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EVO Nation Series Trilogy Box Set

Page 24

by K. J. Chapman

  Taking his hand, I place his fingers just inside the elastic waistline of my pants. I am nervous, my heart pounds and my palms are clammy, but I’m not scared.

  He looks at me with those magnificent eyes. “Are you sure?” he asks.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything... ever,” I say. “I’m not letting anymore time get between us”

  His hand slips inside my pants, and I tremble at his touch. The sheet is no longer between us, and I can feel every part of him against me. I help him slide my pants down to my ankles and kick them off under the sheet as he rolls over and hunts in the bedside cabinet.

  He moves back to face me, kissing me again. His hand slides against my face, his thumb brushing my cheek. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls me close to him. I let myself feel his arms, and his back, and his butt. My body heaves from rapid breaths, and I’m reassured by the feel of Adam’s heart beating through his chest.

  I’m in a fantastical blur of excitement, nerves, pleasure, and just being loved. I’m not the type of girl to use the word perfect. Real, this is real. Adam is back and he is all mine.


  I had forgotten what it feels like to wake up with that giddy feeling in your stomach, even before you actually remember why you’re feeling that way. Realisation hits me as I register the weight of Adam’s arm tucked around me and his breath blowing the fine hairs on the back of my neck. It wasn’t a dream, at least, not in the literal sense.

  The sun floods in and gives the sheets a luminous glow. I roll around and see him lying there framed by the white of the pillow. He is beautiful. Even if he didn’t have those full lips and that perfect skin, I’d still think he is the most breath-taking creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  “Stop watching me sleep,” he says, smiling, not opening his eyes.

  I push myself up on my elbows. “Never,” I say into his shoulder. “Can I tell you that I love you again?” I whisper. His skin is warm as I brush my fingers across his chest.

  He encloses my hand in his, raises it to his mouth and kisses it. “You can,” he says, opening his eyes.

  Those eyes, they look straight into me. He sees all and everything in one glance.

  “I love you,” I say, kissing him. “I love you- I love you.”

  “Is that our thing now? I love you – I love you – I love you too,” he says, pushing my hair back from my shoulder like he always does. “Your hair looks like flames in the sunlight.”

  I lie down beside him, so our heads are on the same pillow. His fingers idly stroke my stomach, and I trace the veins in his neck with my index finger.

  “I’ve missed you,” I say, quietly.

  He buries his face into my hair and inhales deeply.

  I giggle. “Are you sniffing my hair?”

  “Yep,” he says, smiling. “I don’t want to forget anything about you again, even the smell of your hair.”

  “I wish we could stay here like this forever. I don’t want to get up and deal with all the crap out there.” I push myself to sitting, hanging my legs over the edge of the bed.

  “I will take you away from here, right now, if that’s what you want?” he says, sliding up behind me, kissing my shoulder.

  His fingers run the length of my spine and wrap around the back of my neck. My neck feels as frail as a sparrow’s leg inside his big hand, and in a strange way, it’s comforting. I know these hands would do anything to protect me.

  “I can’t leave my—”

  “I know,” he interrupts. “I’m just putting it out there.”

  “It’s enough just to have you back,” I say.

  He tugs my hair lightly, so my head tilts back, and kisses me again. I find my pants and slide them back on.

  “They can’t know I’ve remembered,” he says.

  “I know. Gabe will have Yvette manipulate you again if he thinks you’re loyal to me,” I say, pulling his t-shirt back over my head. “That man really doesn’t like me.”

  “What?” Adam bolts to a sitting position, his eyes wild and wide.

  “I was just agreeing with what you said. They can’t know you’ve remembered.”

  “Teddie, I didn’t say that. I thought it.”

  A searing fire burns through my mind again. ‘Not safe.’ It is clear and rings like an echo in my head. I fall sideways, knocking Adam’s photos from the shelf. ‘All wrong.’

  Adam flies out of the bed, catching me, his eyes filled with panic. I see his lips move, and hear him shout Wheeler’s name, but the two seem detached.

  In the corner of my eye, the door bursts open. Wheeler and Emiko stand rooted to the spot. I’m in Adam’s arms on the floor, my body twitching wildly.

  “Get Maggie!” Adam shouts.

  My tunnel vision closes on his face until I’m in darkness.


  Adams warm fingers stroke my cheek, and his lips brush against my knuckles. I open my eyes and smile at his beautiful, serious face. I wait for him to smile back, but he calls to Maggie instead.

  She barges him out of the way. “Teddie, you’ve had a seizure,” she says, timing my pulse with her watch.

  Adam climbs around the other side of the bed. He’s now wearing a pair of shorts, but nothing else. “Don’t ever do that to me again,” he says, stroking my forehead.

  I sit up on my elbows and see Golding, Yana, Haydn, Wheeler, and Emiko at the foot of the bed. “Hey,” I say. My voice sounds sleepy.

  “Do you remember what happened before you collapsed? Maggie asks.

  I know from Adam’s face that he’s already told them.

  “I heard Adam’s thoughts, and then I think I heard a voice. It happened last night at the meeting too. I got a nose bleed. What is happening to me?” I ask.

  Maggie shakes her head and removes the cuff. “I think you have dual ability- Telepathic Telekin,” she says. “You’ve probably been picking up on someone else’s thoughts.”

  A strange wave of silence falls over the room. Not even the sound of a breath escaping taints the nothingness.

  I sit up a little straighter. “No, I can’t be. I’ve never had this before. I’ve only ever had telekinetic episo—”

  “What is it?” Adam asks.

  “Dreams. I’ve been having crazy dreams. Mostly about you,” I say. “I think I shared your memories when you were being manipulated on Tuesday, and the dreams you had about... us.” My face flushes, knowing everyone is listening.

  Isaac rushes into the room. He freezes in the door way for a moment, before kneeling beside Maggie at my bedside. “What’s wrong with her? Golding said she had a fit?” He takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. Everyone is silent. Isaac looks from one face to another. “What’s going on?”

  “She has dual ability,” says Maggie.

  Isaac shoots to his feet, his hand tearing from my own as if my skin burns him.

  “Telepathic Telekin. I think her use of telepathy caused the seizure,” says Maggie. “It’ll be best if you don’t use it again, Teddie.”

  “She did it without realising,” says Adam.

  Isaac’s attention turns to Adam. He looks around the room, and to the t-shirt I’m wearing. His eyes come to rest on Adam’s bare chest. “Have you remembered?” Isaac asks him. There’s an edge to his words, and I know that he isn’t happy about me spending the night here.

  I feel a weight in my mind, only, this time, it’s steady. I concentrate on Adam. “Don’t tell him,” I think as loudly as I can.

  “Remembered what?” Adam says.

  Isaac studies him for a moment, and then his face relaxes. “Never mind,” he says. “This doesn’t leave this room. Gabe’s expecting me any minute. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  I nod. “Have you decided on when you’re going to break Tess out?” I ask. Of course, we already know, but I want to see if Isaac will elaborate.

  Isaac shakes his head. “Nothing has been set in stone, Sweetheart. We’re still working on the strategy.” He edges for t
he door, apparently desperate to get away. “I’m expected in the office. Remember, not one word.” He ruffles Golding’s hair and hurries out of the door.

  “Either Uncle Isaac is lying or Jude is, and I’m guessing it’s the latter,” whispers Golding, once Isaac has gone. “Why would he do that? And why did you lie to Uncle Isaac?” Golding asks Adam. “You should have told him you remembered... thanks to me.” He preens, rubbing his nails on his jumper in mock smugness.

  “Teddie told me not to,” he said. He taps his finger to his head.

  “The less Isaac knows the better. He already has to worry about me and this dual ability thing. Can you not see how on edge he is about Tess? He has to work closely with Gabe, and I don’t want to put him at risk. And if Gabe finds out about Adam, Yvette might manipulate him again.” I shudder at the thought.

  “That still doesn’t explain why Jude lied,” says Wheeler.

  An ominous feeling settles in my stomach like a lead weight. I have actually started trusting Jude, even though I will not say it out loud to them. If he has lied, he has betrayed me. The thought affects me more than I think it should. Jude has done nothing to prove himself trustworthy to me.

  “I’ll find out for sure,” I say, getting to my feet. “First, I need clothes.”

  Golding throws a fresh bundle of clothing at me. “We’re coming too,” he insists.


  Wheeler, Adam, me, and Golding are in one car, and Emiko follows behind with Yana, Haydn, and Maggie. We drive up a narrow road carved into the cliff top. A gate looms in front of us, separating us from the vast house behind. Wheeler rolls down the window and presses the buzzer.

  “Jude, it’s us. Open up,” I say, leaning over Wheeler.

  The intercom buzzes and the gate slowly opens. The whole front of the building is floor to ceiling windows. Wheeler pulls up beside Jude’s car in the courtyard.

  Jude flies out the door, buttoning up his shirt as he moves. “Why have you come here?” he snaps. “Jesus, Teddie. What if you’ve been seen?”

  Emiko pulls her car up behind Wheeler’s. Jude’s anger only deepens when he sees everyone with us.

  “They know everything,” I say.

  “Are you bloody stupid or just insane?” He points a finger in my face, but I just swat it away.

  “Nothing like an Uncle’s love,” snorts Golding.

  Jude’s attention flashes to him. “Your Gabe’s boy,” he says, accusingly.

  “No, I’m Tess’ boy,” Golding corrects.

  Jude’s face softens slightly. “Why are you here?” he asks me again.

  “I need to ask you something, and it might sound weird as you’ve already told us the answer, but just go with me on this.” I close my eyes and allow the centred sensation of the telepathy to come to the forefront of my mind. “When are they going to get Tess?” I ask.

  Thoughts and images flash through his mind in a split second: the image of me answering gruff guy back, the CCTV footage of Tess, and Gabe’s scowling face- nothing substantial to help me.

  Jude screws up his eyes and shakes his head clear. “They fly out tomorrow- Saturday. What is this?”

  When I open my eyes, Adam is staring at me. “Well?” he asks.

  “I can’t tell. He was thinking the same thing that he said, but he would be, wouldn’t he? I don’t know how this works?”

  Jude grabs my wrist, pulling me toward him. “We’re you in my head?” His voice raises an octave. “Please, say no.”

  Chewing my lip, I raise my eyebrows. “Maybe, just a little bit.”

  He turns his head up to the sky and sighs. “You are a pain in my ass, Princess,” he says. “Who else knows?”

  “These guys and Isaac,” I say.

  “Why were you trying to read me anyway?”

  Golding steps forward. “Uncle Isaac said that they haven’t settled on a date to rescue my Mum, and you say it’s happening tomorrow.”

  “And you’re trying to find out if I’m bull shitting you,” Jude says, smiling. “Well, I’m not. Gabe told me yesterday morning that they’re flying out tomorrow.”

  “And we’re supposed to just believe you,” Maggie spits. Her hands are clenched so tight that her knuckles have turned white.

  Jude tilts his head at her. “I don’t give two flying shits what you believe,” he says.

  I search his eyes for a sign of truth. I tune into his thoughts again and feel his frustration- his anger at me- at all of us.

  He shakes his head violently. “Oi! At least warn me before you’re going to do that. Actually, I’d prefer you asked first.”

  “It’s pointless, anyway. I have no idea what I’m doing.” I’m frustrated and mad at myself.

  Adam slides his hands around my waist, but pulls away when he remembers Jude is stood right there. I slip myself back into his embrace. It’s not like he couldn’t tell something was going on between us last night on the beach.

  “We may as well tell him,” I say, turning back to Jude. “Adam has remembered everything. Golding influenced him.”

  Jude looks at Golding impressed. “You are your mother’s son, but you two need to keep a lid on this,” he says to us, sharply.

  “We know,” I sigh. “But that’s the least of our worries. Why has this telepathy shown up now if I can’t even use the bloody thing to my advantage?”

  Adam kisses my forehead. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You only just discovered telepathy this morning.”

  His lips curl down briefly, and I want to know what he’s thinking. I touch my hands to his face, and instantly, I see myself twitching on the floor. I rush toward myself, lifting my jerking body onto my lap, although, it’s not actually my lap. It’s Adam’s thighs and Adam’s hands holding me. I let go of his face, gasping for breath.

  “That was freakishly amazing,” I pant.

  “For you, maybe. Thank you for making me relive that so vividly,” he says, sarcastically. “I agree with Jude- ask first.”

  I laugh. “It’s easier to read you when I touch you.”

  Jude steps up to me, and taking my hands, places my finger tips on his temples. I inhale and sink into his thoughts. Gabe’s smiling face plunges into my mind’s eye. Jude holds out his hand and shakes Gabe’s.

  “You wanted to see me?” Jude’s voice echoes in my mind.

  Gabe smiles. “They fly out on Saturday.”

  “They? You don’t want me to go”

  “I’m not sending my best man. I need you here to hold the fort with me. Besides, Isaac picked his own crew. I don’t reckon he likes you much.”

  The memory jumps like a broken DVD, and then I’m looking at a blonde woman. She smiles one of those smiles that spread from the lips, to the cheeks, and into the eyes. There is a playful look in her face, and she reaches out, placing her fingers on Jude’s face. Her cheeks puff out from a slow exhale of breath as she closes her eyes. I recognise her with her eyes closed and her brow furrowed. It’s Tess.

  The memory blurs, and I open my eyes, gripping Jude’s elbows for support until I adjust to reality. “He’s telling the truth,” I say, without looking away from him.

  His eyes betray him. He knows that I have seen that memory and shakes his head in a silent request for me not to mention it.

  “So, the question we should be asking is, why is Gabe lying to Isaac?” Haydn says.

  I still haven’t taken my eyes off of Jude. What had I seen in Tess’ eyes? It was more than friendship; I know that much. Jude loved her- loves her still. I felt his heart. He loves her, and yet, he knows he has to kill her- poor, brave man. He’s no longer a monster to me.

  Another agonising pain flares behind my eyes. ‘Too late,’ cries a female voice. She sounds desperate, frustrated. It’s not my thoughts I’m hearing. Someone is talking to me.

  “What is too late?” I scream through the pain.

  Adam catches me before I hit the floor.

  A warm, wet feeling seeps over my top lip, and the voice creeps back into m
y mind ‘He is certain.’

  The pain subsides instantly. All I’m left is the metallic tang of blood on my lips. Adam cradles me on his lap like before, wiping at my bloodied nose with his shirt.

  “I’m okay,” I say. I feel like Mike Tyson has planted a fist in my face, but I force myself up.

  “You are not doing that again,” he scolds.

  “That wasn’t me,” I say. “Someone is talking to me.”

  We follow Jude into the house. Floating stairs lead up to an open landing. There isn’t any balustrade and it makes me dizzy just looking up at the drop.

  Jude basks in the awe on our faces, and then opens another door. We pile into his kitchen. It’s bigger than any kitchen I’ve seen. The red cupboards are shined to see your face in them, and the black slate work surfaces are clutter free and pristine. Jude has money, that’s for sure.

  He throws a cloth on the island in the middle of the kitchen and paces the length of the room. Adam picks it up and holds it to my nose.

  “What did I tell you? No one can know,” Jude says, half laughing at me. “So, what do you do? You bring the world and his neighbour to my doorstep.”

  “We can trust them.”

  “No, you can trust them, but it’ll have to be enough, for now.” He surveys the others with a sour look on his face. “I don’t need to tell you all that this information can be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. If Gabe’s going to this much trouble to get a Dual- EVO out of Facility One, God knows what he’ll do if he knows there’s one right under his nose. If you want to keep your friend safe, you keep these shut.” He jabs a finger at his own mouth.

  “We’d never betray Teddie,” says Yana. Her little voice is the sweetest sound to me.

  “And we’ve also got to think of Isaac,” says Maggie. She won’t look at Jude as she speaks. “He’s got to go in to Facility One with a level head.”

  “Agreed,” I say.

  A niggling ache ebbs behind my temples. ‘Not safe!’ the female voice screams. It sounds like such an effort for her to get the words out.

  I grasp the counter, but remain focussed and in control. “Not safe? What do you mean?” I ask out loud. Adam looks at me like I’ve gone mad. “Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?” There is no answer.


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