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The Bodyguard's Weakness: An Accidental Marriage Mafia Romance (Scaliami Crime Syndicate)

Page 7

by Jagger Cole

  “Uh… yeah?”

  “Don Salvestro wants to speak with you.”

  No man in the history of earth has ever stopped a blowjob faster. I let go of her hair and slide away from her, up against the headboard. Lucia pouts, but there’s ice water in my veins.

  “What?” I croak.

  “We’re downstairs,” the man grunts. “Come down, now.” The line goes dead. My heart about does the same thing.

  “I wasn’t done with—”

  “Stop it,” I choke. I slide from the bed and grab my boxers from the floor. Lucia frowns.

  “What are you doing?”

  She purses her lips and slides off the bed. She’s wearing that robe again, and I’m not so sure there’s anything else on underneath it. I groan and force myself to stay strong.

  “We’re not doing this, Lucia,” I hiss quietly.

  “I always get what I want,” she says tightly.

  “Well, not this time.”


  “I’m not playing this game, Lucia. I’m really not.”

  “We’re already playing it,” she hisses. She raises her hand and wags her ring finger.

  “You’re not seriously confusing getting drunk married in Vegas with love, are you?” I feel like a complete asshole even saying it. But I have to stamp this out. I don’t want to. I want to drag her back to that bed and not let her out until I’ve taken her every single way I can. But I can’t do that. Not with who she is.

  Lucia just rolls her eyes though. “Oh my God, I’m a virgin, not an idiot. No one said a thing about love, Dominic.” She glares at me. Her cheeks are flushed. “Maybe I just wanted to have some fun.”

  “Well, find another playmate.”

  She purses her lips and glares daggers at me. “You know what? Maybe I will.”

  “Yeah, go run back to this secret mystery man of yours,” I grunt.

  “Oh, plan on it,” she snaps. “So you can go cry to your made up girlfriend about it.” She storms out of my room and slams the door behind her. I let the air out slowly. Jesus Christ, what the fuck am I into?

  I dress quickly and step out. The apartment is empty, and her door is shut. I glance at the front door. Don Salvestro wants to talk. He’s fucking downstairs right now. My stomach clenches. Did she tell? Did she lie?

  Hell, it’s not even a lie. It’s the truth. I did touch her last night. I kissed her like she was mine. I tasted her pussy. Her lips were wrapped around my dick this morning. I groan. Christ, what am I walking into here?

  Downstairs, I step outside. I do remember to slip a pair of driving gloves on, though. Thank God it’s cold out. One of Micheal’s guys who looks like he’s built out of bricks nods at me. He opens the door to a black limo and gestures inside. Yeah, here goes nothing.


  I slide into the seat. Across from me sits Don Salvestro. His hands rest on the handle of a dark black cane. The brick-house dude outside shuts the door, leaving us alone.

  “Don Salvestro,” I bow my head.

  “How is everything going?”

  I clear my throat. “Good. All good, sir.”

  “And Las Vegas?” He makes a tut-tut sound and shakes his head. “I do not care for gambling. But I know Lucia was looking forward to the lights and the shows.” He eyes me. “Everything went well?”

  “Absolutely, Don Salvestro.”

  He smiles thinly. “Dominic.”


  “My granddaughter…” He trails off and looks at me coolly.

  “Yes sir?”

  “She is… what is the saying, making you run for your money?”

  I smile. “Giving.”

  He chuckles. “Si, that is it. Giving you a run for your money.” He raises his silvery eyebrows. “Is she?”

  “There’ve been no problems at all, sir.”

  I mean, aside from marrying her. And making her come with my tongue. Waking up with my cock between her lips. I groan to myself. I could go on with that list.

  But Sal just laughs. “Bullshit. She’s trouble, I know. It is why I picked you to watch her.”

  I frown. “Sir?”

  “Micheal and Vincent… they speak very well of you. A good man; loyal, strong. Not one to give in.”

  “Give in?”

  He smiles thinly again. “To temptation, Dominic.” His eyes bore into me. I thank God I’ve got a decent poker face.

  “I know she’s a pretty girl, Mr. Ferrari.”

  “I—” I smile. “Nothing I noticed, sir.”

  He laughs deeply. “Do you like boys, Dominic?”

  I frown, startled. “Uh, no?”

  Sal shrugs. “It is okay. It’s the twenty-first, century, si? I don’t care much about who people want to fuck. Do you?”

  I smile. “No, sir.”

  “And do you like girls?”

  “I… yes, I do.”

  He eyes me. “So you can admit she is very pretty.”

  I really, really don’t like where this conversation is going. I’m well aware that he’s making me walk a straight line across thin ice. I just have to tread lightly. Lying now is going to send me into the ice water.

  “She is, Don Salvestro. She’s a very pretty girl.”

  He smiles. “I know. And now I know that you know, too.”

  I can feel the sweat. What the fuck chess game are we playing, I groan to myself.

  “I trust you right now, Dominic, because Micheal and Vincent trust you.”

  “Thank you—”

  “Do not make me change my mind.”

  Yeah, too late. I’m married to your granddaughter.

  “I won’t, sir.” I say curtly.

  “Dominic, I know babysitting is not your idea of what you’d like to be doing for this family.”

  “Sir, it’s no trouble—”

  “But do this job for me, and I see bright things for your future with this organization. I am clear, yes?”

  “Absolutely, sir.” I smile. “And thank you.”

  He nods and raps on the window with his cane. The brickhouse opens the door, and I step out. I watch the limo pull away. I take a deep breath. Fuck, that was intense. I turn and look up at the building. I frown and step inside.

  I’ve got this. It’s one girl. I can handle this, I think to myself as the elevator rises. So what that she fucking tempts me; that she undoes me. It doesn’t matter that all I can think about is how sweet her little pussy tasted. How soft and wet her lips were on my cock.

  The elevator opens. I walk over to the apartment door.

  Nope. I need to get that shit out of my head. This is a job, and it’s time to be professional. I take a breath and open the door. Instantly I groan.

  Goddamnit goddamnit. There’s a trail of clothing across the floor from her room to the bathroom door. The bathroom door that is halfway open, with steam from a hot shower billowing out. I can fucking hear her humming to herself in there. Naked, and wet.

  “Is that you, Dominic?”

  I grit teeth. Be strong. Be fucking strong.

  “Dooooominiiic,” she calls in a sing-song voice. She’s doing what she does best: being a little brat. She’s teasing me. She’s trying to provoke me. And it’s about to fucking work.

  “Dominic, I dropped the soap! Can you get it for me?” she giggles.

  I don’t care if she’s legitimately trying to seduce me or just playing mind games at this point. I’m not going to play along.

  “I’m not playing this game!” I bark.

  “Ugh, okay! Fine! How about a towel, then?”

  I stride into my bedroom and slam the door shut. Salvestro’s words echo in my head.

  Yeah, I’m a dead man.



  Maybe I’m just used to getting what I want. Maybe I am the spoiled mob princess I like to say I’m not. Or maybe, for the first time in my life, I just know exactly what I want. And what I want is him.

  Dominic stays in his room for the first ha
lf of the morning. I kill time with the TV and my phone. I check the Connect app about a hundred times. I’m losing my mind. I’m also still incredibly turned on from this morning and wanting him badly.

  Okay, so sneaking into his room to do… that wasn’t maybe the best idea. Or maybe it was. I blush when I remember opening his bedroom door. I remember slipping over to his bed and peeling back the sheets. I’m not sure what I was trying to do. Maybe just tease him? Or wake him up by screaming in his room or something bitchy like that.

  But when I pulled back the sheets and realized he was naked; it all just sort of happened. He was naked and totally hard. And that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

  A knock on my door makes me gasp. My naughty, X-rated thoughts slip away. “What?” I mutter.

  “I’m going for a run.”

  “Good for you.”

  I can hear him mutter something under his breath. “Look, I’ve got a guard posted at the apartment door. I’ll be back in an hour.”

  “I don’t need a guard!”

  “Yeah, you do.”

  I hear him walk away, then the front door open and close. I poke my head out of my room. The apartment is empty. I walk over to the door and open it. A giant of a man who looks like he fought a metal fence with his face turns to look at me.

  “Do you need anything, Ms. Scaliami?”

  “Uh, no. Thanks.” I slip back inside and frown. Damnit. I walk over to the couch by window and slump onto it. My thoughts go back to this morning. I replay when I pulled back the sheets. I just stared at his erection. I crawled onto the bed for a closer look, and then… well? Then I just went for it.

  And God, did it feel electrifying. Making a man moan like that, with just my mouth and hands? It was exhilarating. It was a rush. And then he woke up and the whole thing went to hell.

  Warmth creeps through my body when I replay the morning. I blush and squeeze my thighs together. I tremble a little. I want to tell myself that I’m still not sure if I just want what I want, or if I actually want Dom. But I know the answer.

  It’s him. I just want him. And I think that’s a big problem.

  I’m on my laptop on the couch when the door opens. Dominic steps in wearing shorts, running shoes, and a hoodie. He’s red-faced from the run and the cold air outside. He peels his hoodie off. His shirt rides up when he does, giving me a flash of abs, hip grooves, and powerful chest.

  God, he looks freaking delicious. And by now, my mind is made up. This isn’t about getting what I want for the sake of getting what I want. This is getting what I want because he’s all I want.

  I put the laptop down. I stand and walk slowly towards him. I’m at least being somewhat subtle. It’s not like I’ve been waiting for him in lingerie, or naked. But I am dressed to kill, and I know it. A slightly too short sundress, a button too many open. My hair teased perfectly. My lips glistening. No bra.

  Dominic looks up. He growls, like actually growls, when he sees me stalking towards him.

  “No,” he grunts. He shakes his head. “Don’t you start that.”

  I smile. “Start what?” I keep walking until I’m right in front of him. Dominic growls again. He looms over me, his face hard.

  “No,” he snarls. He’s rougher this time. He’s gruff and growly. And it turns me on even more. “I won’t touch you, Lucia.”

  I purse my lips. “Why, because of my grandfather?”


  “Or because you’d be the first.”

  His face hardens. Desire burns in his dark eyes. I tremble, wanting him so badly.

  “Stop it.”


  “Lucia, stop it. That’s just something girls…”

  I roll my eyes. “What, that’s just something girls say?”

  He shrugs. “You tell me.”

  I laugh coldly. “Do girls say that to you, Dom?” My voice drops sarcasm. “Oh please, Dom!” I whimper in a high-pitched voice. “Please, Dom! Go slow! It’s my first time!” I snicker. “Is that what they say to you, Dominic?”

  He smiles thinly. “You did.”

  I glare at him. Okay, it’s true, I walked right into that.

  “And that’s why you won’t?”

  “That and your grandfather putting a bullet through my head if I laid a finger on you.”

  “I think you laid more than a finger,” I mutter.

  He glares at me. He shakes his head, turns, and strides for his room.

  “Are you forgetting a little detail here?” I snap at his back. He pauses in the doorway.

  “Which one is that, Lucia?” he grunts.

  I scowl and raise my hand up. “That we are married!?”

  Dominic whirls. I honestly can’t tell if the look on his face is fury or lust. The combination and not knowing which makes me tremble. It makes my core melt.

  “Take that off.”

  “Take yours off!” I yell back.

  “Can’t,” he growls. “I’ve tried.”

  “Well so have I!” I snap back. “I don’t know how the fuck we got them on in the first place!”

  He groans and rubs the bridge of his nose. “We’ll deal with it.”

  “What? The marriage, or the ring?”

  “Both, Lucia.” He sighs heavily. His shirt is sleeveless, and I can’t help but let my eyes wander all over his muscled arms.

  “Look I don’t know what your fucking game is here—”

  “My game!?” I stare at him incredulously. Why is it he’s even more attractive when he’s infuriating? “And what game is that, Dom?”

  “You tell me.”

  I laugh thinly. “Do you think I’m trying to hook you or something? Trap you?” I sneer at him. “I mean I know my grandfather is only the head of the entire organization. But yeah, I thought I’d hook myself a fucking low-level captain!”

  Dominic’s jaw ticks. “Watch it,” he snaps.

  “Watch what?” I yell back. “It’s true. I don’t need you, Dominic.”

  He glares at me. “So, what. You just like toying with me?”

  I don’t answer right away. Because I don’t trust what might come out of my mouth.

  “Well?” he snaps.

  “I don’t need you,” I whisper. “But maybe I want you.” Well, so much for the not saying that out loud plan.

  Dominic freezes. His eyes bore into mine. He starts to walk towards me. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something. But then his face grows dark. He stops walking and closes his mouth.

  “Well, it’s not reciprocated. Sorry.”

  It would be heartbreaking. Except right after he says it, his eyes slide over my body. They linger on my tits, and then tease down my bare legs.

  I smirk. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I mean it.”

  “Yeah, it really didn’t look like you wanted me at all last night when you—”

  “Stop it.”

  “Oh, or this morning when you had your hands in my hair and your cock in my—”

  “Enough!” His voice booms through the apartment. I gasp, and my mouth snaps shut. The power in that voice makes me tremble. It makes me want him even more.

  “Here’s how this is going to work,” he growls quietly. “I’ll be in my room. You let me know what you want to do today, and we’ll make arrangements.”


  “Or else we can just sit here killing time until—”

  “Until I’m out of your hair?”

  He looks at me intensely, grinding his teeth. “Yep.”

  I glare back at him. Goddamnit, why is he so infuriatingly hot and also just plain infuriating?

  “Well until I straighten out the itinerary, maybe you can figure out how to annul our fucking marriage.”

  He frowns. “In six days, we’re both flying back to Vegas, paying those assholes, and annulling this fucking thing. Got it?”

  “Can’t wait!” I spit.

  “Great,” he grunts.

  “Hey Dom?”
/>   “What?”

  “Fuck off.”

  I whirl and go to my room. He whirls and goes to his. Both of our doors slam at the same time. I wonder if behind his door, he’s secretly wanting me as desperately bad as I’m wanting him.



  Completely unsurprisingly, Lucia and I ignore each other the rest of the day. For me, it’s about survival. If I don’t ignore her, I’ll devour her. I’ll swallow her whole. And if I do that, there’s no going back. And that means I’m dead.

  So for the rest of the day, I stay in my damn room. I watch TV, listen to music, and even read a book. Literally whatever it takes to keep myself from pounding down her door, ripping her clothes off, and taking her.

  Mercifully, she doesn’t pull anymore shit. For the rest of the day, Lucia keeps to her room. She stays in there when it turns to night, too. I even finally knock on her door to see if there’s anything she needs. She tells me to get fucked. So, fine.

  But the problem is, it’s not fine. I’m not fixing this problem. I’m putting a goddamn band aid on a bullet wound. I might be jailing myself in my room. But it hasn’t done a damn thing to sooth the fire inside of me.

  The problem is, I fucking want her. Badly. I’ve been rock hard for a day now. Constantly aching for her. But I can’t, and I won’t. At least I better hope I won’t.

  I at least manage to sleep that night. I lock my door from the inside. Though part of me groans at the idea of her sneaking back in again. But again, no. I can’t even humor those thoughts. In the morning, I check in with the guards I’ve set up downstairs in the lobby. Yes, the idea that Lucia might just slip out on her own has crossed my mind. But my guys report back all quiet.

  “Hey, princess.” I knock on her bedroom door.

  “What do you want?”

  I shake my head. I grin a little. You gotta respect this girl sticking to her guns on this little feud.

  “What should we do today?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine. Do whatever you want.”

  “Lucia, you’re in New York. What do you want to see?”

  “Nothing. A plane back home.”

  I growl. “Fine.”


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