Book Read Free

The Best of Friends

Page 22

by Joanna Trollope

  Slowly, Laurence lowered his right hand until the whisk rested against the rim of the bowl. Then, in the gesture she knew so well, he wiped his hands across the belly of his apron, and came towards her. He pulled a chair away from the kitchen table and sat astride it, his arms folded on the back, his face turned her way. She put the egg down carefully beside Gus’s dragon.

  ‘I suppose,’ Hilary said, ‘that the new people will come about October.’

  He shrugged. ‘I should think so.’

  ‘So does that mean that in October you are going to France?’

  There was a pause. His gaze never left her face. After a while he said, ‘I don’t know the actual date.’

  Hilary put her hands together in her lap.

  ‘I went to the building society today. To see how much money I have personally. It isn’t much, about seven thousand. The thing is, I have to plan. If you go, I have to decide whether to try and stay on and employ a chef or whether just to sell the whole thing.’

  He was watching her.

  ‘It’s your house, I know, it was left to you. But the business is ours and I think you’d be honourable about my share of the house.’

  ‘Of course—’

  ‘Laurence—’ She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees, holding her hands clasped together to keep them steady. ‘Laurence, I want you to think about all this. I want you to think about The Bee House and me and the boys and our future. You can’t just walk out on us all.’

  ‘I never intended to. At least, not in the way you imply.’

  ‘And while—’ She stopped.

  He waited. The kitchen was very still.

  ‘While you’re thinking about that—’


  ‘I’d like you to think about something else too.’

  He raised his head a little.

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘I want you to think,’ Hilary said slowly, giving every word weight to keep her voice steady too, ‘I want you to think – about us. I want you to consider the possibility, which I think is a probability in fact, that our marriage isn’t over.’ She swallowed. ‘I know I still love you. I think you may well love me. I may often have wanted to murder you but I’ve never wanted to divorce you. And I don’t now.’

  She stood up, holding the edge of the desk, looking down at him. He sat motionless, his arms in their blue rolled-up shirtsleeves crossed on the chair back, his face still turned to where her face had been.

  ‘It isn’t the end, you know,’ Hilary said. ‘Our marriage isn’t dead. It never was.’

  And then she turned away from him and went out of the swing door and up the stairs to the bar.

  Sophy sat on the floor of her London bedroom. She wore new black jeans Fergus had bought her and a long-sleeved grey T-shirt and her silver bracelet. She had also had a haircut and the result was that her hair felt thicker and better. She wore it loose, tossed to one side, in a way she had never worn it before. At Fergus’s request, she had taken her blue bead on its leather thong off from round her neck and wound it round her wrist instead. He had said it might stop her putting it in her mouth. It did, but she kept fingering the hollow at the base of her throat where it had lain, and missing it.

  On her bedroom walls were several new posters bought from the shop at the Tate Gallery. Fergus had said that, if they were going to live together, there had to be a few rules that each insisted on and one of his was that any kind of adherence to pop culture happened outside the house. Sophy didn’t really mind. She made a token fuss, but her new posters were both beautiful and adventurous, and totally unlike anything she had had in Whittingbourne, and she felt a secret pride in them. Fergus had also bought her several floor cushions covered in ikat-printed cotton, an ink-blue silk shirt and a cream-coloured dressing gown shaped like a kimono and patterned with flying storks.

  It had been a very good few days. The thing was, Tony was away, working in some stately home for a week, so they had the house to themselves. Apart from shopping, they cooked together and went to a film and there was a breath of excitement to it all because it wasn’t in the least, in atmosphere, like life at High Place together had been. Sophy felt older now, less the child, the dependent one shackled by homework. Fergus hadn’t mentioned school. Nor had he mentioned a flat nor the possibility that Sophy might be pregnant. He had simply talked to her about London things and his work. He had asked her if she wanted to talk about Gina and Laurence and she had said no. Not in the least. Well you will, he’d said, and when you do, you must tell me. It’s too big a thing to keep to yourself.

  That afternoon, he had taken her with him to a huge, grim, grand house in St John’s Wood, to look at some furniture. The house belonged to someone who was never there, and a housekeeper showed them into several great, shrouded rooms where Fergus examined a tallboy and several chairs and a long looking glass with a gilded eagle crouched at the top of the frame. He had also spent a long time inspecting some tall, graceful blue-and-white vases that reminded Sophy, in design if not in shape, of the Chinese vases that had sat on the landing windowsill at High Place. After that, they had driven slowly round the circle of Regent’s Park so that Fergus could show Sophy the architecture, and then they had come home – ‘Risotto tonight, don’t you think?’ Fergus had said. ‘With all different kinds of mushrooms. And a bottle of Mâconnais’ – to find that Tony had arrived, two days early.

  ‘It was hopeless,’ he said. ‘They employ me as the specialist, and then they stand over me all the time, second-guessing everything I’m doing and saying what a disaster the last restoration was, in 1928. So I said send the damn thing to me, or I won’t do it at all.’

  He had kissed Sophy, and smiled at her.

  ‘Nice to see you. I like the haircut. Having a little breath of civilization before school?’

  ‘No,’ she said. She tried to make her voice sound light and unconcerned. ‘I’ve come to live here. To live in London.’

  There was abruptly something rather alarming in the atmosphere, like the unnatural echoing stillness before a breaking storm. Fergus cleared his throat. Sophy felt that she neither could, not wanted to, look at Tony.



  ‘I wonder,’ Fergus said and his voice sounded quite different to the way it had sounded all afternoon, ‘I wonder if you’d be sweet and just leave us for ten minutes.’

  She gave her new haircut a toss.

  ‘OK,’ she said.

  She went out of the sitting-room and up the stairs to her bedroom, and closed the door, loudly, so that they could hear her. Then she went over to the space of floor at the end of her bed, where her new cushions were, and sat there, holding her ankles, her head back and her eyes closed, trying with every muscle of her body and imagination not to consider what might happen next.

  Chapter Sixteen

  ‘YOU SHOULD HAVE told me,’ Vi said. ‘You should have told me before.’

  She sat at the kitchen table in High Place, one hand on a mug of tea, the other holding the turquoise pendant Dan had given her and which she wore round her neck on a silver chain.

  ‘I couldn’t, Mum. Because of Dan. You were so worried.’

  ‘I wonder,’ Vi said, ‘I wonder if you weren’t a bit worried about telling me. I wonder that.’

  Gina leaned forward over her own mug and looked at the coffee in it and thought what a horrible colour it was.

  ‘Yes,’ she said.

  Vi had caught her still in her dressing gown that morning, at almost ten o’clock. She hadn’t telephoned, she had simply come in, unannounced, a thing she hadn’t done more than half a dozen times in all the years Gina had lived in High Place. Gina had overslept because Laurence had been there until after one in the morning, and when he had gone, she couldn’t sleep. They hadn’t made love.

  ‘I can’t,’ he had said. ‘I can’t even think about it. Not tonight. The sadness of everything is just overwhelming.’

  She had been very afraid, and
the fear had made her angry. She had shouted at him that he was being bullied by Hilary, by his children; she had accused him of being like any old weak-principled politician who, caught with his trousers down, then did whatever he was told to by the last strong-minded woman he had spoken to. When she had finished screaming, she wanted him to hold her, and he did, but with a hint of absent-mindedness that fanned the dying flames of her anxiety and anger back into a blaze.

  ‘Don’t you think I feel guilty?’ she had shouted. ‘Don’t you remember that I felt guilty long before you even troubled to get round to it? And don’t talk to me about all there is to lose, Laurence, don’t insult me with that. I’m the one whose child has run off to her father! I’m the one who failed to tell her the truth early enough and who’s got to pay for that omission, over and over!’

  He had turned to her then, and held her properly for the first time.

  ‘We can’t use our children as excuses for what we do,’ Gina said. ‘They’d never forgive us. They may hate just now but they’d hate us even more later if we said that you’d only stayed on in your marriage for their sakes. It isn’t fair to burden them with that. That’s our burden.’

  Laurence said softly, ‘Don’t you make excuses.’

  ‘I’m not—’

  ‘Yes, you are. You’re trying to justify things. The only justification we have, Gina, is that we want to do this thing and it’s not a justification that has, or can possibly have, any appeal for anyone but us.’

  She had pulled away from him then.

  ‘I think you’d better go.’

  ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Do you intend Sophy to come with us?’

  She picked up one of the glasses of wine she had poured and which neither of them had touched.

  ‘I did. Of course I did. But she seems rather to have put paid to that. Why do you ask?’

  ‘Because she’s a person,’ Laurence said, suddenly angry. ‘Because she’s a player in all this, poor girl, whether she likes it or not, just as my boys are. Because I’ve started trying to see things as other people see them and now I’ve started, I can’t stop.’

  He got off the edge of the table, where he had been perching, and went across to the door. She put the glass down with a shaking hand and a little tongue of wine leaped out and fell in a pale pool on the table.



  She bent her head. She would have given anything not to have to ask him, but the need was too great to stop herself.

  ‘Do you still love me?’

  He paused by the door and turned back to look at her.

  ‘You know I do. I love you, I have always loved you and I always will.’

  Then he had gone out into the dark and she had gone to bed and lain there, tormenting herself with the fact that he hadn’t kissed her good night until she heard the clock on the church strike five and a heavy, unnatural sleep came to claim her.

  She hadn’t woken until almost ten, and was downstairs in the kitchen muzzily plugging in the kettle when Vi appeared at the glass door.

  ‘I think it’s time you told me,’ she said without preliminary when Gina let her in. ‘I’ve been awake since four, thinking, and I decided it’s time you told me why Sophy’s gone to her father.’

  Gina had made them tea and coffee. Vi said she didn’t want tea, she wanted the truth.

  ‘It’s Laurence, Mum,’ Gina said. ‘Laurence and me.’

  Vi had picked up her pendant then, and begun to stroke it between finger and thumb as if to comfort herself with it.

  ‘We want to go away together. To France. We wanted to take Sophy.’

  ‘I don’t understand you,’ Vi said. ‘Sometimes you seem to me like someone I’ve never met before.’

  ‘I knew you’d be angry—’

  ‘I’m not angry,’ Vi said. ‘I’ve learned lately what it’s worth getting angry about and this isn’t it. But I’m shocked.’

  ‘If it’s any comfort,’ Gina said, ‘I’m a bit shocked myself. But I’m happy and he’s given me my confidence back.’

  Vi picked up her mug and took a sip of tea.

  ‘I used to wonder if you two would end up together, long ago. He’d have been good for you, Gina. He’d have made you work hard and you wouldn’t have had a minute to get into all these states. No wonder he was so odd at the funeral. Couldn’t look me in the eye.’ She put her mug down and Gina suddenly saw how old her hands had become, almost uncertain. ‘But you can’t do it,’ Vi said.

  Gina pulled the sash of her dressing gown tighter.

  ‘We can. We’re going to.’

  ‘There’s all these children—’

  ‘They’re big children, Mum.’

  ‘Only in size,’ Vi said. ‘And Sophy hasn’t the temperament for this. Any more than you’d have had, at her age. You “only” children aren’t like others. You find families in things and people to make up to yourselves for not having one of your own. You may hate your family if you have one, but it’s better than not having one at all. Families is where you do your learning.’ She pushed her tea mug away. ‘If you’d told me sooner, I could have done something.’

  ‘No, you couldn’t,’ Gina said. ‘No-one could. We’ve loved each other all our lives.’

  ‘Just because you love a thing,’ Vi said, ‘doesn’t follow you’ve got to have it.’ She stood up and leaned heavily on the table, her pendant swinging forward out of the neck of her blouse. ‘I suppose I see why you did it. I suppose I do. But can’t you see that there are some things that can’t be cured by your ways, or by any other way for that matter? And because they can’t be cured, Gina my girl, they just have to be borne.’

  Gina swallowed.

  ‘People don’t think like that any more.’

  Vi snorted. ‘No need to tell me that. But it doesn’t mean you have to follow the herd, behave like all the others—’

  ‘I love him,’ Gina said. ‘I told you. I’ve loved him all my life.’

  Vi moved slowly towards the door.

  ‘That’s not enough,’ she said without turning to look at Gina. ‘It’s not enough to give you the right to do as you please.’

  Outside in the fresh air, Vi felt suddenly dizzy. She moved slowly to the little steps that went up to the camomile lawn and sat on the low wall that bordered them. She was just out of sight of the kitchen door, so couldn’t see Gina. Just as well, perhaps. She didn’t, for the moment, much want to see Gina, it was better just to think about her and not have that pretty, neat face framed in its smooth dark hair opposite her and looking, because of what was being said, like an entire stranger. She couldn’t be angry. She could be, and was, sad and anxious and shocked but, since Dan’s death, she couldn’t be angry. Gina wasn’t a wicked girl. She might be confused and a bit spoiled and behaving in a way that in others you’d condemn as bad or silly, but she wasn’t wicked. Of course she shouldn’t have married Fergus Bedford, but then of course she, Vi, shouldn’t have believed that Corporal Sy Dunand was going to marry her and take her back to Avenel, New Jersey where his mom, he assured her, would be just as pleased to see her as if she’d been a lifelong sweetheart on the next block. She’d never mind, Sy had said, that Vi was six years older than he was. Not when she met her. And now, baby, how’s about a spot of comfort for a hard-working soldier?

  Vi put the heels of her hands into her eye sockets and pressed. Who knows what Gina had inherited, down all those dark mysterious channels of reproduction, from Sy Dunand? Not much of his looks, certainly, but perhaps something in the temperament, something of wanting easy pleasure, the pleasure of the moment. And her childhood had been an odd affair, by modern standards, not a cosy time, God knew, with her, Vi, working all hours with only Sundays off when she liked to turn the house out and do the accounts. Years of that, there was, years. Perhaps they made Gina hungry. Perhaps they made her so hungry she kept asking things of Fergus Bedford he couldn’t possibly give her.
She should have had more children after Sophy, of course she should. Four children and she wouldn’t have had a moment to ask herself all the time whether she was happy or not.

  Well, it was no good wishing for four children now. Vi got up off the wall and tested herself. She felt much steadier. She looked up at the back of the house and reminded herself of how much she had always disliked it because of the airs it gave itself. ‘Bye,’ Vi said to it, and walked to the gate to the street and let herself out.

  She turned away from High Place and made for The Ditches. Some of the inhabitants there, in the low, squat cottages, were on the waiting list for flats in Orchard Close. Vi didn’t blame them. Full of history those cottages might be, but the ceilings crumbled into your tea and there was no sunlight and the damp was shocking. Better by far to get your history off the television and live with some kind of convenience, even if that convenience did entail Cath Barnett. Vi had forgiven Cath Barnett but she hadn’t told her so yet. She was biding her time, and while she waited, she watched Cath take the long way round the courtyard every morning, in order not to pass the door of Number Seven.

  At the end of The Ditches, Vi turned left into Orchard Street. Almost opposite her The Bee House stood with its painted signboard and two tubs of geraniums flanking the front door, dispirited now at the end of summer. Vi crossed the street and passed in front of the dining-room windows, through which she could see the tables already laid for dinner. Something awfully depressing about dining-rooms, she thought, especially with no-one in them. Like empty cricket pitches or theatres. No point to them with no-one there.

  She turned into the yard. A wine merchant’s delivery van stood there with its back doors open and one of the boys who worked in the kitchen, in his blue-checked trousers and white tunic, was lounging against it and chatting to the driver. Vi peered at him. It was Kevin someone. She recognized him. Sometimes, in the old days, she and Dan had seen his Aunt Freda having a Saturday-night drink in the Brewer’s Arms.

  ‘Mr Wood about?’ she said.

  Kevin took his shoulder away from the side of the van.


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