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So Good

Page 6

by Kayla Carson

  “Yes, Sir.” I said, wrapping my arm around Adams' waist, and helping him hobble towards the woods where we originally entered.

  We'd walked for about twenty minutes, when I heard an engine. I drug Adam's deeper into the woods, just enough so that we could see them, but they couldn't see us. When the vehicle got closer, I recognized it instantly. “Well I'll be damned.” I said, on a laugh. “It must be our lucky day Adam's, it looks like Granger's risking an ass whooping to come back and get us.” Adam's laughed with me, wincing as he did so. “You alright soldier?” I asked, helping him hobble out into the open once again.

  “Just a bruised rib sergeant.” He said, standing straighter, and walking taller.

  “Did somebody call an Uber?” Wes joked when he stopped directly in front of us.

  “Fuck you Granger.” Adam's said, as I helped him climb into the back seat.

  “Fuck your mom, Adams” Wes spat back.

  “How'd you get away from General Dick Head?” I asked, finally letting myself relax.

  “I didn't ask permission. By the way, where's everyone else?”

  “Quinn didn't make it.” I said somberly. “As for Butler, and Mendez? I have no idea. The General sent them on a wild goose chase after a shooter who may, or may not be affiliated with ISIS.”

  “He can't do that! He can't just -”

  BOOM! BOOM! The sounds were deafening, flashes of light exploding first on our left, and then our right. Wes punched the gas, and another loud BOOM echoed through the air, only this time there were no flashes of light, there was only darkness.

  Chapter 13 Now

  I had never baby sat before. The closest I'd ever come was taking care of Zoe, but she was sixteen, and potty trained. Sure her temper tantrums matched Gabriel's, but other than that, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I decided to watch him at Wes, and Zoe's place, because they had Rocko. He was their golden retriever, and I was dog sitting while they were away. I thought, if all else failed, Gabriel would enjoy playing catch with Rocko. What kid didn't love animals?

  Mine. That's right, one look at Rocko, and Gabriel screamed bloody murder. After ten minutes, of non stop crying, I decided to put the dog in the garage. I felt bad for Rocko, I really did, but Evie didn't leave me with a car seat, so we were stuck here. Luckily, he had enough toys in his bag to keep him occupied for days, and once the dog was removed our day went a bit smoother.

  I managed breakfast easily enough, and we sailed through snack time like pros. Lunch, was a horse of a different color. Everything I showed him he wanted nothing to do with. I was starting to wonder if “no” was his first word, when my cell rang. It was Evie, probably calling to check in. “Hello.” I said, handing Gabriel his sippy cup.

  “How's it going over there?” She asked, and I could hear the worry in her voice.

  “Other than Gabriel despising Rocko, not too bad.” I joked. “But, while I have you on the phone.. what exactly will he eat for lunch. He's turned down everything I've offered.” I admitted, baffled.

  Evie laughed. “He's a picky eater, but he'll eat chicken nuggets any time of the day. Why don't I pick some up on the way over?”

  “You're done already?” I asked sadly.

  “Don't sound so sad Jake.” She teased. “We can hang around for a while.”

  “Alright.” I smiled, even though I knew she couldn't see me. I couldn't help it. The thought of spending more time with Gabriel made me feel something I'd never felt before. I never knew you could love someone that you just met, it was an overwhelming feeling, but in the best kind of way.

  I changed Gabriel's diaper, and laid down on the large rug beside him. He laughed, when he turned to face me, and I couldn't help but join him. “Do you want to play airplane?” I asked, remembering a game my father used to play with me. “Yes!” He said, so I motioned him towards me. Grabbing a hold of his small hands, I put my feet on his belly, and lifted him high into the sky. He laughed with delight, and together we made engine sounds, as I swayed him back and forth.

  The doorbell rang, catching both of our attentions. “I bet that's your Mama.” I said, with a big smile. “Should we go see?”

  “Mama!” He smiled back, as he struggled to get down.

  “Hold on buddy, easy does it.” I laughed, gently setting him to his feet. He beelined to the door, banging on it from the inside. “Mama!” He called out, and I could hear Evie laughing on the other side.

  Scooping him up in my arms, I pulled the door open to see her smiling face. Gabriel reached his arms out for her, and she gladly took him from mine. “Come on in.” I said, stepping aside, and closing the door behind them.

  “Wow.” She said, when she entered the large living room. “Wes, and Zoe really have a beautiful home. I still can't believe they're married. How in the hell did you let that happen?” She teased, setting Gabriel down on the rug with his toys.

  “It's a long story.” I said, taking a seat on the couch, and patting the cushion beside me. “How'd your interview go? You never told me what the job was for, you know.”

  “I didn't want to say anything until I was sure.” She said, turning to face me. “The interview wasn't for a job for me. I was interviewing other people.”

  “Okay...” I said, with question.

  “The reason I came back, the real reason, is because I'm opening my own practice.”

  “You're moving back to San Francisco?” I asked, with disbelief. “When did you decide this?”

  “Six months ago. I knew that once I told you the truth about Gabriel, things would be different for him, and I. As much as you're away, I knew you'd want to see him when you were home.”

  “So you planned on moving back, before telling me?”

  “The truth is. When I got back into town, I reached out to Zoe. She invited me to the reception, and I had only planned on staying long enough to congratulate her, but then I saw you. Granted, you were pretty drunk, but you were just like I remembered. I knew then, that I was doing the right thing. Even if it hurt.”

  Gabriel came rushing over then, holding two hot wheel cars in his hands. “VROOM daddy!” He said, rolling the cars over my legs. “VROOM, VROOM!”

  “We should probably give him those chicken nuggets you brought.” I said, ruffling his curly hair. “You ready for lunch buddy?”


  Standing, I grabbed the bag that Evie still held in her hands, and took it into the kitchen. Zoe didn't have much for kids eatery, considering she didn't have any, but I found a plastic plate, and that was good enough. I added more milk to his sippy cup, and placed his nuggets, and fries on the plate before returning to the living room. The coffee table was just the right height, so I set his plate and cup down there. “Here ya go buddy.” I said, and his response was a toothy grin.

  When I was sure he was more interested in his food, than in Evie or I; I decided to finish our earlier conversation. “Where were you? These past two years. Where did you go?” I asked her calmly, and quietly, but my voice still cracked with pain.

  “I wanted a smaller, quieter setting. I was 23, single, pregnant, and trying to get my MD, it just seemed easier. I had two more years of medical recidancy, so I found a tiny hospital in Ely, Nevada. The population was something like four thousand, and the people.. were amazing. My patients, became my friends, and I just felt alive, like what I was doing there actually mattered. I got to see the reults every day, and it was rewarding.”

  “Then why come back?” I asked. “If you were so happy there, why not open your practice there?”

  “I watched a news clip about Wes, and Zoe's foundation, Harper's House. You remember what my home life was like when I was a child.” She said without question. “Their cause, really resignated with me, and I thought.. I can help. I sent your sister an email, and the rest was history. She wanted to tell you by the way, but I told her I wanted to do it myself.”

  “Did.. did my sister know about Gabriel?” I half whispered, feeling the anger inside o
f me begin to rise back to the surface.

  “No!” She rushed out, reaching for my hand. “Of course not. No one knew, other than Antonio. He let us stay with him while I figured things out, and then once I did, he continued to help with Gabriel when I needed.”

  “What does that mean for me? I mean with Gabriel.”

  “What do you want it to mean?” She asked, rubbing her thumb over my hand.

  The action reminded me of better days. When she actually trusted me enough to let me in. For a minute, I mourned those days, but Gabriel's voice quickly brought me back to the present, and I knew exactly what I wanted. “I want joint custody.” I said, and before she could object, I stopped her. “Please, let me finish. I know I'm deployed a lot, but all I'm asking, is that when I do come home, he gets to stay with me. I want to be put on his birth certificate too, and I'll cover his insurance, and pay child support, whatever you need. I'm still mad as hell that you've kept him away from me, but now that I know about him, I won't lose him.”

  Tears began to fall from her eyes, and I instinctively reached for face, intending to wipe them away. I stopped myself though, placing my hands in my lap instead, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

  “I think we can figure something out.” She said, with a smile.

  Chapter 14 Then

  I woke up staring at a bright white ceiling. It hurt to blink, and the lights shining above me stung my eyes. My throat felt dry, and scratchy, like I'd swallowed sand paper. I tried to clear it, but the pain was too intense, and I found myself gasping for breath. I heard beeping all around me, and then, a rush of footsteps, and a few familiar voices. I tried to speak, to ask the voices where I was, but my mouth didn't seem to understand my brain's request.

  “Check his IV line.” A woman's voice said. “He's maxed out on morphine.” Another said. I tried to lift my hand, to get someone's attention, but my arms felt like they were restrained. I tried to see if they were, but my vision was blurry. I tried to move my feet next, and my right foot made contact with the end of the bed. The noise was enough for someone to notice me. “He's awake.” One of the voices said. “Mr. Cruz, can you hear me?” She asked, shining a small light in my eyes.

  I nodded yes, and she smiled brightly. “Do you know where you are?” She asked, and I shook my head again. “Don't try to speak just yet alright. You were in an accident. The reason your throat is sore is because you had a breathing tube in. I'm going to go grab you some water, and the doctor will be in momentarily to update you. Your family is just outside, I'll send them in.” She finished, and I nodded that I understood.

  A few moments later, Zoe entered the room. She was moving so slowly, I thought she'd forgotten how to walk. The look on her face was something I hadn't seen since our parents funeral. She was terrified, and it was my fault. I gave her a weak smile, and tried to motion her over. Tears began to fall down her face, and she rushed towards me. “We didn't know if you were going to wake up.” She cried, grabbing my hand, and squeezing it tightly. “It's been a week. You were in some hospital overseas, they moved you here when you were stable enough. You're home now, in California.”

  I tried to speak, to ask her about Wes, and Adams, but my voice wouldn't let me. I made a writing motion with my hand, and she quickly hopped to her feet in search of something to write on. Pulling a pen from her purse, she grabbed the white paper bag hanging from my meal tray and ripped it off, handing both to me. “Wes?” I wrote, and held it out to her.

  “Wes is fine. He was thrown from the humvee, he had a couple of broken ribs, but he's on the mend.” She said cheerfully, knowing it was what I needed to hear, but her face grew somber once more, and I knew before she said the words that Adams didn't make it. “Adams is missing.” She said quietly.

  “Hey Zoe, I brought us some cof- Jake! You're awake!” Evie said, dropping the two cups she held. Coffee splashed onto the white floor, and splattered her legs, and the wall behind her. “Shit!” She squealed, stepping over the mess, and hurrying onto the bed beside me. “I thought I lost you.” She said, a bit calmer now, as a tear escaped from her eye. “Don't you ever pull this kind of shit again do you hear me!?” She said, only half teasing.

  I crooked my finger for her to come closer, and whispered in her ear. “I love you Hermosa.” Before the drugs pulled me under, and I was asleep once again.

  The doc's made me stay for a week, and when they were sure the cognitive part of my brain was alright, they gave me a clean bill of health. I had a cracked rib, and a lot of bumps and bruises. Turns out my hard head took the brunt when the humvee flipped over. My helmet could only protect so much, and I'd undone it when I got in. A mistake, I wouldn't be making again.

  My home coming consisted of Zoe, and Evie making my favorite dinner. Lasagna. It had to be over ninety degrees outside, but here these two were baking lasagna in shorts and tanks. I was getting around alright, but I'd been having these intense migraines since the accident. The docs said they'd work themselves out in time, and to take things slow. My brain had to heal from it's injuries, and they didn't have a definitive timeline for when I'd be able to go back out into the field.

  In the four years that I'd been enlisted, this was my first real accident. It was enough to scare Zoe into begging me to leave, but Evie didn't even try. She knew me better than I knew myself. As soon as I was able, I'd been joining Wes, and my team back at the base. I missed my apartment there, even though I was grateful for this time with my favorite girls.

  I just flipped the television onto a football game, when Evie came and sat down beside me. “How ya feeling?” She asked, carefully running her hand over my mostly bald head. The docs had to shave it to repair the brain bleed that put me in my time out chair.

  “Tired.” I said honestly.

  “You want me to help you upstairs?” She asked, genuinely.

  “Only if you'll stay.” I said, raising my eyebrows up and down.

  “Jake.” She warned. “We talked about this, remember?”

  I sighed, taking her hand in mine. “I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I just, I missed you Hermosa.” I said softly.

  “I missed you too Jake.” She sighed back, her defenses dropping. “You really scared me.” She added, as she stood. Reaching for my hand, she helped me stand slowly, and the two of us made our way upstairs to the bedroom. “I'll be right back Zoe.” She called down the stairs, when we made it to the top.

  I sat down on the end of the bed, and Evie sat beside me. “What are your plans?” She asked. “After this. When your better?”

  “You already know the answer to that.” I said, turning to face her. “I've got a job to do.”

  “Will you always? I mean what do you want from the army? To make General, Colonel? When does it stop?”

  “I think, when it feels right. Then I'll know. Does that make sense?”

  “Only for you.” She smiled. “I wish I could be more like you.”

  “How so?”

  “I wish I could just... live. No over thinking, no over planning, just living in the moment. That's what you do to me Jake, you breathe life into me.”

  “Come here.” I whispered, reaching for her waist, and pulling her onto my lap.

  She sat, straddling my thighs, her core rubbing against my ever growing erection. “One more time Hermosa?” I all but begged. Her reply was a whimper, as she crushed her lips to mine, and I reached my hands under the back of her shirt. I unclasped her bra, and lifted her shirt over her head, our kiss only broken by it's removal. She reached for the hem of my shirt, and tugged, making me lift my arms in assistance.

  I laid back on the bed, taking her with me. I took a sharp breath, forgetting about my bruised ribs. Her weight was a welcome one though, so I fought through it. My hands ran down her back, reaching for the band of her shorts. I gave them a little tug, as I arched my hips, a glimpse of what was to come. She pulled herself away, and stood then, leaving her panties in a pool on the floor, before unbuttoning my jeans. In an instant,
we were flesh, on flesh, my cock filling her completely.

  She moaned my name, as she rid me slowly, every move intentional. It was like we had never stopped. The chemistry between us enough to start a fire. I gripped her ass, pulling her against me. I could feel her shudder around me, as she became closer, and closer, to letting go. My depth, matched her speed, and we came together in a series of loud moans, and whispers. Each of us holding on, but at the same time letting go. Knowing that this was really the last time we'd be together.

  She didn't have to say it, but I knew. I knew that she couldn't live the life that I lived. She deserved a stable life, where there were no surprises. No twelve AM knocks on the door, no phone calls in the middle of the night. Just safe, and normal. A nine to five life. And that was fine.. for her, but it wasn't for me. I wanted more. I craved it. And maybe that was a bad thing? Maybe I was a complete idiot for letting Evie out of my life. Only God knew, and I hoped it would be a good long time before I had to speak to him.

  I held Evie in my arms that night, and in the morning, she left. We agreed to stay friends, and promised to meet up when I was home again. I took solace in the fact that I'd still have her in my life. Even if it wasn't in the aspect I really wanted. Zoe had returned to her own routine, and resumed her classes. And I, was heading back to Fort Hunter Liggett. It was time to find out what exactly it was that I wanted from the army, and it took a five foot five brunette with big brown eyes to show me that.

  Chapter 15 Now

  Finding out that Evie was staying in San Franscisco had really thrown me for a loop. On one hand, I was grateful. It meant that I'd be able to see Gabriel whenever I was home. The problem was, I wasn't staying in San Franscisco. When I first got back into town, it wasn't just for Wes, and Zoe's wedding. It was also to talk to a realtor, about putting my parents home on the market. It just didn't feel like home anymore. Zoe, and I had our own lives now.


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