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Woman Beheld

Page 3

by Tianna Xander

  “How can I be of service, Defender?”

  Daffyd glanced up at the women. “Help her. She is under my protection and needs your assistance.”

  At that moment, a sharp pain tore through Elle and she screamed. “Please. Save my baby. Even if you can’t save me. Save my baby!”

  “Shh…love,” Daffyd said as he brushed the perspiration from her brow. “Alia will save you both.”

  “Don’t make,” she paused to groan. “Promises you can’t keep.”

  “Such negative thoughts, my dear.” The older of the two women leaned close. “Do not tell me what I can and cannot do.” Reaching out, the woman placed her hands on Elle’s stomach. “Lend me your power, Defender.” The woman held one hand out to Daffyd. “Close your eyes and release your energy, push it into me.” She met Elle’s gaze. “Close your eyes and picture a place where you can relax and feel safe.”

  Elle closed her eyes and thought of a lake in a fertile valley. She imagined herself walking down a mountain path toward the clear water lapping the shore. Every small wave washed more and more of her anxiety away.

  Somehow, the pain eased. The woman’s hands did something to ease the terrible ache. Before, it seemed as though her baby fought to escape her womb. Now, it seemed content to stay where it was, in the warm cocoon of her body where it could continue to form and grow.

  She relaxed into the woman’s gentle touch. She could feel her body welcome the presence of another female consciousness and that of a male. It was Alia and Daffyd. She was sure of it. The two held her life force and her baby’s life force in a gentle, yet unyielding grip.

  The baby was there. She gasped when she realized it wasn’t just one child, but two. Twins. A boy and a girl. No wonder her stomach was so big. She carried twins all along. Pride washed through her. She was uncertain if it was her own or Daffyd’s. Why would Daffyd feel such pride for children not his own?

  Warmth surrounded her, encompassed her. Like the morning after a nightmare, the memory of the pain and fear faded to nothing.

  All of this time, she’d never suspected that she carried twins. Even the doctor hadn’t guessed. There had always been one heartbeat. At least it sounded like one. Now, she knew that the two little hearts beat together as one.

  She saw them in her mind. It was better than an ultrasound, better than anything other than holding them in her arms.

  Looking up, Elle met Daffyd’s gaze. The sense of pride she could feel inside her shone on his face. Why would this affect him so?

  With his free hand, he lifted hers to his cheek. His larger hand held hers captive against the side of his face. Warmth radiated from him, seeping into her fingers. “You have no idea how exciting this is for me.” He was happy and so animated that his face lit up like that of a little boy at Christmas. If she’d thought him handsome before, he was absolutely gorgeous with that wonderful smile.

  “Why does that make you so happy?” If his expression was any indication, he couldn’t have been happier if the children she carried were his.

  “I’m happy because I, too, can feel that your premature labor has subsided and your babies are content to remain safe in your womb for a while longer.”

  There was something else. Elle was sure of it, but she didn’t know what. “Thank you.” What else could she say? She glanced at the healer who looked very tired, though she kept her eyes closed and her hand linked to Daffyd’s. Elle closed her eyes as a shaft of something that could have been jealousy tore through her.

  She shook her head. How could that be? She couldn’t possibly be jealous of people she’d met less than an hour ago. She had no business being jealous because the woman held his hand. She’d only just met the man for goodness sake. Taking a deep breath, she met his dark gaze. “I can’t thank either of you enough.”

  “There is no need to thank me.” Reaching down, he smoothed the hair back from her sweat-soaked brow. “I will not say it was nothing because it was everything. You probably cannot understand it yet, but the Fates say that you are my match. If you are, you and your children are everything to me.”

  Elle stared up at the man, her mouth open as she searched for something to say. Had she even heard the man right? Was she going crazy or was this really happening? “I-I’m what?”

  “You are my match in every way. The Fates sent me to rescue you because you are the woman I have waited lifetimes for.”

  Elle stared up at the man and bit her lip. “I wish what you said was true. You have no idea how many times I have wished that I wouldn’t have to go through this alone.” She pulled her hand from his cheek and rubbed her stomach. One of the babies kicked as though it could feel her hand.

  The healer still sat as though in a trance as she held her hand against the side of her protruding belly.

  “I think you can tell Alia that she can stop now. I feel much better. I think the threat of labor has passed.”

  “She will only release my hand and end your connection when she is certain that the danger to you and your little ones is over. Until then, she will keep the connection and continue to heal you all.”

  What could she say to that? Not only would she appear ungrateful if she yanked her hand from the other woman, but it would look as though she didn’t care for the welfare of her own children.

  Still, she could barely stand to keep contact when the unreasonable jealousy roiled through her. If the woman didn’t let her go, Elle was afraid she’d clobber the other woman over the head with something.

  Why did she feel this way?

  You are jealous because he is your match in every way. He is the man destined to be your husband and you his wife for the rest of your life.

  Holy God! I’ve gone insane!

  Chapter Six

  Daffyd watched several emotions chase across Elle’s face, from wariness, to disbelief, to shock. She stared at him with her mouth open for a moment before her head fell back against the pillow.

  “She’s unconscious,” Alia said, releasing Elle’s hand. “Don’t worry.” Alia rested her hand on his shoulder when he would have gathered Elle in his arms. “She and her fetuses will be fine. She needs the rest. She’s exhausted. Leave her to her sleep.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she replied, giving him a sad smile. “I don’t know what happened to her, but she had quite a trauma. Still, you got her to me in time. Between the two of us, we have given them all a chance at life.”

  “I hope so.” Daffyd scrubbed his face with his hands before thrusting his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know what I would do if I lost her now. Already, I can feel my body attuning itself to hers. I look at her and I can’t help but reach out and touch her smooth skin.”

  Standing, he paced the room for a few minutes before finally settling himself on the bed beside Elle. “I find that I want her. I need her more than I ever thought possible. As a defender, I thought I would never need anyone as much as I already need this woman.” He turned to face Alia, unable to keep his emotions from showing on his face. “What will I do if she can’t accept me? How will I continue?”

  “There is no good answer to that,” Alia said with a sigh. “As always, you will do what you must. Relax. Give her time. You two were meant to be together. Even the Fates have decreed that, have they not? Eventually, she will accept you. She was jealous of our connection, you know. Somehow, she knew that I have had feelings for you.” Reaching up, she rubbed her eyes. “I know you can only marry the woman who can match you in every way or you will never age. After centuries of defending this planet, death must be a release. While I love you, I could never stay with you knowing that you would stay just as you are while I grew old. I couldn’t take knowing that you could give up your chance at a real life because I wasn’t strong enough or woman enough to let you go.”

  A single tear fell from her golden lashes. “I have loved you these last ten years that I have served you and your people. But,” she added, “I l
ove you enough to want you to be happy and let you go.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Alia.” He covered her hand with his. He’d never once looked upon her as anything but a trusted friend. Apparently, she knew that.

  “Just say that you will latch onto this woman and never let her go.” Alia smiled sadly. “She is your life, your salvation and your chance to grow old. Do not let this opportunity slip through your fingers. No matter what kind of misunderstandings you have, don’t be stubborn. Stand your ground, love her, and never let her go.”

  “I promise you, Alia, I will not.” Daffyd squeezed her fingers before releasing her hand. “Perhaps you should leave for a while. Have some time to yourself.” He didn’t want to make her stay here with him if it would hurt her. She was his friend and he would sooner hack off a limb than cause her undue pain.

  “To get over you?” She smiled and shook her head. “I did that a long time ago. I came to grips that I was not the one for you when you barely acknowledged that I was in the vicinity every time I came to treat one of your servants.” She gave a one shoulder shrug. “Unlike some of the other women who do not care for you, but want you for the status of being with a defender, I know the signs.”

  She glanced over at Elle. “Already, she distracts you.” She smiled that special smile all women get when they feel as though they are imparting a secret to an ignorant male. “You can barely stand to take your gaze from her face and you touch her every chance you get. You never did that with me or any other woman I have seen you with over the years.” Her expression turned sad, once again. “Knowing that I was not the woman you needed was a difficult thing to come to terms with, yet I managed. As will she.”

  Alia stood and cupped his jaw. Leaning down, she kissed him on the cheek. “Now, I can say that I have kissed a defender,” she said before turning to the door. “Take care of her. She is going to need it. She should stay in bed for at least three days. Send for me if she has any difficulties. I will come immediately.” She stopped before leaving the room. “Call me when it is her time. I swear I will do everything in my power to see that her babies are born healthy.” She gave him another smile. “Just think, in a few months you will be the father of two. Keep that in mind. You might want to see about designing a nursery for them.”

  Daffyd watched as she left the room, her head high. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve either of them. Still, he had apparently done something right. Bowing his head, he thanked every the gods for them both.

  After a moment, he lifted his head his heart slamming against his ribs as something Alia said finally sank in. He would be a father soon. It was time he saw to the remodeling and cleaning of the old nursery. It had been at least seven hundred years since a child was born in this castle.

  Standing, he practically ran to the door. Sticking his head out into the hallway, he glared at Samau for a moment. “What are you doing just standing there, man? We have work to do. Call in the workers. We must fix the nursery and the birthing room as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, Defender,” Samau replied. As usual, there was no inflection at all in his voice. However, there was a tell-tale twinkle in his eyes. “Finally, we have a mistress,” he said as he turned to hurry away. “It’s about time.”

  Chapter Seven

  Elle woke to the sound of complete silence. Sitting up, she glanced around before looking down at herself. “Oh. My. God. Where in the hell are my clothes?” She pressed her lips together, her face burning with mortification. “If he undressed me, I swear to God, super hero or not, I will kill him.” Who gave him permission to undress her? He should have just woke her up. How would she ever face him again, knowing that he’d seen her huge body, looking like some beached whale while he stripped her naked to put her in this frilly tent that he no doubt called a nightgown?

  Sitting up, she eased her legs over the side of the bed, preparing to stand.

  “What are you doing?” A strange woman asked as she hurried to set down the tray she’d carried into the room. “You shouldn’t be up. The healer said that you should remain in bed for three days.” She clucked her tongue. “Are you wanting to lose your babes, then?”

  “No, but I don’t want to wet the bed, either.” Elle raised her brow and attempted to stare the woman down.

  “Wet the—oh!” Her face turned red. “I’m certain you wouldn’t do such a thing.” Bending down, she reached under the bed and pulled out a chamber pot.

  “No.” Elle held out her hand and shook her head. “Absolutely not. I am not using that thing. Surely, you people have a bathroom in this place?”

  God, please tell me this is not a backward world with no plumbing and no electricity.

  Of course it isn’t, you silly girl. There was that woman’s voice in her head again.

  I hope it’s not rude to ask, but which one are you? Elle didn’t remember if they’d introduced themselves before or not. They could have introduced themselves before she was attacked, but she wasn’t sure. The entire thing seemed like a bad dream and she’d rather keep it that way.

  I am Urd, the middle sister. Verdandi is the eldest and Skuld is the youngest of us all. I am Norn of the present, Verdandi is that of the past. and Skuld is seer of the future.

  “Miss?” Elle jumped when the maid laid her hand on her shoulder. “Are you quite all right?”

  Elle nodded her head. “Yes. Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Did you still need to use the bathing chamber or will you lie back down so that I might place your breakfast in your lap?”

  “I need to go. I need a shower, then I will think about eating something.” Elle didn’t want to think about eating anything right now. As impossible as it seemed, she wasn’t on Earth anymore. She couldn’t be if the two moons she saw last night were any indication. She didn’t want to eat strange food on a strange planet that could very well make her ill. What of her babies? She placed a protective hand over her abdomen. No matter how uncomfortable her empty stomach was, she wouldn’t dare eat anything until she knew if it would harm her children.

  Their food will not harm you, Elle. As a matter of fact, you might find it quite tasty—especially in your condition. This came from the older Norn, Verdandi, seer of the past.

  Why did you bring me here? She might not remember a lot from the night before, but she knew that the Fates must have brought her to this world. First, they spoke to her, then the thugs attacked her, closely followed by her rescuer.

  She thought about Daffyd. It was a strange sounding name. It was similar to David, but not the same. One look at him and any person not pleading for their life, would know that he was no normal human being. There was just something about him…

  Though Elle had always been drawn to the tall, dark and handsome type, something told her that he was different the moment she’d seen him standing in that alley. She knew that he was there for her, and meant to save her, and that he would care for her…always.

  Years ago, we made a mistake. We were young, impulsive… Verdandi sighed. Perhaps, we weren’t as vigilant as we could have been. Whatever the case, we made a few mistakes. The many years that have passed have turned the few mistakes into many.

  We attempted to put some of them to rights, but we couldn’t find a way to fix it the way it was. People were born on the wrong worlds, in the wrong times and some were even born to the wrong sex. Skuld warned us that we needed to do more than we did, but Urd and I were certain that it would all become right on its own if we but watched and attempted to mend a few things along the way. She chuckled, though the sound had no real mirth. Isn’t it strange how the youngest of us all, predicted the things that would go wrong with such accuracy, while we saw nothing at all?

  Elle stood with the maid’s help and let the woman lead her to the bathroom. “Thank you,” she said as she turned to the young woman. “I don’t think you ever told me your name.”

  “Have I displeased you, ma’am?” The girl looked nervous. “I hav
e done what the defender asked. Please don’t complain about me. I do not wish to lose this position. You have no idea how serving the defender can raise one’s status here.” She dropped to her knees. “Please do not call the defender. I will do whatever you wish.”

  Kneeling, Elle took the young woman in her arms. “I don’t plan on doing anything of the sort. I merely wanted your name so I could use it instead of saying, hey you, every time I needed something.” She frowned. “Is your defender so cruel that he would cast you out merely because you displeased me?”

  God, she hoped not. Daffyd had appeared perfect—strong, handsome, and compassionate. She couldn’t have imagined a better husband or father.

  As much as she didn’t want to believe the crazy tale the Fates told her, she also wanted to believe it. She didn’t want to be alone. She didn’t want to raise her children by herself. She needed help, especially now when she knew she carried twins. How would she ever manage without someone to help her?

  You will never be alone, Elle. He will stay by your side and care for you. He loves you even now, though he doesn’t realize it.

  It was Urd’s voice in her head again.

  Do you know where he is at this moment? It sounded as though something pleased her greatly.

  Giving a slight shake of her head, Elle replied, I have no idea where he could be. I don’t remember much about the inside of this place. I was in too much pain to care.

  At this moment, he is on down the hall seeing to the renovation of the nursery—his nursery. He smiles again.

  Reaching out, Elle took the young woman’s hand. “Please tell me your name. You have not displeased me. In fact, I would like to ask Daffyd if it’s possible to keep you on to help me, at least until I go home.”

  The girl’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “You can’t go home. Please. He needs you.”

  “You don’t understand.” Elle closed her eyes with a sigh. “I can’t stay here forever. As much as I would love to stay in this castle with nice people like you caring for me, I know I must go home, eventually.”


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