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Saved By You

Page 3

by K. L. Jessop

  “Well, get yourselves inside and show everyone what they're missing,” I say, unclipping the rope for them to bypass the queue.

  “You two head on in,” Amelia says. “I won’t be a minute. I just need to talk business with Lucas.”

  Deep blue eyes and a graceful face that’s surrounded by long rich red curls stare at me. The grin on her face suggests she’s after something. I raise a brow. “What are you after, Ginger Spice?”

  “What makes you think I’m after anything?”

  “You have that look in your eye.”

  She smiles. “We have a function taking place next week at the Hotel, and one of our security guys has gone AWOL. Can you help me out of a hole and cover? It’s nothing heavy.”

  “I’ll have to check my shifts here.”

  “No need. I’ve already done that. We can switch your shift with Ben: it’s less busy here mid-week than it will be at The Grand for the function.”

  “So why not get Ben to do it?”

  “I need someone I can trust. I don’t know him like I know you.”

  Any other situation, having my work life rescheduled under my nose would piss me off. But the redhead in front of me couldn’t piss me off even if she tried. I fold my arms as though I’m questioning her request. “What’s in it for me?”

  “Cold pizza and a few beers with my wonderful company?”

  “I’m not sure that’ll cut it.”

  I grin when she rolls her eyes. “Just say yes and stop being an arse.”

  “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  “I love you.” She kisses my cheek.

  “Don’t let Marcus here you say that. Wouldn’t want him getting jealous. Anyway, is he alright with me doing it if I should technically be here?”

  “Lucas, he owns the company, but it’s Andrew and me that run the business. He’ll be fine. Besides, he probably won’t notice because he’s acting a little shifty of late.”


  “Not bad shifty—just like he’s planning something. But it’s enough to make me edgy.”

  I feel my grin widen. She’s not wrong. He’s planned her a holiday of a lifetime: two weeks in Holland so she can visit the tulip fields—her favourite flower.

  “I just hope that whatever it is he hurries the hell up because he knows I hate surprises.”

  “What makes you think it’s for you?”

  Her eyes widen. “Shit, so there is something? Should I be worried?”

  “There is something, yes, and you will love it. But for the love of God, don’t let on you know and don’t stress.”

  “That’s the point: I still don’t know anything and you’re forgetting that I stress if I can’t find my lip-gloss.”

  I let out a low chuckle and place my arm around her shoulder, kissing her on the head. “Trust me, Ginger. You have nothing to worry about.”

  She scowls at me playfully. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Just get yourself inside and have fun. Those legs of yours are distracting me from doing my job.”

  I loosen the rope to let her in when a disturbance from the awaiting crowd catches our attention. Ben, the other doorman, heads down to deal with it just as a stocky guy starts causing a scene. He’s not unknown to Rubies. He’s a regular, a drunk, and a pain in the fucking arse. He pushes his way through the crowd, scattering girls as if they are skittles. I immediately tense, a reaction that instantly comes over me like it’s as natural as breathing. “Get back in line,” I order, but he fails to do so. His bloodshot eyes strain over my shoulder and I take a step towards him after telling Amelia to go inside.

  “Step back, sir,” I demand, placing my hands up as a warning. The immediate reaction is to grasp for my gun that’s normally in my holster under my jacket. Only it’s not there. I’m not on Los Angeles soil anymore, and I’ve not held that gun since I placed it in a box and locked it away.

  “Get the fuck off me.” He slurs, slapping my arm out the way. “Why do the ginger and her sluts always get in without waiting?”

  Anger clenches my chest with his foul abuse towards the girls and frustration hits when I still feel the presence of Amelia behind me after I ordered her to go.

  “Because she’s the club owner’s fiancée and has more authority than anyone else waiting. Now get the fuck back or go home.” I’m in control of the situation, but when he lunges his fist towards my face, and I feel Amelia retreat with a fearsome gasp, it’s when I lose my shit. That tightrope I’m forever walking snaps and I grab the fucker by the scruff of his neck and slam him to the wall. I will not have Amelia frightened, or anyone that’s currently waiting in line. The pussy doesn’t even fight back: he just pulls at my hand that’s pressing against his throat. But when I stare into his alarmed looking eyes, everything in the present stops and I’m taken right back to the past and that very moment.

  All I can see is her.


  The painful sounds she made. The roar of my voice and the burn in my legs as I tried to get to her. Fear and pain were the last things I saw of her eyes before…

  A gentle hand touches my shoulder and the soft voice of a concerned Amelia brings me out of the nightmare I’m forever trying to forget. Realisation of what I’m doing hits, and I drop him from my grip as he gasps to catch his breath.

  “Get out my sight before I rip your fucking head off,” I growl, stepping away. The scalding feeling throughout my body is unbearable: sweat trickles down my back as I shake the memories away. It takes me a minute to get my breathing under control and the ache in my chest to subside a little. All the while, I’m aware that Amelia’s eyes are on me. I try to not lose my shit around her; she hates violence. I hate it. But protecting people is what I do. It’s an instinct that will never fade regardless of what the outcome may be.

  “Lucas? What the hell was that?”

  The concern in her voice causes my eyes to close. I know she’s got questions, but I’m in no fit state to answer them right now. “Just go inside, Ginger. Megan will be wondering where you are.”


  “Don’t, Amelia,” I warn. The last thing I need is a fucking pity party. I turn to find her eyes full of apprehension and I hate myself even more that it’s me that’s caused it. As fiery as the red-head can be, she’s also a bundle of nerves at times. I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her slim frame for a comfort I’m in desperate need of. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I was just doing what I’m paid to do.”

  “I’m not stupid, Lucas. That was more than work. What’s going on?”

  “It’s nothing I can’t handle.” I smile, not entirely sure who it is I’m trying to reassure the most: her or myself.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then that’s all you need to worry about. I’m fine.”

  “Uh, helloooo!” Megan sing-songs, interrupting us. “I’m looking for a ginger that’s lacking a tight grip on a tequila glass and a bloodstream that’s not yet intoxicated.”

  I laugh and step back from Amelia’s hold. “She’s all yours, buttercup.”

  “I’m worried about you,” Amelia whispers. “You sure you’re okay?”

  I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her hand. “Go have fun. I’m fine, honest.”

  She smiles softly, looking at me again with eyes that know I’m lying before heading inside with Megan.

  Turning back towards the water, I inhale the salted air that rolls in with the waves. This shit needs to stop. I need to have a focus back because what happened in LA was well over a year ago. Only I don’t think it will ever be possible, because underneath this confident front I love to give people, I’m a fucking mess.

  Chapter Four


  “Good morning, Sea Turtles.” I salute the kids, placing my board on the sand. “Do we all have our equipment for the ride of your lives today?”

  “Yes, sir.”

sp; “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.”

  “YES, SIR!” The eight kids in wetsuits shout with big smiles and their own surfboards at their feet. It’s early morning on a new summers day. I like to keep the kids I coach on their toes when riding the waves. A few weeks back while out on the water, one of the dads that runs the local surfing school for the under tens approached me and asked if I’d like to help out from time to time, teaching the kids water safety and how to surf. Loving the waves, myself and constantly down here whenever I get the chance, I jumped at the opportunity.

  “That’s more like it. Right, first, we are going to go through the basics of water safety.”

  “Again?” little Archie moans, folding his arms in disapproval and wrinkling his freckle-covered nose. “We do that every time we come here.”

  I turn in his direction and mirror his stance. “Archie, what’s the one thing your mum says to you before you leave the house to go out and play?”

  “Try not to get myself killed?”

  Well that backfired.

  Marcus and Andrew, who have just joined the group, snort in amusement. I shoot them a look, trying to hide my own grin as the other kids laugh. “Right, well in order not to get yourself killed, you need to think about your safety, correct?”


  “Well, it’s the same with the water, dude. The first part of surfing is to always be aware what part of the water is safe to go in by looking for the flags and staying between them. So, my little Sea Turtles, what do the flags tell you?”

  “That it’s safe!” they holler.

  “Exactly. Now, I want all of you to make sure your board straps are on before you head out to where Liam, Josh and the other coaches are staying between the flags. No further out than your waist and be aware of who is around you to avoid collisions. Get practising on what we learned in last week’s session to begin with, and the first Turtle to fall under has to give me twenty when they come back inshore.”

  They all groan, knowing I’m not joking as they head out to the water. I can’t think of a better place to spend my Sunday morning. All the kids here are full of character and have the potential to become great little surfers in the future. I remember being their age and my dad teaching me how to ride the waves. It was the best part of my summer, only I’m sure a huge part of that was because I had my dad’s full attention. It was the only time he left his job behind the four walls of the workplace. He was, and still is, a hard worker and one I look up to greatly.

  “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of you two dickwads?” I ask Andrew and Marcus who are treading the water edge. Megan and Amelia are up ahead catching the early rays while Jack is chasing Felicity around the sand.

  “Breakfast,” Andrew says, throwing a takeaway box my way. The smell of bacon makes my stomach growl before I’ve even dug in.

  “We are having a small gathering tonight at Rubies,” Marcus says as I watch over the kids in the water. Archie is already soaked from going under.

  “Thought we could have a few drinks before Amelia and I head off tomorrow.”

  “You know she’s stressing like fuck over the secrets you’re keeping,” I say with a mouthful of bacon and egg.

  “I know,” he grins. “I caught her looking through papers in my office this morning.”

  “When do you fly out?”

  “Tomorrow evening. I wanted to talk to you both about that. I’ve already spoken to Jack, but I’ve extended our time away another two or so weeks.”

  “You’re in Holland for over a month?” Andrew adds with surprise.

  “No. We’re still going for a fortnight but coming back and spending two weeks in London. I have a few loose ends to tie up with the business, and the rest will be spent with my mum.” Marcus is as nice as they come: a hardworking businessman with many properties like Rubies and The Grand Hotel—one of the biggest businesses and hotels in this town—under his belt. I’ve met many CEO’s over the years, but Marcus isn’t like any of them. He’s the most genuine down-to-earth guy, who I admire greatly with the way he protects the women in his life.

  “Ah, Rosa. How is the sassy little kitten?” I tease. Marcus’s Mum is an absolute character. Full of sassy and flirtatious talk and each time she visits we can’t help but wind up Marcus with seductive conversations. “Still after more of my back rubs?”

  “Mum is fine. Thanks for asking,” he says, clearly avoiding my last question. “It will be nice for her and Amelia to spend time together. She’s been under a lot of pressure with work at the moment.”

  I grin. “So, she is in need of a back rub?”

  “Shut up and finish your food.”

  Andrew chuckles. “It’s fine, Marcus. The Grand is busy but nothing Claudia and I can’t handle. Go and enjoy your break.”

  “Who’s enjoying a break?” Amelia asks approaching with Megan.

  I look to the guys, who suddenly look sheepish and unsure how much she’s heard, and cut in. “We all are. Tonight, at Rubies, we plan on drinking till the early hours.”

  “Jesus, my liver is crying already,” she groans.

  “I’m in.” Megan squeals. “This sounds like an excellent way to spend a Sunday evening.”

  “Sweetheart, if a psychotic murderer holding a knife offered you a bottle of tequila you’d think it was an excellent way to spend an evening,” Andrew replies, smiling through his dark beard.

  “Awe, you know me so well.”

  “And that’s why I love you.” They throw their arms around each other and it’s enough to make me curse at how cute they are. Megan is like an overly pleased puppy whenever she’s around Andrew. It’s hard to believe that not so long ago he was an anti-social arsehole with darkness bringing him down. She’s completely changed him.

  “Jesus, you two. You’re putting me off my breakfast.”

  “Shut your face and get back in the water,” my sister orders.

  I laugh, kiss her on the cheek and run into the water, hollering at Archie to come out and give me twenty.

  The VIP area of Rubies is surrounded by good friends and flowing alcohol when I walk through the door. Even on a night off, it doesn’t stop me working. I’m always watching, always aware of who and what is around me and of any threats that standout.

  I never stop.

  The long hours of surveillance and protection come with the job. Even after the Security Industry Authority signed me off with PTSD and advised I undergo therapy as I was unfit for service after the death of Selena, it doesn’t stop me wanting to look out for those around me.

  “Lucas, I’ve got you a beer,” Andrew says as I take a seat beside him.

  “Cheers, man.”

  Amelia and Felicity are on the dance floor doing the usual in owning the floor while Megan is up on the table in bare feet dancing like she’s centre stage.

  “How was the rest of the Sea Turtles lesson?” Andrew asks. “Did you whip that boy into shape?”

  I take a gulp of my drink, remembering back to after I left everyone. “Who Archie? Yeah, the little sod told me I had no balls because I didn’t go fully into the water, so I made him run the full length of the beach and do another thirty press-ups with two litres of water in his backpack.”

  Andrew and Marcus’s laughter rumbles from across the table as I finish the rest of my beer before standing.

  “Jesus, last time I checked it was surfing school not military,” Andrew says with a shake of his head. “God help your own kids if they step out of line.”

  “I’ll have them in the gym lifting weights as soon as they can lift a pencil.”

  I head to the bar feeling an unexpected hit of anxiety in my chest from Andrew’s words. The thought of ever having a child of my own in the future is not what bothers me. It’s the unpredictability of what life holds and the damage it can create for them along the way. And after what I’ve experienced, I’m not sure bringing a child into this world only for them to get hurt is what I’m wanting. Because no matter how much I’ll be the
re to shield them, sometimes it’s still never enough. Trying to shift my restlessness, I order a drink from Jack and turn towards the dance floor. A pretty blonde wearing a red dress and carrying a perfect, apple-shaped arse seductively moves in front of me and all I can think of is what those lips of hers would feel like around my dick.

  “Jack, you up for going to Scarlett’s with me later?” A new club that had the potential to be Rubie's rival opened a few months back. Only behind the big black doors, it’s a club that’s every man’s wet dream. G-strings, high-heels and every dance you can imagine.

  “I can’t. I’ve done eight nights straight. I’m exhausted.”

  “Oh, come on, Jack, it’s hot sex in heels; what have you got to lose?”

  “I’m surprised you’ve not lost your dick with the way you carry on. Give the damn thing a break.”

  “I will when I’m dead,” I laugh, seeing Megan and Amelia approach. Amelia flops onto the stool next to me while my sister slumps against my side. Both are clearly a little intoxicated.

  “The Ginger is drunk,” Megan giggles in my ear.

  “That’s the second time you’ve got her like this in two days,” I reply. “I call that being a bad influence.”

  “I call that a result,” she grins.

  Amelia suddenly puts her hand in the air signalling Jack. “I’ll have another Tequila.”

  “She’ll have a water,” I order, already feeling sorry for Marcus, knowing he’s got to share flight time with her hung-over arse tomorrow.

  “I love you, Lucas Simmons. Fucking. Love. You. But I want a drink.” She goes to finish the one that’s in her hand, but I take it away, replacing it with the water Jack’s just placed in front of her.

  “As nice as it is that you’re letting your hair down, I think you’ve had enough. You’ll thank me in the morning. Drink this.”

  She squints at me, pointing. “You need a woman in your life. And I don’t just mean for a night.”


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