Here for You
Page 27
“Sounds like a perfect plan to me.” He kisses me and then pulls back slightly. “I love you, Ash. So freaking much. I will never let you go again. You’re mine forever now, baby.”
I smile at him. “There’s nothing I would rather be.”
About KC Ann
KC, a Midwest girl at heart, was born and raised in Wisconsin and now lives in Chicago with her husband. She spent her younger years (and now adult years) reading every book she could get her hands on. Probably able to recite every romantic comedy movie, the happily-ever-after mentality has been part of her life since she can remember. Not to say everything in life has been easy or perfect, but she focuses on surrounding herself with positive people and experiences.
Feeling lucky to have married her very own prince charming, she was encouraged to write (love) stories that could inspire or provide a few pages of happiness for others to get lost in. Each book is a journey of emotions and aims to bring laughter, a few tears and of course love. Having the opportunity to write her passion has been a dream come true!
KC enjoys (in no particular order) time with family & friends, cooking, eating delicious food, wine, photography, art, reading, travel, hiking, did we mention going out to dinner, paddle boarding, yoga and the outdoors (when it's warm enough in Chicago!).
More by KC Ann
Books in the Chance Collection
(Each novel is a standalone love story.)
Taking a Chance
Second Chances
Her Chance at Love
His Chance at Love (Set to release Spring 2015 – If you fell in love with Lucas, the playboy brother, in Her Chance at Love, you will get your fix in his own story.)
Other Upcoming Releases
In Too Deep (Set to Release Spring 2015)