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On His Terms (The Arrangement Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Madison Quinn

  I want to hug Ginny in that moment, but instead I lead the way out of her office to the kitchen where I start my orders.

  I wasn’t expecting it to be common knowledge so fast that Nicholas and I were dating but I guess this is exactly what he wanted, what he needed, so the press would begin to paint a different picture of him. I don’t remember seeing any press at the dinner the other night, but the little bit I saw of our picture it us looks like it was from someone’s cell phone who I can only assume then sold it to the media. The media hasn’t yet figured out who I am but I’m sure it won’t be too much longer before my name is leaked to the press, either purposely or through some investigating. I need to remember that at any time I could be questioned about my relationship with Nicholas. I need to stay on my toes and be more prepared the next time someone asks about us.

  “Kenzie, someone is asking to speak to you about a catering order,” Ginny informs me.

  “Cara, how nice to see you!” I walk out front and am immediately surprised to see Cara Parker waiting at the counter for me.

  “Kenzie, I’m so glad you are working today! I need to talk to you about a catering order,” she says.

  “Sure, why don’t you have a seat at a table and I’ll grab our ordering forms.”

  I gesture to one of the empty tables. Luckily the morning rush has ended, so there it’s pretty slow. Had Cara shown up during the morning rush, there is no way I would be able to sit with her and discuss orders. The mornings are hectic no matter what day it is: great for business but very little time to take care of anything else until the breakfast crowd dies down.

  “How are you, Kenzie?” Cara asks when I sit down next to her.

  “I’m good, how about you?”

  “I’m great! My mom is hosting a morning meeting for a fundraising committee next week and we were hoping you could cater the meeting? It’s nothing huge, but everyone just loves this place!”

  For the next ten or so minutes, Cara and I discuss the menu for the meeting and what will be needed. She arranges to pick up the order the morning of the meeting, since we don’t offer delivery.

  “So, I saw you and my brother made the gossip rags again,” Cara says.

  “I just saw that too,” I answer honestly.

  “He hates the press. I can’t believe they followed him to a business dinner.”

  “I don’t think we were followed. I think someone recognized your brother and took the picture to sell it to the press.”

  “You might be right. How did you two meet again? I don’t remember Nicholas mentioning you before the gala, but then again he doesn’t talk much anymore. I can’t remember the last time he came to a family dinner… ”

  “We met at a coffee shop a couple of months ago,” I answer with the cover story that Nicholas and I had previously agreed to.

  “Oh, I hadn’t realized you two knew each other for that long. Well, I have to go. Maybe you can get Nicholas to come to dinner this Sunday?”

  “Cara, I don’t know—“

  “I know my mother would love it. Please… try to get him to come? Of course you come too—“

  “We’ll see Cara. No promises, I’m not sure what our schedule is.”

  “Okay, thanks, Kenzie!”

  “Kenzie, do you have a minute?” Ginny asks just as I finish meeting with Cara.

  “Of course,” I follow her back to her office where she shuts the door.

  “I’m only going to bring this up once because it’s none of my business. This Parker guy… he treats you right?” she asks.

  “Yes Ginny, he’s a perfect gentleman.”

  “Good… you’ve had enough pain in your life. I don’t want to see you have more.” That surprises me because I’ve never spoken to her about my past.

  Maybe she just assumes because it was a case worker from the shelter that set up the interview for me. I know my case worker wouldn’t have said anything to her about my past—we had talked about it before I agreed to let her arrange the interview for me.

  “Listen, you’re still the only one here who knows that I’m trying to sell this place and I want to thank you for keeping it to yourself—“

  “Of course, Ginny.”

  “My lawyer called me just now and told me he might have someone interested in purchasing the place.”

  “That’s wonderful! Do you know who it is?”

  I’m happy for her, but disappointed that my days here might be coming to an end. I don’t allow myself to focus on what will happen if I can’t stay on here as an employee. The two dates I’ve had with Nicholas have given my bank account a nice bump; I’ve even managed to put more away this month that I thought I would since Nicholas really compensated me well for the last minute business dinner. I tried to tell Bridget it wasn’t necessary, but she said that Nicholas already paid the money to her so it’s mine whether I want it or not. As long as Nicholas maintains the arrangement, I know I’ll be able to pay my bills until another job comes along if the new owners don’t want to keep me when they take over.

  “Not yet. My lawyer says the company is insisting on complete confidentiality about the purchase. I thought it was weird, but apparently it’s quite common. Businesses don’t want their competitors to know that they are looking to open a new shop in town.”

  “Oh, that makes sense.”

  “Right now they’re just reviewing our financials, but I wanted to keep you updated…”

  “Thank you, Ginny, I appreciate it.”

  Finally back at my apartment a few hours later, I’m relieved that the morning is over. It a matter of hours, the two worlds that I thought would remain separate have collided. I guess I expected it would be like when I worked at the department store and the bakery at the same time; maybe once in a while customers would overlap but when they did, it was never a big deal and no one really questioned it. I was naïve to think that I could keep this arrangement with Nicholas separate from anything else in my life. I should have known that it was very probable that my coworkers at the bakery would see my picture in the media. I know a few of the girls read those gossip magazines on their breaks so I shouldn’t have really been that surprised.

  Surprisingly, I’m not as worried about the bakery being sold as I would have been a month ago. I’m not sure how long this arrangement with Nicholas will last but I’ll just keep saving the money I get so that when it does end, I’m not left high and dry. If I lose my job at the bakery, I will find something else.

  When my arrangement with Nicholas ends, I’ll probably find another job to help make ends meet. I don’t know if I’ll go back to being a personal shopper or not, but I don’t think I can see myself taking on another client with Bridget. I think I only feel comfortable with Nicholas because we had met before, although when I think about it, we really only had a few minutes with each other that day on the sidewalk. I don’t know why that would make me feel so comfortable with him now. Whatever the reason, I’m not so delusional as to think that I would feel like this with every guy that Bridget sets me up with.

  I will say though, it’s been nice not working 12 and 14 hour days and actually having a day off each week when I don’t work. Before signing on with Bridget and quitting the store, I rarely had a day off. I wouldn’t work both jobs every day, but there were plenty of days where I would work one job and not have a day off. Today, I am sort of working two jobs… I have a date with Nicholas this evening to attend an exhibit being featured at the museum. Tonight is a preview night exclusive for members including Nicholas, whose donations have made the exhibit possible. I’ve never been to this museum so I’m looking forward to it. Once again I will be meeting Nicholas and Carter at PFS, but unlike the dinner the other night, we will be leaving together from the museum since it’s likely that people will see us leaving at the end of the evening and we don’t want it to raise questions why we are leaving separately.

  Ring Ring

  “Hello, Kenzie, it’s Bridget. How are you, dear?”

�m good, Bridget, how are you?”

  “Very well. I was just calling to make sure you have everything you need for the date tonight?”

  “Yes, I believe so. Stacy helped me pick out a dress with matching accessories. I’m meeting Mr. Parker at PFS and his driver will be taking us to the museum. Afterwards, they will bring me back to PFS before we go our separate ways.”

  “Did you see your dinner the other night made the press?”

  “I did.”

  “That means that after tonight it’s very likely that you and Nicholas both will be in the press tomorrow morning. The media is expected to be at the museum to cover the exhibit opening. I expect you will be pictured very quickly, as this is the third event that you will be seen with Nicholas. I know this is all new for you so I wanted to check in and see how you were doing with the publicity and to see if you had any concerns before the pictures start coming out tonight?”

  “Today was actually the first time that someone figured out the girl in the picture with Nicholas was me.”


  “A few of the staff at the bakery where I work figured it out. I guess it was a preview of what’s going to happen after we’re seen tonight.”

  “Are you okay with that, Kenzie? Customers may start asking you questions about Nicholas, reporters will probably figure out who you are and start calling you or showing up at your place of business. I’m not trying to scare you, I just want you to be prepared.”

  “I appreciate that, Bridget. Today was a shock, but I think it was a good shock. I’m more prepared now; I know what to expect and Nicholas and I have reviewed our backstory so we’re on the same page.”

  “Good… if you ever have questions with dealing with the media or persistent reporters, you let me know. I’m going to send you a slide show in a few minutes which covers some key points in dealing with the media that you might find helpful. Smile, be nice but never give away too much information. No comment is always a safe response if you don’t know what else to say. Don’t let them get to you but if they do, don’t let them see it. If they find a weakness they will go after it, so stay strong and call me whenever you need to. I’ll help you deal with the media if you have a problem.”

  “Thank you, Bridget, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  “Anytime. Good luck tonight. I look forward to seeing the pictures tomorrow morning.”

  I spend the next couple of hours getting ready for my date with Nicholas. Having never been to an exhibit opening before, I rely heavily on Stacy’s advice about what to wear tonight. I wear a red dress that falls just to my knees: a scooping neckline, cap sleeves and a slightly open back. The dress is complemented by black shoes, a diamond tennis bracelet and matching necklace. My hair is curled, letting it fall casually over my shoulders. Somehow between the dress boutique and the salon, they have me leaving my apartment looking like a completely different person than when I woke up.

  Tonight I’ve decided to splurge and request a car service to take me to PFS to meet with Nicholas and Carter. I could have easily taken the subway to PFS, but the thought of walking around in heels on those steps doesn’t appeal to me. Right on time, my phone dings with a text letting me know the car service has arrived. I quickly crab my clutch and head to the slick, black sedan waiting out front for me. A few of the people hanging out on the front stoop whistle when I walk by but I ignore them and get into the waiting car.

  “Ms. Rose, it’s nice to see you again,” Carter greets me in the lobby of PFS when we arrive.

  “And you, Carter.”

  “Mr. Parker should be down momentarily.”

  As if he knew we were waiting, the elevator doors open revealing Nicholas, looking stunning as always. Although we didn’t coordinate our outfits, it looks like we did; Nicholas is wearing a black suit with a deep red tie that almost matches my dress perfectly.

  “You look beautiful, Kenzie,” Nicholas kisses me on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Nicholas,” I can’t help but blush when I see several people in the lobby staring at us. I don’t think they expected to see their boss kissing a woman, even if it was only on the cheek.

  “Mr. Parker, Ms. Rose, the car is waiting,” Carter leads us into the elevator which brings us to the parking garage.

  “I’m not sure if you saw, but it turns out we were photographed at dinner last week,” Nicholas says.

  “So I’ve learned,” I laugh. “One of my coworkers printed out the picture and brought it in, then Cara—“


  “She came to the bakery this morning to place an order and she mentioned seeing the picture. Then Bridget called to make sure I had seen the picture and to remind me that press would be covering the event tonight and that this will be the third time you are seen with me.”

  “I expect the media to really kick it up a notch after tonight,” he sighs.

  “That’s what you wanted, right?”

  “It is, but I just hate that it had to come to this. I would much rather skip these events and focus on PFS, instead of having to spend time concocting lies to keep the media from portraying me as a playboy.”

  “Hopefully, after tonight they will think we are in a committed relationship and will give you some space.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  When we arrive at the museum, the press is out in full force as both Bridget and Nicholas had predicted. They are taking pictures and talking to another couple when we arrive, but the moment Nicholas and I step out of the SUV it’s as if we are the only people here tonight.

  “Mr. Parker, who is your date?”

  “What is your relationship to this woman?”

  The questions continue, but Nicholas doesn’t respond. We pose for a couple of pictures before Nicholas leads me into the museum. Even though the press is not permitted inside, we still have to keep up appearances especially since we’ve learned that people will take pictures of us to sell to the media. We walk through the closed museum, taking in each exhibit as our guide describes everything in great detail. Nicholas’s arm remains around my waist the entire night. He leans down to whisper in my ear when we talk about the different exhibits, I think playing it up for anyone who might see us.

  “Would you like a glass of champagne?” Nicholas asks as a waiter approaches us.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  We take our drinks and move into a room where the mayor will give a speech thanking all the key benefactors who made the exhibit possible. Nicholas takes my hand and leads me to an empty seat in the room where we wait for the speech to begin.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, your sister wanted me to convince you to come to a family dinner—“

  “UGH, sorry about that. She hounds me every week about going. I wasn’t expecting her to bug you about it. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  “It’s fine Nicholas, really. It wasn’t a big deal. I told her that I would talk to you about it but that I wasn’t sure what your plans were.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate you pacifying her.”

  “Ladies and Gentleman, the mayor,” our guide introduces.

  The mayor gives a lengthy speech, making a point to thank each donor individually for their contribution to the museum. The speech is politically focused of course—discussing the importance of bringing the arts back to the community even when budget cuts prevent the government from providing financial support. The speech makes me think, despite being incredibly successful, Nicholas or PFS makes it a point to donate money to different causes: first the New Beginnings Gala and now to the museum. It’s nice to know that not everyone in the world is focused on keeping the money they earn. It’s rare for someone wanting to give back to the community the way Nicholas does.

  “Are you ready to leave?” Nicholas whispers to me as soon as the speech ends.

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the lobby where Carter is waiting for us; with a simple nod Carter quickly disappears ahead of us
while we take in key exhibit pieces in the lobby. A few minutes later Nicholas’s phone buzzes. Without looking at it he leads me out the door where the press is once again waiting for us.

  “Mr. Parker, who is your date?”

  “Ms… Ms… what’s your connection to Mr. Parker?”

  Once again we ignore the press, instead heading to the SUV that Carter has waiting for us. Nicholas sighs heavily as soon as the door closes, clearly relieved to be away from the press.

  “PFS will be issuing a statement tomorrow about us.”


  “Essentially, I am going to confirm that we are dating and will ask that they give us privacy. Of course, they won’t but according to my PR department this is the best way to answer a few of their questions but still maintain control of at least some of the information that is provided to them.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “If any of the press gives you a hard time, I want you to let me know as soon as possible. This is Carter’s direct number—you can reach him day or night. If anyone bothers you at home or at work, please call Carter. If needed, we can provide you with security to help you deal with the press. I don’t want you to be at risk because of this arrangement.”

  “Thank you, Nicholas. I’m sure it will be fine, but I appreciate the offer,” I take the business card and place it in my clutch.

  “Carter has arranged for a car service to meet us at PFS to take you home tonight. If you are agreeable, I would like to have the same car service pick you up for events. They have signed a non-disclosure agreement with us to ensure your privacy. Carter and I both feel it is safest if we only use one car service, as it reduces the risk of someone leaking details about your personal life to the press.”

  “Oh… okay.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to this. I know you probably didn’t anticipate all of this when you met with Bridget.”

  “I didn’t but so far the press hasn’t bothered me. I’m sure that will likely change after today, but I’ll be prepared if they start questioning me.”

  “Thank you again for tonight, I appreciate you attending the exhibit opening with me,” Nicholas says when Carter parks the car in PFS’s parking garage. A black sedan is waiting next to us which I assume is the car service.


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