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New World Order: California Invasion (Vol. 2)

Page 20

by W. R. Benton

  “Yes, sir, I'll leave now and arrange the meeting.”

  “You, General Smith, remain here and drive me to the bunker so we can plan an effective defense against this invasion. But, you two officers can leave now.”

  No sooner had General Edwards and the other General left than the nurse arrived with his clothes. Ten minutes later, they were in the General's staff car and moving for the bunker. From what the President could see, the whole area was in flames and being destroyed before his very eyes. Smoke hid the horizon and folks were running in all directions, not with a single destination in mind, just to escape the violence.

  At a stoplight, the General's driver stopped and the President said, “Go through the light when it's clear of traffic, son. We're being invaded, so I don't think the police are worried about a General's car with me inside running a red light. If you're worried, don't be, and I'll take care of it if we're stopped.”

  “Yes, sir, Mister President.” the young man said and then moved across the road.

  John Bowers, The Boss, liked his new name, home and car. For the first time in his life, he was content with what he had. His only serious concern was that his whereabouts might be discovered by the NWO. He was terrified of them, and rightly so. He knew much about them, but even after years of working for them, he had no idea who the real leader was. It was the unknown that scared him.

  He was eating a sandwich and watching TV, when the program was interrupted for a special news announcement, or so the text on the screen read.

  “We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for an important news break.” a voice said.

  The President of the CSA walked to a podium and said, “The United States was invaded today by the Conservative States of America. Our landings, at a number of places, has been extremely successful and we are over 100 miles inland. Our losses have been low, at around 3%, which is much better than the 10% we estimated. However, I want to warn you the battle has just begun and we will, before this is over, see God, guns and the Constitution back in this country. We will return prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag each morning in schools. No more political, under the table payments and no more getting away with legal issues because you forgot. Politicians will be forced to live on their federal pay alone, and no more lobbyists. Ignorance of the law will no longer be an acceptable excuse for anyone, and this will apply to all citizens, not just a select few. We will see big changes in not only our political and legal system, but also our way of life. I'll take a couple of questions and then you can wait until tomorrow to speak with my press secretary.”

  “Sir, what's your next military step, since you've invaded California?”

  The President looked right into the camera and asked, “Bill, do you honestly think I'm going to tell you my next military move? How dumb do you think I am? You worry me with a question like that and it makes me wonder which side you're on. However, I will answer your question; None of your business. Next question.”

  “Is the rumor I heard of civilians being bombed and killed true? Do you know if that's true or not, Mister President?”

  “At this point, Carol, I cannot confirm or deny it has happened. I will say this much; We have engaged in a total war with the UN and we do not intend to lose this fight.”

  “Sir, the killing of civilians is wrong.”

  “Let me warn you and all members of the press right here and now. You are here to report the news, not to voice your personal opinions. If you think I'm a bastard, that's okay, only stick to the facts when working. Feel free to talk about me, good or bad, tell your friends what you think of me and our war, but as a member of the media, keep your personal views to yourself. Do you understand me? You report the news and add nothing else. Report what is known at the time.”

  “Sir,” she said, “I think you —”

  “Security, remove her, please. I will not stand here as the President of the CSA and argue with a reporter. I don't care about your views or what any of you think. A reporter's job is to report. That's the problem the US had just before the war; y'all no longer reported information, but filled your articles and TV programs with lies and bullshit. Make sure she is kept out the remainder of this session, too. Now, any more questions?”

  When no one spoke, the President moved for his limo.

  “As you can see, the President is almost violating our freedom of speech rights assured by the Constitution, but he does have a valid point. The job of all reporters is to simply report the news in an unbiased and open way, without opinions. This is John Marker, for WWXZ news, and now back to your regularly scheduled program.”

  The Boss turned off the television and went to bed.

  As the President pushed through the crowd and into his car, his phone rang and he answered, “Hello?”

  General Adams said, “Sir, we have it through a reliable source that the President of the United States was in the hospital recovering from a suicide bomber when we invaded the state. He's in no danger of dying, but he's not himself, and on painkillers. He's insisted he take the wheel and deal with our invasion. We also learned his wife was killed in the same attack by the bomber.”

  “Well now, that is good news about him, but I'm sorry to hear that about his wife.”

  “I didn't know the lady. We are now in overnight positions around Chicago and we'll see how things go this evening. I'm sorry to interrupt you, sir, but it's nice to know one's enemies are doing poorly.”

  “Call any time you have information like this, and enjoy your evening.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The President poured two fingers of Scotch whiskey into a glass, smiled and said to his wife, “The First Lady of the United States was killed in a suicide bombing, and the President was injured badly enough they had to hospitalize him. He was in the hospital when we landed our troops.”

  “She was a bitch anyway.”

  “Now, Martha, it's not lady-like to talk ill of the deceased. She's gone and that's all there is to it for the time being.”

  “Can he run the military effectively?”

  “I think not, not anything as big and complex as an invasion. He needs to listen to his Generals and their suggestions.”

  “Lady-like or not, she was a bitch.”

  The bar that the cowboys took Adolpha to was a rough looking place in her view. Unlike German clubs and bars, this one was rowdy and bit rough on the edges. She liked it right off. She had no idea how to dance to the country music and found it very difficult to do. After about four beers, she stayed at the table, and sat beside the men, rubbing one or the other at times. By the time the club closed at one in the morning all three were legally drunk, with the least drunk being Rik, so he drove.

  “Where to now? Do we eat, or drop you off, sweetheart?”

  Adolpha, now turned on from teasing the men all evening said, “Let's go to my room for the night. I will show you both a real good time. Who knows, this could turn into a regular thing.”

  Stan asked, “Y . . . you mean you want us both, at the same time?”

  “I find that thought hot, don't you?”

  “Uh, I don't know, because I ain't sure what to think.” He reached under the seat and removed a quart of whiskey. Taking a good snort, he handed the bottle to her.

  Turning to him, she met his eyes and ran her tongue over the top of the bottle, and Stan felt himself shiver. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply, which seemed to act as a switch for her. She felt her passion explode and as she kissed him in return, her hands began moving over his body. Feeling her passion ignite, Stan was soon caught in the sexual web of the Black Widow.

  “I don't think it's fair for you two to be carryin' on like ya are and I'm drivin'.”

  “You get us to my hotel room and I promise to show you an especially good time, cowboy.” She leaned over and ran her tongue up his neck, causing him to shiver, as she reached for him.

  Three hours later, as all three were sleeping in Adolpha's bed, the door suddenly slam
med open to strike the door stop and two men holding pistols were silhouetted by the streetlights.

  “Who in the hell are you two, and what do ya want?” Stan asked as he started to stand from the bed.

  “Don't get out of the bed, cowboy, or Texas will be missin' a bull rider pretty damned quick. You, woman, slowly crawl out of the bed and get dressed.”

  “Who are you, and why should I do a damned thing for you?” she asked, knowing her pistol was beside the lamp on the table. If I play this correctly, I can get out of this mess, but I need to use my sex appeal in a different way, she thought as she climbed over Rik. She knew the two men were watching her move and when her body moved, men drooled.

  Standing by the bed naked, she then bent over, her rear toward the two men, and reached for her thong. She moved her legs and rear just enough, that she knew the two men were watching her butt, and not her hands. She quickly grasped the loaded and ready pistol, dropped to the floor, and fired twice —both men fell. The man on the left was screaming madly as blood spurted high from his neck injury. The other man lay unmoving.

  “Oh, shit!” Stan said from the bed, but she ignored his comment.

  “Call the cops!” Rik ordered, only she disregarded him as well. It's probable these men are cops, she thought, and almost laughed.

  Adolpha moved to the wounded man, shot him in the head, and then left the room at a run, moving for the front desk. She entered the lobby, buck naked, raised her pistol and fired three shots at a man in a suit and a woman dressed like a maid. Since both were behind the desk, she assumed correctly that they worked there. The man fell instantly, the bullet striking him in the heart, but the maid screamed and turned to run.

  She fired another shot, hitting the maid in the middle of her back. The wall in front of the woman was splattered with blood and gore as the bullet passed through her and struck the wall. Seeing her shot had hit the woman in the spine, Adolpha moved back to her room. I need to leave, and now. The police will be here in no time, she thought.

  When she entered the room, Rik was on his phone, and both cowboys were dressed.

  “Who are you calling?” she asked as she quickly dressed.

  “The police. Hell, we have bodies here, and these two clowns broke into our room.”

  She grabbed the phone from him, dropped it on the floor, and stomped it to bits.

  “Who are you?” Stan asked, as he backed away from her.

  She smiled, winked at Rik, and then shot him in the face. The bullet struck him an inch above his nose and he was dead before he knew he'd been shot. The sheets and blanket behind the man, on the bed, were instantly stained by blood, shards of skull, and gore.

  Turning the pistol to Stan, she said, “Get in the truck, lover boy, and you drive.”

  “Why did ya kill Rik? Huh? He didn't hurt ya, or threaten ya!” he almost screamed, but then grew more controlled and added, “Hell, neither one of us would harm you, because we were raised better.”

  “He knew too much, and I can't keep an eye on both of you. Now, get your ass in the truck or you're the next one I'll kill.”

  “Jesus, what am I goin' to tell his folks?” he said as he pulled the keys from his jeans pocket and moved for the truck.

  “Well, you might get lucky and I'll kill you, so then you'll not have to tell them anything.”

  Both got in the vehicle, the engine was started, and he asked, “Where to now?”

  “North, and keep going that way until I tell you differently.” she said as she pulled her phone from her purse.

  She dialed the number in Spain and heard the phone answered almost immediately, “Guten Tag. Vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf Hanish und Sohn, Ihr Einrichtungshaus.” Once she heard the German, she knew the automatic transfer for her call had worked as designed.

  “Ich bin es, die Schwarze Witwe. Ich bin unterwegs. Englisch sprechen.”

  “Okay, I can speak English for you.”

  “I am on the move. I have been forced to leave and will contact you when I get to my next location. I will still have need of what I have requested before.”

  “That is fine, and I hope you are safe.”

  “Yes, I am for the time being, but I may need a pickup if it gets much hotter for me.”

  “We understand. I can arrange that now, if you wish, but it would cost you a weekend at your house.” The man had Adolpha's image on his computer screen.

  “Ummm, I am tempted but I am fine. But, if you still want a weekend with me, I can arrange that once I am back home.”

  The man laughed and said, “You have no idea what I look like.”

  “Looks mean little to me. You will find me a hard woman to please.”

  “Good luck, and I will await your call, in both cases.”

  She turned the phone off and slipped it back in her purse.

  Twenty minutes later, Stan said, “So, yer called the Black Widow, huh? Fits ya, in my opinion.”

  “Oh, you speak German? How can that be, since you are a Texas cowboy?”

  He gave an ill felt smile and replied, “Meine Großeltern sind Deutsche.”

  “So, your grandparents are German? That's good. I promise, if you are a good boy and obey me, you'll still be alive when I let you go.”

  “I ain't promisin' ya shit! Ya had no reason to kill Rik just because he spent the night with ya. Hell, neither of us knew much about ya, except you're about a coldblooded bitch, and what did you expect him to tell the police?”

  “He may have noticed something about me.”

  “All he noticed was what I noticed, ya gave 'em some good lovin'. There was no need to kill my best friend.”

  “I take no risks and I rarely leave a witness alive. I will you, if you keep me a happy woman.”

  “It's a damned shame that God gave such a nice body and face to a useless woman like you.”

  “You'll see more of my body as we travel together. Now, if you refuse me, I will shoot you, because I don't really need you.”

  “I think you just love to kill people.”

  “Ummm, it is a turn on for me.”

  He gave her a quick glance, shook his head and then moved his eyes back to the road.

  Ten minutes later, he said, “I think it's every man's fantasy to be held captive by a beautiful woman, who will continuously ravish his body. I can speak from experience now, it's not what it's cracked up to be. Yer one coldblooded filly.”

  She laughed and replied, “Ummm, I have need of you now, but we need to cover some miles first. Once we're in Kansas, we'll get a room at some out of the way motel. By the way, we'll go into the motel lobby together, and my gun will be ready. Now, you can either go along with me on this trip and survive, or I'll kill you at some point.”

  Giving a dry chuckle, he said, “You'll just kill me in the end anyway. I saw nothing in your eyes when you killed Rik, so killing means little to you.”

  “You remember that, too. I will kill if I think the job needs to be done. As I said, keep me happy and I promise you'll survive.”

  The remainder of the day was uneventful and while at a gas station refilling the truck, she'd bought some jet-black dye for her hair, along with some plastic ties.

  “What's with the ties?” he asked, once in the truck.

  “I'm going to have to secure you to the bed each night or you'll try to escape.”

  He didn't reply.

  “I may secure you and then rape you when I desire.”

  He shook his head, started the truck, and then said, “Yer a very sick woman, do ya know that? Just my luck to be taken prisoner by a psychotic nymphomaniac, who's a proven killer, and a German secret agent.” He placed the truck in gear and moved for the highway.

  “I don't work for the Germans, and never have. My organization is much larger than Germany.”

  “I don't want to hear another word. I don't want to know more about ya, because ya ain't somebody I want to know about. When will ya let me go?”

  “In a few days, after I get what I as
ked for on the phone.”

  Stan nodded, but said nothing. I need to watch her, remember what I can, and try to get out of this mess alive. She'll kill me in a heartbeat, if she feels even slightly threatened, so I'll obey her until I see a good chance to escape, he thought as he grinned.

  “And, what are you thinking about? It has made you grin.”

  “Oh, tonight, after we get a room and you secure me to the bed. I look forward to that.” He lied and then thought, Go along with her and survive, but wait for a door to open to freedom, then take it quickly.

  She scooted closer to him and he twitched when her hand found his thigh. She leaned forward and whispered, “You will go to sleep tonight a very happy man.”

  That, sweet thang, I doubt, he thought as he felt his body betraying his mind.

  Chapter 20

  “This is Cobra One, and our time over target was four seconds less than two minutes.” a voice came over the radio to be heard in the CSA White House. “All aircraft have released their bombs and we're heading home.”

  “Roger that, Cobra, and we've orders to escort you back, as well.”

  “Copy, Whiskey One, and we appreciate the protection.”

  “So, how many B-52s in that flight that Cobra is leading?” the President of the CSA turned and asked. He had just entered the radio room a few minutes before.

  “They usually operate in cells, with three BUFFs per cell. Since this raid was to hit San Francisco, there were two cells with him, sir.” the Air Force Chief of Staff replied.

  “Just six aircraft? I find the number shocking. I'd expect many more aircraft to go against a major city.”

  “Sir, I know you flew fighters while serving in the Air Force, but a single BUFF carries 108 five hundred pound bombs per aircraft. That means Frisco was just struck with 648 Mark 82 five hundred pound bombs. That's a total of 324,000 pounds of explosives, or 162 tons of bombs.”

  “That's a lot, huh? I guess that's a major reason the old girl is still flying over 60 years after the first one landed. Wow, 162 tons is a lot of explosives.”

  “It is, but it only does us good if they hit where we need them. Today was a major shipyard and harbor. We discovered the New World Order and the UN are shipping most arms by water.”


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