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Page 6

by J H Cardwell

  After a moment of re-grouping, I found my courage. “I’m good John. That champagne helped.” I mustered a small smile, but I did feel all kinds of crazy inside. What was I doing? I can’t even begin to imagine what Brett will think. I signed a prenuptial agreement, so if he kills John, I won’t get any money accept having my student loans covered. I guess that’s something.

  “You did it again. Okay, let’s just stop. I don’t think you’re really wanting this to happen Chloe.” This time John’s hand was on my face, gently caressing my cheek. Crap, I just leaned into his hand. Stop!

  “I’m fine John,” I said through gritted teeth. I turned back to the minister who had a worried look on his face. “I do, or whatever you asked. I’m sorry sir, but I just, I do.” His sweet smile was enough to tell me I was right, and he turned to John who also said “I do”. Then, just as you would imagine, he announced us husband and wife. Before I knew what was happening, my knees were buckling out from under me and the world around me suddenly went black.


  “There she is.” What in the… My brain was fuzzy and I was imagining why I was lying down and gazing up at gorgeous, grinning John. Then it dawned on me. I was in the chapel, the same chapel where I just committed myself to John Rider. Oh boy.

  “Oh God John. What happened?”

  “Well. I could say you got knocked out, but the truth is, you positively freaked out when we were announced husband and wife.” He was breathing heavily and leaning over me.

  I closed my eyes until I heard John summoning me again. “I’m okay. I just…”

  “You just kind of freaked out. I’m sorry Chloe. I promise I won’t make it too terrible to be my wife.” John was still hovering over me, smiling his gorgeous grin. The minister cleared his throat.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Rider, it’s customary to seal the marriage with a kiss. We also hear it makes for good pictures for your mantle,” the minister said in a dry chuckle.

  I looked at John as he reached for my hand to pull me up. Once we were perpendicular again and in front of the altar, I waited on John’s move. “Shall we Chloe?” He asked with a smirk.

  “I guess it’s what’s expected,” I whispered.

  Holding both sides of my waist, John leaned in and pecked me on my lips. There was no mistaking the jolt of electricity that scurried down my spine. He leaned back and searched my eyes for a moment then moved back in and pressed his soft, warm lips against mine again, this time holding them for several counts. My knees nearly buckled again. Only I could feel John trembling as well. Did he feel what I just felt? All too quickly, the minister was talking to us again.

  “You’ll have these pictures developed in just a few minutes and you can be on your way to start your new life together Mr. and Mrs. Rider. Congratulations!”

  Once I shook myself off and we took a few more pictures we were back in the limousine – married, pictures in tow. He had a bottle of champagne chilled and ready to pour. “To us Chloe. To both of our futures.” Tapping glasses, I was still in a fog. This didn’t seem real. Was it real? Here I was in a fancy designer gown, in a limo, married to the richest most handsome man I would ever know. What would Aunt Ronnie say? What would my girls say? I had a long ways to go before any kind of peace would settle in.

  “Hey Mrs. Rider. You okay?”

  My eyes popped open. My mind was drifting again. “Yeah, of course I am. I’m just thinking of how fast all of this happened. My head is spinning. And, more importantly how am I going to tell everyone about…us?” My heart was racing again. I suddenly wasn’t so sure I had made the right decision. John handed me the champagne flute and I downed it all in one swoop.

  “Whoa, slow down there.” He was laughing.

  I grabbed the bottle and poured another. Downing it too, I turned to John. “Aren’t you the least bit phased by this…this…wedding? I mean you seem like the type – actually, I know you’re the type to want romance and flowers and true love.” My voice was extra low on the last part. I gained strength to keep going though. “I’m just sad for you, you know. I never planned to marry, hell, I never even planned to fall in love – but you, you were made for that.” I flicked my hand in the air. My eyes were willing him to open up a little. He seemed so, fine.

  His quick shift to a solemn expression told me I was close to the truth. He wasn’t so immune after all. I knew he still longed for Reese, or someone like Reese. “Sometimes Chloe, life doesn’t go in the direction we have planned for ourselves. Sometimes, we take a totally different course, like in our case, out of the blue. It might end up being exactly what we need.” He turned to me and scooted a little closer. “It may just turn out to be the best ride of our lives.” With that, he hugged me. The champagne had started hitting me and I was a little dizzy. I could swear his face was nuzzling my neck while we embraced.

  Chapter 13

  In no time at all, the driver was opening our door and we were being escorted back into the hotel. Even though we were in Las Vegas surrounded by all kind of crazies, people still stopped and stared when they saw a newlywed couple approaching. John had his arm around my waist, protectively, but I knew it was all for show. Without warning, he smacked my ass causing me to yelp. “Hey, what was that for?” I gave him a death glare.

  John laughed out loud. “I just figured we would give the onlookers a real show. It’s Vegas after all. They expect a little romp!” That along with the champagne had suddenly lit my fire. “Is that so?” I leaned over and licked his neck. Never had I seen John blush before, but sure enough, his lower jaw was turning red. A low grumble or growl came from deep within him as he pulled me tight to him. “Watch it Chloe. I’m not responsible for my actions when a gorgeous woman licks me like a cat!”

  “Like a pussy cat?” I accentuated the middle word. This time he leaned over and nudging my ear with his nose he whispered, “I mean it Chloe. It’s been a while, and I’m already on edge looking at you in that dress.” Another growl slipped his lips. We were waiting now in line at the elevator. Standing next to me was what I could only describe as a call girl. She was eyeing me coldly.

  “What did those extensions costs?” She asked while chomping on gum, and turning her eyes to John as she raked them over his body.

  I leaned into John, speaking loudly so whore girl could hear me. “Oh. Unlike some, everything about me is all real baby.” Then I threw my leg up against John’s waist and said just as loudly to him. “Maybe you’ll get to pull it later baby and know for sure.” Nasty girl made a squeak like I had stolen her line. John on the other hand, was shaking next to me. He gripped my backside and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his arousal and his heart racing. What was I doing? Is this what I wanted?

  I whispered to John as the elevator car arrived, “I’m sorry, she had it coming. I didn’t mean anything by it.” After his eyes implored mine a beat too long, he released his grip on me. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me into the elevator.

  “Well, that’s…come on Chloe, let’s get in this room before the whole world sees me lose my cool.” I couldn’t help but laugh, which brought about another growl from John. As we exited the elevator and walked hand in hand down the long corridor to John’s room, my nerves were settling in, completely taking over my calm, cool shell of a body.

  “You okay over there Chloe?” John asked as we reached the suite.

  “Sure, why?”

  “I just noticed your hand got sweaty, and that’s not a reaction I’m used to seeing from you.” I dropped my hand quickly as he softly laughed at me. “Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you pass out from nerves either like you did earlier.”

  Once we were back in the suite. I flopped down in the chair. “Don’t get used to it. I’m never frazzled. I fixed that weakness a long time ago.” The champagne was still lingering, causing my brain to be a little muffled. John was already fixing us more champagne from the giant kitchen. I still couldn’t believe this was HIS! He could come here anytime he wanted, to this gorgeous suite in

  I was in deep thought again. I hadn’t realized John had sat down beside of me. “Here, this might help ease some of those jitters. Maybe sip it this time?” he laughed. “And hey, I like a woman with a weakness. It gives us men something to have to protect, you know.” I was confused by his comment, and started to say so until John put his finger over my mouth. “I’m not saying you’re weak Chloe. In fact, you are so strong, the independence pours out of you, placing a shield around you for all guys to see.” Now I really was looking at him like he had three heads.

  He went on “Do you remember that first night we met you all? You know, the night in Beaufort?”

  “How can I forget? That’s the night you went all caveman and fell hard for Reese.” I said with a little more sarcasm than I meant.

  This time John didn’t laugh. “I guess you could say that. I recognized you first that night you know. Your presence is hard to ignore. There you were, beautiful, larger than life, and damned sure going to let everyone know you could handle yourself.” This time he laughed. I blew out a loud breath. “You had these impenetrable walls up. Reese on the other hand got her shoe stuck for crying out loud. I took one look at her and thought, that girl needs a strong man to take care of her. She looked lost, you know.” There was a long pause and I could tell John was thinking back to Reese. I made a move to get up and John’s arm came out to hold me down.

  “Please don’t Chloe. I want to tell you this. I want you to know what went on in my head.” I looked at him for a few moments and nodded for him to continue. He took that chance to take a long swig of champagne, like he needed the liquid courage to propel him forward.

  “I saw Reese as a challenge to fix. She was beautiful and quiet and, well, I did fall for her pretty quickly. I hadn’t made time for women in my life for a long time because I was focused on graduating college and helping run Rider Industries. Seeing Reese, there was an instant need to have her.” This time I cleared my throat, I really just wanted to get up and not have to hear this, but he needed to say it, so I needed to listen.

  “I know that makes me all Neanderthal, but it’s no secret I’ve always gotten what I wanted. I just assumed I would get her too.” He physically winced. “Saying it out loud now seems so shallow. Reese is a sweet girl, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for her, but she wasn’t the one…obviously.” He looked at me then, really looked at me, moving closer he grabbed my hands. “Tell me about you Chloe. I know a little from talking with Brett, but the person I thought you were that night on the docks in Beaufort and the person you really are, are light-years apart from each other.” He stared at me for a moment. “Why do you want everyone to think you are so sure of yourself, and that you own the world - when really it has chewed you up and spit you out? You want everyone to think you don’t need anyone. To us men, that’s a real ego killer by the way.”

  “I’m sorry you think I have such a shitty life, John. Yes, the world has chewed me up, but I fought back, and I tried not to let it keep me down!” My voice was escalating. “You think you know me now just because I married you! You’ve got another thing coming. I don’t need protecting, so I’m sorry you won’t get to do your ‘manly’ job as husband! I’ve taken care of myself my entire life without a man and I’m not starting now!” This time I tried to stand up by throwing his arm off of me. Before I knew what was happening, John had me on my back on the couch. His body was hovering over mine. His breath was coming fast and furious as was mine.

  “Chl-oe!” he drug out my name through clenched teeth. “You do know how to piss a man off, that’s for sure.” He drew in a deep breath. And, I’m letting you know I’m going to kiss you, but I’m not asking, I’m taking.” With that, he smashed his lips up to mine and before I could even argue, his tongue was invading my mouth. I was squealing and writhing underneath him until he pressed his pelvis up against mine and held down my wrists so I wouldn’t take a swing at him. Something about this possessive move thrilled me. Those electric impulses were back and making me tingle all over. “Kiss me back Chloe.” John said without removing his mouth from mine. “Now.”

  My body relaxed and I followed his command. His tongue was, Oh my God, it was working magic in my mouth. His hand had released mine and was traveling up my side to my breast. I could kiss him like this for days. What am I saying? Before I had long enough to analyze what was happening, he moved his mouth from mine to my neck. His magical lips were sucking and caressing my skin, everywhere. I could feel sensations gathering low in my belly. Before I knew it, his other hand had pulled up my dress, exposing my garters and stockings. He pulled my shoes off one by one with that same wandering hand, as mine were sliding over the toned muscles on his back.

  “Chloe, you’re killing me. Your body is meant for the gods.” He drew back and raked his eyes from my head to my toes. My chest was heaving up and down. His mouth found mine again, and I never wanted him to stop. I had kissed many guys, but never like this - never this hungry for more. My eyes were closed, until I felt the cool air surround my wet mouth from the absence of his as his head was traveling down my body. For some reason, I glanced over his shoulder and my eyes landed on my phone lying on the table in front of us. Flashing on the screen was an incoming call from Reese. Like a bucket of cold water, I scrambled to get up from underneath him.

  John dropped his head, realizing I was stopping our crazed moment. “What’s wrong Chloe? What happened?” We stared at each other for moments our breathing heavy and in sync. My eyes darted over to the phone directly beside of us. Squinting to see the alert that was still on the screen I could tell he was reading Reese’s name and voicemail. Like a dawning of understanding fell over him, he physically relaxed and closed his eyes.

  “Please Chloe, don’t hold what I felt for Reese over my head forever. I need to move on. Hell, I have moved on!” He shot up and started pacing, pausing to adjust himself from what had happened during our heated moment.

  Glancing down at my own rumpled self, I tried to straighten out my dress and sit up. “It’s not just that John, I mean it’s not just your feelings. It’s also my friendship with her. She had true feelings for you, she probably still does. What will she say to me? I’m always the one putting her in her place, she’ll be wanting to kill me.”

  “She’s married to Tate, Chloe. They have a baby, Ty, remember?”

  “How could I forget?! He’s the same sweet boy you bent over backwards to rescue for her, remember!”

  “Not because I wanted her still, really. I wanted atonement for how I had screwed up, not that I want to remind you of that! You might go back to hating me again!” We were yelling at each other now. Man what a difference a minute could make. When we both realized how out of control we had gotten, John let out a deep, slow breath and spoke softly. “Why don’t we make some calls and cool off. I think I’ll call Ted, my attorney. The rest of the east coast is asleep. We have our work cut out for us Chloe. None of this is going to be easy for a while.” John stepped up to me with a sly grin on his face. “You were right by the way.” He grabbed a lock of my hair letting it slide through the tip of his fingers. “All real, although I can’t promise none of it came out when I pulled it.” My heart was racing again. How did he do this to me? He let out a soft laugh and walked toward the small office with the phone to his ear. I could hear the one-sided conversation of what seemed to be a serious one with his attorney. Being 9pm on the west coast meant midnight on the east in Charlotte. I guess with the money John was paying his lawyer, time was of no regard.

  Chapter 14

  I called my Aunt Ronnie. She worked second shift, and I knew she would still be up. I spent a few minutes on the phone rambling until she called me out. “What’s the real reason for your call Chloe? It’s midnight for starters, and I know you don’t call just to fill me in. I haven’t been blessed with that kind of conversation from you in years.”

  “I’m sorry Ronnie. I’m just, well I called to tell you…”


  “I’m married Aunt Ronnie! I’m…”

  “You’re what! You’re lying. Where’s Maura? Are you drunk Chloe?”

  Well, I was still a little lightheaded from the champagne, but certainly not drunk. “Of course not. I should have called you, I know.”

  “You mean you’re serious! You’re married? Chloe, when to who, why?! Where are you?”

  I let out a long sigh. “Please let me finish and I’ll tell you everything…”

  After spending ten minutes filling her in, she didn’t seem to believe me, and she didn’t like it - not one bit. I, of course told her I had fallen in love with John over time, and that I had known him for a few years now.

  “Chloe, need I remind you of your promise to yourself, although a stupid one, it’s all I’ve heard you say on the matter since you were in middle school.”

  I was fidgeting with my dress now, I knew she would see right through me. After letting out another small sigh, I trudged on. “I know I said I would never do something as stupid as fall in love, or get married.” I paused and swallowed hard. I still meant it, in every way that meant something to my heart. “I guess I was wrong Aunt Ronnie. Is that what you want to hear? You were right. I get what it means to be in love now. I understand how it happens, and why people chose to do it.” The words felt like broken glass in my mouth. I was worried I would start dripping blood at any moment from the actuality of them being spoken.

  “Well Chloe Steele. If I hadn’t heard you say it with my own ears, I wouldn’t believe it. I guess I’ll say I’m happy for you. Although, seeing how I’m the only family you’ve got, I need to meet him and put my stamp of approval on this here marriage.”


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