The Dark Side of Kingsley: A Billionaire Romance
Page 14
I kept her on my lap, running my hand down her thigh. "The journey, my love, what you learned after the airplane ride, how you are learning to take ownership and control over yourself."
She turned her face from me to Ethan and Pam.
"I have come to realize that my experiences have created in me a flight response. Ethan, you have seen it in action, so you know it's real. When things get complicated, Kate gets gone. Or when Kate wants what she thinks she wants and doesn't get whatever that is, she gets gone. Honestly, I'm a total spoiled brat. But what I didn't know was that I'm naturally hardwired to be submissive. My father knows this, and instead of protecting me all these years, he abused it, to the point that I haven't wanted to be intimate with anyone. Not being known by anyone but Ethan. My relationship with Kingsley has allowed me to see who I am and learn to embrace myself. I've been learning to stare at my reactions in the face and see them for what they are. I get to choose my path now, instead of being some out of control, crazy chick. Sometimes, I don't like learning my lessons, and occasionally, I still do stupid things, but it's less and less all the time. Kingsley's in charge, but he respects my opinion and listens to me. He encourages me to see what I'm doing and give me healthy ways to deal with things. But when I'm wrong, he takes me over his knee and spanks me, or, like tonight, when I'm so stressed out about who knows what, he takes me over his knee so I can let go of stress."
She leaned back against my shoulder, her gaze moving to my face. "You are perfect, Katarina, so very perfect." I pushed her lips apart with my tongue, delving in for one last taste. Then I helped her to stand and patted her ass before she moved to her seat.
Ethan and Pam had both remained silent during Katarina's little speech and with the arrival of our champagne. After it was poured, I held up my glass. "To Katarina and Pamela, two beautiful women." We held up our glasses and toasted. By our second glass, everyone's tongues loosened. Katarina and Pam drifted into a conversation. I occasionally caught a word or sentence; she was grilling my little minx on her lifestyle choice.
While Ethan and I chatted about business, sports, and by the end of our second bottle, he asked me about what I'd done with Pam earlier and how I was able to read her so fast.
"Ethan, I discovered a long time ago that I am an alpha male. I like to dominate, need to dominate; it's my natural state. Years of honing myself as that have given me insight into the submissive female type. Katarina confessed to me that she wondered if Pam was like her and, like herself, just hadn't realized it yet. She asked me if I would be able to tell, and alas, I could. By dominating her, she opened up, and she was able to let go of what has secretly been eating her alive. Now the ball is in your court, Ethan. She doesn't feel attractive; she doesn't feel cherished. An appreciated Pam wouldn't be at the gym all the time, right?"
He nodded. "So, what do I do about it?" He swallowed and gazed at me. "Until an hour ago, I was unaware of everything you have been talking about, but I think, if I had grown up differently, I might have had alpha skills. But I lived with a mother who roared a hundred times louder than my father. She is definitely an alpha."
"Do your mother and father get along well?"
"They do," he admitted.
"How about you and your mother?"
"Not at all; we butt heads all the time. That's why I went away to college."
I laughed. "Then you have guessed correctly. Your mother is an alpha, your father is not, so they complement each other, they're not vying for control. You're alpha, so is your mother. She viewed you as a threat and probably still does. Like your father, Pam is a submissive. Because you didn't take charge and allow her to be real, you have destroyed a part of her that, at some point, she wished to give to you. When that happens, they become feisty and lash out. In that way, Pamela and Katarina are similar. Don't mistake that they are ferocious women; either of them could probably run the world if she wanted to. Submission doesn't make them weak but allows us to see what they need as women and people from us. As alpha males, we can supply that for them, and when we do, our life becomes harmonious like your parents'. Make sense?"
He nodded and sat back in his chair, his gaze shifting to Katarina and Pamela. "I feel like I'm seeing her for the first time. Why couldn't I see this before?"
He wasn't really asking me; he was still in shock by what he'd learned about himself and his mate.
"Ethan, I need to ask you a couple of questions; let's go to the bar." I signaled Katarina that we would be back. We only had a few minutes before dinner would be served.
Once at the bar, I ordered two whiskeys and got right to the point. "Ethan, Katarina is in danger; there has been an attempt, twice now, on her life, in a matter of days. I suspect her father has something to do with it. As you have known her since childhood, can you enlighten me, anything you can think of that may help us to understand why my love is being targeted by the Russian mafia?"
His eyebrows lifted in surprise. "I don't know what I can tell you, other than her dad is an SOB. I can't stand the guy, but I would be surprised if it were him. Even though he's a dick, he loves his daughter. Her mother, however, she lacks a conscience. I could see her screwing something up. Isn't Kate supposed to be getting her trust fund in a few months, like a couple of billion dollars? I know her father keeps his wife on a very short money leash. Because he caught her in bed with a guy younger than his daughter, he gained her controlling shares of the companies. She has a small allowance. Kate lives better than she does."
That surprised me. I don't think Katarina knew that.
"If anyone is trying to do something to gain her trust fund, it would be her mother. Maybe she is using the Russian mafia to throw you off her scent?"
That rang true, and I took my phone out of my pocket, rifling off a text to Devon.
"But what about the money? If she lives on a pittance, how would she pay the mafia?"
"Who knows, maybe she promised them a shit-ton when the job was done?"
"That's acceptable. Other than her mother, can you think of anyone else who would want to hurt her or her family?"
"I don't know, maybe her husband."
I felt my stomach lurch. "Excuse me? Did you say husband?"
"Oh." He looked surprised. "I thought she would have told you. That's why she hasn't dated the last couple of years. She went out with an older man for about six months, her only boyfriend. They did a shotgun wedding in Vegas. When they got home, her father had it annulled. Sean Flannigan was his name; he was furious and tried to go after Daddy Big Bucks in the court system, for spousal support. Kate went off the grid, and the guy kind of disappeared. I have no idea where you could find him. He was a real dick, kind of like her dad. Anyway, that was almost two years ago. If she hasn't brought it up, it's because she has never spoken about it to anyone. All I know, I heard from Danica. Apparently, when she got back from Vegas, her father was at the airport waiting for her. She flew into his arms, probably the only time that has ever happened. Next day, it was like the last six months had been erased, and we never spoke about it. Anyway, maybe he came up with some cash and thought he is entitled to her trust fund? Other than those two, perhaps Daddy Big Bucks has gotten into some trouble, hard to know. Our parents are friends; I'll see if my father knows anything."
I nodded and advised him to be very discreet with his inquiry as we had no idea now who the bad guys were. We went back to our table just as dinner was served and a bottle of my favorite Rhone wine was uncorked, Châteauneuf-du-Pape.
We dug into our meal, and I was entertained as always when I watched Katarina eat. She looked like a woman having sex with her food. Her eyes fluttered, and she moaned with each bite. Ethan and Pam found her entertaining as well. I watched and wondered why she had never spoken of Sean Flannigan.
After dessert and coffee, we decided to call it a night. We'd been in the restaurant for four hours. The time had passed quickly, and I'd had fun spending time with the young ones, as I came to call the trio affectionately.
We said our goodnights and headed back up in the elevator. Katarina looked happy. I guess she felt the night had been a success. She snuggled into my side and sighed in contentment. I thought about the best way to broach the ex-husband topic.
We entered the suite, and Katarina headed for the deck. The moon was full, and she wanted to be in its glow. She looked behind her to see where I was. I stood at the bar, watching her. She smiled and then kicked off her shoes. With her great ass facing me, she shimmied out of her dress and tossed it onto the couch.
All that was left were stockings and a garter belt, obviously intended to bait my beast. The beast decided to give Kate more than she bargained for. I grabbed a piece of ice from the bucket and stalked toward her. I held the ice and rubbed it over her nipple. She squirmed, but I held her in place, rubbing the ice until her nipple was a sharp point.
I leaned down and took it in my mouth, sucking warmth and sensation back into it. Kate squealed with the shock and then jutted out her other breast for it to receive the same treatment. I repeated what I'd done, icing the nipple and then sucking life back into it.
She seemed to love the sensation, so I grabbed the ice bucket from the bar. This time, I had her lean back on the couch and spread her legs wide.
I took an ice cube in my mouth and pressed it into her hot, steamy hole. It took a second to register, and then she was squirming, trying to escape my icy mouth. Again, I kept her in place and made her adapt to the sensations I was delivering.
With my next piece, I pushed it into her pucker bud, and I followed that in with my tongue. She moaned loudly as I flipped her over and placed her over the arm of the couch, taking off my clothing.
When I removed my pants, I also removed my belt. I gave Kate's ass twelve blows and then plunged into her sopping entrance. I pulled out, gave her twelve more, then plunged back in. This time, she came, and hard.
"Katarina, did you ask permission?"
She stopped moaning; seconds felt like minutes. "No, I'm sorry."
"Yes, you will be."
I pulled out, to her wailing of, "No, Kingsley, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise."
"Go get the brush."
She stood, pouting, but went to retrieve the brush from the bathroom.
When she returned, I pressed her back over the arm of the couch. "You will receive ten and then stand in the corner, ass out. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir," was her muffled reply.
I slammed the brush down, and she yelped, her ass quickly doing the avoidance dance. I delivered nine more and sent her to the corner.
"Part your legs, Katarina. Now place your forehead on the wall and jut out your perfect ass. I want to see it." With her ass out, I could see how wet she was. "Katarina, put your right foot on the table beside you."
She complied.
"Now, I want you to finger that hot pussy for me. But don't come." She moved her hand to her clit and started rubbing. "Put your fingers inside and fuck yourself."
She did, and her little gasps turned into moans; she was close.
"Now, stop. Come here." She did, and over the arm of the couch, she went. "Be a good girl, or you'll get a hundred with that brush."
"Yes, Sir," she moaned.
I plunged my cock back inside her tight, wet entrance. I felt her tighten and knew she wouldn't be able to hold out. "Come for me, Katarina."
She screamed her release as I kept up the pace. She shuddered; another orgasm was building,
"Ah, Kingsley," she screamed. The floor and the couch were getting soaked, and I loved it, reveled in her body, her wetness, her response to me.
"Again, now."
"Ah, please, I can't. I can't, oh my God, again?"
"Again," I granted permission.
She was starting to get wrung out. I was almost cresting when I pulled out and slowly pressed into her ass. She gasped.
"Relax and take me; this is part of your punishment."
She relaxed, and I slid in all the way, picking up the pace, I slammed into her ass and felt my own release close at hand. I plunged my fingers into her drenched womanhood, and we both came. I filled her perfect red ass with hot cum.
What a sight her ass made, whipped red and full of cock. Just looking at her was making me hard while still ejaculating. I slowly pulled out and collapsed onto the couch, pulling her down with me. After I'd caught my breath, I stood and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder like a Neanderthal.
She squealed with laughter as I carried us to the shower. In the shower, I washed her, from her beautiful head to her perfect feet, loving every inch of her. When we were done, we climbed into bed.
I spooned her, pulling her hot ass into my crotch. She sighed and pressed her backside snugly against me. I wrapped my arm around her, cupping her breast, and we were asleep in seconds.
Chapter 17
The evening had been better than I could have dreamed. I wanted to share my small world with Kingsley and have him accept every part of it, every part of me. That included my best friend and his woman. With Pam's reserves breaking like a damn last night, I felt able to converse with her in a way I never had, and as a result, we'd become closer.
In the past, if I'd invited her to anything, she'd come up with an excuse, so I was thrilled this time, when she readily agreed. I texted both Devon and King my plans and what time I was leaving the hotel. While I was getting dressed, I thought about the two attempts on my life.
None of it made sense to me. Who did I know who would work with the Russian mob? My father? I had been out of his loop for years now, and I was good with that. I thought about Sean. Could he? I wanted to say no, but he worked in the dark underworld. It made the most sense that he got caught up in something that had gone wrong.
I thought back to my brief time with Sean and our fateful trip to Las Vegas.
There was a knock on our hotel room door.
"Kate, I need to have a quick meeting with Shamus. Can you give us the living room please?"
It wasn't a question; he was telling me to leave the room, which in the forty-eight hours since arriving in Vegas together, I'd done at least a dozen times. What does he have going on that is so secretive his almost wife isn't allowed to hear?
"Really? Again? I don't even know why I came on this trip."
Sean grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.
"Don't pout, little Kate, I won't be long, and then we can go to the tables before our show, how does that sound?"
I purred as he stroked my back.
"Okay, fine."
He smiled and shooed me into the bedroom. I heard the door open.
"Hi, boss."
"Shamus, what's wrong now?"
"It's about Ryan Heath, boss. He said he's changed his mind and won't throw the fight."
I listened at the door. Ryan Heath was fighting tonight; he was one of Sean's fighters and, so far, had been undefeated. His fame brought Sean a newfound wealth and this fight in Vegas. I knew Sean had been nervous about this fight.
He could act any way he wanted, but I could see the muscle in his jaw forever twitching, indicating the raw emotional state he was in was barely contained.
Sean reminded me of a wild animal, doing what he wanted when he wanted. Sean wasn't afraid of my father. That made him very attractive to me; anyone who wouldn't bow down to the great Mr. Wallington was okay in my books.
"You tell that son of a bitch that if he doesn't, I'll ruin him. This fight was set up to fail from the beginning, and he can't change it. Does he know how much money I borrowed to place bets on this fight? When he loses, I become a millionaire, and we all win. He doesn't do his part, I'll end up in cement shoes in the bottom of the Hoover Dam!"
"Okay, boss, what do you want me to do?"
"I want Tom in here, pronto, I'll get him to see the wisdom of my thinking, and then he can convince Ryan, himself."
"Okay, boss, anything else?"
"Yeah, I need you
to take Kate down to the casino. I promised her gambling before our dinner show. Speaking of, did you run that errand I asked?"
"Yes, boss."
"Good man, remind me to give you a raise when this is all done, Shamus."
I heard laughter then. "That, I will, boss."
Footsteps were approaching the bedroom. I quickly jumped on the bed and made myself look as if I'd been playing on my phone.
"Kate, I have a quick meeting; my apologies, sweetheart. Shamus is taking you down to the casino. I'll see you in an hour."
I sat up and flicked my hair. "Why am I not surprised?"
I stood and tried to walk past him. He grabbed my arm and swung me into his chest, cupped my jaw, and kissed me deeply. When he pulled away, I saw lust plainly written on his face.
"I promise you, the night will be spectacular."
I grinned. "You're on." I left with Shamus and wondered for the next hour how Sean was going to 'convince' Tom to make Ryan Heath throw the fight.
As I came back to the present, I shook my head and took a breath. Sean could undoubtedly be behind this. I heard a knock on the hotel room door and opened it. Sean Flannigan was staring me in the face. I felt my mouth drop open and form an O. I hadn't seen or heard from Sean since we parted after Vegas.
"Hello, princess, going to invite me in?"
My hand was still gripping the door handle. I attempted to close the door, but Sean moved his foot quickly between the door and frame and pushed his way through.
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast, little Kate. I have three gunmen trained on your man right now, so behave yourself, or I'll give them permission to fire."
I was trembling but tried to remain calm and aloof on the outside. "So you say; how do I know this isn't some line to manipulate me?"
He smiled, the twitch evident in his jaw. He was angry, and I needed to tread carefully. He was capable of nasty things. He strutted over to me and wrapped his hand around my hair. Then he yanked, pulling me off balance. I would have fallen on the floor if he hadn't been gripping my hair so tightly that I was kept from moving very far.