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Protected By The Highlander (Medieval Romance)

Page 69

by Veronica Wilson

  All eyes turned in Tess's direction to see her pinned by Konel, his dagger poised at her jugular.

  "Konel, no!" bellowed Godan.

  "Yes, father!" cried the boy. "Strike him down! Force him to give his life for this female. Avenge Mother!"

  In that moment, Tess saw pure horror fall over Rendar's face—and saw him forget the battle and start to lower his blade. If Godan seized this shocking initiative, all would be lost. Tess did not think. She only moved. The next seconds became another frenzy. Tess's booted foot came down hard on Konel's foot. The startled boy wailed in pain and pulled his dagger away. Tess wrenched herself free of his grasp and spun around. Konel recovered and slashed out with his knife. The blade sliced the sleeve of Tess's shirt and just penetrated her skin. In another instant without thought, Tess made a fist and slammed it forward into Konel's stomach. The youth toppled back, gasping, and doubled over on the grass while Tess picked up his knife.

  The shock of the moment spread to the battle scene. Godan, seeing what his son had done and likewise Tess's response, roared, "KONEL!" He seized the staff of the distracted Rendar, who whirled back around, suddenly weaponless, to face his foe. He leapt back—too late to miss the edge of one of his own blades slashing across his chest and making a dripping line of blood down his pecs.

  Rendar winced at the pain, even as he and Godan both heard Konel choke out a cry of, "Father!" Godan looked beyond Rendar to see his son trying to stagger to his feet near the dagger-wielding Tess. Fighting the pain, Rendar struck out, grabbing the shaft of his weapon and tearing it from Godan's hands. Godan made a sound of incoherent fury as Rendar, wincing, tossed the blade away.

  "You fool!" Godan roared, set to lunge for the fallen shaft. But Rendar was quicker in spite of his wound. In the middle of Godan's dive for the ground, Rendar brought his fist to meet Godan's face. Struck in the nose, blood flowing, Godan forgot everything but his hatred and rage. He hurled himself at Rendar with hands extended and seeking Rendar's throat. Rendar swung with his fist again, connecting with Godan's nose a second time. Godan sputtered and staggered back, and Rendar became a storm of flying fists, hitting the bigger Sarmian in the jaw, across the face, in the ribs and stomach.

  Under this barrage of punches, Godan refused to give in. He stumbled forward, intent as ever on pounding Rendar into the grass. With one more step... he fell with an ignominious thud at Rendar's feet.

  Rendar stood triumphant, but not savoring his victory. His world now was nothing but the throbbing pain of the wound across his chest and the pulsing ache in the fists that had won him the day—and his life. Everyone present at the duel, whether proudly or ruefully, would testify that when the combatants fell, it was Godan who fell first and did not rise again. When Rendar hit the turf, he went down as the clear and decisive winner.


  Konel's rash actions could have cost his tribe dearly. He had interfered in personal combat meant to settle an intertribal dispute. His intervention had compromised his father's honor and the honor of his family and tribe. Rendar would have been within his rights to petition the Capitol for sanctions against Godan's tribe, which could have cost them territory and resources. But Rendar chose forbearance instead. There had been enough violence, enough bloodshed and wrath and rancor, to last many lifetimes. He had never wanted this battle at all. He only wanted an end to all of it. Rendar and Godan would never be friends. But an end to all of it was what Rendar finally got. Peace descended on the Lotar Valley at last.

  The injured Rendar's people returned him to his family's compound in the hills on their side of the valley. The family healers treated his wound with consummate skill, and Rendar was ordered to rest. It was during his recuperation from his battle with Godan that he received a particular visitor.

  Once again casually dressed and piloting a floater on her own, Tess made her way through the community of pueblo-like structures set into the hills. She was fascinated by the contrast between the building style, which she associated with desert dwellers in Earth's history, and the temperate, partly forested region where these people lived. This, and the level of technology of the Sarmians, which was a match for present-day Earth, was one of the things that made the Sarmians so interesting. She found it almost as fascinating as the man who occupied the upper floor of the largest building.

  As she passed through the village, Tess could not help noticing the way some of the residents stopped to watch her, and muttered things to each other when she went by. Well, it was natural for people to talk about her now, after all. She was no longer just the Earth woman who had brokered the final treaties that sealed peace in the valley. She was now the Earth woman whose life had been threatened to blackmail their leader, which had become a scandal. It was a curious thing for Tess to find herself a figure of scandal. Her life's work had been about smoothing over conflicts and quelling discord. Being talked about in a context like this was a novelty for her. It gave her an uncomfortable tingle at the base of her neck. She looked forward to quieter, less eventful duties on her next assignment.

  However, while she was a figure of scandal, most of the ill repute associated with that scandal was directed toward the other side of the valley. On this side she had become a bit of a celebrity, and the passersby who talked about her did so without hostility. Tess had the distinct feeling that they were as intrigued by her as she was by them, and they were nothing but polite as she made her way to the address where their leader lived.

  Rendar's chambers differed from any other living space in the area only by how spacious they were. The place was all stone walls and floors with area carpeting, and stone furnishings with plush pillows and cushions. A younger female cousin welcomed Tess inside and directed her to Rendar’s living space on the upper level. His suite was a place of elaborate tapestries and curtains, comfortable chairs and ottomans, and a large stone bed with a thick, soft mattress and ornately patterned sheets. In the middle of the room was a fire pit was set into the floor, and Rendar, clad only in loose-fitting leggings, sat turning the coals with a metal poker. At her entrance he looked up from tending the fire, and the smile on his face at seeing Tess was as bright and warm as the flames.

  He stood up, and Tess hoped she did not look as pained as she felt at seeing the sealed and healing wound across his chest. Male beauty such as Rendar's should not be so marred.

  "Tess!" he called, welcoming her and holding out his hand.

  Tess took his hand and felt the warmth of his greeting. Feeling the strength of his grasp set her misgivings about his injury at ease. "Rendar," she said, "I'm so happy to see you again."

  "And I am most pleased to see you, Tess. Especially here and now, when we are not a leader and a diplomat but only two friends."

  A new flash of warmth went through Tess at hearing him speak about them this way. She very much liked the idea of being Rendar's friend.

  "I'm glad you're looking so well," she said. "That cut looked so awful the last time I saw you."

  Smiling, Rendar passed his hand along the sealed wound and showed no discomfort. "I was only cut deep enough to draw blood." His smile diminished somewhat as he added, "Other wounds, I fear, are much deeper. Godan and his boy—the events of the duel will shadow their days for a long time to come. I am sorry for them."

  "I think it was generous of you not to take any actions against them for what the boy did," said Tess. "Even after what he did to me—and tried to use my life against you—he was a boy in pain, acting out."

  "It is true," Rendar agreed. "His mother is gone, and at my hand. He grieved her loss and feared for his father. To make reprisal against them would only place grief on the shoulders of grief. There has been grief enough, I think." He brushed a thumb over his wound. "We all must now heal. My tribe and Godan's may now live, if not in true peace, then at least without hostility. And Konel's children will have the opportunity to do better than we."

  A smile of the deepest admiration lit Tess's face. "You really are a natural leader,"
she said.

  Rendar returned the same look to her. "And you, who acquitted yourself so well under threat—skilled diplomat that you are, might there not be something of the warrior about you after all?"

  Tess chuckled and waved off the idea. "Me? Oh, no, thank you. I'll stick to conflict resolution over a bargaining table."

  "A setting where you are more than formidable," Rendar grinned.

  They admired each other in silence for a moment. And it was a genuine admiration, born of respecting and liking one another as people, of accepting their differences in culture and their common ground as individuals. An admiration of truly liking one another, as they had felt all along. And it was this liking more than anything else that prompted Tess, on a pure impulse, to dismiss their positions as tribal leader and diplomat long enough to put her hands on his bare shoulders, reach her face up to him on tip-toes, and place a very fond kiss on his cheek.

  She pulled back from the kiss, startled and dismayed at her impulsiveness as her training in protocol and etiquette came rushing back to her. She took a step back, put her fingers to the lips that had kissed him, and blushed. "I don't know why I did that," she softly said, blushing in tone as much as in face.

  Rendar's smile showed not a hint of offense. "Do you not, truly? I think this was a moment long waiting to happen, Tess. You are wise and kind. This moment was meant to be."

  "I'm relieved you think so. It seemed like a bit of a breach of boundaries. I wouldn't have been surprised if you asked me to go after that."

  Rendar shook his head reassuringly. "I do not wish you to depart. For us there should be no boundaries. I wish you to remain as my personal guest. My most personal and private guest."

  Tess's eyes widened and her breath felt hot at the implication. Hesitantly, she asked, "Are you sure?"

  Her hot breath turned suddenly cold with surprise at what he did next. With one sure gesture, Rendar took down his leggings and let them rest in a silken heap at his feet, exposing the mighty, muscled pillars of his legs—and the column of quickly hardening flesh under the dark bush of hair between them. And a column it truly was. Veined and foreskinned, it was an erect and throbbing monument to desire.

  "I am more than sure," said Rendar. "I would reward your kindness with favors of my own. I have thought much of you, Tess; of your service and your help to my tribe, of the courage and strength you displayed at the duel, of my fondness for you. Will you not have the pleasure of my body and my zazansa? Will you not come to me, and to my bed, and let us taste of one another and let me lie upon you now?"

  There was no room for negotiation now. Tess had only one answer to Rendar's nakedness. Her own clothing went the way of any further inhibitions, and they took their mutual nakedness to the inviting softness of Rendar's bed.

  It began as all such things must, with the simple delight of discovery in kissing and touching. Sitting up together on their knees on the bed, face to face, body to body, they set their hands and lips free to further the acquaintance of their hearts. Rendar's lips sweetly enfolded Tess's, showing her the tenderness and caring underlying the warrior's strength. His lips and tongue traveled down her neck and over her shoulders, showing her the fondness that until now he had shown only with words. Touching became a language of its own, a language underlined by the roaming of their hands along one another's bodies. Tess found it delicious that Rendar's hands, so skilled in wielding weapons and pummeling opponents, could be so surprisingly soft. That softness now cupped and squeezed her breasts and teased her nipples, and reached down and around to embrace her bottom with fingers like steel jacketed in velvet.

  Only the joy of her own hands on him surpassed the feeling of his on her. The same velvet-coated steel of his hands greeted her touch on Rendar's shoulders and chest. She massaged the muscles of his shoulders, making her fingers tense and release and drawing a heat of pleasure out of him. Then she gave the same service to his pecs, which were like twin continents of flesh covered with fields of hair, and his nipples, like hardened peaks upon the continents. Rendar sucked at Tess's mouth, encouraging her to discover more. Her hands dove far down below to grasp the warrior's club, a weapon designed to strike ecstasy, not punishment, into the body that received it. And a club it was, as thick and massive as it was hard. It strained at her stroking touch like a steed pulling against his reins and ready to gallop. Behind the straining steed lay a large, round, soft carriage containing two passengers bearing a liquid gift meant for Tess alone. She cupped the sac of his briole and gently squeezed it, telling him that she was ready for his gift, every drop that he had to offer.

  Rendar let his lips part from hers and broke their embrace, only to lie spread out in all his naked warrior's glory before her. He took his club in hand and made it stand at attention like a soldier before her. "Please suck my zazansa," he requested.

  Tess did not hesitate. At once she was down between his legs, her tongue returning his soldier's salute. She licked his piece up and down and swirled her tongue over the head that protruded from the foreskin, and savored the salty taste of the stickiness flowing freely from it. He bucked his crotch into her face and let his erection slide up into her mouth, over her tongue. Tess steadied herself and him with a hand on the hard plates of his abdomen and held his huge length in her mouth, making him give a groan that was like a war-cry of raw sex. At this, Tess began her oral inspection of his soldier in earnest. She slid her mouth up and down over it, showing Rendar with one part of her what she so wanted him to do with another part. His continued groans of increasing pleasure spurred her on. She sucked him deeply, taking the head of his tool all the way back to her throat, and made him writhe on the bed grunting curses of delight in an alien tongue. With every pull and slurp of her mouth, Tess called her mighty warrior to the final battle that yet lay before them.

  As if on cue, Rendar reared up on his elbows, put one hand under Tess's chin to lift her face and pull his zazansa glistening wet from her mouth, and said into her euphoric expression, "Lie down for me. I cannot wait to shadaal you a moment longer."

  Tess obeyed this commander of her heart and body, and spread out on her back for him as he had done for her. With as quick and decisive a movement as when he pulled down his leggings and showed her his artillery, he now climbed atop her, deployed himself between her legs, aimed, and fired into her wetness.

  Tess cried out, "Ooohhh...!" at his first hard, savage thrust. Lying atop her and pinning her to the bed, Rendar took her with a strength and ferocity to match the tenderness of his earlier touches. Her entire body felt as if it would burst from his hard, fast, deep penetrations, and Tess knew that she had just become a most willing territory, submitting joyously to conquest.

  Rendar's sweet curses of bliss mixed with Tess's sounds of rapture as he pounded relentlessly inside her, demanding her unconditional surrender, receiving her passionate submission. His thick and straining hardness plundered Tess's drenched and yielding depths, claiming her more and more with each slamming beat. Rendar threw the full force of his massive muscles into every thrust, bombarding Tess with the ecstasy that only a body like his could give, stretching and filling her womanhood with every blast of his manly cannon. It was all she could do to hold on tight and take his relentless pounding, focusing her entire being on what was happening deep inside her with Rendar's zazansa ramming into her again and again. It was the most maddeningly wonderful thing she had ever known.

  Humping her furiously, Rendar came up on his elbows atop her and burned a look of unbridled need into Tess's face. He grunted and puffed down at her through clenched teeth, and she could sense that his moment to deliver his final payload into her womb was upon them. With a last grunt and puff, he slammed himself all the way into her and roared, "SHADAAL...UUUHHH...!" And Tess could almost swear that she felt the bomb-burst of seed into her depths. Rendar held his full length into her and ground his crotch against her mound as if to wring every last drop of it from his briole. He held the two of them together for what seemed a mo
ment poised on the brink of forever until at last he relaxed and fell atop her, having conquered both Tess's body and his own warrior's need.

  They were hardly aware of Rendar rolling off of her and to one side. The next thing they knew, they lay together facing each other, Tess fondling his zazansa while he did the same for the pulpy little trigger nestled in her folds down below. His thumb worked at her, flicking her own wetness from her dripping petals onto her nub, bringing her along with every passing stroke to the moment of her own release. When it came, it was another war-whoop inside her, a rising exultation of joy at her territory now being completely under his control. With a tingle of satisfaction racing through her body, Tess accepted her warrior's terms completely. But when Rendar slipped his fingers deep into the passage that he had now claimed as his own and captured her lips in another kiss, Tess knew without a doubt that the sweet sexual battle of their bodies had only begun, and that Rendar would continue to ravage her womanhood and make her love it for many more hours, on into tomorrow and beyond. She had no choice but to continue surrendering. She was the happy prisoner of his desire.

  With Tess in his bed, the warrior, now leader of his tribe, would be hard pressed to do any actual leading for the time being, while he went on pressing himself inside the diplomat. This was one battle in which there were no enemies and the laying down of weapons was not to be desired.



  Billionaire Dante Sterling is every woman’s dream—dark, handsome, and very rich. Every woman’s dream but Megan’s that is. Dante is incredibly intrigued by the beautiful and inexperienced woman who lands a position as an intern at his company but given that she walked into his office just as he was stepping out of the shower and looked at him like he was the devil himself he’s pretty sure she doesn’t want anything to do with him.


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