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Page 3

by J H Cardwell

  “Yeah, sorry Brett. I’ve been busy. You know, work and all.” Totally a lie. I just didn’t want to hear about his plans with Celeste. Brett narrowed his eyes at me, and leaned in closer to whisper in my ear.

  “God, Chloe, you look hot,” then he leaned in closer nearly touching my ear with his lips. What’s really going on with you? We need to talk.” He gently squeezed my arm letting me know he meant it. “I miss you, and there are things we need to talk about.”

  I waved my hand in the air, leaning back to get some space from him. “Yeah, you look like you miss me.” Uhhh, why do I do this? I saw the immediate flare of his pupils. I know I confuse him. I want him to be happy, I do, but just not with someone like Celeste, you know the type, bred directly from the image of a perfect, smart girl, from a rich family, straight from a magazine. The girl who was now trying to physically pull him away with a scowl on her face.

  Brett, never taking his concerned eyes from mine said, “later Chloe. We will talk later!” He was hollering over the music now. Celeste looked like she wanted to cut me…slowly. Great. Now my fun night was ruined.

  “Chloe, what the hell girl!” I thought you broke up with him. Why are you hating on him? Did he do something bad to you? Is that why you broke it off with Brett? I always thought you and he had fun together!” She was still having to be loud over the music. I blew out an exasperated breath. I just…I don’t know how to explain it to anyone. He’s one of my best guy friends. I don’t have many…actually I don’t have any. Other than my brother, Brett is the only guy I’ve ever let into my heart at all; partly, because he was dangerously bad for a while. Then he started to grow up on me. He became an amazing friend and he’s here for me - always. Shit! The realization that I could let a guy penetrate my defensive walls was not good!

  “Yeah well, I’m not mad with Brett. He needs to find a girl, just not someone like her!” I hollered. I couldn’t tell her what really happened. How Brett decided we needed to be exclusive and how he told me he loved me. I couldn’t tell her that. I would look like the ultimate, weirdo bitch. But, I didn’t…I couldn’t love Brett that way. Not anyone for that matter.

  I kept trying to stuff my way through the crowd to the bathroom when I felt my phone vibrate again. Crap, I forgot to check it earlier. Lighting my screen up, I saw a couple of texts and Instagram alerts. The first picture was a picstitch from Maura. It was a picture of a smiling Reese and Tate, in one box, then Maura and Harrison, then Elle and Finn, then of course I was in the fourth box. You guessed it! All by my lonesome making fish lips at the camera. I think it was pictures from Reese and Tate’s wedding. The caption said. “Found these pictures of my besties…love and miss you all.” Great! Now all of Maura’s five hundred plus followers either think I’m too messed up to keep a man, or they’re going to be all whiney and feel sorry for me. Why did life have to be so frustrating?! I need another drink.

  “Earth to Chloe! Hello!” Mel had dropped her face to mine trying to get my attention. “Where did you just skip out to?” She yelled close to my ear. “I mean you’re here…standing here anyway, but your mind is miles away!”

  I shook the thoughts. “Nah girl, I’m good. Let’s grab a table this time if we can find one and chill with another drink.” I said loudly. She eyed me with question, but followed me to a table where two girls we knew were getting up to dance. After agreeing to hold the table for them, we sat down. Within seconds we had drinks on the table. I looked over at the bartender and he nodded his head in the direction of the end of the bar. I nearly choked on my own gasp. John.

  Chapter 6

  Oh my God. John was standing there in all his glory with his hands in his pockets. What in the hell? After a minute of shock, I took the drink, turned it up and downed it. I could feel Mel watching me. John’s face paled, then a smirk hit the corner of his mouth as he started shaking his head. I noticed he looked at his phone and quickly put it to his ear. Then, he walked out, probably so he could hear whoever it was over the noise. I hadn’t seen John in a while now. He was most likely just here looking for Brett. Who knows? Within a few minutes we had two more drinks on our table. Mel was chatting it up with the girls who had returned from the dance floor. When I glanced at my friendly bartender this time, he pointed to two guys sitting at the bar. They were older, probably businessmen around thirty, and handsome, yes, very handsome. Probably married. But hey, a drink’s a drink, and free at that. I knew I wouldn’t be going home with any of them, no matter how much they might suck at being faithful.

  I wasn’t sure I should be drinking this one though. I didn’t eat much dinner, and my head was starting to swim. Mel was getting pretty lit and a lot loud though. She dared me to down this one with her.

  In true Chloe fashion, of course, I did it.

  Within a few minutes I was a lot off balance both physically and mentally. We all took off for the dance floor again and tore it up to a couple of fast songs. I needed water and pretzels to stave off the impending drunkenness that was creeping up on me. Only, when I got back to the table, I not only found water, but the waitress bringing two more vodka martinis. When I looked up at Mick, he nodded to the same few guys who were now walking our way. Shit! I looked at Mel who was already sipping on hers. She motioned for me to take mine, so I did. I was trying to think of an excuse in my foggy brain of getting out of talking with them; when I saw one of the girls from my building climbing up on to the bar. I know, hindsight is 20/20 and all of that, but, I did it. I pushed my way through the crowd over to her and let her pull me up on the bar to dance.

  Now, I had done this one other time in my college career, but I was completely sober at a birthday party for one of my dorm mates then. Believe it or not, I had been the DD that night. I had just climbed up on a barstool to find the girls I was taking home, when I got pulled up on the bar to dance. Tonight was a dumb, stupid, need I say idiotic, and all voluntary move. I was too tipsy to walk straight on the ground, much less stay upright in heels on a bar!! Ahhh, you guessed it, I did it anyway.

  There were cat calls all around. I was shaking it, as well as I can imagine in my stupor. I wasn’t looking directly at anyone. I couldn’t if I wanted to, for lack of clear vision. Halfway through the song, my heel rolled sideways, my hands flew up over my head, and I didn’t just tumble, but I flew into the air.

  Thank God, strong arms, and a warm chest caught me mid fall.

  I covered my face with my hands not wanting to see who had helped me out of my most embarrassing moment, until I absolutely had too. I could feel warm breath on the top of my head. I started to wiggle to get out of the stranger’s hold. Then I heard it. The familiar, yet strained, voice. “Stop moving around Chloe. I’m trying to get you to the hall, you crazy girl!”

  John. I thought he had left. Of course, he was saving the day, yet again.

  “Put me down, John! Now!” I was moving around harder trying to get out of his tight grasp.

  “Hold on a minute, Chloe, Errr! I’m trying to get you out of this stampede! I don’t know why I come to these places! These crowds drive me crazy!” John was hollering towards my face. I was trying to see what was really going on with him. I stared a beat too long into his blue eyes and suddenly all of my emotions came rushing back.

  I slapped John, hard….

  Of course he dropped me immediately. His hand flew to his face where my hand had just burned him. He was breathing heavy. Hell, he probably wanted to hit me back. I would have. Through clenched teeth he said “You got it Chloe. I’ll put you down princess.” Oh yeah, he was mad. My chest was heaving in quick motions from the adrenaline; but my head was still too dizzy to talk sensibly. I couldn’t tell if John was shocked or pissed, but I didn’t care. Turning around with a jerk, I stormed off towards the bathroom. I yelled out, “I don’t need your help John Rider!” Although, the truth was I needed someone’s help. Yep, I was fixing to pass out…literally.

  As I stormed into the bathroom ready to heave in a toilet, the last thing I remember
was the top of my body falling in slow motion towards the porcelain throne.


  The light was blinding. I was determined to keep my eyes shut, to filter out as much brightness as I could. My brain, fuzzy and pounding, was clicking away in total confusion. As thoughts came to the surface, I realized I was laying on something smooth and soft. Feeling around with my fingertips, I felt a rich, cool fabric. Yep, soft and luxurious…oh my God, where was I!? My heart-rate picked up and my breathing became erratic. I jumped up in a prone position, my eyes flying open. Wincing at the pain and dizziness; my eyes slowly focused on an ornate four poster bed, in an enormous…

  Bedroom! Where was I!?

  I felt the blood slowly leave from my head; and I could feel myself falling back down on the bed, just as I caught movement from the direction of the door. I hastily patted myself down to make sure I was, in fact, fully dressed.

  “Hey hot head. I was just coming to check and see if you were awake yet.” That voice…

  “Uhhh,” I let out a long breath. “As you can see, I’m awake.” My voice was throaty and barely recognizable, even to my own ears. My hand quickly flew to my head. The pain was like nothing I had experienced before. Then grazing my fingers over something sticky on my head; my hand withdrew sharply, back to my lap, as I let out a loud gasp.

  “Hey, take it easy,” he said sitting near me on the bed. “You took a nasty fall, and now you’re sure as hell going to pay for it today.” I snuck a peek at John out of the corner of my eye. “I’ll fill you in shortly. Let’s just say six stitches later, confirmation of a pretty intense concussion, and you were finally released to my custody around 3am this morning.”

  “YOUR CUSTODY!” I made myself jump. My voice started out strong, with some necessary gusto, but quickly died off. I couldn’t stand to hear myself. Each syllable caused my head to split more.

  “Here, take these so you can start to drown that nasty headache.” John handed me some white pills and a glass of water. “A couple of pain pills and a little bit of time, and I’ll explain everything. For now, just know, I have my assistant downstairs, available for anything medical you may need.” I got ready to swallow the pills, but paused and glanced at him with a questionable look.

  “What? You really don’t trust me do you? I promise, they’re pain pills only.” He started to leave then slowly paused, “and Chloe…” He turned around with a full on stare, freezing me on the spot, “nothing happened.” His eyes darted back and forth between me and the bed.

  I lifted my eyes to his, although my eyelids were mostly closed.

  Somehow I croaked out, “Uh, what?”

  John laughed, and shook his head slightly. “I said get some rest. I’ll be back in a little while.” I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Then, I felt John stop in front of me. Air swooshed around me. Keeping my eyes closed - I couldn’t see him, but I could feel him staring. “I know you still don’t like me much Chloe, but I couldn’t just leave you. I intend to help you out of this, then you can go back to hating me.”

  I threw my arm up over my head, as I let out a long, frustrating groan. Seconds later, John’s laugh was lingering as he walked back out the door.

  Where was Maura when I needed her? And Mel? Did she get a ride home? Did she stay with me at the club? Why do I keep doing this to myself?!

  Chapter 7

  Mustering the strength to get out of bed and face what lay ahead, took way more strength than I felt I actually had. I found the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, after I wiped away the raccoon eyes staring back at me. I looked like pure crap! The bags under my eyes spoke volumes. I checked my phone, hoping to have a text from Mel. Sure enough, she was letting me know I was going to get an ear full. I’m going to get an ear full?! She let me leave with John…or rather she let him take me. I couldn’t help being SO angry and frustrated!

  Scrolling a little further, I saw missed calls and texts from my boss at the flower shop I had worked part-time at for the past couple of years. His words were typed in bold, large letters, practically screaming at me from my screen. Obviously he wasn’t happy that I didn’t make it in this morning. Shoot! I forgot I picked up the extra shift. I really liked the owner Jimmy, and didn’t mean to let him down. Looking again at the time, there was no making up for it. I had missed the entire four hours I was supposed to help cut flowers for the upcoming wedding tomorrow.

  Dropping my head into my hands, wincing at the pain from contact, I felt the world spiraling out of control. I knew what this meant. Not only had Jimmy lost total faith in me, he also had to let me go. I needed that job to pay for my college tuition. My other part-time job at a local steakhouse was not consistent enough to pay my usual utilities, much less my upcoming tuition bills once I graduate. The restaurant only used me when they had really large dinner parties and needed extra wait staff.

  I’m not sure how long I sat on the edge of John’s bed, my shoulders hunched over, and tears streaming down my face. Evidently, too long. I felt the bed sink down beside of me. The whiff of the most amazing cologne I had ever smelled floating under my stuffed up nose.

  “Chloe? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” John’s voice was low and comforting. Those thoughts made me shutter. Surely, John was anything but. Right? “Did something happen?” He reached up and grabbed my shoulders gently turning my body towards his.

  My eyes were still closed - my head hung down. I felt full of despair. Why did John have to be so nice right now? I certainly wasn’t used to this side of him, or having a guy other than Brett worry over me.


  Sniffing, I finally lifted my eyes to look at John’s. “I…I’m just having a rough day. Trust me, you wouldn’t understand.”

  “Hey,” John said lifting my chin with his hand after I had cast my glance downwards. “Try me. Please.”

  Suddenly, thinking of how privileged John was I inhaled deeply, and threw my shoulders back. “Well, for starters, I’m waking up at your place, hung over, yet again… Well, not again at your house, clearly since that has NEVER happened before, but none-the-less, hung over.” I shot a look out of the corner of my eyes and caught John smirking. “I also just realized I missed my shift this morning at the only steady job I had, and now I’ll be let go.” Letting out a shaky breath, I tried to calm down. John wouldn’t get it. He wouldn’t understand. He grew up with money, and has never wanted for a thing he didn’t get. Except Reese. The thought is for some reason yet another sobering, mind-blowing realization. John’s voice drew back my attention.

  “Oh Chloe. I’m sorry to hear that,” he said softly. “But hey, can’t you tell them about your accident?” He said gently rubbing his fingers over my bandaged head. “Surely they’ll understand. They can’t expect you to come to work like this?”

  John’s smart. I know he was just trying to make me feel better. I looked at him with all of the impatience I was feeling. “Yeah, my boss will be very understanding when he learns I knocked myself out cold in the bathroom after a drunken binge. Why don’t I call him now and set him straight?” The sarcasm was dripping from my words. I was being a smart ass; I knew it, but this was John. I couldn’t help it.

  He chuckled, despite himself. Then, as if he realized I was right, and I truly didn’t have a job any longer, he got serious again. “Look, I’d be happy to have a talk with your boss for you. You don’t have…”

  “Save it John. It’s over. I screwed up…again. I…I…I just need to get out of here. Can you call me a cab please? I really need to get to my car. I need to get my head straight and, and try to figure out what I can do to make money.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me. I shook my head. Even he thought I was cheap.

  “Yeah well, whatever John. I should have known you are a filthy rich, jackass. You just played the sweet victim where Reese was concerned.” I stared at him with a look of contempt.

  Another smirk on his gorgeous face, “you think I’m sweet ‘BB’? Awww, I knew you could see the rea
l me.” I smacked his shoulder and struggled to stand, reaching down for my phone.

  “And don’t call me ‘BB’! What the hell does that mean anyway?!”

  John’s laugh was daunting. “Well, it stands for ‘Bitter Baby’. His eyes raked my body. “Fitting, don’t you think?”

  I glared at him with disbelief. “Bitter! I mean…I…well, who wouldn’t be bitter having to look at you!” I stormed off as fast as my crazy, unsteady self would carry me. I made it through the maze of his…whatever this was - condo, townhouse…shit! I peered out the windows…penthouse! I dropped my gaze and shook my head. Figures. Of course he would have the best.

  Luckily John wasn’t following me yet. I googled cab companies and chose current location to start searching from. Finding out we were in the upscale part of Uptown Charlotte was highly confusing! How did I get three hours from Wilmington and didn’t even know it!! My heart was racing and my thoughts were filled with fury.

  “John!” I screamed and immediately regretted it from the throbbing now occurring between my ears. “How did I get here? More importantly, how do I get home?!” Finally John emerged from the hallway, dragging his phone from his ear, a scowl on his face. Who had he been talking with? And why did I even care what was wrong with him?

  I managed to walk briskly up to John without stumbling, shoving him lightly with my palms on his chest. “Why am I in Charlotte, John?” Why didn’t you take me to MY home if you were so eager to help me last night?!” I couldn’t wrap my head around the happenings that had occurred after my fall. Then I remembered him saying I had stitches under my bandage. “How could I literally miss several hours of my life even though you say I was actually awake! It’s like I’m in a warped time-zone!”

  John’s face quickly morphed from anger to concern. “Hey, take it easy ‘BB’. You had a head trauma remember? You might…”

  I shot daggers at him. “No, I don’t remember! That’s the problem. Where did I get stitches from and why bring me all the way here!” I was beyond exhausted and add furious now!


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