  “We’re celebrating actually. Simone got a new job.” Three heads swiveled in her direction. “And, she’s moving to L.A.”

  “What’s the job?” David looked genuinely interested.

  “I’m going to be a staff writer on a new show that’s in development. I’m moving out to L.A. at the end of the month.”

  “You’re going to love L.A.” Leo then proceeded to tell her all about her future home.

  While they chatted, Lexie dared a glance at Oliver. The snug white T-shirt he wore was enough to make her mouth dry, but tonight he also had his hair pulled back in a messy bun. The change made his eyes stand out. Eyes which locked on hers.

  She jerked her gaze away from him and stood before she could start fantasizing about kissing him again. “I think the music’s about to start downstairs.”

  Oliver stood. “Mind if we hang with you guys for a while?”

  “No,” Simone cut in, “that’d be great.”

  As Lexie started for the stairs hyperaware Oliver was to her right, her palms started to sweat. Outside the hospital was different. She was no longer on her turf and she didn’t know how to deal with Oliver or how to act around him. If it were anyone else, even the other guys, but with him . . .

  “Do you want a beer or something?” Oliver touched her arm and sent a thousand bursts of energy loose underneath her skin.

  “A vodka cranberry would be great, thanks.”

  He turned and headed for the bar and she exhaled. Simone and Leo were chatting animatedly again as they waited for the local guy with the guitar to start. She wished like hell she could be as at ease with new people as Simone could.

  “How’s Bailey doing?” David had silently come up beside her, his eyes trained on Oliver’s back. “He’s going to pull through this, right?”

  Lexie nodded, understanding why he didn’t want to ask in front of Oliver. “The odds are in his favor.”

  David’s gaze moved from her to the stage. “You know, I remember when we first started playing. We took gigs at college parties and in little bars like this. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had.”

  “You don’t like the big arenas and shows that you do now?”

  “I do, but it’s different. Back before all the crazy, we used to come out and jam. Just play and fly by the seat of our pants, you know?” He turned sideways and leaned on the bar, eyes wide with excitement. “The audience was close enough to touch and they genuinely cared about the music. Now there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors and the stages are so big you feel really far away from the fans, almost disengaged.”

  “That sounds disappointing.”

  “In some ways it is, but then again we get to travel overseas and play for our fans all over the world and that’s pretty cool.”

  “I guess you just have to find the best part of each stage of your career. If you’ll pardon the pun.”

  He let out a little laugh. “I guess so.” David nodded toward the table where Simone and Leo were talking. “Simone seems great. You’re going to miss her.”

  “I am. We’ve known each other a long time, but she’ll do well in L.A. It’s time for her to go out and live her dream.”

  “You could always go with her and try something new. There are hospitals everywhere.”

  “There are, but my life is here. And, this is her time. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.” He nodded, but didn’t share his thoughts with her.

  “Here you go, Lexie,” Oliver handed her a drink. “So, what are you two talking about?”

  “How we used to play in places like this.”

  “Seems like a million years ago,” Oliver’s expression grew reminiscent. “Do you remember when that girl jumped from the railing over the security guards, ran across the stage, and then dove over the drums to get a shot at Leo?”

  “That, my friend, was a crazy night,” David took a sip of his beer and grinned.

  He shook his head, “Epic.”

  “Don’t you guys have to worry about being recognized when you go out like this?”

  “It’s not as bad here in Atlanta. No one expects to see us, so they don’t,” he shrugged. “Plus, without Bailey’s crazy ass with us we seem to blend in a little easier.”

  At the mention of Bailey the mood shifted. The guys were putting forth a good face at the hospital, but now that they weren’t in front of Bailey, their worry showed.

  “Hey,” she laid a hand on Oliver’s arm and gave a light squeeze. “He’ll be okay. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Oliver searched her eyes and swallowed, the motion of his Adam’s apple momentarily pulling her attention from his face to his neck. “Yeah, he will.”

  Her eyes darted back to his at the emotion reflected in his voice. They held gazes, oblivious to those around them. It was happening again. The strange connection she’d felt in the parking deck, one she’d never shared with anyone else. And, just like before, it terrified her. Oliver was not the sort of man a girl, like herself, fell for. He was temporary. He was out of her league. He was . . .

  The first chord sounded from the stage. Lexie withdrew her hand from Oliver’s arm as though caught doing something wrong, but before she moved very far he grabbed it and wove his fingers through hers.

  “I’m glad you’re here.�

  It was her turn to swallow.

  She stared unbelieving at their interwoven fingers, his large hand protective around hers. This couldn’t be happening, and yet, it was. She could feel him as sure as she could feel the sun on her face. Warm and welcome. She met his eyes and dared to whisper, “Me, too.”

  The night ended well into the early morning hours and she wondered if the bar hadn’t closed, if it would’ve gone on longer. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve been tired, but not tonight. Her mind was as restless as her body.

  “Not a bad way to celebrate,” Simone flopped onto the couch in Lexie’s apartment. “I can’t believe we’d just hung out with Survival of the Fittest. Mark this down as the coolest night of my life.”

  Lexie’s mind remained on Oliver and the way she’d felt sitting beside him, his laughter, and his hidden worry. She wondered where he was now. Had he gone up to the hospital to sleep? Returned to his Atlanta friend’s home? For some reason, hanging out with his friends had made her like him more. Maybe it was because they made him seem more real. Not just a singer or celebrity, but a real person with friends and a life. A real life. One other than what she saw on the covers of tabloids in the supermarket.

  “Earth to Lexie, did you hear me over there?”

  “Sorry.” She stopped rubbing her calf where it was propped up on the coffee table. “My mind wandered.”

  “What are you thinking about over there? Oliver perhaps?” Simone flipped onto her stomach, smirking at Lexie from a better vantage point. “He seemed pretty cool, and I saw you guys talking.”

  “He’s great, but we were talking about Bailey. He’s worried about him.”

  “I don’t doubt it, but during all of the professional talk at what point did he take your hand?”

  Lexie fell back against the cushions. Here we go.

  “I’m not blind, you know.”

  “I know you’re not and the truth is, I don’t know why he took my hand.”

  Simone made a disbelieving noise. “Please. I know why. You’re hot. You’re single. He’s a man. I was just wondering what you thought about it.”

  “I’m trying not to overthink it. And besides, he’s Oliver Honeycutt. In a couple of months, he’ll be gone.” She stood. “It was a fun night. We’ll just leave it at that.”

  “Whatever you say.” Simone let the subject drop and rolled to her side. “Hey, do you care if I just crash on your couch? I’m too tired to drive home.”

  “I’ll grab you some PJ’s.” Lexie returned to the living room and held out a T-shirt reflecting another concert they’d attended together and a pair of shorts with pink stripes.

  Simone outstretched a hand and yawned. “Thanks for a fun night, bestie.”


  Lexie crawled into bed, her body like Jell-O as she stared at her ceiling waiting for the sweet pull of sleep, but her mind wouldn’t turn off. Though she’d washed her face and hands, she would swear she still felt tingles where Oliver’s hand had been. Huffing out a sigh at her own foolishness, she rolled to her side and forced her eyes closed, but Oliver’s face was there. With it came a sense of longing, to see him again, to touch him. This was one schoolgirl crush that was going to end badly.

  The rest of her time off passed too quickly, as usual, but instead of being filled with a sense of dread about going back to work she found herself strangely anxious. She didn’t have to wonder why, either. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Oliver. Of course, hanging out with him and his friends hadn’t helped.

  She went through her usual routine and found herself smiling when she looked up at the board and found her name across from Honeycutt. Bailey’s chemo régime was in full swing and thanks to the charge nurse, she’d be able to check on him without having to make excuses. And, if she happened to run into Oliver . . .

  When there was no answer after she knocked, she entered the room and found him asleep, but not alone. As she wrote on the marker board, she studied the lady resting in the chair by his bed out of the corner of her eye. She had to be his mother. They had the same mouth and skin tone. She must’ve sensed Lexie’s presence because her eyes fluttered open.

  “Hi, I must have dosed off,” she stood with posture a queen would envy, and straightened her blouse. “I’m Cathy, Bailey’s mom.”

  “I’m Lexie.” She moved to Bailey’s side mentally noting has pale skin. “How’s he doing this morning?”

  “As well as can be expected. Must you wake him?” His mother sounded annoyed.

  “I need to check his vitals, but I’ll be as gentle as possible. Maybe he can squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep before I get back with his meds.” As she went through her routine, she could feel Cathy’s eyes on her. She normally didn’t get nervous around family members, but for some reason Bailey’s mother put her on edge.

  He didn’t stir as she checked him over and he had dark circles under his eyes, but exhaustion aside, he looked good. She smiled at Cathy, pleased. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She left the room as quietly as possible hoping Cathy hadn’t noticed her nerves, but considering the hawk-like observation she’d possessed, Lexie doubted that was possible.

  After visiting her other two patients she went back out to her medicine cart and got everything in order. To give Bailey a few more minutes, she gave her other patients their morning meds first. They were both already awake anyway. She wouldn’t admit to herself she was stalling going back in the room with Cathy. She used to consider herself tough, but today she would much rather take the flight approach.

  Out of stall tactics, Lexie stopped her cart in front of Bailey’s door and proceeded inside.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite nurse. Hey there, Se . . . Lexie.” Bailey’s gaze cut to his mother when he omitted her nickname. It seemed Lexie wasn’t the only one who she could intimidate. “How was your time off?” His face was soft from sleep and his eyes a bit puffy, but he was his usual outgoing self.

  “Good, thanks. How are you?”

  “Doing okay, have you met my mom?”

  “We met few minutes ago,” Cathy dismissed her son’s attempt at friendliness and turned her disapproving stare on Lexie. “What’s going on with my son’s treatment today?”

  “Today is hopefully going to be an easy day, but we do need to take some blood.”

  “There are no easy days, young lady.” His mother stood by him like a she-wolf, protecting her cub.

  “Yes, ma’am. You’re right. I just meant as far as treatment goes, it’s not a busy day. It could be much worse.”

  “Mom,” Bailey turned his boyish face up toward where his mother was hovering beside him, “I’m really hungry. Would you mind running down to the cafeteria and seeing if there’s anything to eat?”

  She eyed Lexie one more time, rubbed a hand over her son’s hair, and picked up her bag before leaving.

  “Sorry about that. My mom is intense.”

  Lexie nodded. “I noticed.”

  “She was our manager when the band first took off. As you can imagine she didn’t take any crap from anyone. She makes a good manager, but sometimes she doesn’t know when to relax.”

  “Name and date of birth,” Lexie asked as she handed him his first medicine and a cup of water. He took the liberty of singing his name and date of birth back to her as though singing in honky-tonk bar somewhere.

  “Good one.” She smiled at him, finally able to relax. “It’s good to have someone on your side. I was wondering when your family might show up.”

  “Yeah, she was in Europe when I called her and then she went out to L.A. to tie up a few loose ends for me.”

  She handed him his next pills. “Sounds to me like she’s a good mom.” She thought of her own mother and their strained relationship. Would she bother to fly all over th
e country to help her? Maybe if she could fit it in between marriages.

  He shrugged and smiled as he swallowed. “She’s all I know. So, I heard you ran into the guys the other night.”

  Lexie collided with the chair Cathy had previously occupied. “You did? I mean, yeah we did.”

  “They said they checked out one of the bars you recommended and it was pretty cool.”

  Lexie ignored her throbbing shin and held back from asking what else Oliver had said. It wasn’t like his brother was about to tell her that Oliver had said he was in love with her and couldn’t wait to tear her clothes off.

  “It was strange seeing them out in a normal setting. We’re not used to celebrity sightings.”

  “They said they met one of your friends, Simone, I think.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. We were out celebrating.”

  “I can honestly say I don’t know anyone by that name and I know a lot of people.”

  “Her mom was a big Nina Simone fan.”


  Lexie refilled Bailey’s pitcher of water and poured him a new cup. “The guys were a lot of fun. I’m sorry you couldn’t be there, too.”

  “Next time,” Bailey winked.

  “Definitely.” She smiled, relived he didn’t seem bummed about missing a night out. She handed him his final pain med. “Okay, I’ll be back in later. Take it easy.”

  As she turned around, big hands caught her shoulders. “Morning, Miss Lexie.”

  Her face burned at the sudden appearance of Oliver. When she finally managed a pathetic ‘Hi’, she started for the door again and ran into Cathy.

  Orange juice splashed on the coral blouse she wore and Oliver stepped around Lexie to take the tray from his mother.

  “I’m so sorry.” Mortified beyond belief, Lexie rushed to the sink to retrieve a damp paper towel.


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